While street theatre and otherroving entertainments happen anywhere and everywhere on the Garden Festival site. most otthe events. trom pertormanceartto tashion shows, happen in the special events areas or in the restaurants and cales. It is
sale to assume that there is always
something going on. Highlights and special events are listed below, but are just a taste ot - the total happenings. All details are correct attime ot going to press. but subjectto change.
I Tibetan Institute at Performing Arts l "mu Suiida} T. traditional lltk‘titll at is and eratts \\ ill he demonstrated at the ( iardeii t‘extixal. Ritualixtie. religious and lolk
daneex l'ilielan \\ ea\ in; and l‘llllL’l
the butter \eiilptiii ex ean lie lroni a ten inehex up to ten leet hiin lhe) aiedied and then paraded round the \ illage. kept in the temple tor a _\eai‘. then eiit tipaiid
ioi the (iaiden l'e\1i\al “ill he inadeol plihtlL‘L‘llC.
I STREETBIZ 'l he ( iarden l'e\tl\ al I\
go in; lloor \paee to intieh ol tll|\ international L‘\plti\ltlll ol street perlorinehand l‘ll\l\Cl\ Street liandx lioni liiiiope. .-\ineriea. .-\li iea and .'\\Iit.
lrape/e .ll'tl\t\. eu‘apolognh and [iiielx
\\ lll all he ioaniiiig \\ ild and tree around the \ltL'l until Am: “i
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\eiilptiiie ean all he e\pei ieneed ln lihet.
drunk in tea. Sadl} . lllU\l oi the \L'tllPllllL‘\
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18The List 5— 11 August lilh’h‘
I‘llll has the Ro) al I tortieiiltural Soeiet} \taged one ol their celebrated \hmu otthitte l.iilidiilt. \U-UHC eaii t‘e\i\t the pull ol (llit\3_'ll\\ these dab. him e\er. and the (iarden l'exln al “I”. ti'oni August 5 " plai host to tlmxerx. \egetahles. bonsai trees and one oi the largest eolleetionsol l’elai goniuins in the eoiiiitr} (iardenei‘x \\ ill. no doubt. he green \\ itli em} at the tll\[‘l;i}\ ot leel\\. Ll;tlill.t\. tll\L'lll;t\.lllLl eliinliiiig treiieh heaiix. ‘I'he L'\lill‘ltltlll is dipla) ed on a 'li\ e eontinents‘ theme and the Hon er \llU“ is in the ( ilaxx l’a\ ilion.
ti ttLtllli‘thilllL‘ to the ( iarden l'L‘\tl\(tl in a i‘L‘l'lUl inaiiee ot traditional l‘allatl\. lllll\L'tt by a iiai i am e \\ liieli plaeex the lllll\le in lt\ lll\tUllL‘;ll eonte\l l’eiloiined hi singer and elaixaeh pla_\ei . l leelll \inellie.and h) aetois. l.ei_uh liiagi and \Villiain Steel. the pieee dia\\ x on the \\ ritinizx ol Ml
\\ alter Seotl. .laiiie\ l log; and t“ eiilietli eenturi hallad \\ i itei . \\ ill ( )lel\_\ the \lltl“ ean he \L‘L‘ll at the ltilltlL'H \ltL'Ull Sunday T at 3pm and hpiii
The lollowing events are on every day during the week otthis issue‘s coverage.
I StreetTheatre .\ll dirx . exerx ila} .\lt‘eel theatre. l‘ll\l\el'\. liltl\lel;lll\. portrait ttlll\l\. l’iineh and hid} \lli\\\\
I Daily Parade l’ei loi'niiii}; artixtx ol all shape-sand \l/L'\ Spin. lhe l ligliSireet I WASPS .-\iidi‘e_\ tinn}:demonxtrates \ll\ L‘l'\lllltlllll_t.! in the WASPS studio in the (tall (‘entie tlllltll August I“),
I Scottish Potters Demonxti .llliill\ ol
\ .ii lUll\ st} les and lllL‘tlliitl\ ol potting at the ( .l'dlt ( .L‘lllI'L'.
I Woodcarving Rtlk'lxlll}; lltil\L'\. inaiqueti} and upholstery demos at the (ialt (‘entie
I Brass Bands ( )\L‘l mun Bandstand.
lll .illaiii. l3..‘~llpiii. .‘i .‘illpni. 5..‘~llpin.
I Pipe Band Displays Map iii Seotland
ll liiin. 3.35pm.
I Fashion Shows I l..illitlll andoeeaxional
\houxat ‘Plll .\aidini \ Restaurant inthe
The Strathclyde Police Tattoo, showing police forces from home and abroad. will be held at the SECC during August and many otthe participants will be appearing at the Garden Festival on 9, 10 and 12August.
The pipes and drums, horses and dogs of Britain‘s boys in blue will be much in evidence alongside gun-toting sherilts trom San Mateo County, the
I Sports Demonstrations it uh speelator participation. lllani. l .3llpiii.5piii. Sports .-\rena.
I Sheepdog Trials (The and tho onlii noon and 4pm. Sports Arena.
I Jan Stinda} \ Spin-Spin in the Rotunda. Kit(‘are_\.
I Botanic Gardens Exhibition Your liotanieal and hot tieultural quextionx answered h) \talt ol the Ro_\a| Botanie (iardenx. lxdinhurgh. Rotunda. i
I Down on the Farm l-eed Iaiiilix and eal\ ex
and \xateh emu l‘L‘lliL' milked. Noon. lpni. ~pin. Seottish l‘ai'in.
ITuk Band l’ait ol S'l Rl:l*l'BI/.. tlll\ \lieet hand lioin Barbados pla}
\i neopated lolk songs. great lot daneiiig. l:,.“ll[‘lll. Map ot Seotlaiid 3pm. the Parade. 3pm. the Hound.
I Come and Try iii a\ e the ehill ot the (‘l_\de and tr} \llt‘utqlld tll\ in}: lll [he IAScotSGospel()ne-iiian \llti“ perloiined h} .lainie Stuart. llain .iiid4pini (‘liiiieh ( iai‘den.
I Pro-Celebrity Gardening Quiz l’ii your gardening \\ itx against the L‘\pel't\ at B130 lleeeligl'in‘e. 3.15pm.
I Jet Ski 'l‘he tourth round ol the Seottish .let Ski (‘iip u ill he held iii the l larlioiii Area Ham and 3.30pm
I Model Boat Display lpin llarhoiir Area I Morley String Quartet Students iii the . RSAXH) at the Roman .-\inphitheatre. ii.15piii.".45piii.
I Raskolnikott Theatre .-\ round and about. throughout the day . ualeh out loi [tll\ lllll\iCill. lunn} \llt)\\ \Nltll a message.
I Pete the Clydesdale Horse \\ lll he at lhe Seottixh lai'iii lodti).
Canadian Mounties and the all-male Khattak dance team. members otthe Frontier Constabulary of Pakistan. Police musicianship apparently doesn’t stop atwhistles, and the Copenhagen Police Orchestra and the South Wales Police Band will be disturbing the peace with music modern and classical.