of Partick I. Fashion Show given by Catherinesof Partick. Price includes wine and cheese. Proceeds to the S.\'() Friends ‘Sponsor a Record' project.


I Public Meeting I.othiaii Region Chambers. Parliament Square. lidinburgh. 7.30pm. ('reche. Ruth Riddick. from Dublin's ( )pen counselling seryice. speaks on the Dublin Iligh (‘ourt's recent decision to ban abortion advice in Dublin.

I Lecture: ‘Supernovae: The Explosive Deaths of Ancient Stars' (ilasgow University.1.15pm.I)ctai|sasfor|ast week's public lecture (see above I. Prof J.(‘. Brown explains how these astronomical demises occur in the light of information gleaned last year w hen the first supernoya near the Milky Way occurred since the inycntioii ofthe telescope.

I The Scottish Secretary Show SI-L( ‘(‘ Iiinniestoii. (ilasgow. Illain 7pm. Information 3331155“. Does not. sad to say . feature any of Malcolm Rifkind‘s song and dance routines. but instead inyites secretaries to ‘send their bosses packing‘. at the first eyent of its kind iii Scotland. beginning today at the Sli(‘(’. (ilasgow . Targeted at secretaries who spend money on behalf of their liossestu billion per year according to a national suryey last year I. it offersof'fice equipment. business tray el and conference seryices. and features a special stand from (ireatcr ( ilasgow Health Board. with a computerised test to measure heart disease risk. and a section to deal with w omen's health issues.

I ‘There Is Hope...‘ .-\i ihet‘harles Rennie Mackintosh Society is l I0, 87“ (iarscube Rd. (ilasgow. .-\LIIIIlssIoIt by donation. or £3 including lunch. 13.3(Ifor Ipiii. Information: woman. Nothingto do with rainbow ear stickers: rathera philosophical analysis by Day id Leslie (President of the Royal Incorporationof Architects in Scotland I of (‘Iiarlcs Rennie Mackintosh and the future of Scottish architecture. taking as its startingpoint ('RM's dictum about the potential of 'honest crror' oy er 'icy pcrlcction.‘


I The Scottish Secretary Show Illam (ipm. Day Two of the personal assistants' assemblage. See life S,


I The Scottish Secretary Show Third and last day of the cons ciition of dedicated dictation-takers. Illam- --l.3llpiii. See 'l'ucS’ and \‘I'ed I).

I Waterstone‘s Literary Lunch I’t‘estonfield Home l IotcL Iidinburgh. Ipiii. {IS (tickets from \Vatci'stone’s. 114 ( icorgc Street. 250001)). Drinks. ‘l‘ine'l’hrce (‘ourse Lunch’ and coffee in the company of Lady Antonia lirasei . John .ILIIIlls Norwich and Lord I.ongford (all of whom will be speaking I.



I Sport is listed as diary: by sport, then by day. then by event.


I Road Relay Race Ranncrman High School. (ilasgow Road. Baillieston. (ilasgow . 2.3llpm. Organised by Slicttleston llarricrs. the Allan Scally Memorial Race is a four by approximately the miles relay. Teams will turn up from all oyer Scotland for this annual race. which incorporates the Scottish l'niyersitics road relay championship.



I Rangers v Kelso Linwood Sports ( ‘eiilrc. Brediland Road. Linwood. 7.45pm. Sec panel.



I Boroughmuir Aces v Scottish Farm Aztecs Mcadowbank. Iidinburgh. 1.15pm. MEN'S LEAGUE DIVISION ONE

I Boroughmuir v East End Meadow batik. Iidinburgh. 3pm.


EUROPEAN CUP SECOND ROUND FIRST LEG I Rangers v Real Madrid ( ‘oasters Arena. (irangciiiouth Road. I’alkirk. "7.3”Pm. See panel.



I Boroughmuir Aces v Royal Deeside Meadow bank. Izdinburgh. 1.15pm.

I Rangers v Bo'ness Wild Cats Barrhcad Sports ('entrc. Main Street. Barrhcad. 1.45pm.

I Ml Livingston v Edinburgh Royals'l‘he I‘orum. Almondyale West. I.iy ingston. 2pm.


I Ml Livingston v East End 'I'hc I‘m-um (its aboye). Noon.

I Boroughmuirv Dundee Meadow batik (as aboyc I. 3pm.

I Rangers v James Watt Barrhcad Sports Centre (as abuse I. 3 45pm.


I Race Days ’I'tiesday . ’I'hursday and Saturday. I’owdcrhallStadium.

Beaycrhall Road. Izdiiiburgh. Race meetings are for 111 races. startingat

/.3llpm. £2.2(IStand; £1.3()(iround.


I Race Days 'Iitlesday . 'I‘htlrsday and Saturday . Shaw field Stadium. Ruthcrglen Road. (ilasgow. Race meetings are for 111 races. starting at 7.45pm. £2.

EEEII_ Saturday 29

I Scottish Junior Ladies' Foil I .II1\\tIt)LI Sports (critic. Bredlland Road. Linwood.


I Ford Cup, Open Ladies' Foil; Scottish Junior Men‘s Sabre and Foil I.Ilt\\tltItI Sports ( 'cnlre (as abos e I.

FOOTBALL Saturday 29


I Celtic v Dundee ('cltic I’ark . ( ilasgow (Busesol . (i3. ()4). 3pm. Anythingother than a home yictory would be a shock. what with (’cltic‘s belated realisation that the season has begun. and Dundee's determination to stay where they feel most secure ~- in scycnth or eighth place.

I Dundee United v Motherwcll 't‘annatliee. l)undec(Buses IS. 1‘). 211.31 I. 3pm. lixpcct another inini-Icstiyal of attacking football from the Mel .ean brothersand their fun-loying teams.

I Hamilton V Hibs Douglas Park. I Iamilton (Itltl yards from Hamilton West Station I. 3pm. 'l‘oday 's most open l’remier fisturc. a test of I lamiltoii's self-belief and I Iibs' consistency.

I Hearts v Aberdeen 't‘y tteeilstle. Iidiiiburgh ( Biiscs 1.2. 3. 4. 33. 34. 44). 3pm. I'suaIIy a bad-tempeiul game. with Aberdeen scoring first from the customary dodgy .liiii Belt penalty . and I Icarts equalising in the seyenty -tliird minute with a (‘olquhoiin tap-in from three yards. I St Mirren v Rangers I.oy c Street. I’aisley (Illiiiins from (iiliiioui‘ Street station I. 3pm. The team whose sole purpose in life seems to be improy ing the goal difference of the Old l-irm are unlikely to offer more than token resistance to the league leaders.


IAyrv Clyde Somerset l’ark. Ay rt IIIlllilts


Unbeaten so far in the domestic season, Rangers (Linpride no more) should be confident of recording a substantial victory against Kelso in the men‘s cup this Friday 28 (see listings). They face somewhat stiller opposition, however, this Tuesday 1 when they meet Real Madrid in the second round first leg of the European Basketball Cup. Having received a bye in the first round, this is the first match forthe reconstituted Kingston club in the top European competition.

The future of British basketball is very much uncertain at the moment. While Rangers with theirseemingly infinite wealth were perfectly happy to buy into the sport, another footballing giant, Manchester United, are less than satisfied with their own basketball team. A substantial section of United‘s shareholders are unhappy that the football club themselves markedly

unsuccessful of late should have to subsidise the loss~making indoor sport, and club chairman Martin Edwards has agreed that continued losses cannot be tolerated over any length oftime.

The main problem seems to be the slavish way in which large organisations here have imitated their European counterparts. Forthem it seemed enough that football clubs from Madrid to Milan had successful

from Ayr station). 3pm.

I Falkirk v Raith Rovers Brockyille. Falkirk ( IIIII yards (‘irahamston station). 3pm.

I Morton v Dunfermline (‘appielow. (ireenock (5 mins (’artsdyke station I. 3pm. Relegated last year. now in contention for promotion. both teams will regard this as a crunch match.

I Partick Thistle v MeadowbankThistle I'iirliill.(ilasgoys (Buses I . S. 3 l . 57.o(). til I. 3pm.


I Albion Rovers v Montrose ( ‘Iitionhill. (‘oatbridge ( Ill mins ('oatdy ke station I. 3pm.

I Oumbarton v East Stirling Boglletltl. Dumbartonl Illmiiis I)iiiiili;ii'tiii11{;ist station I. 3pm.



I Motherwell v St Mirren to Park. Motherw ell (all Mothcrw ell buses pass ground I. 7.3(Ipm.

I Rangers v Hearts Ibrox. ( ilasgow (2 mins Ibros underground). ".3llpiii. .-\s Iongas llcarts belieye they can't beat Rangers. they won't. .-\ draw . how ey er. may not be beyond them.



I Aberdeen v Celtic I’lttotlt‘ie. Aberdeen (Biises1.3.3.11).".3llpm.

I Dundee v Hamilton I)ens I’ark. Dundee (Bases IS. 10.31.31 ). ".3flpin.

I Hibs v Dundee United I'aslci' Road. lidinburgli ( Bitses 4. 5. I5. 43. 44. 51 I. 7.3llpm. I'nited away are not the most attractiye of teams. as was proyeii iii the Corresponding Iixttti‘c last year. and despite their improy ed Ioi iii this season will probably be happy with the most tediousofll Ildrawstoniglit.


PREMIER LEAGUE I Dundee United v Dundee Alannadlce.

basketball sides: no thought was given to the fact that the root cause of that success was the loyalty of the public not just to a name - Barcelona, Juventus or whatever— but to the sport of basketball itsell, which throughout Europe is second in popularity only to football.

Without that grassroots support, clubs are required to build from the top down. But if they don't achieve on-court success, crowds are unlikely to increase; and if crowds stay low, not too many top players are likely to be

I tempted to the club. While Rangers FC

have recently revolutionised Scottish football, Rangers basketball club. who attract crowds which even Albion Rovers would not be too pleased with,

clearly still have along way to go.

(Stuart Bathgate). 'I'hc List 38 ()ct I(I .\'oy 198847