9—1 1 .45pm. £1. Informal club.
I Second Fiddle Scott‘s Corner. Derby Street. 334 4891. Evening.
I Ceilidh Dance Riverside. Fox Street. off (‘Iy'de Street. 248 3144. ltlpm. £3. Late
I Simpson Perrie/Brian Mulligan Shore Bar. The Shore. Leith. 1ivening.\'io1in and guitar. caharet.
I Junction Bar West Preston Stret. 9pm. 1.iye music.
I Larry and Friends Meadoyvs' Bar. Btieclctigli St. 667 366‘). Evening. (itiitar hased folksy blues and swing.
I North Sea Gas Platform 1.Rut1and Street. 15y ening. Resident ptih folk hand. I Royal Oak Infirmary Street. 557 2976. 1-.yening till 1.30am. Late haryvith informal songs and music.
I Muckle Ado Scotch And Rye. 511(ieorge 1\' Bridge. 225 1681. livening.
I The Folk Band Blackfriars. Bell Street. Merchant (‘in . 552 5924. Afternoon. Instrumental session.
I Kells Scott's ('orner. 1)erhy Street. 334 48111. 11y eiiiiig. Satttrday residency.
lrish Scots singalong hand. Popular.
I Ceilidh Dance Riy'erside. Fox Street. off (‘lyde Street. 248 3144. ltlpm. £3. Late
I West End Hotel Palmerston Place. 9pm. Meeting place of lidinhtirghUaels. Accordion etc.
I Royal Oak Infirmary Street. 557 2976. l’yellillgtlll 1.311am. Late har. folk hasement.
I Denny Swanson Scotch And Rye. 511 (ieolge 1\' Bridge. 225 1681. livening.
SUNDAY 9 Glasgow
I Zul! La Chute \y'intcrsgills. (ireat Western Road. livening. ()ld timey‘. .’\111el'1c;lll and caitin.
I Glenelg Sessions Yotings l lotel. 1.eamiiigtoii '1‘errace. ‘)piii~midnight. 1-‘ree. Acoustic mtisic nights. Noftirther detailsayailahle.
I Seannachie (ireen 'i'ree. (‘oyvgato
1iy eniiig. Scottish songs and zippy instrumentals from resident hand.
I Jim Knight/Colin Ramage/Robin Laing ltnsign 1".“ art. 1.ayvnmarket. livening. 'l'hiec singer guitarists.
I Larry and Friends Antiqtiary . St Stephen Street. 1-',yening. (itiitar hased folksy hlucs and syying.
I North Sea Gas Rtttlaiid 1 lotel. Rtttlaiid Street. 22‘) 31142. 9pm. Singalong.
MONDAY 10 Glasgow
I Victoria Bar Bridgegate. 55: 61141). 9pm. Regular session.
I Irish Music Stage Door Bar. ( iorhals Street. 42911922. lop (ilasgoyy irislt instrumentalists and singers.
I Miro lite (ireetl lree. (‘oyygate Iiyening. Bar till lam. instrumental thrash.
I Fiddlers ArmS ( irassmarkel. lty'ening. Scottish music session. Bar closesat 1 1pm.
I Dougie MCO Scotch .-\lttl Rye. 511(ieot‘gc
1\' Bridge. 225 1681. liyellillg.
I The CDTleS Mother yy ell ( ‘iy ic ( ‘eittrc Theatre. 7.3llllln. L5. liyei l‘t‘l‘tilardtio turnout for .\1otheryye11‘s mtisic test.
I Paisley Arts Folk Paisley :\rts('etltre. .\'cyy Street. 887 111111. 8pm. lonight Ian Bruce,
I Barrie Band Baiinetitians Bar. ( ‘oyygate. 556 3254. liy‘cititig. '1 he Baiiie Band. l’idtlle. flute. iiiaiitloeello and yocals, Mainly lrisli.
I Chris Thompson St .1;iitics( )yslci' Bar. (‘alton Road. opposite St James ( ‘etitre. iiyening. Roekahilly hlties.
I Miro linsign l'yy art. 1 ms iimarket. topol the High Street. 1"yeiiing. .-\eotistieccltic music.
I Kenny Grier Royal Oak. lnfirmary Street. 55' 2976. (itiilarist singer. late har.
I Colin Flamage Scotch Anti Rye. 51) (ieorge1\'Bridge.2251681.1{yening.
WEDNESDAY 12 Glasgow
I The Humph Family '1 he 'l'radittg l’ost . (i3 ('altoii Place. 42‘) 34-15. limit a hoiit 8.30pm. l’tlll and clc\el country spool.
I Scolia Folk Night Scolia Bat . Slockyy ell Street. 55.28681.
I Folk Session 1 lall Bar. \y'oodlands Road. 332 12111. 1~yening. instrumental music on fiddle. accordion etc.
I Edinburgh Folk Club. Osbourne Hotel. York Place. 556 5577. 8pm. £2.30(£1.50). Antipodean Scot. Eric Bogle. one olthe most popular songwriters in the folk world. Tickets only on sale at the door. Go early orlace guaranteed sell out.
I Alchemy Baiitiet iiians Bar. ( 'oyy gate. 5563251 l'yeiiiiig..\{eyy1*o1konsyiith. fiddle. little and \ ocals.
I North Sea Gas Platform l.Rttt1and Street. l'\ellll1_LZ Resident ptih lolk hand, I GuizerSeolch .-\iid Rye. 511(ieoige l\' Bridge.2251681 l'yclllllg'
Roger Spence for Assembly presents MODERN BLUES from the same ‘Hightone’ stable as Robert Cray
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THURSDAY 13 Glasgow
I Star FOIK Club (ilas‘goyv Society ()1~ Mtisieians. Berkeley Street. 221 61 12. 8pm. L1 .511. .\'o information.
I Green Tree (‘tiyy-gatc. Iivening. Packed instrumental session. Late hair.
I Larry and Friends Antiquary. St Stephen Street. liy'ening. (itiitar hased folksy hltics arid syyiiig.
I Colin Ramage/Robin Laing linsigtt liyyart. Layynmarkct. liy‘ening.
I Jim Knight Scotch And Rye. 511(ieorgc 1\' Bridge. 225 1681. iiyening.
I George McGowan Ouartel Berlin Lounge Bar. 8 111 West (icorge Street . Queen Street Station. 335 2382. Lunchtime iii/z yyith singer and guests.
I George McGowan Trio with Linda Fletcher Blacklt'iat's. Bell Street. Merchant ( 'ity. 552 5‘124.1:ycning. Residentdi'umiiier's hattd yy itii singer aitd guests.
I Glasgow Rhythm Club 1'nitarian(‘htiich. T2 Berkeley Street. 7,45pinf1'a1ksyyith giamophotic records. 'l'onight Ron .\1aekie on the great eoi net player and influential hatid leader Red Nichols.
IBarony Jazz Barony Bar. Brotighton Street. 55" 115-1h. '1 “o sessions. Fast Getaways “pm; Jack Hammer Band
‘1 11.311pm.
I Alpha Jazz Quartet lilIet-slcy lltittse llote1.1'.llcrs1cy Road. ('orstoiphiiic. 335' 6888. 8 11pm.
I Cale Biarrilz 61 Frederick Street. 225 52-14 ‘1 12pm, the hand. generally Fat Stutt
I Alex Shaw Trio ( ‘oppers. ( 'ockhtii ii Street. 225 1441 l‘.\L‘llill_L’.
I Spirits Ol Rhythm Basin Street. llaytiiarkct l'erraec.3.‘~“ ltlll6.1-.yeniiig. l rad hand.
I George McGowan Orchestra Berlin lounge Bar. 8 111 West ( icoi‘ge Street. Queen Street Station. 335 2382. 2 5pm. tree the Big Band Sound. old and iieyy. I Tinlara Blade Blacktriars. Bell .s‘tteei. Merchant ('ily . 552 5924.1{yciiing
I Alex Dalgleish All Stars Rolls Royce (‘ltih. Paisley Road. .-\llel'lltitill.
I Ron Moore. Rikki Fernandez t .al ayertia. Lansdoyyiiecrescent. 33‘1"128 ll 311 12 midnight. 1-iee. Music in the hat.
I Rive Gauche Society ()1 .\1tisietaiis. Berkeley Street. 221 til 12. .'\1lerltoolt. 511p llot(‘1tihs\ying yiolin and guitar tllltll'lL‘l.
I Society Quartet Society ()1 .‘yttisieiaits. Bet keley Street. 221 (ll 12. 8pm. 511p. \lllslt' aiiddaiiciiig.
I Barony Jazz Barony Bar. Brotiglitoii Street. 5.5311540. l\\()\CS\1()ns_SOphie Bancroft Group 3 3o 5pm; Trish James Trio ‘1 11.311piii.
I Alex Shaw Trio Platform 1. Rtttlaiid Slieet. 225 2433.1 tinehliiiie.
I Shore Music The Shore Bar Restaurant. The Shore. Leith. 9pm. Tonight Ewan Baird Group. guitar. piano. hass.
I Alpha Jazz Quartet tillersley l louse llotcl. 1i1|ers1ey Road. (‘orstorphine. 337 6888. 8 -1 lpm.
I Cale Biarritz 61 Frederick Street. 225 5244. ll- 12pm. Texas Breakfast primitive parlour syyiiig.
I Alex Shaw Trio ('oppers’. ('oekhurn Street. 225 1441. liy'ening.
I Toto And The Jazz Bostons Preservation Hall. Victoria Street. 226 3816. 2--4pm.
I Doctor MacJazz Basin Street. llaymarkct Terrace. 337 11106. liy'ening. '1 rad hand.
I Bill Fanning Orchestra (‘lytte I la” Ballroom. 318(‘1yde Street. 8 11pm. Bar. lyyo y oealists syy ing with Count Basie and (ilell Miller. Dancing.
I New Jazz the Bar. iron Theatre. Parnie Slteet.552426".{1.511(LI).1.311-5pm. 'l'roii‘s ys eekly tau scene changes gear.
I Barony Jazz Barony Bar. Brotighton Street. 55311546. Liye hand. 8.311 -| lptn. ’l ottigltt Melanie 0' Reilly and Francis Cowan. vocals yyllll guitar.
I That Swing Thang ("ale Biarrit/. 61 1’rcderiek Street. 225 5244. 9 12pm. llip yocal syyiiig. Might change. Phone for details.
I Bonnie Rae Trio Platform 1.Rtitl;mtl Street. 225 2433. Lunchtime.
MONDAY 3 Edinburgh
I The Temperance Seven Brtlltton I iitllS. .‘ytttsselhtirgh. 8pm. \ovclticsand
sy ncopated comedies from the (IllilllesScllce ol megaphonic vocal charm. syy aiiee yy histle and sotisaphone.
I Larry Sanderson Band Negoeiants. Bristo Square. 9pm. Sax to the lore iii appealing (‘rtisadcrs-sty 1c jazz fusion.
I Shore Music the Shore Bar Restaurant. the Shore. Leith. 0pm. 'l‘onight Michael Wright. piano har music.
I East Coaleazz Band Blue Lagoon. Angle Park ‘l'erraee. 331 W22. 11y citing.
‘) 12pm. Resident '1'rad hand.
TUESDAY 4 Glasgow
I Bobby Wishart 1 lalt Bar. \‘y'oodlands Road. 332 12111. liyeiiitig. Leading saxophonist's tall and fusion haitd.
I Sophie Bancroft Triol.‘.-\ttache. hascineiitol Rtttlaiid11otc1.\Vestlind. Princes Street ‘lptti. Vocalist.
I Swing '88 Mail Shoy e1. ( 'oekhtii‘n Street. 225 6843. 11y ening. 'l‘yyogtiitars. 1 lot ( 'ltih sound \y itli reeds.
I Louisiana Ragtime Band Nay aai' l lotise llotel. .\1aylte1tl (iardens. 06.32828. livening.
I West End Jazz Band Basin Street.
llay market Terrace. 33" 11106. int ening. lrad.
I Shore Music The Shore Bar Restaurant. the Shore. Leith. 9pm. tonight Robert Peltigrew and Kenny Ellis. classy
piano tlotihle hass.
WEDNESDAY 5 , Glasgow
I Sandy Taylor/Alex Moore Duo ( thing Society ()1 .\1tisieiaiis. Berkeley Street. 221 6112. 8.311pm. 511p. Bar.
I Shore Music l'hc Shore Bar Restaurant. '1 he Shore. 1.eit1i l)pm. loiiightBrian Gibb. piano yy itli yocalist. cool t‘esty les.