The Great Christmas Show L'niil l8 J an. A mixed show of work from around 30 artists. including paintings. drawings. photography. batik and ceramics.
.‘s'ext exhibition The Forth and Clyde Canal starts 9 Feb.
I JOHN GREEN FINE ART 303 Bath Street. 22l 6035. Mon-Fri 10am-5pm; Sat 10am—1pm.
19th and 20th century British and continental oils and yyatercolours.
I KELLY GALLERY I 18 Douglas Street. 2-18 6386. Mon -l4ri l0.30am 3pm. 2.30-5.30pm; Sat lil.30aiii-~-i.3(tpm. \cyy exhibitions start in February.
I KIBBLE PALACE Botanic ( iardens. (ireat Western Road. Daily “him-415W“. Coming to Hand: An Exhibition at Sculpture IOT Touching Iftitil 2-1 Feb. Works by six sculptors designed particularly tor the blind and partially sighted. but bound to be ol interest to anyone used toy ieyy ing sculpture lrom behind a cordon.
I LANGSIDE GALLERY 36 ZS Battleiield Road, 6408888. Mon- Sat 9am-- 12.30pm. 1 5.30pm.
A general shots oI prints. yyatereolours. oils and pastels.
I LILLIE ART GALLERY Station Road. Milngay ie. 956 2351ext226.'l'iie~I-‘ri
l lam 5pm and " - 0pm; Sat and Sun
2 5pm. (‘Iosed Mon.
.\'o exhibition at present.
I MARYHILL ARTS CENTRE ll Malloeh Street. 0-15 SW5. Mon l~’ri lilam-lpm.
2 5pm.
l’uture exhibitions Lineoniirmed.
I MCLELLAN GALLERIES 270 Sauchiehall Street. 33] lS5-l..\ion-~Sat10am—5pm; 'I‘hurs lilam— lllpm: Sun noon- 6pm. Scotland Creates: 5000 Years at Art and Design L'ntil 1 .-\pr. 'I‘he iirst ey er collaboration between Scotland's national galleries. libraries. and museums. this exhibition spans the country ‘seiitirc history oi artistic production. The central theme is Scotland as a land oi opposites. \y ith contrasts explored through exhibits. lrom painting and sculpture to lurniture and industrial design.
I MITCHELL LIBRARY North Street. XI 7030. Mon Fri” 30am ‘)pin;Sat 9.30am- 5pm.
Landscape to Realism 'I‘hroughotit Jan. Paintings by Andreyy Hay . the (ilas'goyy ('ity Libraries Artist-iii-Residence ior I‘Nll.
Schlltz class 0190/91 , Mackintosh Museum, Glasgow School olArt.
Glasgow 1990, Street Level, Glasgow. Selected by open submission, lour independent Scottish photographers were invited by Street Level to make a personal response to Glasgow 1990.
, Test Dept production ‘The Second
, Coming’ and Stephen Taylor Woodrow, % periormance artist par excellence.
3 Each iace is photographed close up, a
j sculptural statement against a blank
backdrop. In contrast, Jim McLean‘s three-quarter length or lull length
studies at Glaswegian writers, artists
and musicians situates each subject in their own surroundings. Fashion designer Spencer Railton and actor Peter Capaldi stand next to a Madonna and a cherub respectively, the latest theme in interioriurnishing styles,
. while painterAlison Watt lies in bed,
elegantly cocooned in white sheets, two angel’s wings sprouting irom her shoulders.
In contrast, Bonis and Malley locus on ongoing working-class lite. Bonis's
colour photographs ieature living-room
The outcome is an unassuming, quietly f . telly, children loll on the sola.
. Outdoors, children play, people shop. 3 Each photo is evocative and iniormal.
stated, idiosyncratic exhibition as Kevin Low, Jim McLean, John Bonis and Tricia Malley each pursue their own interests.
Working in black and white, Low and McLean have produced two contrasting series at portraits. The iormer concentrates on experimental artists, not necessarily lrom Glasgow, who have worked or pertormed in the city during 1990. Those portrayed include Lloyd Newman, choreographer oi the
scenes in Drumchapel. Adults watch
Tricia Malley, highly commended in
i ‘The Observer‘ Jane Boun Photography
Award, documents Glaswegian events
; — participants in the Highland Games or Orange Marches, a brass band on a trip
‘doon the watter’. The range at subject
, matter gives an indication oi the wide 7 audience iinding its way to the gallery.
(Fiona Byrne-Sutton)
I 905 GALLERY 12 ( )tago Street. Kely'inbridge. 35‘) 31.53. Mon Sal lilam--6pm.
Contemporary Colourists lZJan -7 I'eb. 'I'yyely‘e Scottish artists is hose liguratiy e yyork is notable ior its imaginatiy e use oi colour. The contributors include both recent art school graduates and experienced. established artists.
library . 3-18 By res Road. 33‘) "233. Mon-Fri0.30am ts'piii; Sat‘ISHaiii lpm. 3- 5pm. (‘losed Wed.
Jens Roulecke: Works on Paper 13 Jan in Feb. The first one-man slioyy ill ( ‘ilasgoyy by this(ierman artist.
I POLLOK HOUSE 3060 l’oIlokshayy s Road. 6320374. Mon—Sat 10am-5pm; Sun noon—6pm; open until 10pm \Ved.
The Enid Goldblatt Collection that 31 .Ian. A selection of around 100 pieces irom the collection of 18th century continental porcelain amassed by (ilasgoyy -born l€iiid (ioldblatt.
I PRINCES SOUARE SHOPPING CENTRE 48 Buchanan Street. Ill 032-1. Mon-Sat l0am—7pm. The Schlitz Class 0190/ entry for (ilasgoyy School oi .-\ rt.
I THE ROWAN GALLERY 30 Main Street. Dry'men. 036060996. .\lon- Sun l0am—-5pm.
Mixed Exhibition 'I‘hroughout .Ian. Paintings. ceramics and glass by contemporary Scottish artists.
I ROYAL SCOTTISH ACADEMY OF MUSIC AND DRAMA 100 Renireyy Street. 333 5057'. Mon—Sat 10am—5pm; open until 8pm on performance dates.
Pheona Kerr: Recent Paintings t'niil is Jan. Moira McLennaghan: Textiles L.‘ hill is .lan. I SPRINGBURN MUSEUM Ayr Street. 55" 1-105. Mon-Fri 10.30am~5pm: Sat mam—4.30pm: Sun 2—5pm.
Up Oor Close, Roon Oor BaCkThroughout Jan. Jean Faley has helped the museum re-creatc the room and kitchen in (iourlay Street where she greys tip. More than a reconstruction. the exhibition is a theatrical evocation oi time and place. using period iurniturc. sound eilects and music as recalled by Faley.
Springburn ZOOO 'I'hroughout .Ian. Make
\say loi an e\p|osion oict'eatiy ily . asloeal
people and artists loin lorccs. giy ing artistic L‘\pi'c‘\\l0ll to their hopes lor the Spingburn oi the year 2000.
I STREET LEVEL 2“) .‘Sl High Street. 553 2l5l \Ved Sat llam opiii;StinZ—-1pm. Glasgow1990 t ‘niil Zulaii. loin- Scottish photographers set thus it loi posterity their assessment oi (ilasgoyy 's year as '( 'ultural ('apital oi Irurope‘. Key in loss and Jim .\ yy ith a series oi portraitsol
y at ioiis subiects. and John Boiiisand 'l‘iicia \lalley \y ith studies oiaudieiicc lL‘iiL‘Iltill Itie\ellls
I THIRD EYE CENTRE .‘t5llSaucliiehall Stieet. 332 "521Cl'ue Sat lilani 5.30pm; Sun 2 5.30pm.
Expressions l ‘mil to l’eb l’aii oi IITITLI
Steven Campbell's Frottage oi the Void at New North, Tramway, Glasgow.
Eye (‘entre's ambitious Points East season of new work from Bulgaria.
(‘zeeiiosloy akia. Hungary . Poland. Romania. the Soy'iet L'nion and Britain. I TRAMWAY Albert Drop-123 053’. Daily lilam—ltlpm.
New North Ifiilil 37 Jan 1991. A celebration oicontemporary art trom the Northoi
; Britain.including paintings.sculpture and
photograph} _ rcyculmg mt. thwmu m uPi‘rt‘ils‘bes and ideas in Northern art.
: 5534Hl3. Molb-Sullltiiill opm. , Wishiul Thinking L'ntil :7 .laii. .\li\ed
works by (iIasgoyy -based artists .Iaqttclirie By rne. laquelinc l)onachie. Rachel
.\iimiec and Karen Vaughan.
: I WASPS lb King Street. 553 056-1.
.‘ylon~ l’ri‘hiiii-5pm;Sat 10.30am 5pm. A shop. e\liibitlon space and resource
centre. with inioriiiation on \yoik by all
\VASI’S artists. slide library and
iiilorniation about hoyy tocoiiiiiiissioii
No iurther exhibitions until March. IWILLIAM HARDIE LTD Hi \Vest Regent Street. Ill 6780. Mon l‘i'i lilam 5pm. Emma Fordyce Macrae 1887—1974 1 mil 3-1
.laii. A ( ~hristnias exhibition oi paintings.
ITHEASN GALLERY 156(‘anongatc. 55o Zion. .\lon- Sat lllam 6pm.
Up in ArtzANew Beginning l6 :oliinfl he iirst time the student co-op ( p III xiii has exhibited outside the lidinburgh ( 'ollege oi Art yyalIs. .\ii\ed yyorks li'om students oi all ages.
I THE BACKROOM GALLERY 431.oiidon Street. 556832”. Mon Sat 10am 5.30pm; Thurs 10am 7pm;Sunl 5pm. Noexhibition at present.
I BARNES & FITZGERALD 47b ( ‘ieorge Street. 33‘) I5ll5. Mon Sal
10.30am 5.30pm.
A is ide selection oi coiileiiipoi'ary studio glass and ieyyellery.
‘ I LA BELLE ANGELE i lasties( ‘lose.
(‘oyygale ( next to Roi) ( iallery l. 335 TU. 'I'ue-Sat Sam 5pm. (‘aie iloyy open during gallery hours.
Scottish Coiourists and Sculptors l.‘~ .‘sl .lan. Wot ks by Various artists. including Say Shit“.
I BLUE MOON CAFE 60 Broughlon Street. 556 JESS. Mon-Sat noon 77pm. Noexhibitioii at present.
i I BOURNE EINE ART~1 l)undas Street. 55‘
4050. Mon-I‘ri 10am 6pm; Sat 10am—1pm. (ieneral exhibition oi Scottish paintings.
50 The List 11- 24 January 1991