I Lecture: Parasitic Worms. Disease and Childhood Malnutrition Boy t1 ()t r Building. lfniyersity Avenue. (ilasgow. Info; 53‘) 8855 ext-12411. 1.15pm. Free. This week's public lecture is giy en by

I’t‘ol.I) WXI. (Homplon.

I Mardi Gras Fundraiser In and around ('afe Acanthu~ . Waverley Bridge. l’dmbat'gh Into. 55(12358 5pm Relay rates :lthIHltg pancakes. orangesand Lil.” rots. a man dressed as Roger I<tII‘I‘tI drag pop tr'ioeallt t1 Is’ttbbaiav ya 1 turns. about it . . .ianti a law band are all

espc ctcd to teature at this Shroye'l'ttesday event to raise money tor St (‘olurnba's IIOSPIL‘C.

I The Secret Rally Mom I la“. ( iranvtlle Street. (ilasgow Into; 332 5%” 7.3(lprn £2(£l 5“). A prestigious panel oispeakers has been assembled for this rally tooppose the government's proposed Secrets Bill. including 'l'am l )alyeIl .\I.P. . .lim Sillars Si.l’...¥t'or.srrrarr I‘ditot Stagntts Linklatct and ()ltseri'er Scotland liditot' ( ieor'gc Rosie I rider the new Bill. it would be illegal ey en in the public interest to discloseotttctally protected information. even ll tlte disclosure reveals ‘erime. ttaud. abuse (‘1 atllItot‘lly . neglect iii the performance ot oltrcial duty or‘othei' trriseondtiet’. And all because an aging es-civtl sery ant published his rather tedious memoirs. . . Public support is welcomed.

I Flightless Birds National \Itrseurns ( it Scotland.('hambers Street ltdtnbrir'gh. 1.5.5pm lree Illtt)II.“I .‘25 ~53401219 I‘ttst talk in anew series about birds entitled ‘Birdsol a1 eather‘ See I littts‘l l‘c‘t‘t.


I Genre: a talk by Frederic Lindsay Conference Room. (‘entrall ibrary. (ieotge 1\' Bridge. icdtnbttrgh. 3204531. Noon—1pm. Free. Tickets available from 11.45am. The authorot'limndin both noel and screenplay form. discusses dittcrettt literary forms.

I Public Meeting: Socialist Workers Party. Edinburgh South Branch ‘t‘ollemss Community Centre. Fountainln‘idge. 7.30pm. Free. A debate between members of the SWP and of the (ireen Party. All welcome.

I Scottish Boat. Caravan. Camping and Leisure Show SI‘( '('. Finnieston Street. (rlasgovs. Into. 221 INN. Beginning today : practical persons' guide to active holidays.

I The Year or The Snake National Museums ol Scotland. (‘hambcrs Street. Izdinburgh. 1245- 1.3tlpm. 5tiptseat reservation). Intoth 225 7534 ext 21‘). .I'.tlllL‘s( ittllll ot ladinbutgh l 'ntycrsity‘ talkson ( 'lrrnt se l’ltllnsuplt) See also 1 Feb.


i £2.5Ut£2). 'l’hatcher On Acid and I )atibert



1 1.55pm Free. Intotlfil

I Anti Poll Tax Benetit Night the Venue. (‘alton Road. I'dinbutgh ‘lpm till late

Nobaeon ot ( 'ltumbawamba are totned by local trp-and-cotnets Political Asylum lot a contra community chargecollaboration I Poetry Evening! ect are l'hcatre. .\attona1 Mus. um ot Scotland. lothian Street. Izdrnbmgh. 225 7.534, 7.30pm. 5‘lp booking charge; admission tr ee on the door. William Melly'anney . lidwin Morgan and claisachist Alison Kitttrtttrtl prov tdc \y or ds and music.

I Water Birds \attonal .‘yitiscums of Scotland. (‘hatnbets Street. Izdrrtburglr. 225 7534 ext 21‘). Second talk in the sis part set icsabotrt birds entitled ‘Brrds of a Feather '. See also Tue 7 Feb.

; I l

56 The List 27 .Ianuar'y 0 February


I Kids aims to provide into about events In and around Edinburgh and Glasgow tor children and young people. Please send details not later than to days betore

' pubhcahon.


Activities and Fun

I CADBURY'S NATIONAL EXHIBITION OF CHILDREN'S ART Art. (‘raft and Poetry crttr ics are invited for the 42nd National l'vliibition oI ( ‘ltildren‘s Art. Sponsored by (‘adbury 's. the exhibition is the largest oI its kind in the world and will tourthe l‘ls' between October 198‘) and August thi. lt'sopen toanyone tipto l8y'earsof age and is divided into Iotlragcgrottps(7 yearsartd under;8 lly'ears; l2 Hycars and 15 17 years). Fritriesmay'be sent from schools or privately and there is no restriction on subject matter. size or ntrmberof entries. Prizesinclude an Italian Art Tour. visiting major galleries and places of historical or literary interest in Italy dtrring the summer of 198‘) and. in the Art and ('raft categories. tip toten llighly ('ornmended Awards in each age grottp of £2“ to each entrant and £5tlto each school submitting I Iighly

Z ( ‘ommended works. ('losing date is 18

Feb. 198‘) for Poetryentries. and 15April for Art atrd (‘ralt entries. For entry forms and furtherinformation pleaseeontact ('adbury 's National Fxhibition of (‘hildren's Art. (iranby'. School Lane. l)unham Massey. Altrineharn.('heshire. WAI-t 5S/.:telilol 9412-111.

The dist National Exhibition oi Children'sArt

vs III be at the ( 'ity Art Centre. lidinburgh. from 7Aprtl lo 12 Stay. I HAGGS CASTLE lilll St Andrews Drive.

427 2725.

Saturday Activities 2.15pm.

Sat 29 Jan Potato Prints (4' 7 years) Sat4 Feb Pancakes (5- 8ycars)

I SCOTTISH BALLET 2M West Princes Street. 331 2931.

Junior Contemporary Classes Tuesday

eyctiirrgelasses.o 7pm. ()pentoanyonc.

arty standard. aged l2 andovcr.

. Exhibitions 5 I HAGGS CASTLE museum ltltlSt

Andrews l)ri\e. PoIIokshiclds. 427 2725. The Desperate Journey listendett until Aplil. Nb"). Bascdon thechildren'sbook

by Kathleen I’ldler this isablcak ' ady enture story . but with a happy'ending.

It tells the tale of a family of croftersfrom Sutherland w ho are evicted from their

Iiomeduringthe lIighlandClearances.

They go first to (ilasgow. and then make the ‘desperate journey" across the Atlantic to ( 'atiada


A Boring Exhibit Until mid February. Despite the title ofthiseshibition. children may well enjoy a visit. On display is a 45 foot model of I Iowden'sChanneI tunnel face-cutting machine. that is boring its way to France.

F Hm

I PAISLEY ARTS CENTRE New Street. Paisley. 887 tutu. Swallows and Amazons (L,')Sat-1Fcb. 10.30am. Adults £1 . kids

5(ip. (iood looking family film based on Arthur Ransome‘s novel.

Theatre I CUMBEBNAULD THEATRE (1236 732887

Lunchtime shows for cltildrcn are suitable for 5— 12 year olds and last approximately 1 hour. Prices: kids £1 . adults £1.50

Mr Boom Sat 28 Jan. 1.15pm. Mr Boom‘s one-man band.

Cinderella Sat 4 Feb. 1.15pm. (‘lydebuilt Puppets re-tell the fairytale with rod and shadow puppets.

I KINGS THEATRE Bath Street. 227 551 I. Jack and the Beanstalk Until I 1 Feb. 7pm. .‘vtatirtees Weds and Sats. 2. 15pm. Written. directed by and starringJimmy' Logan this is a riotous and traditional panto.

I PAISLEY ARTS CENTRE New Street. 887 Hill).

Stu Pot's Show 28 Jan. I .311pm. Kids 5(lp. adults £1 . (‘hildren's magic show.

Also see Touring.

I PAVILION THEATRE 121 Renfield Street. 332 18-36

Snow White Until 28 Jan. 7.30pm. This isn‘t the glitziest panto in town. but it is good humoured and good fun. Stars Andy ('ameron. Final week.

I PRINCES SQUARE Buchanan Street. Maisie and the Space Invader 291 anuary’. 2.3tlpm. Free. Lookahead Theatre (‘ompany bring Aileen Paterson‘s wiley feline to life.


Visitors TAG‘s latest play. commissioned from Michael Duke for 12-- 14 year olds. is a thriller dealing with the problems of disability in an able-bodied world. Ben Twist directs. It will tour21 schoolsin Strathclyde and there will be seven public performances: the four performances at LIBultl centres are sponsored by the liducation Institute of Scotland (IilS)and are free. (fovun Unemployed Workers

( ’enrre 3 Feb. 3.30pm. free; I)rtonehupel Unemployed Workers ( ‘enlre It) Feb. 7.30pm. f ree; Rue/till ( ’nemployed Workers (‘enrre 2-1 Feb. 3.30pm. free: (iorlmls Unemployed Workers (‘enrre 3 March. 3.30pm. free; Men-s 'l'lteurre. l.lvr'ng.slmte. 16 Feb. 7.30pm. £1 ; Regal Resource( 'enlre. Bulligare. 17 Feb. 2pm. free performance for schools. disability groups and the general public; Parsley

A rts ( 'enrre. New Street. ()4 I 887/0101] Feb. 7pm. £2 (£1 ).

EDINBURGH Activities and Fun

I COASTERS 3 West Tollcross. 228 3252. Disco Every Saturday 6.31% lllpm. £1 .50. Under 18s alcohol-free disco.

I EDINBURGH ZOO (.‘orstorphine Road.

334 9171. Open every day of the year.

I FRUITMARKET GALLERY 29 Market Street. 225 2383.

Children‘s Workshops The Fruitmarket has been holding activities for children since the Festival last year and they will probably become a regular part of their programme. They are free. but numbers are limited and places should be booked in advance. Please telephone venue for further details.

Creative Story Telling Thurs 9 Feb. 10.30—11.30am. For 4—5 year olds. 40 places only.

What is Abstract Painting? Sat 18 Feb. lt).3()am—noon and 2—3.3(lpm. A great. practical opportunity for 8-12ycaro1dsto get to grips with the ideas. thinkingand methods of abstract art. 15 places only. 30 Collage Sat 4 March. 1().3tlam—noon and 2—3.3(lpm. This workshop. for 8— 12 year olds. will be tied in with the show Six Dare/r Artists which runs from 27 Jan to 12 March. (‘hildrcn will be encouraged to make a 3D collage about Scotland. using imagery from packaging and comics.

I GORGIE CITY FARM 5| (iorgie Road. 337 42(12.()pen every day of the year. 9am—4pm (plus evening sessions). Free. Edinburgh‘s mid-city farm. in which all kinds of livestock and organic produce thrive. in spite of the traffic grinding past outside.

Young City Farmers Group livery Saturday. Illam— 1 pm. For 7— 13 year olds. 75p membership. plus 15p per session. A lively weekly group in which children can learn about farm life and how to look after the animals.

I QUEEN'S BALL (‘lerk Street. 668 2019 Piccolo Pack The Scottish (‘hamber Orchestra's musical workshops for 8h 12 year olds have become an established feature in the calender. and the latest series has a lively Wild West theme. Tickets are £1 for children (75p for those who still have their yellow Piccolo Pack Badge); adults £2. Booking is open now and workshops run from 1 1am to noon. Ice cream and juice available afterwards. Rodeo Sat 4 Feb. With the cowboys from the string section.

Evelyn Glennie Sat I 1 Feb. Special guest lively-n (ilennie will be taking a tour around the percussion section

Long Live America! Sat 18 Feb. The full orchestra join in for a musical jamboree playing razzamatz and Broadway hits from Oklahoma.

I NAUTILUS FLUME COMPLEX Royal Commonwealth Pool. Dalkeith Road. (167 721 l . The flame and the Royal (‘ommonwealth Pool will rc-open on 31) Jan.

I THINS BOOKSHOP 53—59 South Bridge. 556 6743.

Saturday Club Every Saturday.

lt).3tl—l 1.30am. Free. Open to anychild (age range approx 2- 13 years). Story-telling for younger children plus activities and competitions with prizes.

F I lm

I EILMHOUSE Lothian Road. 228 2(388. ('hildren's Saturday matinees; all seats £1. bookable. Films start at 2pm.

Race lor your Life. Charlie Brown (l.'SA. 1977) (U) 75 mins. Sat 28 Jan river raft

Asterix in Britain Sat 4 Feb. The heroic Gaul comes to Britain.


I KING'S THEATRE Leven Street. 22‘) 12111. Mother Goose Until February 18. 7pm. Matinees 2.15pm every Wed ck Sat and l. 3. 6 Feb. £4.25. £5.25. £6.25. £6.75. (cones £2.75-E375). Mother (ioose (Walter Carr) emerges as an expansive engaging eccentric old dame - a devastating combination matched only by her sartorial splendour. Meanwhile Dragonara does her worst but what is a little evil compared to a sprightly young fairy from the YFI‘S (Young Fairy Trainee Scheme) who is determined to sprout wings'.’