I OPEN LIST is designed to cover public events not covered elsewhere in the magazine. We welcome submissions. which will be included subject to space. and at course no charge is made lor listings. Please supply date. event title. venur.. intormation telephone number. time. price and briet description. to reach our Edinburgh ollice not later than seven days betor: publication.

lnlormation given below is as lull and accurate as possible when going to press. We do. however. recommend thatyou telephone to confirm details.


I Illustrated Talk: Rare And Unusual Plants Coach House. (ireenbank (iarden. Flcnders Road. (‘larkstorL (ilasgow. 63‘) 328] . 7.30pm. Jim May. Resident Gardening Instructor at (irccnbank. gives this talk as part of National (iarden Heritage Week.


I Club Sandino Liberty's and Madison’s. Greenside Place. Edinburgh. Info: 225 78145569960. 10pm till late. 13(2). A Latin American Mayday celebration and fundraiser organised by [Edinburgh Latin America Solidarity Campaign in support of workers in Nicaragua and lil Salvador. I Escorted Garden Walk (ireenbank Garden. lilenders Road. (‘larkston. Glasgow. (13‘) 328] . 2.30pm. WithJim May. The final event of National (iarden Heritage Week. Teas and plants for sale. I Mayday Festival March. Rally and Fair Assemble Waterloo Place. Edinburgh. 10.30am; rally Meadows. noon; fair at College of Art. Lauriston Place. l—4.3()pm. All events free. Themesare ‘Stop The Poll Tax' and ‘1)efend the NI lS'. Speakers at the Rally include David Martin MliP. Nikolai Karpukhin and representatives of the Anti Poll'l‘ax Federation and the (‘ampaign for Nuclear Disarmament. The Fair offers stalls. a bar and cabaret from man of letters Stuart McDonald of the Funny Farm and Tackin Boots. I Quebecois Writing in Translation Tron Theatre. Trongate. (ilasgow. 552 4267. 2.30pm. £1 . To tie in with the'l‘ron‘s production of Quebec playwright Michel Tremblay's The (iuid Sisters and the visiting production of his The Real War/(1?. members of the Tron company present readings from other ()uebecois writers. At this session. it is hoped that excerpts from Suzanne Aubry‘s Night ()f The Long Knives will be read.


I Race And Resistance Pilmhouse. Lothian Road. lidinburgh 22S 2688. 3pm. {I .5(l(£l ). Sec panel.

I Plant Sale And Gardeners' Roadshow llopctoun House. South ()ueensl'erry. 2pm~5pm (house and grounds open Ham—4.45pm). {l (admission to house £1 .50. accompanied children tree). ()ver lllllll unusual plants for sale. and three plant experts on hand to give adv ice and guidance to non-expert gardeners.


I Exhibition: Advertising Standards Authority ( 'entral l-‘iction Library . ( ieorge

' E I

l\' Bridge. lidinburgh. 225 5584. (him-8.30pm. Free. A small exhibition giving the public access to the watchdog group. who will be offering a booklet and advice on how to complain about offensive or exploitative advertising.


I Greening Europe High School. 39;:

SONGS orwnn

“There‘s an argument that racism in Scotland doesn’t exist,’ says Alan Harding of Workers Against Racism, who has helped organise Race And Resistance. a special cinema/discussion event in Edinburgh and Glasgow this tortnight. The argument should have been scotched by a recent racist murder in Edinburgh, but ignorance of the problem prevails.

Race And Resistance comprises a screening at the film Handsworth Songs (which centres on the 1985 riots in north Birmingham but also contains unique BBC footage of immigrants in 1948 and the late 1950‘s) and a discussion led by the film‘s narrator Pervais Khan and by Keith Tompson. who wrote the recent sell-out Penguin Special Under Seige: Racial Violence In Britain. Other guest speakers may also appear, such as Glasgow’s Babir Hussein, currently underthreat ot depoflahon.

Handsworth Songs is an episodic, personal tilm, which develops lrom a series at individuals‘ experience— a kind at biography ol the whole immigrant population.

‘lt's a creative use at the documentary lormat.‘ says Harding, ‘and WAR want to use cinemas to talk about something more directly social than cinema itsell. as well as looking at the kind at lilms black tilm-makers are trying to make. We've lound the Filmhouse and GFT very supportive which is really encouraging.‘ (A B)

72 Queen Street, Glasgow G1 Telephone 041 221 2200

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The List 5 lb’ May 198969