'r. . __ . 1 Edinburgh : I Matt Armour I’eiiteuik I'olk ('ltih. \axaai House Hotel. I’eiiicuik. Spin. Singeraiid soitgssitler lrotit I-ite I Iis songs are in the repertoire ot malts ot otii hesl singers. I Barrie Band Baiiiternians Bar. ( ~ougate. 5563254. Itseiiiiig 'I lie Barrie Band. I’IILILIIL'. lIlIlL'. itiandoceIIo itlttI \tiedls. Mainh Irish. I Chris Thompson St James ( )s stei Bat. ('iilloii Road. opposite St lamest 'eiilie Ii\eiiing. Rockahrlls IiIues I Mirua Iztisigii I‘\\;tlI. Ian niiiai ket. top oi the High Street I~\eiiing. .-\ettll\Ile ceItictiiusie I Blue Blazer Bread Street I:\ eiiiiig (itiitai ist singers .Iim Knight . ( iiaham .\ic( iirk. Sheila .\Ic\\’hiitei .iiid .-\l.iii .lohiiston I‘\L'lllllg' Singer gtiitaiists I Colin Ramage Scotch .'\lltI Rte. <H
(ieoige I\' Bridge. 225 MS] I'\t‘lllll;_‘.
WEDNESDAY 27 ‘ Glasgow
I Nailan I I.tII II.” . \\ titttIIdlltIS Rtlittl 5.“: I21“. I'\L‘lltll_L! Iiistitiiiieiital session \stth
ltddIe. accordion. lIute etc. Sotiie songs
I Singaround I'diiihutgh i-oIk ( 'ItiIi. ()sliouitie I IoteI. \ or k I’Iace. 55(i55“ . .s‘pm L2._‘stittl.5tti. I Happy Daze \Ialt Shm eI. ( 'ockhtit ii Street. 225 ($43. l‘\L'llllif_‘. I’uhguitai lolk dtio. I North Sea Gas I’Iatloi iii I . Rullaiid Street. I .\ eiiing. Resident ptin tolk I‘.lliti I Guizer Scotch .»\nd R\e. 5H ( ieoige I\' Bridge. 22.5 ltiSI I \eiittig
' THURSDAY 23 Glasgow
I IGerry Cairns Stat l-ulkt‘lutxttlasgim Socteti ()l Musicians. I’ieikclet Street Spin. LI 5!! ()Id liieiid ot the chili.
.42 I
we I ~,_ 62:53:33.3» A a o 2 ~ 5
Friday 22nd at 7.30pm AMAYENGE Tickets: £3 (£2)
Saturday 23rd at 7.30pm TERRY NEASON Tickets: £3 (£2)
Friday 29th at 7.30pm FARAFINA Tickets: £3 (£2)
Sunday 31 st at 3pm UDICHEE Tickets: £3 (£2)
Friday 5th August at 8pm TIBETAN TROUPE Tickets: £3 (£2)
Advance Tickets from: Usher Hall, Lothian Road. Tel: 031 228 1155. Mon—Sat 10am - 5pm TN! CITY or EDINBURGH DISTRICT COUNCIl
25 Ihel ist 22.Itils ‘1.\tlf_‘tl\l I‘ISS
guitarist and singer Iortg exiled lrom Ireland.
I Green Tree ( ‘ougate. Inciting. I-olk scene sessioii. I,;ite bill.
I Larry and Friends Antiquar) . St Stephen
Street l'.\k'lllll}1. (itiitar hased lolks_\ blues
and \\\llil_'.
I Colin Ramage/Robin Laing Izttstglt I-ssart. I..t\\ttttt;tlkel. szening.
I Graham McGirk Royal ( )ak. Inlirinar} Street. 55" 207i. [wetting till 1.3Ham. I Knight Scotch :\lltI I{_\L‘. SIN ieoi'ge I\' Bridge. 225 ItiSl. I:\eniiig.
I Rowantree Folk Club Rim antree Inn. B} l'ddingston Cross. l'ddiiigstoii.
‘A ll 45pm. L1.Siiigoi plasai‘ouiid lot'iit.tt..il| \seleotite.
I Schiehallion Scott‘s ( ‘oriiel'. I)erh\ Street. 53-1 JS‘ll. Itxenitig. IJohnny Scabies 2h I .otidoii Road. ( ilasgtm (loss. 552nm} I-xeiiing. l.i\e music.
I Fartarina Ross 'I’Iieatre. I’l'lllL‘CS Street "Hutpm. U l t2 t. I-rom l 'pper \‘olta oi Burkina-I-asocome thisrcstless percussion and dance group.
I North Sea Gas I’Iattorm I.Rutland Street. I-setiirig. Scottish music entertainment.
I Simpson Perrie/Brian Mulligan Slime Bar . 'I lie Slioie. I.eilh. szeiiing.
I‘ltltlIL‘ guitar.
I Royal Oak Iiittriiiai} Street. 55" 30-7“. I'.\L‘liliit_‘llII l.3ltam. late night hasement ii.” \sith intoriiial songs and music.
I Muckle Ado Scotch .-\lltI R}e. SIN ieorge I\ Bridge. 225 thl. I-.\ening.
I Whistlebinkies I’ais|e_\ .-\rts(‘eiitre. New Street. I’ltlsle} Spin £5.50. ( )iieol Scotland's top toIk groups. a ieliiied lltl.\ ot all the traditional instruments.
I Nailan BIaekIt'i;it‘s. Bell Street. \Ieichant ( it) . 552 5924. .-\llernooii. traditional tunes and session is ith liddIes. accordions etc.
I Johnny Scobies 21» London Road.
( iIasgms ('t'oss. 5531mm. I:\ettlng. I.t\e
I Kells Scott‘s ( ’oi tier. l)erh_\ Street. 334 JS‘II I-seiiiiig. Singaloiig
I)llI‘IlllL'l\ (‘orricsslile
I Travel Agents Shore Bat . I.eilh. l 3pm. Sell st} Ied ethnic and \seslern hand.
I Denny Swanson Scotch .~\nd Rye. Stt (ieoige I\' Bridge. 225 thl. szentiig. I Royal Oak Iiilirmar} Street. 55" 29%. Iixeiiing tiIl l..‘~llaiii. late night singing and diiiik.
SUNDAY 31 Glasgow
I Zydeco Ceilidh Band '1 ton I'Iieatre. I’ariiie Street. ‘lpm. ('aiun and blues l'tteIsL'l'S.
I Zut! La Chute \Viiile‘i'sgills. ( ireat Western Road. liseiiing. Old time}. .-\lliL'l lean and cattin. Same resident hand. He“ name. In the hack room. busy.
I Steam Jenny Scott's Corner. I)erh_\ Street. 5.54 4891. I‘.\L‘lilll_L’.
I Udichee Ross ’l'heatre. Princes Street (iat‘tletts. 3pm. 13(L2i. Bangladeshi culture. [p to IS adultsaiid children trom all \salksot lite. Slime. dance. sotigand a MtllL‘I} ot traditional instruments.
I Glenelg Music Sessions Youngs l Iotcl.
I eaiiiiiigton'I'errace. 9pm midnight. I‘ree. Acoustic music nights. 'I'onight
Graham Dixon and Mike Ward.
The West’s love attair with Atrica, and its music, continues torthe time being and brings us two at the lesser known groups, courtesy ot the English organisation and testival organisers World or Musical Arts an Dance. WOMAD tirst brought Faratina, see photo, to last year's Glastonbury Festival, though the group trom Burkina Faso has been touring to Europe and America since the early 80's. Their complex percussion has been allied with the music oi American avant-garde trumpeter John Hassell at a number oi oi iazz festivals and their album together is due tor relase next month. They play Edinburgh on the 29th. President Kenneth Kaunda, electric guitar strapped to his body, has seized the chance to strut his stutt, but judging by the glum expressions in the photograph, won’t be getting a place in the band. He was presenting ‘Zambian Band or The Year' award to Amayenge, a titteen piece group at singers, musicians, acrobats and dancers. Top oi the pop charts in the three 2’s, their music won’t be so untamiliar to tans ot the Real Sounds, who had a big impact here last Festival time, or Radio 1 rootsers tuned in to Andy Kershaw's show. Hear and see them live in Edinburgh on the 22nd.
Northumhriaii pipes and other music.
I Seannachie ( ireeit 'I‘ree . ( ‘tmgute. szening. Resident Scots hand.
I North Sea Gas Rutland Hotel. Rtitlaiid Street. 22‘) Stt-12. szeiiing.
MONDAY 1 Glasgow
I Irish Session Stage Door Bar. (iorhais Street. 42‘)ll‘)22. livenitig. Besl(illtsgo\\ Iriin plasers.
I Nobody‘s Business. Banneriiians Bar. (‘oxs gate. Iivening. Blues lrom the highlands.
I Fiddlers Arms ( irassmarkel. livening. long running Scottiin music session. Bar closesat 11pm.
I Happy Daze Malt Shovel. ('ockhurn Street. 225 (i843. Iivening. Pith guitart‘olk duo.
I Mill) The (ireeri 'I‘ree. (‘owgate Iixening. Bar tiII lam. Mainly Irish acoustic music.
I Gill Hewitt Royal Oak. Infirmary Street. 557 2976. Singer with hitillt).
I Dougie M60 Scotch And Rye. 5ll(ieorge I\' Bridge. 225 this]. Iivetiing.
I Guitar and Accordion ( ‘oppers. Coekhurn Street. liveiiing. Folk threesome.
TUESDAY 2 Glasgow
I Paisley Arts Folk I’aisle} Arts ( ‘eiitre. Nets Street. SS7 Illltl. Spin. I‘rec. Tonight. the uonderlul stories. songs and music trom Irish travelling traditionalists. the Armagh Rhymers.
I Mod Ceilidh and Piping Album IIoteI.
7.3”Pni. £3. l-inal ot competition tor hest ness march. lttpipersandtuiies.l'ollo\\ed ' h} a ceilidh teaturiiig prominent Scottish
and ( iaelic singers and musicians.
I Barrie Band ( ‘tmgate. 551» 3254.
I:\ citing. Vocals. tiddle. little and strings. I Chris Thompson St .I.ilties ( )sstet' Bar. ('aItoii Road. opposite St .IaittesCetitre. Inciting Rttt‘kdltlll} blues.
I Blue Blazer Bread Sti eet. l‘.\ eiiiiig. (iuitarist singers. .liiii Is'iiight . ( iraham .\Ic( iii'k. Sheila .\Ic\\'hirtct and Alan .lohnston.
I Mirua Iznsign l‘.\\;tlt. I..t\sniii:irket. top ot the High Street. I‘_\L'ltlllg. Furious tunes I Royal Oak Iiiliriiiais Street. 55" 29711. szeninglill l__‘sttam. Inloriiial musicinlhe basement bar.
I Colin Ramage Scott-h :\iltl Rs e . 5H
(ieorge IV Bridge. -25 MS]. Iisettiitg.
I Naitan I Iall Bat . Woodlands Road. 332 I21”. Iisening. \ailaii plat Irish itlltlSCttts
I Charlie Louvin and Charles Whitstein Naxaar I louse Ilotel. I’eiitcutk. Spin. {-1. With \site Ida \Vitslein on \oealsaitd guitar. and support tiom local tiltlegrasscrs()keleiiokee Brilliant \ocaI harmony troin Attierieaii countr} legends. ITiCh Frier Iiditihurgh I'olk ( ~Itih. ()shouriic I IoleI. York I’Iace. 55115577. Spin. £2.5Uttl5tl). Iidinhuighsinger. guitarist and Itlllll} man.
I Happy Daze Malt Slim cl. ( ‘ockhurii Street. 225 (its-13. I:\eiiiiig. I’uhguitarlolk duo.
I North Sea Gas I’Iattorm l.Rutland Street. I-.\cning. Resident puh lolkhaiid. I Guizer Scotch And Ric. 5t) ( ieorge I\' Bridge. 225 thl. lzietiing.
THURSDAY 4 Glasgow
I Finton Vallely Star I'olk ( ‘Itih. ( ilasgon Societ} ()l Musicians. Berkeley Street. Spin. £15“. Irish singer
I Green Tree ( on gate. l'.\ eiitiig. I-oIk scene session. late liar.
I Colin Ramage/Robin Laing Itnsigtt
Ii“ art. [an nmarket. I:\ enttig. Songsand gtiitars.
I Royal Oak [iitirniars Street. 557 2970 liVCllitt‘L’tllI l._‘~ttaiii. Iiitormalhasemeiit music.
I Jim Knight Scotch :\tttI Rte. 5II( ieorgc IV Bridge. 225 MS]. Izseiiiiig.
l I