Open List is designed to cover public events not covered elsewhere in the magazine. We welcome submissions. which will be included sublect to space, to reach our Edinburgh oiiice not later than seven days heiore publication.
FUNDRAISER - v Sunday1
I Scottish Motor lleurone Disease Association Fun Run Strathclyde Country
Park, Hamilton. Info: 041 552 0507. 11am.
Entry fee: £3 (Child £1 .50; Family £8). The rare illness which killed David Niven in 1983 and Don Revie in 1989 debilitates physical functions, but leaves mental processes intact. If you wish to support those suffering from the disease, you can participate in this 4 or 6-mile run. Entry forms available from SMNDA , 50 Pamie Street, Glasgow, G1.
I Public Health Alliance in Scotland Conference Easthall Community Centre, Easterhouse, Glasgow. Info: Steve Fraser 0294 74166/041 332 2722. 10am—4pm. Representatives of universities and health boards £40; representatives of voluntary organisations and other interested individuals £20; low-waged and unwaged individuals free (admission price includes lunch; creche available). A one-day seminar to promote public health in its widest aspects. Speakers include Alwyn Smith (co-author, The Nation '3 Health) and community health activist Cathy McCormack. See panel.
Saturday 24 a Sunday 25
I Voice Workshop Salisbury Centre, 2 Salisbury Road, Edinburgh, 667 5438. 10am-5pm. £35(£25). Actress and singer Harriet Buchan gives one of her regular voice workshops at the Centre, exploring the body and the whole self for resonance. Ms Buchan’s techniques are based on her work with the Roy Hart Group in France.
Saturday 31 & Sunday 1
I Voice Workshop RSAMD, Renfrew Street, Glasgow. info: 2215557. lOam-Spm. £30(£20). Harriet Buchan leads a similar session in Glasgow. See previous entry.
Saturday 31
I The Music In You Salisbury Centre, 2 Salisbury Road, Edinburgh, 667 5438. lOam—Spm. £18(£12). Michelle Lynn leads a session to enable participants (experienced with music or not) to discover their own musical creativity.
I Circle Dance Salisbury Centre, 2 Salisbury Road, Edinburgh, 667 5438. lOam-Spm. £18(£12). Allan Edwards and Gerry Rowlands from Liverpool lead, using dance , story-telling, chants and body-painting to break down the effects of humankind‘s separation from nature. Bring percussion or other instruments and body paints if available.
Friday 23
I Anti-Apartheid March, Edinburgh Meet at
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A return to Victorian values is not something which appeals to us all, but one oi the values which the Victorians got right was the importance at public health. Whereas some oi those promoting health today do not blush to use the stranger Thatcherite slogan ‘Look alter yoursell’ (put the emphasis where you will) the Victorians understood that it you were worried about the health eiiects oi grotty water, you didn’t try to get the punters to buy it in bottles. You put the water supply right.
The notion oi the ‘health oi the people as the common good‘ was a inundation oi the early public health movement. The pioneers worked on improvements to housing, water supply, sewers, drains and loud supply. Not as glamorous as heart-lung transplants perhaps, but with rather more etiect on the general health oi the population.
The one-day conierence oi the Public Health Alliance, to be held in Easterhouse on Fri 23 will be addressing some at the issues around what is known as the New Public Health. Scotland has the unenviahie distinction oi having one oi the worst health records in Europe, and while plenty oi attention is given to the ways in which we can blame ourselves ior
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this (too many ciggies, too much boozing and too much oi the wrong sort oi lood), the PHA ieeis that co-ordinated action needs to be taken with respect to housing, iood, transport and the environment. Speakers at Friday's conierence include Alwyn Smith, author at “The Nation’s liealth', and Cathy McCormack, a mother lrom Easterhouse who was one oi the driving iorces behind the research published in the British Medical Joumai last year on the health eiiects oi damp housing. A number oi working groups at the conierence will be setting the agenda ior Public Health and identilying the issues on which the PHA in Scotland should campaign. Each working group will comprise both proiessionals and community representatives. The days have gone when proiessionals could say, ‘What we don't know isn’t knowiedge’. They recognise that in a positive alliance ior health there are many terms at expertise, and that ordinary people are at the sharp end at experience. As Cathy McCormack has written oi the housing conditions at Easihail, ‘i used to think I was dait, but then I started to realise that the people who designed our living conditions must have been insane’.
(l-ielen Roberts)
Mound Precinct, 6.30pm. Rally Meadowbank Sports Centre, 8pm. info: 041 221 1276. ‘To lift sanctions now would be to run the risk of aborting the process towards the complete eradiction of apartheid.’ So said Nelson Mandela on the day of his release, yet the British Government calls for a lifting of sanctions
and still fails to exert political pressure against apartheid. Under F .W. de Klerk, South Africa denies its black citizens the right to vote , and while Mandela is free many other political prisoners remain behind bars. As racial violence flares again, the Scottish Anti-Apartheid Movement has organised this march to
‘Stop Thatcher Supporting Apartheid‘.
Thursday 29-Sunday1
I Clvilislng The City: Edinburgh Details: Jim Johnson 225 8818/Scottish Civic Trust 041221 1466. A high-powered, international conference organised by the Scottish Civic Trust and the Edinburgh Old Town Committee For Conservation And Renewal in conjunction with several other urban conservation and development groups. The subtitle is ‘Quality Or Chaos In Historic Towns' , and subjects for discussion include traffic, transportation and tourism. Places are limited to around 400 delegates, and advance booking is required (price options £10—£93).
Saturday 31
I People’s Power Demo Against The Poll Tax Assemble St J ohn’s Road/George Square, Glasgow, 10.30am (depart
1 lam). Rally Queens Park noon. Info: 041 204 3592/03] 557 1595 (call Edinburgh number for information on chartered buses for the event). To mark the birthday of the P011 Tax, the Scottish Federation of Anti-Poll-Tax Groups has organised this
' demo through the centre of Glasgow,
which culminates in an outdoor rally, at which speakers will include Tommy Sheridan, Dick Douglas MP, Ron Brown MP, Jimmy Rae MP and some representatives of APT groups south of the border. The Proclaimers are expected to be present, as is Pat Kane, but the bands performing have yet to be confirmed.
Monday 26
I Woven Gardens: Carpets at The Middle East Lecture Theatre, Royal Museum Of Scotland, Chambers Street, Edinburgh. Info: 225 7534 ext 219. 12.45pm. Jennifer Scarce continues the Islam PasrAnd Present series.
I lilmaiaya East To West George Square Theatre, Edinburgh. Info: Jim White 0475 44122. 7.30pm. £3.50. Doug Scott gives an illustrated lecture on his conquest of J itchu Drake in 1988, his travels in Bhutan, the East Karakoran Mountains, Changabang and Shivling, and the Buddhist cultures of Bhutan and Ladakh.
I Political Astrology oi the taaosAnd Glasgow’s Cultural Events Glasgow Theosophical Centre, 17 Queens Crescent, Glasgow. Info: 0475 568600. 8pm. A talk by the Theosophical Centre's Malcolm McQueen.
Tuesday 27
I Trekking And Mountaineering in the Karakoram Himalaya Bearsden Burgh Hall, Bearsden Cross, Glasgow. info: 041954 6874. Free. David Hamilton outlinesthc adventure tours being organised by the ‘High Adventure' organisation this year, with slides of the landscapes and villages of the Pakistan-China border.
IAspects OlAlhania Museum And Art Galleries, High Street, Paisley. Info: 041 248 4013/0292 590 273. 7.30for 8pm. £1 (including wine). Rob Close, Chairman of
The List 23 March — 5 April 1990 59