I Charlie McNair's Band Preservation Hall. Victoria Street. 226 3816. Evening. I Shore Music The Shore Bar: Restaurant. The Shore. l.eith. 9pm. 'l‘onight Swing 88 three piece hot cluh swing.
THURSDAY 6 Glasgow
I Grooveyard (ilasgow l‘niversity L'nion. University Avenue. 8.3llpm. l’ree. Sax fronted London hased energetic jazz and jazz rock hand.
I Jeanette Burns and Andy Alston Blacklriars. Bell Street. Merchant City. 552 5924. lisening. Songs and piano.
I Riverside Blues Riy L‘l'Sltlc‘. Fox Street. ol‘t (‘lyde Street. 0pm midnight. 80 Weevil.
I Jazz Pool l.';\ttache. hasement ol Rtitland Hotel. West lind. Princes Street. 9pm. Free. A group irom a large poolot' youngish musicians. usually
piano keyhoards. hass. drums. guitar. and hrass and or reeds. Modern. hop. sortie mainstream. blues
I Barony Jazz Barony Bar. Broughton Street. 5.57 H546. 'l'wo sessions. Melanie 0‘ Reilly and l-ranees (‘owan 53pm: Jimmy Wood '1 riot) ll.3llpm.
I Cale Biarritz 6| l-‘rederick Street. 225 5244. 9 12pm. Lise iazz swing.
I Edinburgh Jazz Quartet ( ~uppers. ('ockhurn Street. 225 1441. livening.
I Graham Blamyre Jazzers Basin Street. llaymarket 'l‘errace. 337 lllllo. livening. I Templehall Slompers ‘I‘emple l lotel. Esplanade. .loppa. 66‘) 4264. livening. Trad and disie residents.
FRIDAY 7 Glasgow
I George McGowan Quartet Berlin Lounge Bar. 8- in West (ieorge Street. Queen Street Station. 335 2382. Lunchtime iazz with singer and guests.
I George McGowan Trio with Linda Fletcher Blacklriars. Bell Street. Merchant City. 552 5024. layening. Resident drummer's hand w ith singer and guests.
I Glasgow Rhythm Club l‘nitarian ('hurch. 72 Berkeley Street. "45pm. All welcome. 'l'alks with gramophone records. Tonight Jim llendetson asks '.\'ow Will You l’ractice‘."
I Barony Jazz Barony Bar. Broughton Street. 557 (I546, 'l‘wo sessions. Fast Getaway 5 7pm: ESP ‘)-- l l .3llpm.
I Alpha Jazz Quartet lillersley l louse llotel. lillersley Road. (‘orstorphine. 337 6888. 8— l lpm.
I Alex Shaw Trio ( 'oppe rs. (‘ockhurn Street. 225 I44! Iivening.
I Spirits 0t Rhythm Basin Street. llaymarket Terrace. 337' 1006. liveninzl. ’l'rad hand.
I Cale Biarritz ol l‘rcderick Street. 225 5244. tl-«l2pm. Fat Stutt.
SATURDAY 8 Glasgow
I George McGowan Orchestra Berlin Lounge Bar. 8 Hi West (ieorge Street. Queen Street Station. 335 2382. 2---5pm. l’ree. The Big Band Sound. old and new. I Rive Gauche Society Of Musicians. Berkeley Street. 221 M 12. Alternoon. Slip. 1 lot ( ‘luh swing \ iolin and guitar quartet.
I Alex Dalgleish All Stars Rolls Royce (‘ltlll l’aisley Road. .-\lternoon.
I Ron Moore. Rikki Fernandez La 'l‘ay erna. LansdowneCrescent. 3397128313042 midnight. l'ree. Music in thehar.
I Society Ouartet Society ()lMtisicians. Berkeley Street. 221 6] 12. 8pm. 5llp. Music and dancing
I AboutTime Blacklt‘tars. Bell Street. Merchant (‘ity . 552 5924. liy ening.
Fans at trad jazz, and lovers at old lashioned comedy can be united in delight that The Temperance Seven are back in town. Or rather back in the palm courts of the Brunton Hall. Musselburgh. When was itthey were numberone in the charts—sorry, hit parade. with ‘Pasadena'? Early Sixties? I vaguely remember. Anyway the whole daily lot oi them, megaphone amplilied vocals. sousaphone solos. families at saxophones. ukeleles and swanee whistles are syncopaling away on the 3rd. How about lunch in their company at the Harbour Arts. Irvine on the tst?
To be applauded is the management at Edinburgh‘s re-vamped Barony Bar in Broughton Street. From Thursday to Sunday they present live jazz, usually two bands in two sessions. one timed to appeal to the one-alter-work and the laterat9pm. Music ranges irom Melanie O'Reilly‘s cool vocalsto nee-bop groups. The decor is simple, tastelul and the music is tree.
Since stepping down irom his job as
Platiorm‘s director, Roger Spence has set up a complementary organisation and will be running Jazz Fridays at Edinburgh‘s Oueen‘s Hall. The season kicks oil on the 14th with the Blues, as sung by Joe Louis Walker’s band. Highlights at the season include an October concert with tenorist Art Themen in 3 Stan Tracey group. and a Decembervisit by Jan Garbarek, inthe illustrious company at Eberhard Weber and Nana Vasconceles. Details next
issue. (N.C.)
I Grooveyard \egociants. Bristo Square. 0pm. lp irom l .ondon come this tax lronted rocky jazz outtit.
I Barony Jazz Barony Bar. Broughton Street. 55‘ U546. 'l‘wo sessions. Sophie Bancrolt Group 1,3o 5pm: Trish James Trio ()r-l l .3llpm.
I Alpha Jazz Quartet l-.llersley llotise llotel. Izllcrsley Road. ('orstorphine. 337 6888. 8 llpm.
I Alex Shaw Trio l’latlot'm l.Rutland Street. 225 2433. Lunchtime.
I Peristalsis Brothers (‘ale Biarritz.61 l‘rederick Street. 225 5244. U~l2pm.
I Alex Shaw Trio ( ‘oppers. ('ockhurn Street. 225 l44 l. lzyening.
IToto And The Jazz Bostons l’rescryation llall. \‘ictoria Street. 226 3816. 2-4pm. I Doctor MacJazz Basin Street. llaymarket 'l‘errace. 337' lllllo. livening. 'l‘rad hand.
I Cale Biarritz 61 l-rederiek Street. 225 5244. ‘)~ 12pm. Texas Breakfast primitive parlour swing hlues.
I Bill Fanning Orchestra ( 'lyde I {all Ballroom. 318(‘lyde Street. 8- 1 1pm. Bar. ’l‘wo vocalists swing with (‘ount Basic and (ilen .‘sliller. Dancing.
I New Jazz’l‘he Bar. 'l'ron ’l‘heatre. l’arnie
Street. 552 4267. £1.5lltt'l ). l.3ll-5pm. 'l'ron‘s weekly iazz scene changes gear.
I Mike Hart‘s Society Syncopators Mount Royal 1 lotel. Princes Street. 1- 3pm. 'I'rad and vocals tor hrunch.
I Ronnie Rae Trio l’latlorm l.Rutland Street. 225 2433. Lunchtime.
I Barony Jazz Barony Bar. Broughton Street. 55'.‘ U546. l.l\ e hand. 83” llpm. 'l'onrght Melanie 0‘ Reilly and Francis Cowan. vocals with guitar.
IThat Swing Thang ( 'rile Biarrilz. nl lirederick Street. 225 5244, 07 12pm. Band sometimes changes. l’honc lor details.
MONDAY 10 Edinburgh
I Suave .\la\ies Bistro. \icolson Street
66"“845. Clarinet. sax and guitar.
I East Coast Jazz Band Blue Lagoon. Angle Park Terrace. 33] 9922. livcning. 97 12pm. Resident 'l'rad hand.
I Shore Music The Shore Bar’Restaurant. The Shore. l.eith. 9pm. Tonight Michael Wright. piano bar music.
I Bobby Wishart l lalt Bar. Woodlands Road. 332 1210. livening. Leading saxophonist's jazz and fusion hand.
I Sophie Bancroft Trio L‘Attaehe. hasement ot' Rutland Hotel. West lind. Princes Street. 0pm. Vocalist.
I Swing '88 Man Shovel. (‘ockhurn Street. 225 6843. Iivening. 'I‘woguitars. l lot ('Iuh sound with reeds.
I Louisiana Ragtime Band Navaar l louse l lotel. Maylield (iardens. 667 2828. livening.
I West End Jazz Band Basin Street. llaymarket Terrace. 337 1006. Evening. 'l'rad.
I Shore Music The Shore Bar ’Restaurant. The Shore. l.eith. 9pm. Tonight Robert Pettigrew and Kenny Ellis. classy
piano douhle hass.
I Sandy Taylor/Alex Moore Duo (ilasgow Society ()t Musicians. Berkeley Street. 221 61 12. 8.30pm. 50p. Bar.
I Charlie McNair's Band Preservation Hall. Victoria Street. 226 3816. livening. I Shore Music The Shore Bar Restaurant. '1 he Shore. l.eith. 9pm. 'I‘onight Swing 88 three piece hot cluh swing.
THURSDAY 13 Glasgow
I Riverside Blues Riverside. Fox Street. ott'(‘lyde Street. Upm—midnight. Bo Weevil.
I Blacktriars Bell Street. Merchant ('ity. 552 5924. l2vening. Live jazz music. 'I'onight Chick Lyall. key hoard ace with his
I Jazz Pool L'Attache. basement of Rutland Hotel. West End. Princes Street. 9pm. Free. A group ofyoungish musicians. usually piano/keyboards. bass. drums. guitar. and brass and or reeds. Modern. hop. some mainstream. blues.
I Cate Biarritz 6| Frederick Street. 225 5244. 9—l2pm. Live hand.
I Edinburgh Jazz Quartet Coppers. Cockhurn Street. 225 1441. Evening.
I Graham Blamyre Jazzers Basin Street. llaymarket Terrace. 337 llltlo. [is-ening. I Templehall Stompers Temple Hotel. lisplanade. .loppa. 66‘) 4264. liy ening. 'l‘rad and dixie residents.
I Shore Music The Shore Bar Restaurant. The Shore. l.eith. 9pm. 'l onight Brian Gibb. piano hackdrop with vocalist.
FRIDAY 30 Glasgow
I Crazyhead and The Seers Rooftops. 92 Sauchiehall Street. 332 5883. lllpm.l know which part ol’ this package I would rather see. (frazyhead are turgidfl‘he Seers have the makings of great guitar hand it they live out the promise ol‘their recent Rough Trade single.
I The Primevals and Blam Blam Y.c. and I Dexter Slim and the Pick Ups 'l‘he Revue. 244 (iallow gate. 552 4601 . ()pm. 5llp. ()pening night lor (ilasgow 's new venue. which can he t’ound dow nstairs at
Barrow land. Special. cheap admission. for one night only . and a mixed hill w hich should attract a lot ot people interested in seeing how good the venue is. The Primevals are always worth seeing. and at 50p . . .
I Loose But Tight La ‘I'aniere. l5 l’os Street. 221 4844. 0pm. l‘ree.
I Gene Pitney l’lay house 'l'hcatre. (ireenside Place. 557 25‘)“. 7.3llpm. £85”. £75”. £6.50. Always more popular here than in his native country. l’itney was. along with Roy ()rhison. the most popular ol the [S singers in W63 67 Britain. With classics like “I'm ( ionna he Strong' and "Twenty-tour llours from Tulsa" under his helt. it's not hard tosee why.
I Close Lobsters and Ave-8 Venue. ('alton Road. 557 3073. Time hasn't revealed any startling depths in their janeg indie-rock Ll’ ol last year. In the meantime Ayn-8 have hecome more the names to w atch. their chipper guitar-driven ‘ls 'l‘histhe [find 45 even inching its w ay on tothe daytime Radio One playlist.
I Very Very Music Box. Victoria Street. 2201708.“atterUpm. .\lorehright|ocal hopes. from the tunkier end oi town.
I Every New Dead Ghost ( ‘ay ern . ( ‘owgatc. 226 564 1. Nottingham hand. compared by sources to'l‘he lixploited.
I Wee Berry and his Roughouse Lord Darnley. West Port. 2294341. lllpm. Free.
I Charlie and her Sheepdogs l’rescry ation llall. Victoria Street. 226 3816. {l after 9.30pm.
I Marc Almond Barrow land. 244 (iallowgate. 552 4601. 8pm. £7(£6
ads ance ) Could he an excellent gig. given that it is a rare chance to see the man in action. Anyone rememher his classic RadioClyde interview w hen he walked out after one question ahout Soft (‘elll’ 'l‘he sttlll rock and roll legends are made tit.
l’he l.lsl 3llSepl l3()cl 1988 39