Lalrds. Libraries and Lullabies Until 10 Mar. Marking the Diamond Jubilee ofthe National Trust Scotland. an exhibition of the Trust‘s book treasures. along with portraits, silver. ceramics. furniture and toys, revealing the lifestyles ofthe lairds and their families from some ofScotland‘s country houses over the past 400 years. There will also be a lecture at 5.30pm on 6 Dec and story-telling sessions every Thursday 4—4.30pm.
I NEPAL INTERLINK 6 Howe Street. 225 1654. Tue—Sun noon—7pm.
Nepalese Exhibition Until 22 Dec. Quality hand-made items from Nepal. along with photographs of the country and its people. I NETHERBOW 43 High Street. 5569579. Mon—Sat mam—4.30pm and evenings when performances. Cafe.
A Christmas Handset Until 22 Dec. Delicate. finely-worked prints and etchings by Cathy Outram.
Still Lite, Still Exploring Until 22 Dec. Jim King marks the end of his Netherbow residency with a show of his own and students‘ recent work.
Sire Until 22 Dec. Prints by Lesley
Di non.
I OPEN EYE GALLERY 75 Cumberland Street. 557 1020. Mon—Fri 10am—6pm. Sat 10am—4pm.
On a Small Scale Until 24 Dec. Contemporary Scottish paintings. Veronica Polybank: RecentJewellery Until 24Jan.
Robert Austin 1895-1973: Etchings and Engravings Until 24 Jan.
I PORTFOLIO GALLERY 43 Candlemaker Row. 220 1911. Tue-Satnoon—5.3()pm. Jean-Philippe Charbonnier Until 22 Dec. From China in the 50s. Moscow in the depths of the Cold War. to his immediate environment of Paris in the 7()s. Charbonnier‘s work documents the transformation of societies since 1945.
I PORTRAIT GALLERY Queen Street. 556 8921. Mon—Sat lilam—Spm; Sun 2—5pm. New Scottish Photography Until 16] an
Wig; -, .
Giulio Sanjto, National Gallery oi Scotland
Royal Museum oi Scotland, Edinburgh. An unusual exhibition, with an even more unusual history, recently went on show at the Royal Museum in Edinburgh. On display is a selection oi items irom an unexpected bequest by the late Miss Eileen Crowiord, a retired Edinburgh typist who died earlier this year.
Miss Crowiord led an outwardly unremarkable lite, sharing a small council ilat in Oxgangs with her elderly lather, whom she cared ior until he died in 1972. Alter retiring irom herjob with Edinburgh Corporation she travelled widely, taking package tours as iar alield as India and the USSR. The remarkable thing about Miss Crowiord is that irom the 19503 on she was systematically amassing an astonishing collection oi costume jewellery, ornaments and other decorative knick-knaclts.
She went shopping almost daily, lrequenting stores like Woolworih’s and Binn's as well as antique dealers’ and pawnbrokers’, picking up anything which took heriancy. Her purchases are minutely recorded in a series at
diaries. which contain little else bar the occasional expostulation like ‘Memo— Stop buying crystal beads now!“ - instructions she continually tailed to obey.
When museum curators visited her ilat, they lound objects crammed into
every conceivable corner and container
including chocolate boxes, shoe tidies and sponge bags. Everything was carelully arranged according to Miss Crowiord‘s taste - necklaces sorted by colour or type at bead, earrings hung item the spines oi books, plastic ilowers entwined around table legs.
The very mundaneness oi the objects Miss Crowiord collected gives her legacy its historical importance. She gathered inexpensive, ordinary, iamiliarthlngs-everybody ortheir granny has one, but museums usually don’t. Her collection terms a detailed and extensive record oi popular post-wartaste, spanning changes like the development at plastics and
increased availability oi loreign travel.
In addition, the exhibition commemorates a iascinating but very private personality. (Sue Wilson)
1991. Bringing together the workoi seventeen contemporary photographers. this exhibition aims to demonstrate the vital part photography has played in the recent resurgence of Scottish culture. Work ranges from straight black and white shots to an inventive synthesis of painting. sculpture. photography and words.
OVER 150 WORKS BY‘ OVER 50 GALLERY ARTISTS Inc. oils, watercolours, pastels, sculpture, wood carvings, textiles and prints With silver jewellery by FIONA MAGUIRE Sat 1 December until Sat 5 January 1991 (open Sunday 16 December I -5 pm) Gallery Hours: Mon-Fri 10-6; Sat 10-4
Dynasty: The Royal House at Stewart. Permanent exhibition.
I OUEEN'S HALL Clerk Street. Boinficc 668 3019. Mon-Sat lilam ~5pm. ('ai’e. AVery ParticularTalent t'ntil 23 Dec. Paintings and drawings by Jane 1 lyslop. who at 33 has already won nine major awards for her work.
I RICHARD DEMARCO GALLERY Blackfriars Church. Blackfriars Street (off Iliin Street ). 557 (I707. Mon—Sat
I (la lit-6pm .
The Many Faces oi Richard Demarco Until 34 Dec.
Works By the Sisters oi the Carmelite Monastery. Ouiddenham L'ntil 24 Dec. Edna Wiler l7 ntil 34 Dec. Drawings of I.uing.
Burns, Beuys and Beyond Lintil24 1)ec.An
exploration of the artist’s role as social
critic and \ isionary. Iociising on the poet
and artist aspersoniiied by litirnsand
(ierman avant-garde artist .loseph Beuys. Two Hungarian Artists l mu :4 Dec. Works by Pal (ierber and Adam lialint.
75-15. Mon I-'i‘i‘)..‘ill.ini -5pm. The Regeneration oi Scotland Awards 1 Tntil 7 Dec.
: NoiJust the Pineapple to 13 Dec-Illic- ; Landmark'I'rust :\nnl\ersat'_\ szhibititm. I ROYAL MUSEUM OF SCOTLAND
('hambers Street. 335 7534. Mon Sat
Illain 5pm;Sun3 5pm.
TheWorkOiAngelst,‘ntiI till-eli.t‘eltie j masterpieces from the 6th 9th centuries .»\l).including secularand ecclesiastical
metalwork and casts oI several important
; sculpture stones.
Pots NotAtThe Panst‘ntil l Mar. l‘ollowingasuccessfulshowingatthe Scottish Mining Museum in Prestongiange.thiscxhibitionoipottery ' fromvat'iotislocationsalongthel,othian E coast transfers to the RMS lot the winter.
3 MissCrowiord CollectsI'ntillSI‘eb.lnl-‘eb
g meticulous record oi her expenditure. now
1990 Miss ( 'rowiord Ielt to the museum a large collection oi costume jewellery and china. glass. plastic and shell decor ations. as well as other objects she collected when she retired I'rom her job as a ty pist and took up traielling. IIer legacy. and the
form an important part oi'the museum's collectionoi311thcenturvitems.
I ROYAL SCOTTISH ACADEMY 'l‘he Mound. 335 667 l. Mon-Sat IIIani-~5pm. Stilt
3 -5pm.
Scottish Artists and Artist Craitsmen Exhibitiont'ntil 15 Dec. Paintings. prints. sculpture. tapestry . ceramics. jewellery and other applied arts. along with work on loan from the (. ‘ity oi l.eeds('eramic Collection.
Works by Paul Furneau and Charles Sliven lintil l41)ec.'l'woyoungartistswhowere awarded this year's Alastair Salyesen Art Scholarship. liotli took the opportuniton
travel. one to (‘entral America and the
other to the liar Past. and their work reflects their impressions.
I THE SPANISH CONSULATE 63 North (‘astle Street. 331) 1843. Mow-Fri 9am—-3pm.
Seiarad 92: The Rediscovery at Jewish Spain I'ntil 3 .Ian. Photographicenlargements and iniormation panels commemorating the considerable artistic. intellectual and commercial contribution made to Spain by the Jewish community. expelled in 1492.
Polished black clay cats from Jalisco, Mexico £34.50; £17.95; £4.99
tiles, ceramics, jewellery, weavings, masks, music and other folk crafts from Mexico, Central 8.: South America.
Over 10 years direct trade with dozens of families in Latin America.
16 Victoria Street (Nr. (irassmarkct, Edinburgh). Tel: 031 226 6695 Wholesale and Retail
88 The List 7— 20 December 1990