I Bachaka Paisley Arts Centre. New Street. Paisley. 887 1010. Arresting blend of contemporary jazz. baroque. folksy themes.

I Paisley Arts Jazz Paisley Arts Centre. New Street. Paisley. 887 1010. Lunchtime from 12.30pm. Live band.

I Tim Barella Big Band Society Of Musicians. Berkeley Street. 221 61 12. 2pm. Non-membersi‘l.

I George Penman's Jazz Band Curlers. Byrcs Road. 334 1284. Trad from

8.3()- l().5()pm. Traddies.

I Duncan Whyte Jazz Band Studio One Lounge. Grosvenor Hotel. Byres Road. 7.30—1().3().

IAnother Hairdo O‘t lenry‘s. Kelvinbridge. Great Western Road. 9till late. Young indic-jazzers. piano/sax/guitar.


I The Ukelele Orchestra of Great Britain. Ross Theatre. Princes Street Gardens. 2.30pm. Free. One dozen little ukes play the music of the 20th century. classics. pop and jazz. Not George Formby.

I Capital Jazz Band Crest Hotel. Queensferry Road. 332 2442. 2—5pm.

I Jazz Sunday Royal British llotel. Princes Street. 8—1 lpm. Free. unless special guest artists are performing. Tonight the residents. Mike Hart‘s Society Syncopators.

I Alpha Jazz Quartet Ellersley l louse Hotel. Ellersley Road. (‘orstorphine. 337 6888. 8—1 lpm.

I Barony Jazz Barony Bar. Broughton Street. 5570546. Live band. 8.30-1 lpm. Tonight Melanie O'Reilly and Francis Cowan. vocals with guitar.

I Liz MacEwan/Jack Finlay Trio Fairmile lnn. llillend8.3(l—l lpm. Fine soul jazz singer.

MONDAY 10 Glasgow

I Trilogy Finlays. Byres Road. 8.3lipm. Cool mainstream jazz.

I Blue Mondays Authentic Jazz Club Gillespies. 26 Cheapside Street. offClyde Street. 221 7701 . New Orleans Musicand Dancing. 9pm. Residents Kit Carey'sJazz Band and guests. 9pm.

I George Penman's Jazzers Carnegies. 142 St Vincent Street. 8pm.


I Martin Foster Trio Maxies Bistro. West Nicholson Street. 9pm—midnight. Clarinet/sax with guitar and bass.

I Shore Music The Shore Bar/ Restaurant. The Shore. Leith. 9pm. Tonight Hugh and Graham. swing violin and guitar.

I East Coast Jazz Band Blue Lagoon. Angle Park Terrace. 331 9922. Evening. 9— 12pm. Resident Trad band.


I Bobby Wishart Group Halt Bar. Woodlands Road. 332 1211). Evening. Saxes and flute virtuoso.

I Dig Jazz Night Boswell llotel. Mansion House Road. Langside. 8pm. George Ogilvie leads Trad and Dixie night.

I Andrew Gordon Duintel Bonhams. Byres Road. 357 3424. Evening.


I Swing 89 Malt Shovel. Cockburn Street. 225 6843. Evening. Django-based swing foursome.

I Louisiana Ragtime Band Navaar t louse Hotel. Mayfield Gardens. 667 2828. Evening.

I Shore Music The Shore Bar Restaurant. The Shore. Leith. 9pm. Tonight Robert Pettigrew and Kenny Ellis. piano double

Julian Lennon, Calton Studios, Edinburgh, Sun 2 July. ‘lmagine I'm my father, it isn’t hard to do. I look exactly like him, and sing just like him too . . .’ So sang the Spitting Image satirisls five years ago, just after the most famous ollspring in pop-dom had made his chart debut. ‘Too Late For Goodbyes’, and a chart-topping album ‘Vallole’ made Lennon a fairly regular and welcome fixture in the music press and chart shows, his spacious piano-driven tunes surprising many a pundit with their undeniably line hooks. Cynics continued to scoff at Lennon's vocal technique, which approximated his father’s right down to the last echo-swathed inflection, but it still looked as if Jules was here to stay. ‘The Secret Value oi Daydreaming’, however, effectively put a stop to that. The ‘ditiicult second album’ incarnate,

it abounded with soppy ballads and half-baked ‘concepts’. Julian was a bit oi a music biz joke again: “Daydreaming’ was OK but it could have been a lot better,’ he says, ‘it wasn’t really special to me. There were pressures which made me rush headlong into recording. And the whole album was made to a ridiculously tight schedule. Forthe year anercompleting that album I tried to avoid music. . . Everytime I saw a piano. . .’

Every time he saw a piano, he’d avoid it and lunge instead tor the nearest souped-up guitar. Or so his latest album ‘MrJordan’ suggests. Produced by Madonna maestro Pat Leonard and written in collaboration with Cyndi Lauper’s guitarist John McCurry (thus making it a Lennon/McCurry production, lolksl), the album is irom the lull-blown American rockola school, all gated drums and humming guitars. After five years of dealing with the topic as cursorily as possible, Lennon is philosophical about his inheritance: ‘Comparisons will carry on, I suppose, but at least not everyone does it. I remember one thing happening some guy had written into a magazine saying about my lyrics “look at these lyrics they’re not as good as his Dad‘s. They‘re not as good as ‘Imagine’.“ Someone wrote back and said “Look atJulian— he’s 22. What did John Lennon write at 22? ‘Love, Love Me 00’! Those weren’t intense comments." I thought that was nice.’ (Allan Brown)


I Barony Jazz Barony Bar. Broughton Street. 55711546. Jack Hammer Band 9-1 1 .3llpm. Singer. sax and guitar.

WEDNESDAY 12 Glasgow

I Sandy Taylor/Alex Moore Duo Glasgow Society Of Musicians. Berkeley Street. 221 6112. 8.30pm. Slip. Bar.


I Jazz Base L'Attache. basement of Rutland Hotel. West End. Princes Street. 9pm. Free. Regular line-upof

piano keyboards. bass. drums. guitar. brass and reeds. Modern.

I Al Fairweather and Friends Youn gs ilotel. l.eamington Terrace. 2296481. 8.3(1pm. Trumpet star's weekly blow.

I Charlie McNair’s Band Preservation Hall. Victoria Street. 226 3816. Evening. Edinburgh band leader and trumpeter.



I About Time Bon Accord. (‘haring('ross. 9.3llpm. Residency.

I Jiveass Blues and Boogie Wintersgills. Great Western Road. 830—] lpm. Dual-vocalist RotB band.

I Live Jazz Blackfriars. Bell Street. Merchant ('ity. 552 5924. Evening. Andy Alston. jazz piano.

(‘heck for details.


I Gordon Fyiie Trio Alton l lotel. GrosvenorCrescent. Evening.

I Criterion Jazz Band Fat Sams. Fountainbridge. Evening.

I Joe Capaldi Quartet Brandos. Blair Street. Evening.

I Templehall Stompers Temple llotel. Esplanade. Joppa. 669 4264. Evening. Trad and Dixie residents. (iood fttn. Busy.


RIDAY 30 Glasgow

I The Damned and The Claytown Troupe Barrow land. 244 (iallowgate. 552 46111. 7.3(lpni. Al the same time a reunion and farewell tour. featuring('aplain Sensible loo! Odds are now being taken on whether the Damned will become The Plattersol


Require bands to tour the States for 3-8 weeks. Send demo and photographs to 163 West George St., Glasgow 62 2JJ

their generation. and embark on more comeback tours in years loeome. Claytown Troupe are uninspired and cumbersome rock. whose recent single made an impact on the lower end of the charts.

I The Indigo Girls I my Records. 72 L'nion Street. lpm. l-‘rec. Brilliant American songwriters who will no doubt be hailed as this year's'l'racy

(‘hapman Suzanne Vega. This is ol'very high ‘I saw it first‘ \ alttc.


I The Kevin McDermott Orchestra (‘alton (Tub. ('alton Stttdios. ('alton Road. 556 71166. l'nde r the auspices of 'I‘emlem's‘e.’. Sec panel.

I Kitchen Devils Preservation 1 Tall. Victoria Street. 226 3816. Li after9.3(1pm. I Live band Lord |)arnley. \Vcsl Purl. 22‘) 4341 .

SATURDAY1 1 Edinburgh

I Pere Ubu and The Miracle Legion(‘alton Studios. (‘alton Road. 556 71166. All the signs are that this gig will be as packed and roasting as their last Scottish appearance. at The Venue. With the radio-friendly tracks from their new 1.1’ cmanatinga different . and more accessible. kind of tension. l'bu are set to break into thcbig little at last. Miracle l.egion. the wry.and probably a little mad. acoustic twosome. might have to w ail a little bit longer.

I Swing Shill Negocianls. Lothian Street. 225 6313. 9.45pm. l-ree. Modern rock in (iabricl l'2 mould.

I Texas Breakfast Preservation l lall. Victoria Street. 226 3816. 1.1 altel‘9.3tlpm. Rhythm & blues.

I Bluelinger Platform ()ne. Rutland Street. Residency. Rock‘n'roll-tnfluenccd pop group with original material and an impressive (‘\' olsession work.

I Blue Vein Ryrie's. llaymarket Terrace. 337 7582. 9pm. Free. Rhythm & blues. Residency.

I Bulb Cormorant Lord l)arnley. west Port. 2294341. Afternoon. l5rcc. Relaxed jam-session atmosphere.

I Live band Lord l)arnley. West Port. 229 4341. lllprn.

E NDAY 2 Glasgow

I Phase II. Tawana Curry and Jerry Edwards Fury Murry‘s. 96 Maxwell Street.22l

651 1. PA tour for stars of the Republic LP Paradise Regalnetl The Garage Sound of Deepest New- York Vol 2. with ‘infamous‘ New Jersey trio Phase 11. whose single ‘Reachin" has been a clttb favourite for more than a year.

I nypliC Clews i iooters Bar. ( )sw aid Street. 9.30pm. Free. 'l'hree-piecc outfit with original material. whose misspelled name comes from hand mctnbcr Michael ('lews.

The List 30June 13July 1989 43