Over 10 years direct trading with dozens of families in Mexico. Central and
South America. Ceramics Jewellery Weavings Masks Music Hand-painted Mexican tiles 16 Victoria Street . Edinburgh EH1 2HG 8pm faced mask; Tel: 031 226 6695 State of Guerrero. Mexico Who'esa'e arid 9813“
fiendefsons 0' (in stock I Crabtree & Evelyn. Finally. caddiesat£6.25)Crabtree howaboutTocadesparkling
15505 ' 7 7t
around £4. Also: herbal and orfourjars of French fruitteas in pretty packages mustard disguised as a (around £1) from learned book at £4.95 from
For example: Six-ply Double £79; Carriage £6 Free brochure on request.
A liquid gift witha & Evelyn; ginger beer plant wine. flavoured with peach if 7' difference: glowing kit (produces 35 pints) at orraspberrv. "0m
green-gold olive oil in a £1 .92 from Real Foods: fruit ; PBCkhams 3' 94-49? 0 variety of shapes and sizes flavoured wine vinegar High quality flame-plowed
from Valvona & Crolla at (£1.75) in several varieties. ; Japanese-ster Cotton Mattresses. %
.. i Season ofcakes andsttck} g ~ ‘_ ' k fruitl‘ulness. The Sicilian ‘ ‘ l i
13 Hyde Park Corner. Leeds L86 lAF. Telephone (0532) 743753. Open 9.30—5.30 Monday—Saturday and until 7.00 on Thursdays
Pastry Shop (lel‘t ) has a wide range ol’glistening. l'ruit-l'illcd. sugar} Cilka. from £3 up“ ards. and will hakc to order.
‘ Crabtree & Evelyn I’rlncex
' Square. Buchanan Street. 304 (I797.
Darcy's Princes Square. Buchanan Street. 33o43ll9 Fanl Brothers 67 Cambridge Street. 333 (N41.
Greek Delicatessen 1ll(ireat Western Road. 333 9533. Peckhams loo BULK Road. 357 I454; (‘entral Station. 348
390‘); I I4 Kirktntilloch Road. I N D U L G E N c E
4013; 43 ('larence Dme. 357' Lenzie. 776 0050.
Royal Sweets \k'ootllands
[WWW FURNISHINGS-LINENS (ieorge (’amphell 8: Sons 18
StaffordStreet.556N100. G I F T S ' P A I N T I N G S Crabtree & Evelyn 4 Hammer
Street.33()347h‘. & M U C H M O R E
0| Placldo 30 I ligh Street. 557 3386.
hendersons Farm Shop 9: Hanover Street. 335 (3694. InHouse 3X Howe Street. 335 3838.
Jenners Princes Street. 225 2442. John Lewls St James ('entre.
556 913 l Real Foods 37 Broughton
Street.557 1911. Slclllan Pastry Shop 14 Albert Street. 554 7417,
Valvona 8r Crolla l9 tilm RU“. 5506066. I
The List ‘)-— 33 December 1988 73