I Delirium 7 at Rooftops (Secrets Lounge). llpm—late. £2.50. Okay. okay. so it's not gothic! With a playlist ranging from The Pixies to Front 242. let's just say traditional alternative.
._ k _
I Joy at the Sub Club. 1 1pm--5am.£3.50. Housey-housey in a sweaty. steamy atmosphere of serious dance and serious dancers. Not a place for the unco-ordinated. but great ifyou throw yourselfinto it. Elevate your mind. free your soul. get your T-shirt all smelly.
I The Lab at The Champion. 11.30—5am. £3.50 (£2.50 with pass). See panel.
I Radio City at the Mayfair (Cameo Suite). 10.30pm—3am. £2. Whetherit‘s moving with the times or jumping on the bandwagon. Radio City is certainly a hell ofa lot different from what it used to be: no longer purely 60s. they now cater to the Manchester posse and even play straight dance records like Chad Jackson. The towering temperatures and boorish bouncers are unfortunate minuses to an otherwise fine club. btit definitely worth a visit for surprise value.
I Rumble at Joe Paparazzi. 10pm—3.30am. £3 (£1 student). [Excellent mixture of rap. hip-house and indie crossover dance. and unlike many clubs we could name. the cavernous proportions ofJoe's mean that if you‘re choosy about when you dance. you can actually get through the night at a reasonable temperature -— I don‘t know about you. but I always consider this of vital importance when deciding where to go. Perhaps I‘m getting old.
I Shag at Fury Murrys. 11pm-5ant.£2.50. It's not so much the music they play in Shag that make it what it is. it's the people who go; unafraid to tapdancc badly during ‘Singing In The Rain‘ or pretend to play cricket during Soul Clap 69. My personal faves are the lovely couple who go regularly and have their own. highly personal. dance routines to The Housemartins. . . tacky but sweet. OTHERS
I The Alhambra 8pm—2am. Free.
I Bennets 11pm—3.30am. £2.50.
I Cleopatras 10.30pm—2.30am. £3.
I Club Hacienda 11.30pm—7am. £3.51). Under 18s disco 7pm—l 1pm.
I Crash at the Cotton Club. llpm—5.30am. £4 (£3 with ticket.£2 before midnight).
I Follies 10.30pm—3.30am. £3.50.
I Hard Rock Calla at the Venue. 10pm until late. £3.50.
I Hollywood Studios 11pm~5am.£3.50. Happy hour 3—5am. drinks halfprice.
I Mickey Finn's at Tin Pan Alley.
I Atlantis at the Sub Club. llpm—5am. £5.
Upfront dance and obscure house for the ‘in‘ crowd. Entry requirements area soupeon of pretension. a smattering of style. a sharp haircut and bags of energy— they come to dance until their turtleneeks melt. and they don't mind paying a fiver every week. so it must have something.
I Burnout at Rooftops. llpm—late. £2.50. A mixed crowd and a mixed playlist. indie crossover. Mane rave and some glam pop. Playing live on the 15th are The Jerks — see Rock. for more details.
I Detect at Fury Murrys. llpm—5am. £3. The Defecting regulars are a frighteningly straight-looking bunch at first sight. but you‘ll warm to them by the time you‘ve encountered them on the dancefloor. (iood. solid selection of dance music with the odd ecleticism like The Buzzcocks and The Undertones. I Divine at the Art School. llpm—2ain. £1.50. The early finish is a bit ofa bummer. but the familiar. though not necessarily tiresome. blend of60s psychedelia and 80s indie provides the atmosphere that the horrid Vic cafe. with its rather free interpretation of a dancefloor. doesn't. Plenty of space. not too busy. groovy sounds. uncomfy seats. beat girls. indie kids and hooded tops. that'll do nicely. thanks. I Heller Skelter at the .‘vlayfair. llpm—-3am. £1 .50. Recapture that authentic 60s seaside riot atmosphere as
' the city‘s mods and rockers fight tostay
upright on the dancefloor the size ofa Twister board. 60s rock. 60s influenced rock. 80s indie and thrash.
I UFO at The Choice. 11pm—4.30am. £5. Steven Sleepman. the man who sounds like a character from an old morality play. brings his mega-successful techno. house and rave machine to Choiceland. with [Ms Larz and Adrian. (let down. get on up. CtL’.
I The Alhambra 8prn~midnight Free.
I Alsimevu at The Shelter. 9pm~midnight I Bennets11pm-3.311am.£3.
I The Champion 1 lpm—late.
I Cleopatras l0.30pm-~2.30am. £3.51).
I Club Hacienda 11.311 7am. £5.. Under-18s disco 7pm -1 lpm for hip little bruvvers (£3. or £2 with a ticket) and live PAs. Bopping till 5am. breakfast till 7am. I Cotton Club 1 1pm ~3.30ant. £5 (£3.50 with ticket).
I Desire at Mardi (iras. 1(1.3(1pm~3.3llam. £3.50.
I Follies Ill.3llptti~-3.3ll;1m. £4.51).
I Glam Rock at The Venue. 10pm until late. £3.50.
I Hollywood Studios 1 1pm 5am. £4. Happy Hour 3am—5am. drinks halfprice. I Underles Disco at ilollywood Studios. 7.30pm— 10.30pm. £ 1 .50.
' IJoe Paparazzi 11pm---5am.£5.
I Libra at Holly wood Studios. £3.50. Over-25s disco.
I Mardi Gras 1 lpm—5am. £4.50.
I Mr D's 11pm—4ain. £4.
I Rattles 10.30pm— 3am. £3.
I Savoy 11pm »3ain.£4.()ver-21snight. : I Sechaba's Upstairs at Nico‘s. 9pm--late. ‘ I Xposed at Club Xchange.
l 1.30pm--5.30am. £2.50. Happy hour 10pm—midnight.
I Club Hacienda 11pm-5am. £2. 75p drinks.
I Follies l lpm—3am. £3.
I Fuddrukkers at Cleopatras. 10.30pm——2.30arn. £1 .
I Hollywood Studios 9pm—3am. £2. Talent Night.
I Mr 0'3 1 lpm—4am. £3.
I The Power at the Sub Club. 11pm—3.30am. £2.
I Rattles 10.30pm—2am. £2.50.
I Savoy l lpm- 3am. £2.50.
I Videodrome Rock Night at the Videodrome. 8pm—late. £2 50.
I The Alhambra 8pm—midnight. Free.
I Freewheeling at Fury Murrys. 11pm-<3am. £1.50.
I Jeans & T-shirt Night at Cleopatras. l0.30pm—-3am. £2 (£1 with ticket).
I Savoy 11pm—3am.£2. Over-25s night. I Second Heaven at Club Xchange. £1 admission and£1 all drinks.
I Shimmy Club at Bennets. l0.30pm--3am.
£ 1. Famous people who have been to the Shimmy Club over the years ( Part Two): David Bennie . . .er. that‘sit. Butwho else do you need'.’ lfyou‘ve spotted anyone more impressive here. do let us know. lispecially if they got drunk and danced to something embarrassing. Ten points extra if they were pop stars and it was their own record (of course. Dave the Rave doesn't as yet have a record out. but ifhe did . . . it would probably belikc Lloyd Cole doing a cover version of Lipps Inc's ‘Funky Town‘).
I The Alhambra 8pm——midnight. Free.
I Jo Jo's at Tin Pan Alley. 10.30pm-3.30am. £1 .50. Cray night with cheap drinks.
I Alhambra 8pm--rnidnight. Free.
I Go West at Cleopatras. 10.30pm-—2.30am. £2 (£1 with ticket).
I Jeans 8t T-shirt night at the Cotton Cltib. 1 1pm -4am. £3.50.
I Libra at Hollywood Studios. 11pm-3am £3.51). ()ver 25s disco.
I 608 and 7113 Night at Mardi (iras. 10.30pm 3.30am. £2 (£1 with ticket).
I Spank at Club Xchange. £1 admission and £1 all drinks.
I Club With No Name at Rooftops. 11pm» late. £2. Rock fans are nowspoilt with two clubs all to themselves. the .\'o-.\'ame having been switched to Thursday to avoid clashing with the Videodrome's similarly inspired Sunday night.
I The Alhambra Spin—2am. Free.
I Backtrack at Fury Murrys. llpm—3.30am. £2.51).
I Bennetts l lpm—3am. £1.
I Bloomers at Cleopatras. 10.30prn~--2.30am. £2 (£1 student).
I The Champion 1 lpm—5am.
I 808 Night at Mardi (iras. 10.30pm-—3.30am. £2 (£1 with ticket).
I Exodus at the Sub Club. 11pm —3.30am. £2.
I Genes & T—Shirt at Club Xchange. 12pin--5am. 75p.
I Freakscene at Raffles. 10.30pm—3am.
221 5323.
I Cleopatras. 508 Great Western Road. Kelvinbridge. 3340560.
I Club Xchange 23 Royal Exchange Square. 204 4599.
I Cotton Club 5 Scott Street. 332 0712. I Club Hacienda 48 Carlton Place.429 5593.
I Clyde cavern Clyde Place . 429 3785. I Follies 193 Pitt Street. 332 7322/7522. I Fury Murry: 96 Maxwell Street. 221 6511.
I Hollywood Studios 9 Brown Street. 248 6606
I Joe Paparazzi 521) Sauchiehall Street.
331 21 1 1.
I Mardi Gras 73 Dunlop Street. 221 3623.
I Mayfair 474 Sauchiehall Street. 332
I Metropolis Hamilton Street. Saltcoats.
0294 602213.
I Mr 0’3 54 Kilmarnock Road. Shawlands.
632 241 l.
I Nico's 375 Sauchiehall Street.
I Rattles 15 Benaldcr Street. Partick
Cross. 334 5321.
I Rooftops 92 Sauchiehall Street. 332
I Savoy Savoy Centre. Sauchiehall Street.
I Scalini 51 West Regent Street. 331 1980.
I The Shelter 7 Renfrew Court. 332 6231.
I Sub Club 22 Jamaica Street. 248 4600. -
'LJI III ‘.|' L B . I SW148 Carlton Place. 429 5559.
I Talk Ol The Town 46 West George Street. 332 3000 I Tin Pan Alley 39 Mitchell Street . 221
5275. I Venue 474 Sauchiehall Street. 332 3872.
I Floral Riot Network 2. 10.30pm—4am. £2. Full ofindie kids flopping theirfringes to the likes ofJames. Stone Rosesand other current new wave faves. The playlist is moving steadily towards an up-to-date dance orientation. but still includes the odd classic from a few years back. Undoubtedly Edinburgh‘s best club ofits genre for a long time — and stillbuzzing though the students aren‘t around. Look out for a special live appearance in the nearfuture . ..
I Marley: Shady Lady's. 10.30pm—3am. £2. Reggae is THE sound of the summer. and this might just be the club toconvince the crowd that a slower music tempo does not necessarily equate with an empty dancefloor. Somewhat reliant on older. recognisable tracks though — and an older. recognisable audience.
I Pure The Venue. 11pm-4am. Members only. An interesting new concept designed to eliminate the undesirable element from the city club scene. Trot down tothe Venue on a Friday evening. enter its cavernous depths by the side door. have your picture taken. fill in a membership form. and trot off home. Unless you are a part of the city's undesirable element. your photopass will drop through your letterbox during the following week. allowing you to actually get into said club
I Mr D's 1 lpm--4am. £2.
I Savoy l 1pm—3am.£2. ()ver 25s' disco. I The Venue 11pm until late. £2. Thrain metal night.
I The Alhambra 31 Waterloo Street . 221 3260. I Bennets 90 (ilasslord Street. 552 5761. I The Champion 56 ()sw ald Street. 248
I The Choice 21 Royal lixchange Square.
I Hypnotonic Soundtrack at Fury .‘vlurrvs. £2. For those who have embraced the ' Madchester scene almost as wholeheartedly as Tony Wilson and the .N'Mli. Hypnotonic plays the best of the crossover. rave. dance power and new
I Bennetsllprri—-3.311ant.75p.
I Bele hair at SW1. 11.45pm until late. £1 I Boy at Club Xchange. 12pm—5am. 75p, I Brag at the Cotton Club. llpm—3.30am. £3 (£2 with ticket).
that Friday. Good. eh'.’ nine hundred
others think so too. making this one of
Edinburgh's best and busiest clubs at the
moment. Go and have a look - can you
stand the fortnight wait'.’
ITangerineThe Mission. 1 1pm-3am.£2. From 14 Sept. Well. the Dream team have been rudely kicked out ol'their usual slot along with several other clubs. in a change
ofmusical policy by the venue. lnthcii
place (although. lobe honest. we'd rather
have ‘em back) is yet another indie club
l{un by the lads from Katch. it promises
10.30pm—5am. £2 before midnight. £4 after.
I Mr D's llpm—4am. £2.
I Rattles 10.30pm—3am. £3.
I Savoy 11pm—3.30am.£4.
I Stomp at Mardi Gras. 10.30pm—3.30am. £3.50.
I SW1 11.45pm—5am. £1 .50.
I Three Amigos at Tin Pan Alley. llpm—late. £4 (£1 .50 with leaflet).
I Xposed at Club Xchange. 11.30pm—5.3(1am.£2.50.
The List l-f l 27 S—ep—ietnber—TETU 77