I Strathclyde Police Tattoo (see punch Khattak I)ancers peri'orm tor Pakistani Ambassador. Sports Arena 1 1am and at the Rendezvous. 3pm.

I The Mounties A muster oi mounted police: the l{o_\al (‘anadian Mounted Police. the San Mateo Sherilis. the Merse}side l’olice Drum Horse and the Strathclyde l’tlliL‘L‘ Drum l ltit'sc tum [urge-s at the Four Winds 1.30pm.

I Copenhagen Police Orchestra 3pm Rendenous.


I Dog Displays West Midlands 1 )ng Branch. Sports Arena. 3pm and 5pm

I National Association oi FlowerArrangers Showl'ntil'l‘hur‘sda} ll.


I Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop Demonstrations oi sculpting and sculpture in \ arious media start today at the \\'.-\Sl’S studio in the (‘ralt ('enti'e


It is possible to tras el the length and breadth oi the garden lestix al in a leisuiel_\ afternoon. the six theme parks gix e some form to the eclectic exliihitsand installations. hut an unstructured wander is pi'ohahl} the most euro} alilc was to see the festival. 'l‘he mini trains are great tun. will gixe )ou an idea of the lioout allclsme your legs. as will the ellol'titottsl} popular trams. 'l‘he soung and the hr'me w ill also want a goon the 240 toot \ rewingtow er and the thrill ride.

I Tickets ( iar'den l"csli\ al da) tickets cost £5: £4 for lull time students. uneiiipltwcd and ()Al’s; {2.5” tor children irom 5- lo years and tree l‘or urider-t'ix es. ()nce _\ou are inside es er} thing is tree except the thrill ride. l-aiiiilies can get a special l-‘amili l)a_\ Ticket (2 adults and up to} children ) loi' £145“. \liilti«l)a_\ tickets allow sou two \‘isitson an} twodaymunl

cost £9; F and £4 concessions. Season ticketsallow access at any time and cost £45 (adult) and £22.5(lichildl. Discounts are also mailahle on group ticketsitolic purchased in adx anee)

I Atthe entrance ( )i'iicial ( illlLlL‘ and Souxenir Brochurct £3) \er_\ helplul rnapsaiid rundown ol exhibits. Also liee guides to sculpture. e\ents. things horticultural. disahled access etc

I Getting there Scotiail do inclusne lares from most parts ot Scotland. the pi ice ol; return ticket irom ltdinhurgh. including the fare on the low lech train lrorn (ilasgow ('entral Station to the Sl:( ~(~ entrance and admission to the ( iar'deti Festival is LS. ltl adults; £4 children; £5.25 Senior Citizen Railcard holders; mus Famin Railcard holders ( plus L‘s per child). NB ’l‘hese tickets are suliieet to the same time restrictions as Sa\er tickets. Strathchde 'l‘raiisport are alsooltering inelusixe l'aresfl'he return line limit A) r. for example. including entrance to the i (iarden liestisal is £79“: from ( 'eiiti'al ' (ilasgow the return tare is £5. (‘oncessions are also available.

Scottish ('itylink are running special buses from Edinburgh to the l‘estival. 'l'hex leave St Andrew s Square hus stationat Sam.‘)am. lilam. and l lam andleaxe from the (iarden l-‘estisal at Spur-1pm. 5pm and (ipm. sex en dass a week. £8 return including entrance to the lestival. I Opening Hours the l-‘esm al w ill be open seven days a week irom lilam toSpm. Tickets and Information can he obtained from The (ilasgow (iarden l-‘estival. l Princes Dock. (ilasgow (m t.l.»\. tellel i 42‘) 8855.

I Music is listed as diary: by day, then by city, than by event.


SATURDAY 6 Glasgow

I SNOl’tllslc'}.'\lWl1c'} 'l ickcts. l’aislc\ lowii llall " .‘llpiii L‘lL.‘ 5H) lheSNt) help l’aisles cclchiate its5llllth

aiirioeisai} as a l‘lllg‘ll w itli a special concert including the in st pei loi iiiaiice ol l lioriias \\ ilsori's l’trsse/t'r/r Ill/’('\[/\

SUNDAY 7 Glasgow

I BBC 330 SS( )( eiitie. lillt .()ueen i \laigaiet l)ii\e lickets. Roomlll". I lillt jfillpiii l'rcclw ticket Interesting altci iioori coriccrt ol in the Incidental Music to I’e/i't'to er lie/rumi/t' lw Sibelius. I lliea \ltisgiawslloin(‘oiiecrlotwilli i liar is l tickw ell l and the Ballet Suite llini t Qiirturelw RUt‘elthetllaitl




I Uddingston Strathclyde Pipe Band Rim

llicatie. l’iiiicesSticct 3pm tree.

I St (Sites at Six. Sr t iiles' ( 'atliedi'al.

l ligh Street opm tree at door .\n hour oi music loi sopi ario. elal met and piano

l)ei lliil aul deiii l'e‘lSc'll lw Schulieitand Sis ( iei inaii Songs lw Spohi.

TUESDAY 9 Edinburgh

I The Sauerlaiid Accordion Orchestra Rim


As part oi the celebrations tor the 500th anniversary oi Paisley as a Burgh. the SNO give the premiere oi the specially written Passeleth Tapestry on Saturday 6 August. Commissioned irom Glasgow composerThomas Wilson by Renirew District Council and Strathclyde Regional Council, the work takes its title irom the 12th Century version oi

the town‘s name, Passeleth, and the textile industry connection. ‘lt‘s not a ; programmatic piece‘, says Wilson.

_ .-.MU§IC _.LlS.T/§_LAS_S.!C§L

llieatrc. Princes Street lprii. l'rec,

WEDNESDAY 10 Glasgow

I Kiryat Ono Youth Band l lellt} w mod I lall. (.lal'etlttllll Street. l ickcts: lll 4503511" (British lsiacl .-\i'ts l-oundation l. " .‘tllpiii to Youth Band irom lsiael make a return \ lslt til the l K.


I Organ Recital St .\l.ir}'sl',)1isc‘iiti.tl Cathedral. l’alniei'ston l’lace. Spin. l ickcts' Ll,51lritcliitii.


I Gala Opera Evening New .-\theiiaeuiii lheatrc. RS.~\.\ll). lllll Reiilrcw Street. 33) SOS". " .illpm t" t incl hullet supper l. l’r'csented lw Music at ( )\cnloord.

I Seventh Day ( 'i aw turd lhcatre. .loi‘daiihillCollege ot lidueation. "o Southhrae l)ri\e. llJl 05-1 lltltlil. ".Rllpm. £3 i £1 ). 'l'ickets lrom theatre. lixtradates til I: and Sat 13 Aug. Premiere ol the results ot Scottish ( )pera's lir‘st e\ er Rock Opera Summer School, See also Kids list.


I Organ Recital ( 'huicli ot St Andrew and St ( ictllgc. (ieoi ge Street tree at door. l:..‘~llprn- lpiii. l‘homasl aiiig-Reills ot the ( 'lii istiaii Science Second ( lunch is toda} ‘s girc st organist on the Wells ls’enneds organ

‘but it does review the principal periods oi Paisley‘s history—Medieval, Reiormation and the more modern period —through the ideas and general characteristics underlying these periods.‘ His tracing oi the town‘s history going irom the “musical mosaic‘ oi medieval times through to the revolts and turbulence oi the industrial age ends with what he calls ‘a note oi quizzical, speculative Optimism.‘ (Carol Main)

Saturday 6 August, SNO, Paisley Abbey, 7.30pm. (see listings).


Leading Welsh group Mabsant, see photo, play Edinburgh Folk club on the 10th, and Glasgow's Star club on the 11th. New member Robin Bowen is regarded as one oi the greatest exponents ol the Welsh triple harp. This iiendish instrument has three rows oi strings to trap the lingers. Siwsann George is the line lead singer among this trio oi singers, and she also plays the simpler celtic harp, concertina, . guitarand keyboards. Stuart Brown ! detected irom Glasgow in the late 70s, making his way through neutral Ireland 1 to Wales where he now lives in happy exile, steeped in the Welsh language and musical culture, and playing a whole heap oi instruments. But not the newly revived Welsh bagpipes. Edinburgh pipe makerJulian Goodacre , has imaginatively reconstructed some , examplesiromiragmentsloundinan '3 old house down there. ; Lovers oi piping might not baulk at I the £6 tickets to see the current World : Champion Pipe Band in concert in Edinburgh on the 11th. But Canada's 78th Fraser Highlanders will almost certainly lose their crown a iew days later, such is the politics oi piping, at I this year's Pipe Band World . Championships in Glasgow‘s g Bellahouston Park, which runs all day 1 irom 9.30am on Saturday the 13th, and ; where you can see all the top bands in ) the world tor only £1.50. Spoken like a 1 true Scot! (Norman Chalmers) i

I Rowantree Folk Club Row antree Inn. By l'ddingston('ross. l'ddiiigston.

ll 11.45pm. i 1. ()Id coaching lnn. Singers and p|a_\er's welcome.

I Second Fiddle Scott's ( ‘orner. Derby Street. 334 4891. lixcning.

I Ian Bruce ( )xerdraught Bar. 128 liroomielaw . 221 also. lixening. liiitertaining singer guitarist.


I Music and Dance oiTibet Russ't‘heaire. Princes Street (iardens, S’pm. £3 i £2). 20 Dancers. musicians and singers from the 'l‘ilietan Institute olthe l’eriorming Artsin l)harmasla. the Tibetan Settlement in North India. l'olk. ('ourt. 'l'antricand ('eremomial dances. Nomadic musicand 'l‘rltetan ()pera. I Simpson Perrie/Brian Mulligan Shore liar . the Shore. l.eith. lixening. Violin and guitar. cabaret.

I Larry and Friends Meadows Bar. Buccleueh St. NW Rout). lixening. (iuitzir based tolks} blues and swing.


'l'he List 5 ll August 19881