Shcd. icaturing rcccrit work by paintcrs Day id l.inlcy . Alastair Sirachan. Donald L'rquhart and sculptor Maitth Inglis.


I THE ARCHITECTURE GALLERY I my crsiiy oi lidinhurgh. l)cpt oi Architccturc. 20 ('hamhcrs Strcct. or»? [ill I cxt 4544. Mon- I-‘ranm-Spm; Sat Sun 10am-3pm. Recent Work I 'iitil 21 April. Architcctural drawings by IIcriuan I Icrtzhcrgcr. Women in Design 21 33 April. lilJSAS mcmhcrs £l. Non-mcmhcrs £4.50. A symposium and workshop taking placc in tltc Royal Muscum of Scotland Lccturc Thcatrc icaturing a ys'idc rangc ofspcakcrs taking up issucs oi womcn working in architcctiirc and dcsigii.

Proiects irom the Practice at Barrie Todd 30 April. 5.30pm. A Ircc scmiriar hy' Barric Todd yy hosc young practicc has oiiiccs in London and Norihcrri lrclaiid.

Projects irom the Practice oi Allies and Morrison .3 .‘ylay . 5.30. Anoihcr Ircc lccturc. iliis tiriic iioiii Bob Allics yy ho isa graduatc oi ilic l 'iiiycisity and thc rccipicrit oi many pri/cs.

Design Elaborations In April- 5 May. Dcsigns for a compctition open to all ihc British Schools oi Architccturc.

I ARTIS 2o ( iay iicld Squarc. 5507546. Mon Fri 2 (rpm.

General Exhibition Ai-iis arc siili conccntratirig on thcir chcii's I lall cxhihition (scc hcloyy ). hut thcrc will hc a ncyy cxhihiiion at (iay iicld Squarc irom 5 May.

I BOURNE FINE ART 4 [)undas Sircci . 557 4050. Mon I‘Ti lilam- (rpm. Sal

lilam lam.

Scottish painling1800—1950 and decorative arts.

I BYZANTIUM Victoria Sii‘cci. 225 I708. Mon Sat 10am 5.30pm.

Young Scottish Artists t’nril 20 May. Rccciit graduatcs irom ihc Scottish A rt Schools including (‘laudia I’cii‘ctti. l’aul I-‘iirncaiix arid ('amcron ( iault.

I CALTON GALLERY III Royal 'I‘ci't'acc. 556 Hill). Mon I‘ri 10am opm;Sat

10am lpm.

19th and carly 20th cciitury British paintings and yyatcrcolours.

Scottish Landscapes 3 37 May . An impr'cssiy c sclcctioii oi iicarly 30Scoiiislt paintcrs including Joscph Adams. William (‘alloys . Joscph I’arquarson. Jaiiics Whiiclays llamilton. (icorgc Houston. Alcxandcr Naismith and I’crciy al Skcliori. I CENTRAL LIBRARY ( icorgc l\' Bridgc. 225 558-1. Mon I‘ii‘hiiii 8.30pinLSat 9am lprii.

Display 1 'ntil 2 May. Scli hpr ioi cariccr and othci paiiiiul illiicsscs ill thc Izdirihuigh Room ( iallciy

Women Live I'iiiil 27 May. A display in thc I-inc Ait library.

I CITY ART CENTRE 2 Markci Sii'cct . 225 242-1 cs! («60 Mon Sat Illam (rpm. I.icciisctluilc. [1)].

Muppets. Monsters and Magic l mu :4 May. Admission Ll (50p). Ancxccllciit opportunity to scc ihc yy'orkinus oi Jim Ilcnson's cciclu'atcd puppcts.

National Exhibition oi Children's Art tfnril 12 May. ()rin a Hurt and nut casc would miss \ isiting this display ys Iiich is ihc largcst oi its kind. Spoiisorcd hy (‘adhiiiys. it icaturcs I000 ysoi lss oi art by childrcn.

I COLERIOGE GALLERY 47h ( icoi'gc Strcct. 2201305. .‘ylon Sat 10am 5.30pm. NewArt Glass by Anthony Stern 23 April (13h!) . Whilc ihc glass is still at its riioltcnstagc. Anthony Sicrn hlcnds in colour iocrcatc cxciiing scascapcs, Iilscyy hcrc lic incorporatcs mcial iiiio his glass picccs. Thc ('olcridgc ( iallcry contiiiucs to hc thc placc to scc contcmporary Bi itish glass. I COLLECTIVE GALLERY loo I liin Sticct. 220 12m. '1 iic Sat I230 5 30pm. Marketing Strategies III: A Spring Collection Until 22 April ‘l'ltc iasitioii icxtilc iiidustry in yicys hy .ianc Bartlctt.

ideas. Thoughts and Artworks tfiiiil 33 April. A prcscntation oi yyork hy l.ouisc ('rayyiord yy ith hpr irom Williarrt('lark



Glasgow Print Studio, Glasgow

It is her iirst solo exhibition, but Glasgow sculptor Tracy McKenna has already made great developments in her work. At last year's Glasgow Garden Festival she installed a beautilully tensile creature, sprung with equal measures oi danger and elegance. Here, she moves indoors to create an altogether quieter group oi sculptures.

With an oriental perspective, everthing is laid low, risking impracticality with regard to domestic or museum display and even dismissal irom the viewer. However, that risk is cleverly taken, calculated to displace sculpture out oi its expected role and position it to suit her own ideas, a lreedom which makes McKenna's work something natural however elusive its original inspiration might be.

That inspiration is gently hinted at in each piece. ‘Sound’, one at the very iia pieces, throws out a gentle puii oi wire wool irom a makeshiit steel cornei. Conveyor, a long, undulating path oi steel, makes the crossing in McKenna's assembly, irom being mechanical to becoming a miniature landscape complete with stream and shining iish. It's impossible to tell whether the artist wished to attribute such a juxtaposition, but it is that ambiguity within a deiinition which makes McKenna‘s sculpture so appealing. They allow that which cannot be seen to be seen and more strangely, that which cannot be heard to be heard. (Alice Bain)


(sound) and Malcolm DICIssUii (y'idco). Ritual 25 6; 26 April. lixtcndcd gallcry opciiiiig hours limit 12 ~t-lpm for l)crini.s I)racup‘s tapc slidc installation. Static images intcrplay will continually changing slidcs yy'hilc an hour-long sound tapc rcpcats itscli. Mixed Media installation 3 20 May. Michacl Kcii cxhihits. I CRAMONO SCULPTURE CENTRE Moray IIousc (‘ollcgcz ('ramond Road North. 312 (i001 c.\i 272 Viewpointst'iiiii 17 May. I'his is ihc i'irst cyci outdoor cshihition oi (iiaduaic and Liiidci'gi aduatc sciilptuic irom ihc ioiii Scottish Art Schools and is highly iccoiiiiiiciidcd Sculpturc yaiicsirom yyoi k using natural maicrials iound on sitc to prcccs dcaling yyith criyiroiimcntal issucs A trip out to thc (critic hasthc additional ady antagc oi splciidid y icyss oy ci ihc I'ii'Ili oi l—orth madc that much morc coriyciiicnt at ihc momcni by a sculptural yicysmg towci by Nicholas Saiidcisoii I ENGLISH SPEAKING UNION GALLERY 23 Atholl (‘rcsccnt 10am- 5pm. Works on Paper 22 April-~61 May. 51 paintings and prints by 17 Glasgow artists. I EILMROUSE Lothiaii Road. 22% 2088. Mon Sai noon llpm; Sun (3.30 llpm. Faces oi India I'ntil (i May. (‘oIouriuI cIosc-up photographs of pcoplc in India by Rohhic Jack. I FINE ART SOCIETY 12(ircat KingStrcct. 55o0305. .‘ylon I-‘ri 9.30am— 5.30pm. Sat liiam lpiii. The Art at Watercolour 1800—1950 t 'ntil 2 May Watcicoioursdrayyii Iargcly irom ihc Socicty 's on ii stock oi Scottish paiitlirigs. Royal Scottish Academicians Past and Present L'iiiil 2 May. Ruiiiiingalongsidc ihc \MilL’i'c‘nlullis is this scicction irom ihc collcctioii.

I FLYING COLOURS GALLERY 3.5 William Strcct. 225 (i776. Iuc l’ri Ilam (rpm. Sat liiamrr lpm.

ACornish Air I 'ntil 2i April. Waicicolouis by I’cn/aiicc artist (‘harlcs I onsard yy ho has hccn living in South \Vcst Iziigland siiicc 1973 and ys liosc bold but simplc hrush strokcs caplurc thc spirit oi ( ‘ornisli lii'c.

ian Cook (RSW RI) :5 Apr II It) May Paintings by Ian(‘oo|s. .

I FRENCH INSTITUTE i3 Randolph ('rcscciit. 225 SW». \Ioii l'ii‘) 30am lpiii and 5.30pm.

Simon Burder and Laurent Maihelin t mil 5 May. Two young I'iciich pi‘iiitiiiakcis yy ho has c hotli stiidicd iii Britain cyliihit lhcir “(ills

I FRUITMARKET GALLERY 2‘) Mai kct Sti‘cci. 225 2383. ‘l'uc Sat Illaiii 5.30pm. Sun 1.30 5.30pm. ('aic. (‘losctl unirll April.

Audiovisual Sculptures by Marie-Jo La Fontaine l'iiiil H May Major iiiulti-scrccii and multi mcdia slioyy

I GALERIE LA BELLE ANGELE I l I lasiics (‘losc. ('iiyygiiic (hchiiid 3o‘)( iallcry) Mon I-ri Warn 5 30pm. Sat 11am 4pm. Framing ior artists donc ori ihc prcmiscs. I GALERIE MIRAGES Racluirri I’Iacc. 315 2603. ’l'uc Sat ill 30am 4 30pm.Suii

2 4.30pm. closcd Mondays.

Jewels From the Desert t ‘iiril middle or May. Wood cary mils and paiiitcd ysood irom Rajasihaii constituic ihc mam cxhihition in this gallcry that spccralrscs in dccoratiy c and iunctioiial ohyccts irom Aighanistari. I’hailaiid. India and Aiiica I GALLERY OF MODERN ART Bclioid Road. 55hts")2 l. Mon Sat Iliaiii 5pm. Sun 2 5pm. |l)|('.iic.

I'hc gallcry 's JUsily icnoysncd caic isopcii Mon Sat llI3ilam 4.30pm; Sun

2.3(L 4.20pm. (‘rcam tcas yy iII lic scrycd Irom 3 4.15pm.

John Bellany: A Renaissance t 'ntil 30 April. An cshrhriion yy hich charts licllany 's [L'L‘in cry IIHIII iii.i|iti iiiiiispliiiil surgciy Snort .iIIL‘l ilic tiiiiiL‘SIIlL‘Iik' ysoic HII. lltc I’oit Scion hor ri pairiicr Itt‘tliiii a scricsoi somc iorty \L‘II-[NlilitilISiIIHilllSILlC drayyinigsoi hospital stall and iamily. l'hc oiicn ilistiiiluiiyt icsulis .irc ilisplaycil


Works on Loan I ‘iiiil .IliiiL' An important gioiipiii \siii ks i til Iihlll In I iiirtcis lizicim. (icing liasclil/ and A. i‘\L'I'il Kic'lt‘.’ Anthony Gormiey .T.‘ -\piil .‘n yin Ilic oiin Iii riiin ini\\\illL'HI ( ritiiilIL‘\ ‘s laicsi csliiluiioii Ii coiisisisoi iiiiicsciilpiiircs Irisiallcil liy (mi iiilcy liiiiiscll and

iii I.iIlt.IL‘tI In! iii.l\iililiil‘ iliaiiiaiic impact. llic iigurcs .iic iriatlc using ilic sculptor is rm ii hoin .is a mould iii a pioccss rciriiiiiiii: much cliori and ys Ill piiyyci

Talk 22 April. 12 noon. Anthony ( ioimlcy ~my cs .i tails almut his yyoils to tic in ys ith his L'\IilI‘IIit)li

IGRAEME MURRAY GALLERY I5 St‘oilaiid Sticci. 55hhl|2ll Iiic Iii lilam 5pm. Sat lilaiii 1pm

I hc iit‘\l iiiaiii cshiliirum I‘t‘tlliis on 5 May. but tIic gallcry isopt'ii ll‘ ihc iiicauiriric ior ilic stilc HI Itimlss

I HANOVER FINE ART 22.-\ I liiriilas Siri'ci. 55(i2lSl .‘onii Iii Warn 5 3ilpiii.S.ii liiam 4pm

Murray M. Tod (RE. RSW) 1909—1974l 'riiil 20Apiil A iciiospcctiycc\hiI\iiioiioi \yaicicolouis. L‘IkliiiigsJiitlt‘iigi.i\iliil\liy this criciuctic .ii iisi \s hi i u .i\ .ilsoiiiyolycil in siiiilciii pioicsis .ill'l sii iris iii Iiisiiriic

I Iis sly Ic is Illlllii nous. In wlwr mg on ihc caiioon Iilsc. .iiid i.ikcs .is its sultrch iiii.i_ucsoi \lcdilcriancan L"llilIllL'\.|IItl

m C! -poptiltilcil I\l.ilikl\

Marjorie A. Lucas(ARCAil riiil ‘I~ \piii

\ ou might II.I\t‘ scciil IIL.i\ Ill .iiic.ii Irci Joint L'\IliIHIiHil ys iili Murray Ioil .ii ihc

Scottish(i.illciy. I‘IS‘ llci silkilraysiiigs

'I‘ltc l.isI 2l April 4 May IVS") 79