IArt is listed by citylirstthen byvenue. running in alphabetical order. Please send detailsto Alice Bain notlaterthan IUdays betore publication date.
I ANNAN GALLERY I‘ll \\ I~\1(‘.111111I1L-II
Sti’cct. III SllN‘ \ \I11i1 I ii‘l.1i11 <11111. If. I1.11Ii111111.1l1111111\In\.'11111\I1.1111\1\
‘5"‘1‘13‘1 .\I1111 \.111ll.1111 511111331111
I <11111 (RIC {1)} \ 11I11111.11_\ 1.11111II‘\.11I'
.1\.11I.1I1II‘111‘I~111 II1.111:I'111.11111I111'111.1111L's 111‘1111I1\11I1i.1I\11111111I1I1I~111.1111;:.1|IL'11I-\
(11111.1L'11I1I‘I'11111111\ III‘xk
Horatio McCulloch1805—1867 \1.1_11.'\1 I.\I11I111111i1.11.\1.1\ :I‘IIIIIL' RII‘L'IIIIIL'II‘. 1I1c \IIIIL' I'1111I111.111I\111 11111xI‘11111\11\I‘1 IIIL‘ p.1x1 IllllxI-nisni x11. \ iI'11111.11111.1111111111I1.1\ I1I'I'111g.1111111u1L'xi1I-I‘1.1I111111.111II1111\1.111\ 1.1\11111 1111L‘I'I‘i11\ L'.II\ I I111 .11111 \I.‘( '1ilI11I‘I1. 111.1LI‘\.1I‘11111I'I1.1I'I\.11 \I.111I'\1I111II~1I.1\
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I1 1\ IIIL' 111st I'\I1it11111111
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IIIII\IIL'II I.11L'L' 111I\ 1 \lllL‘L‘ I1ixIIc.11I1
Joan Eardley I ‘i1tiI 11111I7_\I.1'\ .\II\\111'I\\In .I11.111 I..lIIIIL"\ 11111111I1I'u.1III-11\I‘11III'1'111111 11li1xskc1L’I1L-xion-nth :111I~1IIn1I1I-.1111\1\ \1\1L'1\\1III1I'\I111\\1111I11\.1\I‘IL'L‘111111111
Glasgow'sGreatExhibitionsflln 1:
I‘L'IIIIC [ho- ( ~1I.1\1_111\\ (IJIIIL'II I'C\II\III I‘l\.\.
I‘11111 IIIIL'I 11.1111111.1I I'\I11I111111i1\ \\ L'III
I he Ill\I 1111c \\.1\1111111111I'1I Illll\c.11\.11_'11111 I\.\\ \111I1 IIIL' IL‘\I \IlL'L'L‘\\IIlII\ I11II1‘\\llI:l 111 I‘lllI. I‘II I ;1111I I‘I‘W I IlL' 11.1111111 111L11L‘I1 11I'11111I1\ c.1111111C111111I11\I'\I11I111111i1 1111;;1111w1IIn1I1c1011.111111‘11111111.1111111111 .-\11111111-.~1\. .\ 11111111 .11111111 1111- 1111-111I~.11 I‘\I11I11111111\I1.1\iiixtI1II111111I1IixI1I-11In \\'I111c(‘11ck.11Ic (.IIlIlL‘I .1111I I’L‘I ilI.1 K1111‘I1L‘111. .111 IIIIIL‘PL‘IIIIL‘III I‘III‘IHIIL'I I1 is 11 \\ L‘II~I‘I.IIIIIL'II. \\ L'II-\\IIIIL‘II \11I111111- Hill 111 I1I.1I‘I\.111II\11111I‘111.11L-\.1111II1111I1I111111x1.1111I .-\1 1111.11511'x pi11I1;1I1I_\1111I~1111I1L~I1cxt1.1111I-‘s1111w1111x'
L‘\\L'IIII.II 1111111111.11111i1
\1111L'11111III111} I111(i.111II*11I'I's11\.1I1I'.11.
I he I11111I. \1 ill In" in IL‘\\L‘II 111 111111 c IIL'I.III 111 .1 IIlIIllL‘ l\\IlL‘ 111 IIIL' I.1\1. DigginglorHistory1‘1111l311x111. II1L‘\\111I\ 111 IIIL‘ Scultish I '1I1.111 .‘\IL’II.IL‘IIIII.L’IL'.II I'111\1111(1I.1\u11\1 \\ IiiI‘I1 I1111I\\ 111111 the
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IAULD KIRK MUSEUMI‘un 14.11;. Ix'iik1i111II11I’I1 (I 11c. II1111\. I 113 <11111. 8.11 111.1111 111111.: 511111
Earth and Watert i111I11.\I.11. I’1111c11 In I)L'IIIII\ .\I.1I'I\1c .1111I 11.11111111gx In Dick Stcu‘nxun.
IBARCLAY LENNIE FINE ART 311315.11I1 Structfllty‘il} \11111 I'll Ill;1111 5111115111 111.1111 111111.
James Pittendrigh Macgillivray 1 '11111 1-1 .\I.1_\.SL‘11Iptiiic
(ic11ruc811'cc1. 2:11 553". .\I1111 I'll
David McClurein Company-1 .?\\1.1_1 \\1111 In I).1\i1i \I.‘( I1111-._I11I111( 111111111:I1.1111. I.tlll;*~I) \II I.1\_':'.11I.1111I1‘II1L'1\ ITHEBURRELLCOLLECTIONI’11II11I\\I1;1\1\ I\’l‘.11I,I‘1‘I f. >11111 R01
RarerGittsthan Gold \1.1\11-\1 11111111111111 _‘\.\111 .711 Itiixg (1111\111\.11111\ \11'1I‘11111xt 11111111I.1i 111.1I1I‘111I‘1I1;\.1I11I'11111I \1111II‘111\ 111111111I.1\1.'11\1I'i11\I'1\111.\II1\1111'1111.-\11 I)L'111 I1.1\I'111:'.1111\I‘1I1I11\I‘\I11I111111i1111 I1111I‘I'1111111.111I1.1\I-1I11111I1I‘I11111I‘Il‘x I'I‘IL'I11.11I'1I.‘11IIII'111111 I I1.1I1I‘I'\,i\111_\ .'.11\111:r\.\I\\I'1I HangingGardensotCentralAsia5M1: _\ \I'111I'111I1I'1 IIIIIIL'IIL‘\{II I1.1111;1111_'I'1111\ I1I'1I\111.'.11I\.1111I11.111111 1I1I'1i111111111I1c .1‘1111I'111I'I‘g11l.11:I‘\I11I11111111111('1‘i111.1| .\\1.111I'ii1I111111II‘11I'x 1111111 1I11- I\1I1.1111I I‘llIiI‘1'1111111I'x (iI.1\1_:1n\ (1.111Ig11II*\11\.1I
I COLLINS GALLERY I '111\I'1\11\ 111 $11.11I1.'I\II.2.‘_.‘. IIiI‘11111111111Stiu'l.“f ~1~1llllc'\1 .7119 .71I11 \11111 I 11 Ill.1ii1 *11111. $.11I.‘ M1111 FotograliaBuhaN1.111I-xil\111111111111 I II \I.1\ I’I1111111'i.111In \1I111’I1 1111 m 11111I111111111 1I1L'I'.111.'1 Higxx1111ch11111I111111111111Lt1.1i111\ \1I11I‘I1I1111k1'1I1111 11.11111.1II\11111111111: 1111111I'x.111~I.'.111:I111I1I'111.111I1I'11111111111111 llIIllIIL‘lII IIicu'111.1111Lw111u'111I1I'111111't-sx
c.11I'111II1. I‘1111111\1'1I1111111[111111\.111II 11.11111111:'\ II11I'I\\
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111I1;1\c 11111I1111g111\.1_\ ‘1.\’I\'1
I COMPASS GALLERY IT\ \\ I‘\1I{I'}.:I‘111 Sticc1._‘lll1.‘1“ll \11111 .\.11Ill.1i11 ‘..‘1l111:11 BelLow\1.1111-~111111111111111 l .Tl1\I.i\ I’.1ii1tii1_u\ ;1111I 1Ii.1\\111~.t\ 1111111 ( )i knm .1111I
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chcnt 811111 331 .‘ll"\ \11111 I'll ‘l .‘llnm 5..‘llr1111..\.11‘l 311.1111 If. Spring FestivalExhibition \1.1111>\1 I‘\I11I11111111 I 311\I.1_\ I11111\I111.11111111:'\ .1111I 1I1.1\\ 11115 In .1111\1\ \111‘I1.1\v\i1111- I{CIII‘1IIII. .I11.111 I'.111III'\ , I I1/.1I1I'1I1 III.1I‘I\.11I1II‘1 .1111I.I.1111I'\I11111; IEXHIBITION CENTRE STATION I‘IIIIIIL'\IHII,
Scotrail Mural I )I‘L'll 1111111 .\111 (1I.1\:'11\\
.1111\1\\'1II1I‘R111I11I‘1 I1.1\ \IL'\I_L'III‘II .11"
‘ “m III“\“I‘ “I” ‘I‘m I'11.1111I'I11.111I‘I Illlll11111I1111L:111111.1I\I111\\111;i
1I1I'I'11\11111111111;1I1111111I11\111.11111 l'L‘fiL'llI‘lJIlUll.
I FINEART SOCIETY 1.1-1 III\1I1\\\11111I Shoot. 11.7 IlLw .\I1111 I'11
‘1 311.1111 .‘ .‘ll11ii1..\.11Ill.1i11 111111 Spring'88\l.1_\1o\1l \I11I11111111 f. ,‘I \I.1\ I)1IIIIIITIL'\.Ik'kIIIIIk‘kIIIIIIIIII:IIIC 11.1\11I~.1i
‘19. \I-111 .\.11 111.1111 51111151111
Five Flower Painters \I;1\tc\1 I \I11I11111111
3 II\I.1\,\I.11\.~\111111111.IIi/.1I1I~1I1 I3I.1I‘I\.11I1Ic1 ( ‘I111\11111' \II' -\11I111: I 11.1 SI1.111I\\ .1111I .\11ii I’.1111.'k .1111! 111111I' IIIIIIIIII‘II.II\\11II\IIlIIII\I1lI'I\
I GLASGOW ARTS CENTRE If \\ .1\I1ii1.'11111 SltI‘I'LSII~15_:l1.\I11i1 I11 Il'.11ii \11111.\.11 Ill 311111
JazzinTwoMinds‘x _‘,1~\l.11 \1.1\1I~\1 I'\I11I11111111. I)111111111I'.\11\1II‘1 11.11111\ 1.1/.'111I‘11\111I1I'11I11111.1ii1I1I1I-11.1.’.1.'.'111 1I11111I'xu!.1[1I11I\ IIl\[‘1‘1Il.11I\\\\lllt‘\\lIIl \ II“"‘I ‘II‘I‘I‘H II” III" 1I1I‘11111xic ScumII111Ix11i11.1L.~\1.11111111\ 11.11111'x11l 1.1//.1111II'1111111111\1I1.-111111
IiI‘xI‘ 11111.1111\1\111.1kglI11 11111\11‘i1l.11. 1111 .-\ 14111111 \I11‘\\ 1111 \I.1\ lost I GLASGOW GARDEN FESTIVAL1 II‘IHWIIL SI‘11111\I1I'\I11I111111i11(11111-
Sculpture IIIL' ( 11.551111 (1.111Ig11I 1'\11\.1I \11II111I‘I111II'\I‘11I1111111'1I11111'1I.11111111:t\11I1I'
111mm I1I'1Ix.III-11111i1s11.1111111\.1111I1I11111'x111 1I1111111I11\11I.111111'1I\11I'11l ‘1Ii.-1I.1\ 11111111: .1II1I1I‘ 1.11111I\ ~I'1111I11‘1i\\11I~\1111I1I‘I ixl \11II I1111I\ .11 Hip 1111.1I sch-(111111 Artisl11I-.>11111111I~1.'1.11.111\;;11~1111 \ili\31.1\ \I'IL'I'tuI I 1.\I'11111\Ii .1111\1\111I11'I'\I11I111I‘1I
1I1I'_\ .111‘11\I'1I.~1.1111'\1111I111~I111\.
\\1111I‘\1ix1I1L'\\111I\11l IL'IIII
1111I1c\\111111c\II111111‘xII.'\I‘I1111111.-111.111I1. P1111111111111I'11.1I1I'1I‘1'I11111111I-1x
(iI.1\_u1n\ (1.111II‘11I'I'\11\.1I .I11I;ii I.1\I11i_ I)11ii11111I‘.\11\III'1, I11\1~1111I IlL‘. \.1111I\
— SURE, IT’S . . .
AGrand OldTeam. People‘s Palace. Glasgow. An exhibition otunashamed nostalgiato celebratethe Centenary of - Glasgow Celtic.Theteam‘sstoryistold [I I inaseries otlarge illustrated placards s around the gallery, augmented by I. display cabinets containingawide ., a. range otclub memorabilia. including I jerseys. international caps. medals. photographstwithatributeto goal-keeperJohn Thompson. tragically killed during an Old Firm match). a pre-warlootball, sheetmusic. and even a ticket stub from a touring match inthe Yankee Stadium in New York. ‘2'". datingtrom1931. . Theseitems are augmented onthe ‘ " walls with banners anddrawings. including one commemoratingthe St Andrews Celtic Brake Club. from the days whentans wenttomatchesinthe back of horse-drawn brakes. Pride of place inevitably goestothe European CuptriumphinLisbon. witha replica ot the huge trophy on show. and a video of the match playing to a mock-up
augment their current triumphs. although they may be slightly distressed — especially given Peter Broughan's remarks elsewhere in this magazine — to see the European Cup listed along with the club‘s victories in such one-oft tournaments as the lerracing. Celtic lans will eniovlhe Coronation and Emuire Exhibition chance to wallow in past glories to Cups, (Kenny Mathieson)
_,_.__.___,-___ _ ,_. .,__ .7
.\I1111.11.1i11II)I'1.'I\ I{1'I1.':1\_1:. .11111‘1‘11'\'.
1I111\I'\I11n\ii1,'1111Itis1i11'1._sit. \ .
I GLASGOW PRINT STUOIO H I\11‘3 \11. .1 \I111‘. \11 '1' .1“ ‘1 11‘}‘::‘
I he I’iii11 \1111I1111111I‘i‘xi1\11.~\\ [‘IL‘llll\I'\
Adrian Wiszniewski \I.1\ 101 I \I11I111i1111
3 .T.\.\I.1\ Him-1111I1I~11111111x1II1I.1\y11\\
\I11111' \\11I1 Mon-111'.111:11I1I'II\I111:11I111111\111111'=.
\\ is/i1iI'nx'k1'x1Iic.1111\ i111\\.111.II ’\1.1i1111I* (1111140 L'~t\I' I it'Ii‘iics \‘11111\I11‘.111.111\ .' III-i.
\\ 1x/1111‘\\\I\1\I111\\\ .1 \.-11.'\111 .‘1.Iiii1.'\.
11.111111111i.111I'\1 11.111:.-. 111'“ 1111.11'. I11I1111i1.111I1\.1111111I1'111»\IiI'I'i11111111\.1111I 1111111111\111‘\ 211.111; .11 11"..' l 1I.1\.'1~\\ I’rii11 \1111I111.1111I \\Iii.‘I: MI] ‘1. 111: 1:1. Ill\I
AvantGarden Ball \11 1\ 11111.
11I'I\I'1\1111iiI-I1.-\1 ‘1.1II 111111\\11
I\’11II11111111 IIL'IIIIIII\ \.'.1:111131.I111:':'.1111?:.'I11\.I1.'x1\1,'3:1111 1I1I' \ p.11 1'.1111\ :11‘ .1:i.iii: 1.1113. 111111.1111I.1i:1\ .1111Ii11.1111.‘\11111'11II11I1.1:111.‘\ I~3.1111Ix111
1I.1i‘...'11~.1IIiii1_"ft1 I1.k.'1\ ! '1,‘ \11.1I'I\\1 1111I1111.R1‘1\1111f‘.
‘1111I1yl’11 .‘11!\1I*l'
“I‘I‘I1.'.1111\ 9“'111:*.1~1:~\.:1:. 1..1 1.1.1II1
11111.1 1I11'11I‘n I’11111 \1111‘111111‘,':.1111::'
II1.111‘11‘.1~.'1:« II11\‘.\'.1: 21.1111: .‘1‘2 1111.1II
IIiIII1.'.11I\11.'.‘1.ll‘lv‘“ \I1'l‘. I‘Axirx ‘1 I‘.1ii‘. ‘1 I‘yiiLI 11‘1 '\ ' "11.1.\.1 ‘1 I‘ 111‘. 1‘11'1‘
The FrenchRenaissancel 1:111 111 \11: I11-111.1111 \.1I~1:11111. .11111 I.n1i: \I1111I.ll‘.'1‘1I'
I11.111.. \
.1111I Ix’wiin'
IHAGGS CASTLE 11"'\i \i..f [1:11... \I111‘. \.11ill.111‘. ‘11». \ LL. '1':1: IiI.1~~1i11\1.'-\.11:11\.':::ii11".f11I1f:.11 GettheMessage1 1~11'1_“\111 l1 1 \\\1.'111\111.1111111111111...1,1 :: 1‘2115'1. IHARBINGERS 1‘. '11:. ._\\ \1 -: l\‘ I‘ll‘l‘l‘l‘l \I11i' \.11'.1'.1:t.1;"i‘.\.:: 1111111: ‘11111.1211~.'1II'1. 9.1:
TWOAFIISIS “" \;‘: .it13\I.1'. \I 1.11M
II.1111I 111.11.1«11111'151111I'_:'.III.
11‘ II'.:. II
-. \I1111I21‘I1111ti: 11". 11':..\ ' ‘1' lll.1ri‘. 11111111'1i‘ ‘j. :1‘ 1 ‘\\ GIOWIh \I.1‘.1.'\'.I 1.311 1111‘ I1‘. \ (1.1!.ig11 I .~11'. 11 11.~;1i:.‘11. 1.3 1.1' \1: 1111Iii\11I1riti\\i~i. 1:1 1'1114. IHUNTERIANARTGALLERYI 1:1 «11'. 1! (iI.1\:'_1l\‘..IIlIIIi..1lI\I' .I
\I11i1 III“ 111.1111 “;1':,\1‘ll (I11\I1Ii 1\111
The Mackintosh House Gallery:1 11.: .1I11n.‘1111.I11\.15!~:I.11'.E" ¥
‘1'} .llIll‘.1\~l1‘l‘.1‘11‘.‘..' 311.11. .111. '1. .1 \.1I'.111I.1\\ \r.x11i:\l:' 1,
.11.I111.'.1 \3111:1:;1111.11 1"1‘. 11111111111. I 1:11II'111pl ..1 \I111\‘~.11!:'.1\;‘..1.1I15:\1‘I.'. lzh‘lackintush ChairDesigns~.1?:1 :.::!v'~1'. '1' :111;'1'..11'..:'i.,‘1‘:_ ‘. 1 ‘11 .“xi11'111111'it11I \1 '
\1'1.I.'-11 I”: L I '111.
The Birth oth‘lodernism .2
I'in1‘1111111‘ \:' '. l- I'11x1I:::1".-111-"1*
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(II‘HI‘... ..1-\_\\» 11,. i..
1' 411.1:1: \l‘fl‘. \Jr .; I‘..1IIII'1I\I'.I\.'I'I11‘IIf'
IIaiii1.r:.1i‘l 111?..11111:
:.111;'11.:'11~'i:l 11111111 1:131\11:;~~111E..I‘3.1N1:"- :~ Coracle.Kayakand Canoel \ .‘ '1 ."1.I‘.i‘111111i.111. 1:11. .' :111115.I"11.11
11.1111I1'111 1:2. II.’ .I11:'11111..11.1 I ..11‘.111:: " \\I\I‘.ll1'.."1“l'1 1‘11 1‘ IIMAGES GALLERY lII'.1 :I 11: ‘Iiw 1. I‘l‘iil Hm: I: ‘l 1 ;12' Mixed Exhibition andJapanese Woodblocks I 1111II'1111‘1I11.
IJ. O. KELLY GALLERY 3 I l 1. \11I'I'1\I111‘It1:1111!, _‘ 1‘1 ‘ “11"1: \11'. ‘1 JamesWattl 1111'! “l ‘1‘.
I’I'1I'I 1\1 .I‘l.\11iiI If, \I.1\ I‘l\\5é