I Tex Fillet Five The Trading Post. 32'l‘he Sitting leitlp 553 716-1. S-l Ipm. (i ck \V fun.

I The Full Shilling Ry ries Bar. llaymarkct. S llprn. l‘iddle. guitarand hanJo.


I Travelling Folk BB(~ Radio Scotland. 3 9.25pm Archie l-‘ishcr presents records. ncyss and liye recording ot lain Maclntosh.


I Darden Smith and The Big Guns Rn ersitle ('luh. lox Street. otl (‘lyde Street. 248 M44 .S'pm. £5. (iuitar. string hassand drums ysiththe singer songys rrler \s ho figures l.y lc loyctt and Nanci ( iriltith helping out on his lirst alhurn. Rising star oi the New ('ountry.

I Scotia Folk Night Scotia Bar . Stockys cll Street. 55: SOS]. l.l\ e groups.

I Victoria Bar Br idgegate. 552 onto. 9pm. \\ eckly session


I Linlithgow Folk Club Black Bitch lay ern. West Port. linlithgoys . Spin. 'l‘onight.The Old Rope String Band. l’rom Ncys castle. the tunruest hunch ot good riiusiciansyou'll

I Fiddlers Arms ( irassmarket. ‘) llprn. Monday night is Scottish music night.

I The Green Tree ( ‘ougare. In ening. Session till lam.

I Folk At L'Attache l.'Attache. hascment ol Rutland Hotel. West lind ol’l’rinccs Street. 9pm. l-rec.



I Paisley Arts Folk Paisley Arts(‘entrc. New Street. SS“ llllll. Split. l’rce.


I Seannachie linsign liyy art. lays'nmarket. near the Castle. 0 12pm l’ree. Well knoyy n Scots hand plays yyeekly residency.

I Acoustic Music Nights .‘ylilnes Bar. llanoy er Street. S5“ -l lprn. Admission tree.

I Miro ITAttachc. hascmcnt oi Rutland

l lotel. \Vest lind. Resident lolk hand. llutcsliddles and all


I lnverclyde Folk Club Baylers. lu: Roxhurgh Street. (ircenock. Spin. ()ccasional guest performers.

I Scotia Folk Night Scotia Bar. Stockyy ell Street. 552 SM].

I Folk Session llalt Bar. Woodlands Road. 332 121“. lyening. Instrumental nuisic on tiddle. accordion etc.


I Edinburgh Folk Club ( )shottt nc l lotel. York l’lace. 55o 55"". Spm. £2.5llti l .5lll. Singers Night.

I Rod Paterson St James ( )yster Bar. (alton Road. ‘lpm. liasy (‘luh'syoealisL solo.

I Guizer l’lattorm l . Rutland Street. 225 2433.l1yening



I Star F0lk Club ( ilasgoyy Society ( )t \ttrsrcians. Berkeley Street. heside Mitchell lhcalre Spm. £1.5tl. John Hunter


I No U Turn '1 he 'I rading Post. 32‘l'hc Shore. leith. 553 "lo-l. S5llti|l late. Free. Bluegrass hand.

I Dave Robb St .lames ( )yster Bar. ( ‘alton Road. ‘lpm. (‘ontemporary acoustic singer songysriler.

“The List 19May— 1 June 1989


lVlUOlb L410 lIFULA

With their singer in his late 20s. trom that melting pot at music which is Austin. Texas. where you can find, in adjacent bars, Tex Mex accordions. swing tiddle. and touring bands like Ossian doing one night stands, comes one ol the most respected outlits ol the New Country scene. You can tell by his outtit that he is a cowboy, but Darden Smith rides a Cadillac with two guys in the band. and they look like they might join the animal liberationists in stopping cattle branding. never mind singing about it. Darden Smith and The Big Guns are lrom the same Lone Star State as Lyle Lovell and Nanci Grillith, both at whom teature on Darden's eponymous debut album. His laid-back approach works well with the sparkling guitar. Roland Denney‘s 5 string acoustic bass and Paul Pearcy's drums. The songs, with theirthoughttul lyrics, exude warmth like a desert boulderinthe night.

The trio play Glasgow's Riverside on the 22nd and Edinburgh‘s Calton

Studios on the 21 st. as part oi the Route

89 national Country Music promotion. Folk musicians are always picking up

instruments an

Darden Smith and the Big Guns. Edinburgh

21st. Glasgow 22nd.


d knocking a tune out at

them, and some are harderthan others, but the didgeridoo is no joke.

You might not have noticed many around here, but things are changing. Folk Roots magazine regularly runs an advert lrom an English maker. producing them in dilterent keys. In Scotland however, they are still a rarity, but one will appearsoon at the Edinburgh Folk Club. Dougie MacLean spent some time in Australia, was schooled in the Aboriginal techniques. and now packs the wooden tube with his fiddle and guitar. Alter years on the road, Dougie has made music his business, singing, writing songs, operating a recording studio. running a record label and organising promotional tours lor his ‘stable' at artists, all lrom his base in Dunkeld. Sometimes with a band, he plays Edinburgh solo on the 315t, working his own, and other people's writings, in with compelling traditional Scots song, then tor a change ol mood, llinging out a reel ortwo on the riddle, or calling up the occasional strathspey or slow air lrom that other Dunkeld liddler. at two centuries ago, the legendary Neil Gow. (Norman Chalmers).

I Jim Knight/Denny Swanson/Jerry Bell

lansign l‘ysart. I an nmarket. 225 ’44“. i'ycning \ll guitarist singers


j Glasgow

I Rowantree Folk Club Roysanlree Inn. By ' l'ddrngstoncioss. l‘ddingston. 9 ll -15pm ll. lnlormalmusic.

()ceasional hooked pcrlormers.

I CBllidh Riserside. l'ox Street . oll (ilyde Street. 21S 514-1. lllpm. £3. Very popular.

' Edinburgh

I The Humppl Family ’l he ‘lrading Post. 32

’l he Shore. 1 eith. 553 7164.lllpmtilllate.

l'lee Resltlelll W eekend hand. Splint country and western.

I Steam Jenny l’latlorm l. Rutland Street. 225 2433. l'yemng Puh tolk hand.

I Kevin Tait ( 'andlemakers Arms. (irassmatkel.‘)pm l251lam l'iolksmging entertainer

. l - Glasgow

I 10.000 Maniacs Pavilion 'I‘heatre. Rentield Street Hpm. £5. American punklolls‘crs.

I Ceilidh Riyerside. rm Street. ott('lydc Street. 2-1S 3144. ltlpm. 13. Packs them in.


I Edinburgh Mod I)unlermline ( ~ollege. (‘tamond Junior ( ‘ompelitions9.30pm; Senior ( ‘ompctitions. 2.3llpm. (‘onccrt

" .illpm. l)ctailstl.‘\l 339mm. (iaclic song. music and the spoken ysord. toiind

out who goes to Stornoyyay in the Autumn tor the National .‘ylod.

I Carlos Arredondo cornerstone. St Johns ('hurch. West lind ol Princes Street. "..‘~llpin. £3 ( £2 ). ('hilean songyy riter and guitarist. just released a line alhum. Part or Spring Fling.

I Ceilidh Dance Walpole l lall . ( 'hcster Street. Palmerston Place. llay market. £1.5llhetorc Spin. £2 alter. Music by the (‘aledonian Ceilidh Band. BY( )B. Please don't smoke.

I Ceilidh Bristo Relectory. BristoSquarc. 9pm 2..‘~llam. £2.5ll. Bar. Open tothe puhlic. Weekly dance.

I The Humppl Family the Trading Post . 33 the Shore. leith. 553 716-1. lllpm till late. l-‘rec. Resident ys cekcnd hand. Spoof country and western.

I West End Hotel Palmerston Place. 9pm. Accordion guitar in the har.



I Black Bull Folk Club Black Bull Hotel. Milngayie. S.3llpm.

I Paisley Folk Club Brahloch Hotel. Renl‘reys Road. Junction 27. MS. 8.30pm. I Session Riserside. Fox Street. ol'l('lyde Street. 248 3144. 1.30- 5.30pm. With uillean piper Pat MacNulty and others.

I Zut! La Chute Wintersgills. (ireat Western Road. liyening. ()ld timcy'. American and cajun.

I Scotia Bar Stockysell Street. 552 8681. l.i\'e session.


I 10,000 Maniacs ()ueens 1 la“. (‘Ierk

Street. 8pm. £5. American punkfolkers‘. I Youngs Music Club Leamington Terrace. 9.30pm. 50p. Tonight Just The Very Donkeys. l€dinhurgh hlues rockers.

I Jim Knight/Denny Swanson/Graham McGirk linsign liys‘art. l.a\yrunarket. 225 7-1-1”. liy‘ening. Singer guitarists.

I Tex Fillet Five The Trading Post. 32'l'he Shore. l.eith. 553 7104. SJ lprn. Western and ('ountry.


I Travelling Folk BBC Radio Scotland. S 9.25pm. Archie l-‘isher presents records. news and Use recordingoi Cosmotheka.


I Scotia F0lk Music Scotia Bar. Stockys'cll Street. l-Iy-ening. l.iye traditional music. I Victoria Bar Bridge-gate. 552 (ill-ill. 9pm. Regular session.


I Linlithgow F0lk Club Black Bitch 'l'ayern. West Port. l.inlithgoyy. .S‘pm. 'l'onight. Beggars Mantle.

I Session Night The ( ireen '1 rec. (‘oys'gate liyening. Bar till lam.

I Fiddlers Arms ( irassmarket. lzy'cning. Scottish rnusic on sqtlee/e hoses and fiddle.

I FolkAt L’Attache lfAttaehe. hascment ot Rutland Hotel. West lind oi Princes Street. 9pm. Free.

TUESDAY 30 Glasgow

I Paisley Arts Folk Paisley Ariscenrre. New Street.SS7 lllltl.Sp1n. l‘rec. Regular weekly guests.


I Seannachie [insign Iiyyart. Layynmarket. near the ( ‘astlc. ‘)-- 12pm. l-‘rec. Well known Scots hand plays yyeekly residency.

I Acoustic Music Nights Milncs Bar. Hanover Street. 8.30 llprn. Admission tree. Songs and tunes from regulars. yisitirtg musicians and special guest.

I Miro IfAttachc. hasemcnt ot' Rutland Hotel. West lind. \Vild Scots Irish ntttsie.



I Folk Session llalt Bar. \Voodlands Road. 332 1210. Iiyening. Instrumental miisic on fiddle. accordion etc.

I Scotia Folk Night Scotia Bar. Stockwcll Street. 55.2 8631.


I Edinburgh Folk Club ( )shournc l lotel. York Place. 55o 5577. 8pm. 12.50”; l .50). Dunkeld's singer. songys ritcr.guitari.st and fiddler. . .Dougie MacLean.

I Rod Paterson St James ( )y ster Bar. (‘alton Road. 9pm. liasy ('luh's vocalist. solo.

THURSDAY 1 Glasgow

I Star Folk Club (ilasgoyy Society ( )i‘ .‘Vlttsieiatls‘. Berkeley Street. heside Mitchell 'l'heatrc. 8pm. i l .5”. Version Driginale


I No U Turn The Trading Post. 32'l'he Shore. l.cith. 553 7164. 8.3“ till late. Free. Bluegrass hand.

I Dave Robb St James ( )yster Bar. ('alton Road. 9pm. (‘ontemporay houzouki accompaniment to this singer's self-penned songs.

I Jim Knight/Denny Swanson/Colin Ramage [insign liyy'art. [.ayynmarket. 225 7440. Evening.

I Green Tree ('owgate. livening. l’olk scene session. Late har.