jcxscllcrx including Martin I’agc. John Iliill and Karcn .\lac(ilashan and prints and paintingx h)’ Andrca 'I‘ana.

I DANISH INSTITUTE 3 Dounc 'I‘cri‘acc. 22.< “ls”. Mon Fri Ilium—5pm. PerArnoldi and Bo Bonlils t'niil thcpt. I’ci' Arnoldi ix a dcxigncrol niulii-coloui'cd lurniturc. hiiildiiigx. lc\ttch. xciilptiirc and paintings. llcrc along \\ ith liix compatriot Bo Bont‘ilx. hc xlioxx x liix xkill \\ ith poxtcr dcxign. Scc iancl.

I DESIGNER STUDIO 1" South l.carmonth (iai‘itctix. 332 233.2. XItIIIW'I'ArI

lll._‘xll;iiii 5 3llpni.

Tapestries 1988 I 'ntil 3| .-\ug. l’aola .\Iaiccl|ino ix a soung Italian dcxigncr hung in l'dinhurgh. IIci'xxork ixiiigrcat dcniand in hoth Bi'itian and Ital} hcrc xlic xhou x cm i'cni \\ ork in a domcxtic intci'ioi'. Scc paiicl.

I THE EDGE St I’atrick‘x School. I)i'uminond Strccl. ()pcn all day and Iatc hat

'I hc lidgc ix hillcd ax ilic li‘ingc onilic tiingc .'\x \\L'II ax cahai'cl . lhcatrc and niuxic tlic I-dgc has an all-day calcand gallci icx .-\i tixtx aic \sclcomc to loin thc I-dgc .iiid c\liihit xcll lhcir work at an} timc diii mg ilic I'L‘SIH al. 'I'hc Izdgc xpccialixcx in c\pcrimcnt and mum ation and ix .i \xcll-oiganixcd hunch. \liiralxh) ioung .ii iixix hrightcn ilic old xchool xtairx and ilic gallcricx upxtaii'x Il;l\ c an art xchool' .iliiioxphci'c. .\ont ot thc aitixtx cxliihiling arc icccnt gi'adiialcxol I-dinhiirgh ( ‘ollcgc ot Art. Among lhoxc cshihiting thix \xcck ai'c I);ll'l‘L‘lT \loorc. Allan Ramxa} . I oiqiiil Andcrxon. SIIII} I-iicman .inil.lcnn_\ l’opc. szhihitionx changccici} Monday I EDINBURGH COLLEGE OF ART 1 .aiii ixion l’lacc. 22‘W3ll .\lon 'I‘hurx

lllam S 3Hpm. I’ll lllam- 5pm. Sat

lllam ~1pm Making It I hid 3 Scpt. .-\nn Ilarti'cc (cx I’i'cxcotc ( iallci') . no“ l’i‘cxcolc .-\i'l and l)cxign i has organixcd thix cshihition tor thc ollicial l'cxti\a|. Shc haxhi'ought togcthci tlic \soi k ol Itl'lIISIltlllitlllI} Scottiin i dcxigncix. xlic liax tranxloi'mcd thc xculpliiic court at lhc collcgc intoa piazza hanging \\ iih xilk and \xclcoiiiing \HtIl liccx .ind piihlicxcaiing. John \cu ton‘x "l cni‘. xccn i‘cccnll) in Kaxxcl domiii.iicx onc cnd. \\ liilc turniturc h} Stuart llill t lilx xcaixl. hciichcxh} Arthur \Vaixon and .i toiintain h} a i'cccnt (ilaxgim giaduatc coiitiniic thc \ ixual dcliglit clxc\\ hcrc. 'I‘hc .'\rt (‘ollcgc ix dcliiiilch worth a \ ixit thix}c‘;ii‘. Taccas 14 .-\ug 3 Scpi. (‘ontcmpoi‘arx lapcxti icx li‘oiii Sardinia haxcd on aiicicnl

\\ca\ ing icchniciiicx and dcxigncd h) rcnimncd Italian aichilcctx. Bright and hiix}. I GALLERY LA BELLE ANGELE l l Ilaxticx ('liixc IIUIIIILI cut ltct' thin) 30‘“ i;iIIL‘l'}l (‘im galc. 225 2”"4. Scc also Scottixh ai‘l lstAnniversary Exhibition l mu 4 Sc-pi. \Voi'k h\ .ii tixtx Il\ ing in Scotland, Xoc liarkci and \ inccnl Itutlci makc ligiircx. l’clci (ii aham paints \\ ith hot colour and .loliii I I.ix\\clI and Brian .\Ii|likcn lakc [‘liiitiigl'aphx Ht c'\iillc placcx Illxc lhc Sahara and 'I hailaiid. I FREEMASON'S HALL Wt ( icoi'gc Strcct. 226525" ‘I. .\toii Sat‘lam 6pm. 200 DI the Best I hid 3 Scpt. I'hc I'i‘iiigc I’oxlcr has hccii pluckch Il’iilll a cliildr'cn‘x 1 coiiipclilion tor thc paxt ninc )caix. lt'x hcciimc it ll‘iittltliilt .\ xc‘IL‘cllUlt (it II III trom thix xc.” ‘x cntii ot 2. l3i\ \\ ill hc xhimn hci‘c. I GALERIE MIRAGES 'I'hc laiic . ~16a Rachurn I’lacc. Slockhridgc. 3 l 5 2603. Mon Sat Illam 5pm; Sun 2 5piii.(‘|oxcd \Vciliicxilaix.

Maskeradel‘ntiloScpt \tiixkxli'om i around thc \xoi‘ld. ilic gliltci and coloui'ol


. .-...vf ' i. ' YOUNG SCOTTISH

WASPS Gallery, See Scottish section. WASPS is an organisation which makes space tor artists throughout Scotland. At Patriothall, where around 60 artists have their studios, the residents have organised a series at exhibitions running throughout the lestival. Last week Kate Downie showed oil-rigs ol mighty proportions. Kerry Kirkwood drew mystical ligures, Karen Forbes installed a loreign body and Donald White made mountains out

\'cnicc. ritual li'om Bali and Lo a and lrihal lrom :\lrica.

I IN-HOUSE 2S 1 louc Strcct.225 2888. Mon Sat‘).3llam 5.30pm.

Philippe Starck l ‘niil 5 Scpl. .-\ contcmporai'} I~'i'cnch dcxigncr \\ ith a ialciil lordixci'xit}. llix Illrllltlll'L‘. hottlcx and cxcn paxta \sill hcon displa} tilttllx xpccial cxhihition. Scc pancl.

I IXIA 44a (icorgc Strcct. lltIUrltliltiUli 225 (i382.

Recent Graduates l 'niil 5 Scpt. 'I‘apcxtricx. xkclchcx and hand-madc papcr prints h) i‘cccnt gi'aduatcx ol Iidinhiirgh ('ollcgc ol' .-\i't.

I MARTIN AND FROST S3 SS ( icorgc Sti'cct. 225 2933. Mon Sat 9am 5.3llpin. Rugs I not 3 Scpt. Afghans. Kazakx. Bclouch and 'l'urkmcn dccoratc ihix turniturc xtoi‘c. .-\ xcllingcxhihition. Lectures 18. 25 Aug at 6pm. ()n ilic xuhjcct ol' riigx. Appl} for tickctxat thccshihition. I OPEN EYE GALLERY 25 ( ~iimhci'land l’lacc. 55" ND“. .\ton- I-‘ri Illam 6pm. Sat lllam «lpm. Scc aIxii Scottixh .-\t‘t xcction. Sarah Honeyman t ‘mil 1 Scpt. I-‘rom (ilaxgim . llonc} man makcs piiik-licadcd ligiircx in cci'amicx. S“ cct and a hit likc honc} thciiixclxcx. A pair ol Ii)\Cl‘\. armx iound cach otlicr. has c cacti grim ing trom thcir licadx. 'I'hcrc ix a ccrtain taxcinaiion \\ ith thcii' grotquiic ciiin attracth c looks. hut I'm not xiii'c \xhcrc thc} hclong.

Susan Barr I 'ntil l Scpi. 'I‘itaniiim IL‘\\L‘IIL‘I"\IT)it3011ngIittlntillrgtlitl‘IISI.

I ROYAL FINE ART COMMISSION‘) .-\tholl ('rcxccni.22‘) l lll‘). Daily lllam --1pm.

The Hole in the Ground 1 ‘mil 3“ Aug. An cshihition \x hich looks at thc paxt and Illtlll‘c‘ ol onc ol' lzdinhurgh'x moxl

contiox crxial hiiildiiig xitcx.

()pcra Itiitlxc. lItL‘atl'C. IIUIL‘I (it UIIIL'L‘ hlock ...t‘inall.\ . altcr thirl} scaron tIL‘III‘L‘l'ilIlUll lhc I IUIL‘ in lhc ( ii'iiuntl. xlic ot man} a t'ringc c\ cnt. ix to hc pliiggcd

xx ith a financial ccntrc. a disappointing choicc hut hardl} xurprixing thcxc da}x

xx hcn motlc} conicx Ill'SI. l’lcaxc notc that thc illiixtration iixcd in laxt \xcck'x rc\ ic“ \xax loi' a ‘I lolc in thc (iroiind‘dcxign propoxcd during ilic xixticx.


Iiixcrlcith Rim. Mon Sat Illam "pm;Siin

44'l‘hc list 26 Aug - l Scpi IUSS

ol waterlalls. This week Dorothy Black brings out her claws, Marcel O'Connor keeps small and cool under archways and Simon North paints a blue Moscow. ll you're in the vicinity of Theatre Workshop, why not pay a visit— it's right next door!

The North Sea oil rig above is by Kate Downie, who has just been announced the recipient of a £750 prize given by Louis de Vernier Cava at the Wine Emporium who are currently hosting an exhibition at work by young Scottish artists.(AB)

noon 4pm.

ATime to Mourn. ATime to Rejoice l mu :4 Aug. Admixxion Slip. Baptixm. lilitl‘l’lilgc and liincralx all rcqiiii‘c a ccrtain di'cxx. 'l‘liixcxhihition dixpla}xVictorian.

lid“ ai'dian and thirticx-xt} lc coxtiimc tor lhcxc occaxioiix.

I STJOHN'S CHURCH 3 Lothian Road (ciii‘nct' (it I’rinccx Strch \chI hid). .\ton Sat llam 6pm.

6th Fringe Cratt and Design Fair 1 ‘niil .3 Scpt. .-\ii opcn-air craft markct xclliiig icixcllci'} . tcxlilcx. glaxx. to)x ctc. I’ilt} cxhihitorxdail}.

I SCOTTISH CRAFT CENTRE l-lll (‘aiiongatcx 5568l36. .\lon- Sat

lllam 5.3llpm.

Making Faces I ‘ntil 3 Scpt. (‘i'allxpcoplc ha\ c hccn axkcd to xii'ctch thcii' imaginations and coiiic iip \\ ith laccx in thcii' particular mcdiiimx. 'l'hci'c ix a Illl} titanium icxicr h) Ann .\laric Shilliio. lat glaxs licadx h} :\Iaxtair .\Iacliitoxh and (‘lcopatra on a \ axc h} Bridch Drakclord.

I THE SCOTTISH GALLERY ()4 ( icoi'gc Strch 225 5055. Mon I‘i'anin 5 3llpni: Sat 0. 30am lpm. Scc alxo Scottiin and Pam .\taxtcrx xcctionx.

Peter Hayes and Dreon D'Casey t mil 6 Scpl. 'I‘hc \xork ol tlicxc tuo cialtxnicn ix linkcd h) tIlL‘ll‘ intcrcxt incarI} noii-\\'cxtci'n ai'i. ()'(‘axc} 'x 1c“ cllci_\ iixcx priiiiiiix c gcoiiictricx and l l;i_\cx' cci‘amic \Hli'k hax dcwlopcd lioni a pci iod xlllkI}lll}1 and tcacliiiig in Attica.

(‘cramic xxork h} soung Scoiiixh ariixtxix hcing xliois n during ilic xamc pcriod. ITALBOT RICE GALLERY ( )ld(‘o|lcgc. I‘nixci'xiti ol IitIlllI‘lll'gJIl. 66" Illl I c\l 43llS‘. .\loii Sat. lllam SpiiiLSiin

2pm 5pm.

Angelo Canevari that in Scpl. Siiigc dcxignx,

. TENT I’t'iltccx Strch (iardcnx ( \VL'xl 12nd). hail} lllam 7pm.

Festival Cratt Tent It) 3‘) Aug. Ll Admixxion. Light xcai'x ot ilic 'l cnt in I’rinccx Strcct ( iardcnx hm c pi'ox cd that qualit} ci'all ix hcxt. 'I hix )car .ii'tixtxand dcxigncrx \\ ill hc shim ing and xclling

1c“ cllcr} . lahi‘icx. knit“ cai‘. cciaiiiicx ctc \Vlo a hi'oxs xc.

I TORRANCE GALLERY 29h Dundas Street. 556 6366. Mon—Fri l lam—6pm; Sat 10.3Uani—4pm. See also Scottish section. Mixed Exhibition L’ntil 27 Aug. Rcccnt paintings h_\' Iithcl Walkcr. silvcr and gold jcwcllcry by Tony Ncwhcry and silvcr and cnamcl jcwcllcry hy Judity Phihhs.


I CENTRAL CYCLE HIRE l3 l.ochrin Placc. 'I'ollcroxx. lnl'o 2286333. I);tlt_\")itlTT--7pm. Edinburgh Festival Photography and Cat Paintings I'ntil 3 Scpt. It‘s an odd mixturc and in a cyclc shop too! I lowcvcr. ifyou iiccd a hikc. likc cats and \HillILI likc a sins of Iidinhurgh. this is ilic placc logo. I CITY CAF 1‘) Blair Strcct. 2200 l 35. Noon- 2am. Gavin Evans L'ntil 3 Scpt. lidinhurgh's hot-spot for artists and thc likc takcs tothc cxhihition circuit with an cxhihition of photographs. I FESTIVAL CLUB (‘hamhcrx Strcct. lllam noon. 3pm—5pni lor non mcmhcrx. lllam- 2am tor mcmhcrs ot' ilic I‘cxlival (‘luh. Body and Soul [mil 3 Scpt. .‘xnp Admission. Marc Marnic. photographcr tor l’lattorm Jazz in lidinhiirgh. takcs xhotx at somc of thc grcat in Jazz »- (’arol Kidd. ('harlic lladcn. Lax) l.cxicr. 'I'omm} Smith and othcrx. I FILMHOUSE I.othian Road. 22S63S2. .\ton Sal noon llpm; Sun 6.30 llpiii. I.iccnxcd rcxl. Nick Price3ll Aug-cud Scpi. A month-long ti'ck through ilic rcmotc mountainxot \cpal rcxulicd in this groupol' photographs ti'om an lidinhurgh-lnixcd photogi'aplicr. All procccdx from xalcx gocxio l '.\'|('Iil-'. I GRAEME MURRAY GALLERY IS Scotland Sti‘cct 5566ll2ll'l'uc -I‘ri llam- 5pm; Sat lllam lpm. Dreaming the Gokstadt-Northern Lands and lslands-RecentWork bythe adopted American photographer Thomas Joshua Cooper I 'nlil I" Scpt. ‘I'lic cxhihition which looks at ilic xilcnccs and cmptincxx of Northcrn lands including Scotland. lrcland. lcclaiid and Norwai ix accompanicd h} a liixh hook ol' thc xamc namc. l’ricc US. I KNEALE AND RUSSELL ARCHITECTS 3l Aha Strcct. Into 5564M? Mon-Sat Illam 4pm. Appearances t 'niil 3 Scpt. Scottish photographc r .-\ ltd} \Vicncr hax a xtrangc “as ol' looking at lilc. hut ii liiix homcixith a punch. Should hc xccn. I MERCHANT'S HALL 22 I Ianm cr Strcct. .\loii Sal Illain Spm. International Photography l 'niil 3 Scpl. :\tIltll\\lUli l; I. (‘hildi‘cn iiiidci l2 lrcc. IIlC Izdinhurgh Photographic Socicl} put togcthci' ihcii' 126th cxhihition ol pictorial photograph}. I OLD FRINGE OFFICE 1"“ l ligli Sti'cct. l)ail} lllam 5.30pm. Colin Baxter l ‘ntil 3 Scpt. Work h} ilic man is ho changcd ilic lacc ol‘ lhc Scottixh poxlcai'd. ( 'olin Baxtcr. I PORTFOLIO GALLERY AT PHOTOGRAPHY WORKSHOP 43 (‘andlcmakcr Rim . 22“ W] 1. Ruth Stirling l‘nlil 3 Scpt. l’hotograplix h} a Scottiin photographcr lrom hcr c\pci'icnccx ax ai'tixt-in-icxidcncc at ilic .\lai inc Station on ( ~uinhi'ac. 'l‘hix cxhihitioii niarkx thc opcningol thc Photograph} \thl'kstltip“ITICITUIICI‘S darkroom taciliiicx. adv icc tor }i)iiiig photographci‘x. claxxcx. \siirlx‘xhupx and ialkx. 'l‘hc \xorkxhop has also startcd its practical acli\ iticx iixiiig ilic ncu dark room taciliiicx. Rccommciidcd. I PORTRAIT GALLERY ()iiccn Strcct . 556 S‘)2l \lon Sat lllaiii 5pm; Sun 2-5pm. Mom 1-! Aug to J Scpl IlUtll'S arc cstcndcd