Kjell Torrisetare the five artists chosen by Rose Frain for the Artist's Choice exhibition this year. All artists are , or have at some point been. 369ers.
I TORRANCE GALLERY 29b Dundas Street. 556 6366. Mon—Fri 11am-6pm; Sat 10.30am—4pm.
Thora Clyne: Solitude Until 16 Feb. Oils. watercolours and pastels.
I TRAVERSE THEATRE 112 Grassmarkct. 226 2633. Tue—Sat 1 lam—10pm: Sun 6—10pm. 1,. if.
TheCircusbyAndrew Smith
The Show Must Go On: New Work by Andrew Smith Until 17 Mar. Smith turns his ‘wicked sense of humour' on the theatre— actors and audiences -- and the experiences ofevery day thespian folk.
I MACLAURIN ART GALLERY Rozelle Park. Monument Road. 0292 45447. Mon—Sat 10am-5pm; Sun 2-5pm.
Sheila Fall: A Retrospective Until 9 Mar. A touring exhibition from the South Bank Centre which looks at the brief careerof this artist. a painter who was ‘haunted by a vision of Cumberland' and influenced by the work of Van Gogh.
Joan Miro: Ulill Roi Until 9 Mar. A collection of prints inspired by the popular
5000 Years of Art & Design
NOW until lst April 1991 MeLELLAN GALLERIES ‘ 27o Sauchiehall St., Glasgow Open daily 10am - 5pm Sundays 12 - 6pm Thursdays until 10pm
Admission £2 Concession 5 0]) F amin Ticket £4
Supported by The Scottish National Institutions
Sponsomd by LILLEY
Janet Pierce ‘Watersong’, The Scottish Gallery. There is nothing overtly feminist about Janet Plerce's work, yet on closer inspection, her delicate llower paintings and landscapes reveal a specilically lemale subtext. Resenting the absence oi women’s interior emotional liie irom the majority at art, she is increasingly drawn to a reconstruction oi the hackneyed analogy between nature and the Iemale body. Abstraction is iavoured, rather than figurative representation at the iemaie, which is, alter all, traditionally male territory. Instead, she projects a iemaie psyche into the work.
Pierce’s raw material is a water-thin Japanese rice paper which creases with the application at watercolour, registering her changing moods like a receptive, sensitive membrane. In the earlier, celebratory llower paintings, paint is allowed to dliiuse ireely over a single sheet, the contracting paper
Autumn Petals by Janet Pierce
causing a gentle tan oi wrinkles, as it tickled by the tip oi the brush.
In the later landscapes, her identiiication oi lemale temperament with the slmultanelty, llux and cycles at nature suriaces more clearly. Her sell-proiessed anger about injustice and bloodshed in contemporary society, lnlormed by connections with Northern Ireland and her experience as a single parent, provokes surprisineg turbulent, aggressive work. In ‘Black Storm’ with its bruised spectrum at plum, blue and black and criss-cross oI scars, paint is rubbed roughly into layers at rice paper and scraped at with her Iingemails and razor blades, iorming clots and wounds.
Pierce’s physical manipulation oi the paper ‘skin' reveals a concern with the politics oi representation, as opposed to the representation oi politics, hence the absence oi the human body. (Jo Manby)
late 19th century character created by Alfred Jarry. Ubu Roi was a caricature of the greedy French bourgeoisie, and a great favourite with surrealist artists.
St Andrews
I CRAWFORD ARTS CENTRE 93 North Street. 0334 74610. Mon~Sat 10am-5pm: Sun 2- 5pm.
Kate Whiteiord Until 24 Feb.
Lindean Mill: Glass Until 24 Feb.
I SMITH ART GALLERY AND MUSEUM Dumbarton Road, 0786 71917. Tue—Fri noon—5pm; Sat 10.30am—5pm; Sun 2—Spnr
0n the Shell? Until June 1991. A new exhibition drawn from the Smith‘s permanent collections.
Suriace Tension Until 24 Feb. Time-based installations using photography. video, and slide projection. by five women artists fighting marginalisation.
A selective round-up oi Museums. running in alphabetical order.
I BURRELL COLLECTION Pollokshaws Road. 649 7151. Mon—Sat 10am-5pm; Sun
Z—Spm. Cafe. [D] j A veritable treasure trove of art collected by Edwardian tycoon William Burrell. The Age oi Van Gogh: Dutch Painting 1880-1895 Until 10 Feb. See Galleries listings.
I DOME OF DISCOVERY South Rotunda. Govan Road, 417 1792. £2 (£1 ). Tue—Sun 10am—5.30pm. Science and technology interactive exhibition, which includes 30 images. a vertical roundabout and an air
I HUNTERIAN MUSEUM Glasgow University, University Avenue. 339 8855. Mon—Fri 9.30am—5pm; Sat 9.30am-lpm. A Sense ol Touch Extended until 28 Feb. A rare opportunity to handle all those exciting objects usually kept in glass cases. I THE MUSEUM OF TRANSPORT Kelvin Hall. 1 Bunhouse Road, 427 2725. Mon—Sat 10am—5pm; Sun 2—5pm.
I PEOPLE'S PALACE MUSEUM Glasgow Green. 554 0223. Mon—Sat 10am—5pm; Sun 2—5pm. Cafe. Disabled access by arrangement.
I SCOTLAND STREET SCHOOL MUSEUM 225 Scotland Street, 429 1202. Mon-Sat lilamm-Spm; Sun 2—5pm.
Designed by Charles Rennie Mackintosh and now home to archive material on education in Scotland from 1872 onwards. Reconstructed classrooms give a flavour of Victorian, Edwardian, Second World War and 19605 sehooldays.
The Wind across the Andes 8 Feb—7 Apr. See Galleries listings.
(adjacent to Springburn Railway Station). 557 1405. Mon—Fri 10.30am—5pm; Sat 10am—4pm; Sun 2—5pm.
Winner of the 1989 Award for Social and Industrial History and described as the first real community museum in Britain.
I CANONGATE TOLBOOTH Royal Mile. 225 2424. Mon-Sat 10am—6pm.
The People's Story The museum relates the story ofthc people of Edinburgh, told in their own words and through photographs and re~created tableaux.
I LADY STAIRS HOUSE Lady Stairs Close, Lawnmarket. Mon-Sat 10am-6pm.
A celebration of Scotland‘s greatest literary figures - Robert Burns. Sir Walter Scott and Robert Louis Stevenson.
I MUSEUM OF CHILDHOOD 42 High Street. 225 2424. Mon—Sat 10am-6pm.
The best days of your life? Toys, videos and various kids‘ bits and pieces shed some light on how it was for everyone else. I ROYAL MUSEUM OF SCOTLAND Chambers Street. 225 7534. Mon-Sat 10am—5pm; Sun 2—5pm.
For details of exhibitions see Galleries listings.
I SCOTTISH UNITED SERVICES MUSEUM Edinburgh Castle. Mon—Sat 9.30am—5.05pm; Sun 12.30—4.2llpm.
The Story at the Scottish Soldier.
Musket, File and Drum Instruments, uniforms. photographs etc. tracing the development of military music from the 17th century to the present day.
Street, South Queensferry. 331 1590. Mon.Thurs—Sat 10am—1pm,2.15—5pm; Sun 2—5pm.
The Bridges, the Burgh and the People As part of the celebrations for last year's Forth Rail Bridge Centenary, an exhibition about the bridges and aspects of life in South Queensferry.
55 The List 8— 21 February 1991