; Dundee I.r\.rltrr\el 3pm ()rreot theleu I’renner tr\ttrre\ to IteerrnstStelttl} entertaining JIILI :eltetalh trrrpr'etlretaltle. I HamiltonvCelticDouglas I’atk. llanrrlton I .r\ .il‘u\ er ipnr :\notltet .ma} l‘.tlll\el .r\ the \eeres \eern \et toernltar Is on a lone rrrn \\ rthont .r urn IHibstberdeenl .ISIL'I Road. I'tlrnlrrrrelrI.r\.rl\o\er .‘prrr I Bangers V Motherwell ll‘ro\. ( il.r\;1tr\\ l.t\.tl‘tt\el 1[\nr IStMirreaneartsl me Street. I’ahlet

.IS.ll‘It\e| It‘n‘.


IAirdrievAyr Ilroonrtreltl. .\IILlI|L'l l5

nrrnx tronr \II\II te \l.rllI\llI ;pm

I Clyde v Queen olthe South t rr hrll.

( il.r\r_:rr\\ I.r\ .rl‘I\\ e I :I‘m

I Clydebankv St Johnstone kitlum re I’ar k.

I Ixtlel‘arrk I .‘. rrrrnx Singer \lalrrirt l. 3pm

I Ounlermline v Forlar ml l’at k.

l )trrrler nrlrne i‘ rnrns tronr \t.rtron\l


I Kilmarnockv Falkirk tort:wa l’ark. Ix'rlrnarnoel. I 1‘ Math lrorrr \l.rtron\l :pnr IMeadowbankThistlevMorton

\I.'.rtlo\\ l‘_rlli\. I Ilrrtltrrr ah IIIISL‘S I. 5. 2h. 11. ‘It 1[‘rr‘.

IRaith RoversvPartickThistleSr.rrk\ l’.rri\ l\r: than 1‘ tttllt\ tronrxtalrorrsl l[‘n‘.


UEFA CUP SECOND ROUND SECOND LEG I Bangersv Cologne lltro\. ( il.l\f_'I\\\ l.r\ .rhoxer Winn I eltre lle‘.tfl\ .IIILI I )rrnrlee I nrted .rreall .r\\.r\ lonrttht In the warm! lee ol the

I ttlrtpe.rt‘..l I I \.rntI( rrp\\rrrner\'('np\

i\.-\I‘\i\ilI\ \

l DEE}— Wednesday2

48 the I.i.\t ZS ( )et

I Edinburgh \Irrxselhrrrel‘. Raeeeornxe. \Itt\\ell‘trl :‘l‘. \ :rrlx watlr ol I'Ilrnlttrtehon the \lr ( ltll‘ t. ‘. I’.rtltloel\ Lz .‘Il l‘llSI r.reel I‘pn‘. I-|.rlnreelrrr:


I Hamilton l lanrrltorr l’.rr k Raeeeotrrxe. llarrrrlton .reer \\ \r.r\l"'1r (‘ltrlt L‘l. I’dtltlItelx 9.1 ‘IIIL Ittll‘le\ 9.“) I'Il\l l.ree l I‘pnrar‘prru I l.rl meeting

Saturday 29

I File Flyers v Peterborough Pirates Krrkeahh Iee Rink " I‘pnr

Saturday 5

I File FlyerstyrBruins Kn kealtlx lee ank " l‘r‘trr


I Murraylield Racers v Tayside Tigers \Irrrr.r\lreltl lee Rink. Rnervlale ('reseent.l tlrnhtrrtth It ‘ltpnr


I National Boccia Championshipslaek Kane I 'entre. \rtltlr re \l.rttt\ Road.

I tIrrrltrrreh lll.ttlt 5pm Itoeera rsan IIILIIH‘I lornr ot l reneh hotrlex. Llesrgrretlto l‘e pl.r\ L’LI l‘\ the III\.rl‘le\l I he e\ ettl l\ Item}; or eanrsetl In the Seottrsh ( 'otrnerl tor Sorxtrex. JIILI it is hoped that \exeral rnetlal \\ rnner \ lrorrr the Seoul I’araplerzre ()l} rtrpres \\ rll he eornr‘etrn;

:RUGBY ' Saturday 29

MCEWANS LEAGUE DIVISION ONE I Stewarts Melville v Glasgow High Kelvinside lmetlertlt. lerr) Road. . I'.LIIIIl‘III_L'II I Fllpnr .-\nrrnportantnrateh ‘1 lot hoth teanrx. as .r \\rrr tor' eitherxxonlrl \er rorr\I_\ retltree the ll\l\ ol relegatron. I I Watsonians v West ol Scotland XI} reside. \I) reside Road. I'Ilrrrhurgh. 2.3llpnt.


Ahead} [\UliIIL‘LI at the loot ol the table. the inuperieneed Watsonians side \\ ill regard today 's rrrateh as perhaps their last r'ealistie ehanee ol a\ orrlrnLy the drop.

I Glasgow Acadstyr Ne“ .-\l1lllc\lttlltl.

I IeIerrslwtrrgh I)ri\ e. (ilrhgtm . 2.30pm. DIVISION TWO

I Corstorphine v Preston Lodge t 'nion

I’ar k.('arrrel\no\\ e I’ar‘kna} . Izdrnhtrrgh. 3..‘~I|pnt.

I Ounlermline v Portobello Melx‘ane I’ar'k. \ethertrm n Broad Street. l)trrrlerrnline. 2.3llprrr.

I Hillhead/Jordanhill v Edinburgh Wanderers I lrrglrenrlen. lltrghenrlen

Roatl. ( ilaxgo“. I..‘~l|prrr.

Saturday 5


I West at Scotland v Stewarts Melville

Bur nltrae. ( ilasgoxx Road. Milngrn re. Ifillprrr

I I Edinburgh Acads v Jedlorest Raelttrrn

I’Iaee. Iitlrnhtrreh. 2.3llpnr.

I Heriot's V Selkirk ( iolrlenaere. In\ er Iertlr Rim. Intlrnhrrrgh. 3.31lprrr.

I Aer MBITOSB \Irllltr‘ae. .»\llrm;r}.

_ 3t lprrr

I Boroughmuir v Glasgow Acads

\Iegeetland. Iidrnhtrr'gh. _.3Hpnr.

I Glasgow High/Kelvinside v Hawickr )Id :\nnre\larrrl. ( to“ Road. ( ilasgo“.

I .illprrr.


I Kilmarnock v Langholm IIelleantl. ()treens l)rr\ e. KrInrarrroek. Zfillprrr.

I Preston Lodge v Stirling County l’enn) prr I’ar l\. Rope \thllx. I’testoltprrns. 2.30pm. I Currie v Corstorphine Mallelt} Park. Ilaler no. Iztlrnlttrrglr. 3.30pm.

I Portobello V Gala ( ~ax alr'} I’ar'k. I)lILILlllI_L'\IUlI Road West. Iztlinhtrr'gh.

I .‘llprn.

I Edinburgh Wandererstunlermline \InrraUreIrl. I‘Llllil‘lllgll. 2.3Hprrr. I Musselburgh v Hillhead/Jordanhill

Stoneshill. Iztlrrrhnrgh. 2..‘~tlprrr.

Wednesday 9


I Edinburgh v Australia My reside. (‘olrnton Road. Izdinhrrrgh. 3.30pm. (‘lear I) . ha\ in}; lost their lirst I\\Irltrttl' ttt.rtelte\ In I' ngland. .'\tl\lt‘ttli;t are rtot the toree the) \\ ere in the datsol Mark Izlla. hut \\ rtlr platen like ( ~anrpese and

l-ar r'-.lone\ still in the side \horrIleoon

; reemer their tornr Some\trrr‘ltlrt}c'r'\.

Iro\\e\ er'. mas \\ ell he rested rn preparation lor' the lull International at \ItrrraneldonSaturday l‘).

TENNIS Friday 4-Sunday6

I Scottish SeniorlndoorChampionships .'\llilIILIL'I Sports ( 'errtre. Bearsden. (ilaseoxx. I’ttt\l\litll;tl times: hi 5 I Iprn; Sat Warn llpnr; Sun (lam I lpm. .'\LIIIII\\IUII lr'ee.

VOLLEYBALL Saturday 29


I Provincial Insurance v Falkirk'l‘elturtl (‘ollegcu ( ‘rexx e '1 oil. Iztlinhurgh.

I WheatshealJetsv Glasgow Bannerman I-rrhill I Irin Sehool. ()xgangs Road North. litlirrhtrr'glr.


I Kinleith Plant v Team File'l'elt'm-rl (’ollege (asahoxe).

I Elliott Sports Jets v Su Bagazzi l-‘irlrill

I Iigh School lasahox e).

Saturday 5


I Team Scottish Farm v Carluke Brannock (’olunrha Sports ( ’entre. Sehool Street. (‘oathrrdge


I Su Ragazzi v Team File St Ninian's l Iigh Sehool. Rouken ( ilen Road. Iiastuood. (ilaxgrm.

IArt islisted by city first then byvenue.

. . I h , i I'nlrlearh .Ian. \\'orI\h\ \I.rtr\\e.Signae running in a p abetrcal OTUBI- Please send ' ete lronr the permanent eolleetion,

29:3"5 ‘0 Alice 38in "0‘ latellhan 1ndails National Schools Embroidery Competition 8 ore publlcahon date' l'ntrl I" .\'o\ . Illlll) \\ rrrrrrneentr'iex.

G Arundel Society Prints 1 ‘nt ll lllltl Jan

The Stalla Project -1 \o\ Slat]. l’arntrngs I ANNAN GALLERY 1 3“ West ( ‘anrplrell

and photographs In Ian \Ielx'eex er and Street. lll SHS" S. .\Ion l-rr‘larn 5pm. 'I llItttt;r\.lrr\lttl;t ( 'ooper on the l\l;lll(ltll Sat ‘I..‘~Ilant I33llprrr Stalla. .»\ ntootlt e\hrhitrorr rrleal lor' (ierreral e\lrrlntron ol regular .Illl\I\ \xrnter \lttmrtt}: I ART GALLERY & MUSEUM. KELVINGROVE Polish Realities Exhibition 5 Not 5 Dee. 35".“)?! Mon Sat Illarn 5prrr;Sirn Irrxtallatron lit .\l.rrrtr\ Kink .rntl I’iotr 1 5pm. (ale II)| Voltrrrtart enrrlexare Ktrrka. 'I rtIerl l)ont I \\ lrreh nrearrs house rn ax arlaltle tree ol eharee to eontltret par tres I’olrxh ) the \lIU“ L‘\[‘lttlL‘\ the ‘.rlter -Ir\e\' or IlILlI\ ILIlIJIS IUIIIILI the nrarrr ngICl'ICS. ol ol‘teets .rntI quextrorrxorrr immediate (‘ontaet the enquiry LIL‘\I\. err\ rronnrerrt A Right Royal Reception I ‘ntil I3 \o\ I lo“ I BARCLAY LENNIE FINE ART Ill} Bath tour'eet the royals. lSS‘Ssttle. Sirlohn Street. ZIoF-Il.‘ .\Ion I-rr Illarrr 5prrt;Sat I..r\L'r)'\I.rI\Ir see little .'\r't Soerett lI/lr' Illanr lpnt. .Vlrllr’ I'm! ul llr'r .Ilrr/mlt Queen I’rr [HI/II Autumn SIOCK I hid end \m. rrII/rr' (i/rrsemr lulenmlrmru/ l; t/rr/rrlrmr. I BASILS VEGETARIAN CAFE ISI Dumlnrrton Road. l’artrek. James Lumsden—BecentOrawingsand Paintings 1 'ntrI 3‘) ( )et. 'I hrs IS hrs lrr'st solo e\hihitron. I'xrng oil and ehareoal his \xorlxsrlrrm on a l lrghlantl haekgr‘ounrl

has lteen speerall} eleanetl lor Iltl\\ltIr\\. 84th Annual Art Competition thin! 33 Dee. \Virrnrneentrrex lr'orn \elroolehrltlren‘s L‘Itlttpellllttlt

French Prints. Drawings and Watercolours



But at all the paintings in this exhibition, it isthe two large landscapes which really challenge Main to a colourist match between artist and medium. Early Morning Grassmere is a moody concoction ol hill and lake, while in Scarista Beach a mauve range ol hills is underlined by llesh-coloured sand. Bright dots and dashes in the loreground sprinkle light into the subdued colours achieving a depth that not all or Main‘s llower paintings achieve. Here it perhaps serves as a lootnote to add that one at Main's teachers at Glasgow School ol Art was Barbara Bae.(A|ice Bain)

Washington Gallery, Glasgow

Prolitic and colourist are the two words which best describe the Glasgow artist Lesley Main. Herwork is regularly seen in commercial galleries in Edinburgh, Glasgow and more recently in London, a measure at her popularity and consistency.

At the Washington Gallery. there are undoubtedly good quantities at both these qualities. Main‘s painting style is as relaxed as ever and her colour as joyous. Flowers cause sensations ol red and green, orange and lilac and hot landscapes in Greece move herto blue sea and hot mist. Both are at their most attractive and luscious when the subject is broken down to near-abstract

Ilth)\‘ 1988