Spqtland’s new sattrtcal magazme Out Now First Issue 60p



84 Mirchci: Strawt‘ Glasgow. Tel. O4I-204 IOOO

78’lhc List 1-1 37 Scptcmhct 19‘)”

0'1111m}IICWJIIL‘I‘HZIUVL‘ tnusic. What httppL‘nL‘d It) thc dilltu‘ rL‘\ nlutiun ktth" OTHERS IThe Amphitheatre alm 4am. L155 hcturc l lpm £3.5Unttcx.

I Buster Browns I tpm 3.3mm. 9.355.

I Cate StJames 8pm 2am Ll IHCIHIK'I\ Ll non mcmt‘crx I’t'it‘t‘srtscuttcr 11pm. IChaplinsgn f‘tnshun Putk. 11pm Jam £3.

IThe Red Hot Pepper Club tttpm .tnm. L3 before 1 [fittpm H ttttcr, IMadisonswpm 3.1m, 9.] hctnrc 11pm LI utter

I Milties lttpm (mm. L2 hctut'c 2. Want. £3 utter.


IBedrock Ctub I'ht: \‘t'mttg. “pm 14m ltu‘ hands plus .1 duo u 311.11 Um I

pnpulu: Nut]! \t-L' H; r. IDimenstonQSt Htt'mluh Lam I'Rhti HIHL‘tl .t\1t [\tt‘ t'hth ‘cltih \HHI 1 Batman tlullildk' upfront\mlnthtntuwi\xztltt'i;t\\tt‘\ Lighting h} \V \R tmtl hut hkhUP\ ht 1);” k ':\nch IDynamic3Sou| Clubt‘ltm-mwmHun-t 7.30pm lam. LC hctnt'c " Flipm. 2.3 "H uttL‘t Part wt a trunk” st“: It'\ « ~t muhh I PI'L'\L'111111§_’l0pqtl;tlt1\t.‘ht\\]g;t;!tiut‘ Hunt é Nm'thctn Soul. With my 'Nm! hm- upat Ruth \‘x’hitmn. ( film I .m . l).t\ :- thdrum and .hm Icmmnt _ PIU\\[‘C\'Idl guest Stunt: ( im'titm. Sounds hlw (t


thx \'[\k' «mm;- .mt!

rctruhinp changc tmm hmw- tn nu I Katch Shad} Ind} ‘s. Hpm Mm L‘.

lndic. unite and pct mm: mthc mum thcluckntnriginuhtydm-snnt«tut-1thm hand at t'uithtul regulars \\ htaxh..mhlt~


ulnngcxct‘y \VL’L'k rcgurdlt‘ss, Wmth the mid \'t\ll thuttph. Isthc Mount hmhcvn I kanH tn change «tn tit'mstnn

I Mambo Club \ctum R .1 I“ ll Ipm 311m, filmcmhct's Ljfitlnnnmvmiwtn St: ()xxtc on the \\ hurls at \tct'l hH'xttILi thc

hk‘\ttl3'\II‘I\‘.1H(I£HIL\‘“1H1LlillfV-t‘tttld \twuttrnumi tht‘uutltlsttlcs I System L.W.L \VIHHL' l hxuw

1 1pm 3 .‘ttnm. UH15‘.\llhlt~.‘hclu 1‘ Supt (ml). Sec prm It“ tux th‘ldt'N

IWheets't hp \hvnm I 1pm hm. H W hcttncmuhnght 1.7 QHJHL'I Ht~ttt~t7.\ ruck ntuhtf } Inn \ nmx. 21nd»: "u’kcx \1L‘IttHIL'J [-\hltt“. lmtht-t Itttttxtffl ‘\ \tghtttttttt' tlti \tt'ltnm ‘yttpt‘t. OTHERS ITheAmphitheatre lt'pm 1m: 97‘ 11pm L11 tttt-t I8usterBrowns t I Wth ICate StJamesspm Kim \vt' [‘HIHI tk‘tdth. IChaplinSut httxhttu I’ntk 13pm Mm 511' Ht IUI \h‘ldllx I Red Hot PepperClub I‘lpn‘. Mn: 23 hctm‘c 1 1pm L1 utttrt. IMillies “mm. (mm 2f iu-Itm'fi {o‘ttttct Sundays


IThe Amphitheatre ittpm Mm tel hctntt' llpm tlnttt‘:

IBusterBrowns T'tpm hm Httlt l‘tm

hctntc 3 1pm t.‘ “\tltut

IMillies 1 1pm hm I’Rl I


OTHERS IMillies 1 1pm 1.1m IR} } Tuesdays

ISBXBBB!RBV81h«-\ onus IHpm l.:tt‘

L3 3‘ \cplcttllk‘t t‘lt|\ .\tmt' ntt tuttunm: I lutultttw. Int'khtnttl pullnlmmtwtx m \\h.tt t\Ih\'!1 unlx \d‘tlhh


*lhm L: -‘


data" ,'\I\H1t‘.ttlllt'tl |\.u hw wt M lm’nl hunt} lt‘HL'l‘k wt :\lh.n.t'uttvttt!\ tt-wwrma' Hum thcn \t~tl\ S\[t‘!lH\ lmxthln \UHH nxt slut \\.ttthnt1t ttwtw: tittt'\l 1H .v\lz'~.itt\‘t’tttt‘dpt‘lt‘ “tutti ‘llll‘lti‘t kntm \nhx hbxt .tllt-ti that t'ttht‘t Itmm 3 lumiun'x Suhtttmntxu plus thy mtm'

t \t'mthh 1141mm! ( ht |\. ( imnt .md \ht'? Ix".

g pumptng nut thc tl\tl.tl hard and hunt now hunt. clt't'tm. Mn u and it'lL't'IMIH r tinnt‘c

wtmtis. .-\ Lusty Ht \xhut tn mpt't‘t uhctt

Sm Hut mnkcx tt~ cwnttml l()l1_:_“l|\\.'t!tk'd .tt‘tk‘tttnttx‘t' thatmcntmnml»l) OTHERS 3 I Millies 11pm Mm I'Rl- t'


INOf‘th thth-«nut i‘l ‘Hpm ‘nm NIL? Nitl \x‘!:\thlt‘u_'.\l.|tt\ mth ;m\1.tt tht~ who thin";tittinxhtt'hplnxxthcx-ttt

.md M's. huts. \w .1” x m

wt itit!\tt‘ t‘t tthtllHt' sumo“ hk'lt' Ht the moth \lttt‘!'l\ltlf_’t\ unouuh (in .tnt! ‘\ utl tum ltmht‘rlnntis tn the \1mttl.t\\. Rm“. ('hntlntmx. Jam OTHERS

IMilIies 11pm Um I R] I

Thufsdays I MOHHCht-HHGM'BCK Hu 1‘

‘~t‘;|; 'tttt

.latttvx t't‘itht‘lthhi'

IKE} H‘u‘illi‘t‘tnttlltnl ht \ h‘t :zttit't‘. \u. 9t}; ‘xu \1.tt‘h. tin :2 thtnk .t:1.ttH \1l1\‘.t"U‘\\\t‘\:tt'l1[htttlttldth hut hm Hm; .tl‘u! \11.|H‘|.\‘-h(‘i\!tt‘. th" hutlt'st l‘.;\\ ll‘.1!‘t‘ll‘t,".k‘l:\ \tgt‘t.

IShag I“C\1!\\ltvll HI "tpztt \tm L“

\\k‘ll.':tt.t( }'!EI\)IIIE1.1§\!Itli‘tlld\'\k'i1”tv‘. \t;t':";t!\ {.tlhx \tl‘:1‘~t‘xtl\ mun tt'nnwh. 'I‘t Slim; ‘-~‘1 l‘._'

\\.I1f§ HIMM‘T Shogt:\t‘stxtgctt.:t\‘1‘tcztt“» «Tut:

Ind-ms aunt tit..t\‘:.nt‘.ut‘i'. tin.

anti t‘tp t ‘. t‘t «v

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t'tz‘lfnflt tlt‘.t',t ‘.‘tt:.."‘ Am! {-Httt‘th

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its}: mutu \ I“;‘.’ mt

.t nt‘w iu'TtL' h Vh. ut‘. th‘.‘



IThe/‘tmphitheatre "t‘tt? Rm thorn“-

rpm! ~::t;

Ek‘tt'li': lCate StJames “,“n. Hit: tgov

IBtue OysterClub.1G.30pm—3am.

IRed HotPepperClub 1H lynx M111: :3 't'pm 9.: ‘|' Hip:



I MHHBS E 25"1. 1.1:]:


I The Amphitheatre ‘~

[ t‘1'll: tl‘ i\)t‘.1\i

uh -I; I Blue 0ysterCtub .1 Run; smut .ntt \t‘vl'i‘. _‘,"‘.t\t\\

I8uster8rowns ‘< f \t‘nfu. v \mp t. .3 ‘1

ICate StJamest“ “t I :zth‘ ctttvr IL‘hambers StreetStudentUnion (3].1'Ili‘t :\\ltt :I. '~'- H‘l‘ IFinsburyParkl \ ‘V‘ll'i‘. \t \mht‘n \tzut‘ 1”.“ ILiberty's' 1141‘. I Madisonm at and Hum. m“ IMHHES"miti;tg\{:ttt. IMoray House StudentUniontMme Rune. IThe Network \\ mt It‘llt “\ i“? IThe Penthouse } L on; \tzm't. lulit IN“ I Potterrow Student Union. Bristo Square. 667 0214‘

I Red Hot PepperCtub mt t- |".7.ttlt"t twat;

\1\ "Al\\, \ ‘\" \il‘f‘ll’x‘;

IShady Lady'5( mutant mu I Teviot Row Student Union I ;'\ m Rm NJ NM]


Ill-Ht Rtmli. '33";