
I Loose Cut and Souled Dutt‘lytle Hall. l'pstairs at ()smosis. Jamaica Street. 248 4554. 8.30pm 1am. L2(Ll.50). i.oose('ut play blues. and Souled ( )ut periorm oils‘

I Glasgow Rhythm Club 1 ‘nitarian ( 'hurch. 7.3 Berkeley Street. 2.45pm. listablished 1933. Records and talk discussion.

I George McGowan Band Blitc‘lxtrlitl'\. “C” Street. Merchant (‘ity . 552 5924.1“.vening. With Linda Hetcher. vocals

I Dicky Rolex Baby (irand. Briggait. (‘lyde Street. 1am.

I Danny Thompson Blue Note. ( ‘haring (’ross. 1 1pm. I’ree. Piano Bar with soloist.


I Friday Night At The Queens Hall ( 'lerk Street. (>68 2019. 831 lpm. £o.50(£5l. ’l‘ickets‘irom ()ueens Hall BoxOllice‘. Virgin Records. Princes Street; Ripping Records. .\'orth Bridge; lona Records. Stockwell Street. (ilasgow . The Tilting Ground ieatures ( ilasgow composer and keyboard maestro ( 'hick l._vall w ho has just released an album with the Norwegian saxophonist. last seen here in Masquelero. 'l‘ore Brunborg. A pastoral theme is picked up in the complementary music of saxophone and bagpipe duo Dick Lee and Hamish Moore.

I Wide Angle Palace Hotel. (‘astle Street. 2256222. livening. Late bar. Jazz Machine.

I Danny Dorrian and Friends ( ‘umherliind Hotel. West ('oates ('rardens. 8.30 1 1pm. I Liz MacEwan/Jim Henry (‘rest 1 lotel. ()ueensierry Road. 332 2442.

7.45 11.45pm. Soul blues and standards irom line singer pianist.

I Alpha JBZZ Quartet lillersley l lottsc Hotel. lillersley Road. (iorstorpbinc. 337 (i888. 8 1 1pm.



I Danny Thompson Blue Note. ('haring (‘ross 10pm. l‘ree. Piano Bar with soloist. I Ron Moore, Rikki Fernandez and Friends 1.a'I‘averna. 7a Lansdow ne ('rescent . 339 7128. 9 llpm.1~'ree. Resident guitar and bass with guest musician each week.

I Dave MacLellan Quartet (itirlers. Byres Road. 2.30 5.30pm. Residency.

I Bill Fanning Orchestra Society ()t Mtlsiclans. Berkeley Street. 221 ()1 l2. 2pm. Weekly event.

I George McGowan Orchestra Berlin Lounge Bar. 8-~ 10 West (ieorge Street. Queen Street Station. 335 2382. 2 -5pm. Free. The Big Band repertoire.

I Society Quartet Society ()i' Mtisicians. Berkeley Street. 221 ()1 12. 8pm. 50p. Music and dancing. Songs iromlimniy Alston.


I Kenny Ball and his Jazzmen i-‘orum Iixhibition ('entre. Almondvale West. Livingston. 8pm. £8.50. Tickets from Virgin Iidinburgh. or Box office050h 419191. Perrenial British rev ivalists.

I Brooks Negociants. Bristo Square. 10pm. t-‘ree. Six piece acoustic jazz hand with singer [.orna Brooks. over trom the West ot' Scotland.

I Toto And The Jazz Bostons Preservation Hall. Victoria Street. 226 38th. 2»-4pm.


_._ .'t . Wizard oi Jazz, Edinburgh 23rd.


Phil Bancroft, with that other young Edinburgh tenor saxophonist, Tommy Smith, has been oti on tour, putting some reedy muscle into the back line oi Hue and Cry. An enjoyable, it not too technically demanding experience, it has the added attraction, tor a jazz player, oi paying well. But people play jazz because they love it, because they have to, and tor the huge stimulous oi interacting, and improvising within a group oi like minds. Phil's band, The John Rae Collective are just such a conjunction. Fortheirages, long on experience, they project an enthusistic cohesion and unity oi purpose while still allowing the individual voices expression within their bop-and-beyond musical idiom.

Edinburgh audiences marvelled at Brian Kellock's recent series oi Queens Hall openers where he let loose on the Steinway, with each week only one oi the Collective ior company. it is perhaps uniair to pick out two irom such a strong 6-man line up, better to recommend them as the best band to have emerged in this country tor a long while, and to catch them at the last Maylest gig in Glasgow's Shed on the 21st.

Edinburgh's Queens Hall is an intimate venue tor a singer as popular as the Southern Belle Marion Montgomery. To a packed house on the 26th, with the impeccable musical sense oi Richard Rodney Bennett on the piano, she will work through the great body oi classy popular song, irom Irving Berlin to Stephen Sondheim, that was smothered in the smoke oi the rock and roll revolution, and is being rediscovered by the younger generation as it endlessly recycles the past, searching tor innocence in style, and iinding that things careiully wrought, last longer.

The vogueish denizens oi Edinburgh's Gilded Balloon might raise an eyebrow at the Wizard Di Jazz, see photo, on the 23rd. in the Balloon’s Theatre tor one night, TNT Company’s touring production manages to have Yank servicemen, Welsh pubs, Al Johnson and a modern jazz group zipped into a surreal black comedy. See Listings iorthe line up oi musicians. (Norman Chalmers).

I Palace Jazz Palace Hotel. (‘astle Street. 225 (i222. ‘l‘ill lam. AiterEightMince.

I Danny Dorrian and Friends ( ‘umherluntl Hotel. West (‘oates (iardens. 8.30- 1 1pm. I Liz MacEwan/Jim Henry (‘rest Hotel. ()ueensl'erry Road. 332 2442.

7.45 11.45pm. lz'ine soul jazz singer with pianist.

I Platiorm 1 (‘aledonian Hotel. Rutland Street. lunchtime piano with the Alex Shaw Tho.

I Dr MacJaa Basin Street. I lay market. Iivening. 'l'rad venue.

I 80 Weevil Preservation Hall. Victoria Street. 226 3816. 1iyening. Rhythm and Blues rockers.


I Paisley Arts Jazz Paisley Arts ( ’entre. New Street. Paisley . 887 1010. Lunchtime lrom 12.30pm. George McKay Band lronted by bassist new to (ilasgow. playing hisown music in a contemporary quartet.

I Tim Barella Big Band Society ( )i Mtisicians. Berkeley Street. 22] (i1 12. 2pm. Non members £1.

I The John Rae Collective ‘I‘he Shed. 25 Blackiriars Street. behind (‘ity Halls. Bar and snacks. £3.50. Tickets from 'I‘icket ('entre. 227 551 1. or on the door. Last Maylest event in the Shed has Scotland‘s leading young modern jazz group in concert. John Rae. drums; Brian Kellock. keyboards; Phil Bancroft. tenor sax; Colin Steele. trumpet; Kevin Mackenzie. guitar: and Kenny Ellis. bass. See panel.

I Westwood Jazz Club RSAt‘ 1 1 Blythswood Square. 221 3850.

8pm -1 lprn. [)oorsopen 7.30pm. Members £3. guests 14. Tonight. vibes and saxophone from the leader of theJimmy Feighan Quartet with singer Sheila Buchanan.

I George Penman‘s Jazz Band ( ‘urlers. Byres Road. 334 1284. Trad from 8.3ii-l0.50pm.

I Duncan Whyte Jazz Band siutlio ( )ne Lounge. (irosvenor l lotel. Byres Road. 7.30 lll.3il.


I Capital Jazz Band (irest Hotel. ()ueensierry Road. 332 2442. 2 5pm.

I Liz MacEwan/Jim Henry ( ale A 1.21 Ronde. York Place. 12.30 2.30pm. Blues. jazz and soul lor your lunch.

I Brian Kellock Trio Platinum 1. (’aledonian Hotel. Rutland Place. 1 3pm. Modern jazz piano.

I Jim Henry Group Raeburn Bar. Raeburn Place.l 2.30pm.

I Jazz Sunday Royal British Hotel. Princes Street. 8 llpm. liree. unless special guest artists are performing. 'lonight the residents. Mike Hart's Society Syncopators include singer Wendy Weatherby.

I Barony Jazz Barony Bar. Broughton Street. 5570540. Live band. 8.30 11pm. 'lioniglit Melanie O‘Reilly and Francis


Assembly Music and Edinburgh District Council present




Legendary trumpeter. Dizzy Gillespie, fronts a unique all star band, playing Afro Cuban, Latin American, Brazilian, Caribbean music and of course bebop.

FRIDAY 2 JUNE 8.00PM £11. £10. £7.50, £6.50

Cowan. vocals with guitar.

I Alpha Jazz Quartet Ellersley House Hotel. tillersley Road. (‘orstorphine. 337 (i888. 8—1 1pm.

I Bo Weevil Preservation Hall. Victoria Street. 2263816. 2—4pm.

Rhythm and Blues. o


Glasgow I Blue Mondays Authentic Jazz Club

(iillespies. 2h (‘heapeside Street.oii (‘Iyde Street. 221 7701. New Orleans Music and Dancing. 9pm. Residents Kit Carey's Jazz Band and guests. 9pm.


I Shore Music The Shore Bar Restaurant. the Shore. l.eith. 9pm. Tonight Hugh and Graham. swing violin and guitar.

I East Coast Jazz Band Blue Lagoon. Angle Park Terrace. 331 9922. Evening.

9 12pm. Resident 'I‘rad band.

I Martin FosterTrio Maxies Bistro. West Nicholson Street. 9pm- 12 midnight. Reeds. guitar and bass.



I Bobby Wishart Group Halt Bar. Woodlands Road. 332 1210. Iivening. Saxes and llute virtuoso.

I Monty‘s Bar And Diner 1256 Argyle Street. near Kelvin Hall. 334 8907. 1-.vening. Weekly'l‘rad Jazz night.

I Big Jazz Night Boswell Hotel. Mansion House Road. Langside. 8pm. (ieorge ()gilv ie leads the 'l’rad and Dixie bash. I Jazz Academy Bonhams. Byres Road. 35" 3424. Iivening.


I The Wizard Di Jazz (iilded Balloon theatre. (’owgate. 8.30pm. £3 (£2).

'1'..\' .'l ‘I'heatre (‘ompany on an extended British tour with this surreal black comedy which takes wing in a Welsh pub. carriesa jazz theme. and uses two actors. a score by virtuoso trombonist and arranger John Kenny. and musicians Steve Kettleyrm saxophones. guitarist Gary Boyle. Rick Bamiord on drums and Brian Sheilson bass. . I Rootsie Tootsie Blues Band Preservation Hall. Victoria Street. 226 3816.1-ivening.

I Barony Jazz Barony Bar. Broughton Street. 557 0546. Jack Hammer Band 9pm. Youngish band. bass. sax. guitar and vocalist.

I Shore Music The Shore Bar Restaurant. The Shore. [.eitli. 9pm. 'I’onight Robert Pettigrew and Kenny Ellis. piano double bass.

I Louisiana Ragtime Band Nriviizir 1 louse Hotel. Mayl‘ield (iardens. (>67 2828. Evening.

WEDNESDAY 24 Glasgow

I Brooks l’ixx. 86 Miller Street. 248 2859.

, _J

The List 19 May— 1 Juiié~ i689 45