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Reorienting: Looking East, Third Eye Centre, Glasgow.

A strange contraption, looking is it it were made by a Meccano-illiterate, manages to support an aquarium with a carp six leet oil the ground. As you walk towards it, it (the carp?) says something short and incomprehensible. You wait lor it to speak again; just when you give up and walk all, it speaks, and again you don’t catch it.

Jon Kessler’s Path ol a Carp is in an exciting show oi eight Japanese and other artists at the Third Eye. They come together through their creative response to hl-tec developments, blended with a sensibility where lorm and content, physicality and spirituality are inextricably linked. How much this could be neatly pigeon-holed in the west as a ‘Japanese' approach is thrown open by the inclusion at French and American work, and by the internationalism ol

the media used - none of the artists work with media that any culture would call traditional. The most beautllully powerlul piece links time and meditation: Tatsuo Miyaiima’s Counter Circle: in a black-out,'on the floor, a circle of LED numbers travel lrom 1-99 at diflerent speeds. Hiroshi Sugimoto’s photos or cinemas show glowing screens: the exposure lasted the length at the lllm. The most provocative works are Tashi llirokawa's photos at workers in traditional occupations- monks, larmers, etc-wearing stunningly expensive clothes designed by internationally known Japanese designers, posing while doing their jobs. It’s the kind at conceit that lashion photography could come up with; lwas lelt leeling I’d preterto talk to the people photographed than to the photographer about the images. Incidentally, the carp says ‘hello’ and ‘goodbye’ in Japanese. (Hilary Robinson)

photographs and models documenting the life of Springburn mothers.

I MCLELLAN GALLERIES 270 Sauchiehall Street. 332 1132. Mon—Sat 10am—6pm (Thurs 10am-10pm): Sun noon—6pm. British Art Show 1990 Until 11 March. The exhibition chosen to reopen the lavishly refurbished galleries will attempt to reflect the latest developments in British contemporary art. A controversial choice ofexhibition some would say. namely Julian Spalding director of Glasgow City Art Galleries. The work of some 40young artists will be on show.

I 908 GALLERY 12 Otago Street. Kelvinbridge. 339 3158. Mon—Sat 10am—6pm.

New Decades Until 28 Feb. At last. the decade that the eponymous gallery has been waiting for. and to celebrate its arrival they have an exhibition of work by numerous Glasgow artists.

I ONE Princes Square. 226 3032. Mon—Sat 10am—7pm; Sun 11.30am—5pm.

Three in One Until 17 Feb. The trio comprises Joe Davie, Brian Cairns and Simon Laurie.

I SPRINGBURN MUSEUM Ayr Street. 557 1405. Mon—Fri 10.30am—5pm. Sat 10am—4.30pm, Sun 2pm—5pm. Get Knitted Until 30 March. Knitting. old and new. that the inhabitants of Springburn have indulged in.

I STREET LEVEL 279—281 High Street. 552 2151 . Weds-Sat 11am—6pm; Sun 2—4pm. Shelters and Baskets 27 J an—25 Feb. Much travelled artist. Chris Drury. creates sculptures in the back of beyond which he then photographs along with the surrounding landscape. The gallery will be showing his photographic records ofhis work alongside some of the sculptures.

I THIRD EYE CENTRE 350 Sauchiehall Street. 332 7521 . Tue—Sat mam—5.30pm; Sun 2—5.30pm.

Reorienting: Looking East Until 4 March. Four Japanese and four European artists address the perception ofJapan. from a Western viewpoint as well as through Japanese eyes.

I TRANSMISSION GALLERY 28 King Street. 552 4813. Mon—Sat noon—6pm.

The Thatcher Legacy Until 3 Feb. An installation of sculptures by Sean Taylor that have been inspired by the ten year long rule ofThatcher.

Peter Gllmour and David Allen Until 3 Feb. Both have installations on show in the upstairs space.

I TRON THEATRE 63 Trongate. 552 3748. A mixed show of Scottish contemporary artists. organised by the Compass Gallery. I WASPS 26 King Street. 5520564. Mon—Fri 9am—5pm.

A shop. exhibition space and resource

centre with information on work by all WASPS artists. Slide library and information about how to commission work.

Roy Mclnnes Until 9 Feb. Roy. who isa resident of WASPS. presents his recent paintings, drawings and prints.


I THE ARCHITECTURE GALLERY University of Edinburgh, Dept of Architecture. 20 Chambers Street. 667 1011 ext 4543. Mon—Fri 10am—8pm; Sat & Sun 10am—3pm.

No exhibiton organised yet.

I LA BELLE ANGELE Hasties Close. Cowgate (next to 369 Gallery). 225 2774. Mon—Fri 10am—5pm; Sat 11am—4pm. Shot Up North 26 Jan—25 Feb. A collection of photographs taken by members ofthe Association of Photographers. or at least those that are based north of London. 'Erc hold on a minute. maybe there are snappers not based in the Big Smoke, Iawks!

I BOURNE FINE ART 4 Dundas Street, 557 4050. Mon—Fri 10am—6pm. Sat 10am—lpm.

Scottish watercolours and oils from the Gallery‘s stock until the nextexhibition. which will be in the Spring.

I CALTON GALLERY 10 Royal Terrace. 556 1010. Mon—Fri 10am—6pm; Sat 10am—1pm.

A selection of paintings from stock until the next exhibition which will be in March. I CENTRAL LIBRARY George IV Bridge. 225 5584. Mon—Fri 9am-8.30pm; Sat 9am—1pm.

Celestial Glass Until 27 Jan. Stained glass

George Devlin Keith McIntyre Jock Knox Dominic Snyder Tommy Lydon Helen F. Wilson

Christine McAnhur

26 January - 23 February 1990 OPEN ALL DAY

byGarySmith- RENFREW counr flirtation From the Far East 1 Feb—31 opposite O|d Apollo I CITY ART CENTRE 2 Market Street. 225 041 2424 ext 6650. Mon—Sat 10am—5pm. Licensed cafe. [D]. Time and Motion Until 17 Feb. A group of HUNTERIAN ART GALLERY THE ART OF THE PRINT Part I: From Mantegna t0 Goya 13 January 3 March 1990

Newly Published Prints & Printmaking: £2.50 Sponsored by Mitchells Roberton, Solicitors

Hunterian Art Gallery, University of Glasgow, Glasgow G12 800 Mon—Fri 9.30—5.00; Sats 9.30—1.00 Tel 041 330 5431. Admission Free

The best things in

life are free

Every January the National Gallery of Scotland exhibits its remarkable collection of Turner wa- tercolours. Turner but no turnstiles, Monday

through Saturday from 10 to 5 and Sunday 2 to 5.

The List 26 January 8 February 1990 51