I sr onlor's COMMUNITY creme Orwell

Terrace, 346 1405. Opening times vary according to the centre‘s activities: phone for details.

Scotland and Its People Until 21 Dec. An exhibition originated by the Adult Learning Project, exploring the theme of Scottish identity through photography and involving groups and individuals from around the country.

I THE SCOTTISH GALLERY 94 George Street, 225 5955. Mon-Fri 10am—6pm; Sat 10am—1pm.

Paintings irom the Artist's Studio: Alberto Morrocco Until 29 Dec. Personally selected by the artist from over six decades‘ work, the exhibition will include townscapes, harbours and beaches. colourful Mediterranean characters and exotic still lifes.

Mike Abbott Until 29 Dec. Jewellery. carved and coloured wood.

Mixed Exhibition Until 29 Dec. Paintings and crafts.

I SOLSTICE GALLERY 18a Dundas Street, 5575227. Mon—Fri 11am—5pm:Sat 10am—1pm.

Christmas Exhibition 7 Dee—4 Jan. Drawings and paintings.

I STEP GALLERY 39 Howe Street. 556 1613. Mon-Sat Ham—5.30pm.

Five Artists Throughout December. Etchings by Simon Bull, jewellery by Molly Bullick. ceramics by Archie McColl. oils and watercolours by William Ranson and etchings by David Sinclair.

I STILLS GALLERY 105 High Street, 557 1140. Tue—Sat 1 lam-5.30pm.

Sebastian Salgado Until 22 Dec. Salgado is probably the most respected photo-journalist in the world today; this is the first exhibition to review his photographic career. including material from his projects on African famine. Latin-American culture and traditional industries.

I TALBOT RICE ART GALLERY Old College. University of Edinburgh. South Bridge, 667 1011 ext 4308. Mon-Sat 10am—5pm; Sun 2—5pm.

ll Dieter Pietsch: Elementary Structures 8—22 Dec. New work from Edinburgh University‘s 1990 Artist in Residence.

I THEATRE WORKSHOP 34 Hamilton Place. 2265425. Mon—Sat 10am—5pm;late during performances.

Travelling the Spaceways Until 3 Jan. Photographs taken during two trips to Orkney by Edinburgh photographer Stephen Fairclough.

I 359 GALLERY 233 Cowgate. 225 3013. Mon—Sat 10.30am—5.30pm.

Small Pictures for Christmas Until 22 Dec. 369 artists prove that —contemporary art doesn‘t come only on a grand scale.‘

Irina Zatulovskaya: Paintings Until 22 Dec. The fruits of Russian artist Zatulovskaya's two month residency in Edinburgh an exchange with Scottish artist Caroline McNairn.

New Talent Until 22 Dec, then 7 Jan—2 Fcb. Work by sixteen recent graduates of Scottish art schools.

Studio Artists Until 22 Dec. Gallery members‘ annual exhibition.

I TORRANCE GALLERY 29b Dundas Street, 5566366. Mon—Fri 11am—6pm; Sat 10.30am—4pm.

Christmas Exhibition Throughout December. Oils, watercolours, ceramics, glassware and jewellery.

I TRAVERSE THEATRE 112 Grassmarket, 226 2633. Tue—Sat 11am—10pm; Sun 6—10pm.

The Christmas Cracker Until January. Mixed works on a seasonal theme.

I WASPS Studio/Gallery, Patriot Hall, Henderson Row, Stockbridge, 225 1289. Mon—Sat 11am—5pm; Sun 2—5pm on exhibition days only.

No exhibition at present.





. is _ Edinburgh painting by Irina Zatulovskaya

Group shows and Irina Zatulovskaya: Morning Prayers, 369 Gallery, Edinburgh.

The 369 has packed In more artists than should be possible lorthe exhibitions leading up to Christmas and yet somehow a sense oi space has been maintained where the work needs it. On the top lloor Is a show oi work on paper by the artists who have studios in the building. Given the diversity and dilierences between those artists, this show oi modestly sized work hangs together extremely well.

Working on paper otten provokes a greater sense oi Intimacy between the artist and the viewer than is the case when more publicly grand techniques are used - like the diflerence between hand-writing a love-letter and word-processing a business letter. That intimacy is lound In most oi the exhibits here.


It’s interesting then to see how some oi the same artists cope when moving into paint, but retaining a small scale, In the Small Pictures tor Christmas exhibition In the loyer. The relationship between the tradition oi paint on canvas, the Scottish colourlst/gestural tradition, and the small scale, requires carelul negotiation.

In the main ground "our gallery is an exhibition by Irina Zatulovskaya, a Moscow-based artist who has been using one oi the 369 studios for the past couple oi months. The work is very spare and simple, though not simplistic, and rooted in a tradition lar removed from the one in evidence next door. Icon painters would understand the impulse Ior these works; so too would Malevich, who (while producing work that is conceptually light years irom that oi Zatulovskaya) based hlmsell aesthetically and

composltlonally in the traditions ol the

Orthodox Church.

The work is lyrical, the content resonating with Russian literature. Titles such as Woodcutter, God Save Us, elrch Tree and Rejoice give literal descriptions at the paintings, but it is a shame that the words painted onto the canvas are not translated anywhere for non-Russian readers. Zatulovskaya’s texts are not illustrated by her painting, but rather set up interesting and poetic iuxtaposltions. Without access to them (even it indirect) it Is as it hall the work is missing.

0n the iirst iloor is work by sixteen oi this year's graduates irom the Scottish art schools. Andrea Roe, Michael Goode, Pamela Montlord and Shauna Mciiugh, all working in very dillerent ways, look as though they will be around lor some time to come. (Hilary Robinson)

Canal Street, 0236 31261. Every day 10am—5pm.

Oil Worker Scotland 8 Dcc—6J an.

Paintings, drawings and photographs by Sue Jane Taylor who spent three weeks recording the hard lives of off-shore oil workers as part of a commission by Stirling Shipping Company.


I CORNERSTONE GALLERY Cathedral Square, 0786 823696. Mon-Sat 9.30am—5.30pm; Sun 2—5.30pm. Christmas Exhibition Until 23 Dec. New works by ten artists including John Bathgate, Senga Murray and Fiona Cantwell.


I DICK INSTITUTE Elmbank Avenue, 0563 26401. Daily 10am—8pm; Wed and Sat 10am—5pm.

Contemporary ’90 Until 5 Jan. Mixed exhibition ofpaintings, prints, sculpture, ceramics and jewellery; many items for sale.


I ALLAN PARK GALLERY The Studio, 23 Allan Park, 0786 71411. Mon-Sat 10am-5pm (Wed 10am—1pm). Christmas Exhibition Until 24 Dec. Paintings by contemporary Scottish and 19th century British artists and a wide range of Christmas gifts including glassware, ceramics and jewellery.

I SMITH ART GALLERY AND MUSEUM Dumbarton Road, 0786 71917. Tue—Fri noon-5pm; Sat 10.30am—5pm; Sun 2—5pm.

On the Shell? Until June 1991. A new exhibition drawn from the Smith‘s permanent collections.



A selective round-up oi Museums, running in alphabetical order.

I DURRELL COLLECTION Pollokshaws Road, 649 7151. Mon—Sat 10am—5pm: Sun 2—5pm. Cafe. [D]

A veritable treasure trove of art collected by Edwardian tycoon William Burrell. The Age ol Van Gogh: Dutch Painting 1880-1895 Until 10 Feb. See Galleries listings.

I DOME OF DISCOVERY South Rotunda. Govan Road, 417 1792. £2 (£1). Tue—Sun 10am—5.30pm. Science and technology interactive exhibition, which includes 30 images, a vertical roundabout and an air cannon.

I HUNTERIAN MUSEUM Glasgow University, University Avenue, 339 8855. Mon—Fri 9.30am—5pm; Sat 9.30am— 1pm. Medals oi the Renaissance Until 31 Dec.

A Sense oi Touch Until 31 Dec. A rare opportunity to handle all those exciting objects usually kept in glass cases.

I THE MUSEUM OF TRANSPORT Kelvin Hall, 1 Bunhouse Road, 427 2725. Mon-Sat 10am—5pm; Sun 2—5pm. Philatelic Culture Until 13 Jan.

I PEOPLE'S PALACE MUSEUM Glasgow Green, 554 0223. Mon—Sat 10am—5pm; Sun 2—5pm. Cafe. Disabled access by


A Rerrterr Amierr Until 13 Jan. Eight hundred years of Glaswegians having a good time.

I POLLOK HOUSE 2060 Pollokshaws Road, 632 0274. Mon-Sat 10am—5pm; Wed 10am-10pm; Sun noon—6pm.

The Enid Goldblatt Collection Until 31 Jan 1991.

I SPRINGDURN MUSEUM Ayr Street (adjacent to Springburn Railway Station). 557 1405. Mon—Fri 10.30am—5pm: Sat 10am—4pm; Sun 2—5pm.

Winner of the 1989 Award for Social and industrial History and described as the first real community museum in Britain.


I CANONGATE TOLBDOTH Royal Mile. 225 2424. Mon—Sat 10am-6pm.

The People's Story The museum relates the story of the people of Edinburgh. told in their own words and through photographs and re-created tableaux.

I LADY STAIRS HOUSE Lady Stairs Close, Lawnmarket. Mon—Sat 10am—6pm.

A celebration of Scotland‘s greatest literary figures Robert Burns. Sir Walter Scott and Robert Louis Stevenson.

I MUSEUM OF CHILDHOOD 42 High Street. 225 2424. Mon—Sat 10am—6pm.

I ROYAL MUSEUM OF SCOTLAND Chambers Street, 225 7534. Mon—Sat 10am—5pm; Sun 2—5pm.

The Work ol Angels Until 10 Feb.

Pots NotAt The Pans Until 1 Mar.

Miss Crowtord Collects Until 28 Feb.

For details ofthcse exhibitions see Galleries listings.

I SOUTH OUEENSFERRY MUSEUM High Street Queensferry 331 1590. Mon, Thurs—Sat 10am—1pm, 2.15—5pm; Sun 2—5pm.

The Bridges. the eurgh and the People As part of the celebrations for the Forth Rail Bridge Centenary. an exhibition about the bridges and aspects of life in South Queensferry.


5000 Years of Art & Design

NOW until lst April 1991 McLELLAN GALLERIES 270 Sauchiehall St., Glasgow Open daily 10am - 5pm Sundays 12 - 6pm Thursdays until 10pm Admission £2 Concession 50p F amin Ticket £4

Supported by The Scottish National Institutions

3130930!mi by LILLEY

The List 7 - 20 December 1990 69