It’s notwhether

Stockmarket(Jordans you win or lose. Games £19.99) . “You could bethelirstto bu‘ how you play makea million!‘ singsthe the game.

boxlid. Share wheeling and - . ' , dealing(asilenough Knstmd

people hadn't gottheir Woolnough

lingers burned) is symptomatic at several finance-obsessed games. Business biggies (Nat West. Trusthouse Forte. Saatchi and Saatchi etc) have obviously paid their dues to gel a section on the board and on share cards. as well as a belly promotional protile at each on the inside ol the box lid ‘to add to the enjoyment‘.

throws a six to start.

Enigma (Drummond Park Ltd £34.94)

0n trial in Scotland, Enigma is a Scottish-conceived and Scottish manutactured game which targets designer yuppies. Brains seem to be involved to some extent in solving the 500 Rhyming Riddles. Comments on the base at the box run ‘as much a lashion accessory as a game' and ‘the pertect gilt tor the smart-arse who has everything'. It’s reported to be selling well.

Ubi (Horn Abbot £22.99)

A distinctive triangular box houses this latest ottering from the creators otTrivial Pursuit. The rules are surrounded in a log olrubi ubi cubi iargon. and the whole thing seems incomprehensible at lirst sight. It seems to revolve round geographic/location questions. but I can'tbe certain. Perhaps the object olthe game is understanding how to play it.

Neighbours (Crown Andrews/Grundy Television)

Based on Britain‘s tavourite soap. this one is alreadya hot commercial seller. It is also one at several derived lrom TV programmes. The players' job is to write three scenes using cards which give direction (‘And admits she is having an attair with’). character etc. Thus. Mrs Mangel might end up having an attair with Scott. A biography at each character will intorm you at the soap‘s doings. in case you've missed out. NB The manutacturers suggest you write down the winning plot lor posterity. Are they looking lor script-writers and story-lines?


which have been brought

. _

Therapy (Gambit Games 216.99)

The best at a bunch ol socio-problem. angst-solving ‘games'

out to worry usthis Christmas. Contents (in a standard sized box) promise six couches, six ollices and limitlesstreatmenls. llyou land on the opposition‘s oltice, you have the good and perverse luckto become the patient upon whom the opposition practises. Questions to win points involve ABC choices about personal problems— bizarre. it not kinky.

Octogo (Octogo Games)

A more angular. plasticised. designerised torm at good old-lashioned draughts to all intents and purposes.

_ Stockists

Vlrgln record stores have large gamesdepartments :i whole floor in the new (ilzisgow shop is to be dC\‘UIL‘dl()_|1&lTTlCS.N111") branches ilTC ill 28 l 'nton Street. (ilnsgow (ll-ll fill-limbo) ztndl31 Princes Street. lidinburgh (llfil 225-1583). John Menzles 36 Argyle Street. (ilttsgow (ll-1] 20-10636) and 107 Princes Street. [Edinburgh (U31336(32l4)itlSt)CilTl’)'il good stock. Most department stores sell them too.



by 30 photographers including Oscar Marzaroli, Glyn Satterley, Ruth Stirling, Patricia MacDonald, Owen Logan, David Williams, Alasdair Foster, Gunnie Moburg, Pradip Malde. Saturdays l0 and I7 December— l0.30am—5.30pm Sundays l I and IB December 2.00 to 5.00pm Also photography. media. film. cultural studies calendars. diaries. prints. and frames

Portfolio Gallery at Photography Workshop 43 Candlemaker Row, Edinburgh (03 l ) 220 IN I

74 The List 9— 22 December 1988

o‘lgfllI"\ T

THEll/llLOll/ inim-

TEA ROOM OPEN: Mon—Sat 9.30am—-4pm Now open on Sundays before Christmas: noon—5pm Telephone: 041 332 0521

Serves hot and cold drinks. Snacks. light lunches. Allernoop Tea serve J. The budding which once housed the Willow Tea Room ( l 904) has been restored to the OriginaldCSignol Charles Rennie Mackintosh. The gr0und tl00r IS occupied bythe JCWCHCTS MM. Henderson Ltd. The Room De Luxe in the heart olthe bUlldlng IS once more a tea room and is furnished wnth chairs and tables made to the Mackintosh des:gn.

Proprietrix: Mrs Anne Ha/liday