IArt is listed by citylirstthen byvenue. running in alphabetical order. Please send detailsto Alice Bain notlaterthan IUdays betore publication date.

I ANNAN GALLERY I‘ll \\ I~\1(‘.111111I1L-II

Sti’cct. III SllN‘ \ \I11i1 I ii‘l.1i11 <11111. If. I1.11Ii111111.1l1111111\In\.'11111\I1.1111\1\


‘5"‘1‘13‘1 .\I1111 \.111ll.1111 511111331111

I <11111 (RIC {1)} \ 11I11111.11_\ 1.11111II‘\.11I'


.1\.11I.1I1II‘111‘I~111 II1.111:I'111.11111I111'111.1111L's 111‘1111I1\11I1i.1I\11111111I1I1I~111.1111;:.1|IL'11I-\

(11111.1L'11I1I‘I'11111111\ III‘xk

Horatio McCulloch1805—1867 \1.1_11.'\1 I.\I11I111111i1.11.\1.1\ :I‘IIIIIL' RII‘L'IIIIIL'II‘. 1I1c \IIIIL' I'1111I111.111I\111 11111xI‘11111\11\I‘1 IIIL‘ p.1x1 IllllxI-nisni x11. \ iI'11111.11111.1111111111I1.1\ I1I'I'111g.1111111u1L'xi1I-I‘1.1I111111.111II1111\1.111\ 1.1\11111 1111L‘I'I‘i11\ L'.II\ I I111 .11111 \I.‘( '1ilI11I‘I1. 111.1LI‘\.1I‘11111I'I1.1I'I\.11 \I.111I'\1I111II~1I.1\

‘SI‘111I.1111I\11111\1\111'1‘I‘\\111I\ iI'11111.111

I1 1\ IIIL' 111st I'\I1it11111111

111 I11\ \\111I\1I1111I1\111.1II\IxclI‘Iigx.1111I1111I'I\


IIIII\IIL'II I.11L'L' 111I\ 1 \lllL‘L‘ I1ixIIc.11I1

Joan Eardley I ‘i1tiI 11111I7_\I.1'\ .\II\\111'I\\In .I11.111 I..lIIIIL"\ 11111111I1I'u.1III-11\I‘11III'1'111111 11li1xskc1L’I1L-xion-nth :111I~1IIn1I1I-.1111\1\ \1\1L'1\\1III1I'\I111\\1111I11\.1\I‘IL'L‘111111111



Glasgow'sGreatExhibitionsflln 1:


I‘L'IIIIC [ho- ( ~1I.1\1_111\\ (IJIIIL'II I'C\II\III I‘l\.\.

I‘11111 IIIIL'I 11.1111111.1I I'\I11I111111i1\ \\ L'III

I he Ill\I 1111c \\.1\1111111111I'1I Illll\c.11\.11_'11111 I\.\\ \111I1 IIIL' IL‘\I \IlL'L'L‘\\IIlII\ I11II1‘\\llI:l 111 I‘lllI. I‘II I ;1111I I‘I‘W I IlL' 11.1111111 111L11L‘I1 11I'11111I1\ c.1111111C111111I11\I'\I11I111111i1 1111;;1111w1IIn1I1c1011.111111‘11111111.1111111111 .-\11111111-.~1\. .\ 11111111 .11111111 1111- 1111-111I~.11 I‘\I11I11111111\I1.1\iiixtI1II111111I1IixI1I-11In \\'I111c(‘11ck.11Ic (.IIlIlL‘I .1111I I’L‘I ilI.1 K1111‘I1L‘111. .111 IIIIIL‘PL‘IIIIL‘III I‘III‘IHIIL'I I1 is 11 \\ L‘II~I‘I.IIIIIL'II. \\ L'II-\\IIIIL‘II \11I111111- Hill 111 I1I.1I‘I\.111II\11111I‘111.11L-\.1111II1111I1I111111x1.1111I .-\1 1111.11511'x pi11I1;1I1I_\1111I~1111I1L~I1cxt1.1111I-‘s1111w1111x'

L‘\\L'IIII.II 1111111111.11111i1

\1111L'11111III111} I111(i.111II*11I'I's11\.1I1I'.11.

I he I11111I. \1 ill In" in IL‘\\L‘II 111 111111 c IIL'I.III 111 .1 IIlIIllL‘ l\\IlL‘ 111 IIIL' I.1\1. DigginglorHistory1‘1111l311x111. II1L‘\\111I\ 111 IIIL‘ Scultish I '1I1.111 .‘\IL’II.IL‘IIIII.L’IL'.II I'111\1111(1I.1\u11\1 \\ IiiI‘I1 I1111I\\ 111111 the

c111 '\]1.1\1 I’1111I'1_\.111I'1.1I\1111I\,uI;1\\.1ii1I IINIII icmiiinx \klIII‘L' 1111I1L*1I1\11I;1_\ \1I11I‘I1 I1111I\\ .11 1I11L'L‘ 111.1111 .11'L'.1\. IIIL‘ I '.11I1L‘1I1.1I .1ic.1.tIiI'1111111L'1'(11IIL-uc-(i1111dx \‘.111I 111 IIIC I IlL‘Il Slim-1 .1111I the I‘IIIIILII\LV§III 111.111 I11II1L‘\\L‘\111IIIIL‘IIlgIlSIII‘I‘I Taxidermy-The State olthe Ar11‘11111.‘11 .\I;11

IAULD KIRK MUSEUMI‘un 14.11;. Ix'iik1i111II11I’I1 (I 11c. II1111\. I 113 <11111. 8.11 111.1111 111111.: 511111

Earth and Watert i111I11.\I.11. I’1111c11 In I)L'IIIII\ .\I.1I'I\1c .1111I 11.11111111gx In Dick Stcu‘nxun.

IBARCLAY LENNIE FINE ART 311315.11I1 Structfllty‘il} \11111 I'll Ill;1111 5111115111 111.1111 111111.

James Pittendrigh Macgillivray 1 '11111 1-1 .\I.1_\.SL‘11Iptiiic


(ic11ruc811'cc1. 2:11 553". .\I1111 I'll

David McClurein Company-1 .?\\1.1_1 \\1111 In I).1\i1i \I.‘( I1111-._I11I111( 111111111:I1.1111. I.tlll;*~I) \II I.1\_':'.11I.1111I1‘II1L'1\ ITHEBURRELLCOLLECTIONI’11II11I\\I1;1\1\ I\’l‘.11I,I‘1‘I f. >11111 R01

RarerGittsthan Gold \1.1\11-\1 11111111111111 _‘\.\111 .711 Itiixg (1111\111\.11111\ \11'1I‘11111xt 11111111I.1i 111.1I1I‘111I‘1I1;\.1I11I'11111I \1111II‘111\ 111111111I.1\1.'11\1I'i11\I'1\111.\II1\1111'1111.-\11 I)L'111 I1.1\I'111:'.1111\I‘1I1I11\I‘\I11I111111i1111 I1111I‘I'1111111.111I1.1\I-1I11111I1I‘I11111I‘Il‘x I'I‘IL'I11.11I'1I.‘11IIII'111111 I I1.1I1I‘I'\,i\111_\ .'.11\111:r\.\I\\I'1I HangingGardensotCentralAsia5M1: _\ \I'111I'111I1I'1 IIIIIIL'IIL‘\{II I1.1111;1111_'I'1111\ I1I'1I\111.'.11I\.1111I11.111111 1I1I'1i111111111I1c .1‘1111I'111I'I‘g11l.11:I‘\I11I11111111111('1‘i111.1| .\\1.111I'ii1I111111II‘11I'x 1111111 1I11- I\1I1.1111I I‘llIiI‘1'1111111I'x (iI.1\1_:1n\ (1.111Ig11II*\11\.1I

I COLLINS GALLERY I '111\I'1\11\ 111 $11.11I1.'I\II.2.‘_.‘. IIiI‘11111111111Stiu'l.“f ~1~1llllc'\1 .7119 .71I11 \11111 I 11 Ill.1ii1 *11111. $.11I.‘ M1111 FotograliaBuhaN1.111I-xil\111111111111 I II \I.1\ I’I1111111'i.111In \1I111’I1 1111 m 11111I111111111 1I1L'I'.111.'1 Higxx1111ch11111I111111111111Lt1.1i111\ \1I11I‘I1I1111k1'1I1111 11.11111.1II\11111111111: 1111111I'x.111~I.'.111:I111I1I'111.111I1I'11111111111111 llIIllIIL‘lII IIicu'111.1111Lw111u'111I1I'111111't-sx

c.11I'111II1. I‘1111111\1'1I1111111[111111\.111II 11.11111111:'\ II11I'I\\

Il\L'1I 1111 lI\1l\\l1 \.1I\I' .1111I .1\ .1 1.'\11I1\L~1-111\

111I1;1\c 11111I1111g111\.1_\ ‘1.\’I\'1

I COMPASS GALLERY IT\ \\ I‘\1I{I'}.:I‘111 Sticc1._‘lll1.‘1“ll \11111 .\.11Ill.1i11 ‘..‘1l111:11 BelLow\1.1111-~111111111111111 l .Tl1\I.i\ I’.1ii1tii1_u\ ;1111I 1Ii.1\\111~.t\ 1111111 ( )i knm .1111I

IIIIIL'I I\I.1111I\ .-\iiL'\I11I11111111\\I11I‘I1i\\111c 1111.1Ixc1I1I'111I1.111I'1I;!c1111 \I.1\1I'\1 .11‘111111. I 11\\'\I1I11I'-;;1I'I'11«ionic-.1



chcnt 811111 331 .‘ll"\ \11111 I'll ‘l .‘llnm 5..‘llr1111..\.11‘l 311.1111 If. Spring FestivalExhibition \1.1111>\1 I‘\I11I11111111 I 311\I.1_\ I11111\I111.11111111:'\ .1111I 1I1.1\\ 11115 In .1111\1\ \111‘I1.1\v\i1111- I{CIII‘1IIII. .I11.111 I'.111III'\ , I I1/.1I1I'1I1 III.1I‘I\.11I1II‘1 .1111I.I.1111I'\I11111; IEXHIBITION CENTRE STATION I‘IIIIIIL'\IHII,

Scotrail Mural I )I‘L'll 1111111 .\111 (1I.1\:'11\\

.1111\1\\'1II1I‘R111I11I‘1 I1.1\ \IL'\I_L'III‘II .11"


“m III“\“I‘ “I” ‘I‘m I'11.1111I'I11.111I‘I Illlll11111I1111L:111111.1I\I111\\111;i

1I1I'I'11\11111111111;1I1111111I11\111.11111 l'L‘fiL'llI‘lJIlUll.

I FINEART SOCIETY 1.1-1 III\1I1\\\11111I Shoot. 11.7 IlLw .\I1111 I'11

‘1 311.1111 .‘ .‘ll11ii1..\.11Ill.1i11 111111 Spring'88\l.1_\1o\1l \I11I11111111 f. ,‘I \I.1\ I)1IIIIIITIL'\.Ik'kIIIIIk‘kIIIIIIIIII:IIIC 11.1\11I~.1i


‘19. \I-111 .\.11 111.1111 51111151111


Five Flower Painters \I;1\tc\1 I \I11I11111111

3 II\I.1\,\I.11\.~\111111111.IIi/.1I1I~1I1 I3I.1I‘I\.11I1Ic1 ( ‘I111\11111' \II' -\11I111: I 11.1 SI1.111I\\ .1111I .\11ii I’.1111.'k .1111! 111111I' IIIIIIIIII‘II.II\\11II\IIlIIII\I1lI'I\

I GLASGOW ARTS CENTRE If \\ .1\I1ii1.'11111 SltI‘I'LSII~15_:l1.\I11i1 I11 Il'.11ii \11111.\.11 Ill 311111

JazzinTwoMinds‘x _‘,1~\l.11 \1.1\1I~\1 I'\I11I11111111. I)111111111I'.\11\1II‘1 11.11111\ 1.1/.'111I‘11\111I1I'11I11111.1ii1I1I1I-11.1.’.1.'.'111 1I11111I'xu!.1[1I11I\ IIl\[‘1‘1Il.11I\\\\lllt‘\\lIIl \ II“"‘I ‘II‘I‘I‘H II” III" 1I1I‘11111xic ScumII111Ix11i11.1L.~\1.11111111\ 11.11111'x11l 1.1//.1111II'1111111111\1I1.-111111

IiI‘xI‘ 11111.1111\1\111.1kglI11 11111\11‘i1l.11. 1111 .-\ 14111111 \I11‘\\ 1111 \I.1\ lost I GLASGOW GARDEN FESTIVAL1 II‘IHWIIL SI‘11111\I1I'\I11I111111i11(11111-

Sculpture IIIL' ( 11.551111 (1.111Ig11I 1'\11\.1I \11II111I‘I111II'\I‘11I1111111'1I11111'1I.11111111:t\11I1I'


111mm I1I'1Ix.III-11111i1s11.1111111\.1111I1I11111'x111 1I1111111I11\11I.111111'1I\11I'11l ‘1Ii.-1I.1\ 11111111: .1II1I1I‘ 1.11111I\ ~I'1111I11‘1i\\11I~\1111I1I‘I ixl \11II I1111I\ .11 Hip 1111.1I sch-(111111 Artisl11I-.>11111111I~1.'1.11.111\;;11~1111 \ili\31.1\ \I'IL'I'tuI I 1.\I'11111\Ii .1111\1\111I11'I'\I11I111I‘1I

1I1I'_\ .111‘11\I'1I.~1.1111'\1111I111~I111\.

\\1111I‘\1ix1I1L'\\111I\11l IL'IIII

1111I1c\\111111c\II111111‘xII.'\I‘I1111111.-111.111I1. P1111111111111I'11.1I1I'1I‘1'I11111111I-1x

(iI.1\_u1n\ (1.111II‘11I'I'\11\.1I .I11I;ii I.1\I11i_ I)11ii11111I‘.\11\III'1, I11\1~1111I IlL‘. \.1111I\

SURE, IT’S . . .

AGrand OldTeam. People‘s Palace. Glasgow. An exhibition otunashamed nostalgiato celebratethe Centenary of - Glasgow Celtic.Theteam‘sstoryistold [I I inaseries otlarge illustrated placards s around the gallery, augmented by I. display cabinets containingawide ., a. range otclub memorabilia. including I jerseys. international caps. medals. photographstwithatributeto goal-keeperJohn Thompson. tragically killed during an Old Firm match). a pre-warlootball, sheetmusic. and even a ticket stub from a touring match inthe Yankee Stadium in New York. ‘2'". datingtrom1931. . Theseitems are augmented onthe " walls with banners anddrawings. including one commemoratingthe St Andrews Celtic Brake Club. from the days whentans wenttomatchesinthe back of horse-drawn brakes. Pride of place inevitably goestothe European CuptriumphinLisbon. witha replica ot the huge trophy on show. and a video of the match playing to a mock-up


augment their current triumphs. although they may be slightly distressed especially given Peter Broughan's remarks elsewhere in this magazine to see the European Cup listed along with the club‘s victories in such one-oft tournaments as the lerracing. Celtic lans will eniovlhe Coronation and Emuire Exhibition chance to wallow in past glories to Cups, (Kenny Mathieson)

_,_.__.___,-___ _ ,_. .,__ .7

.\I1111.11.1i11II)I'1.'I\ I{1'I1.':1\_1:. .11111‘1‘11'\'.

1I111\I'\I11n\ii1,'1111Itis1i11'1._sit. \ .

I GLASGOW PRINT STUOIO H I\11‘3 \11. .1 \I111‘. \11 '1' .1“ ‘1 11‘}‘::‘

I he I’iii11 \1111I1111111I‘i‘xi1\11.~\\ [‘IL‘llll\I'\


Adrian Wiszniewski \I.1\ 101 I \I11I111i1111

3 .T.\.\I.1\ Him-1111I1I~11111111x1II1I.1\y11\\



\I11111' \\11I1 Mon-111'.111:11I1I'II\I111:11I111111\111111'=.

\\ is/i1iI'nx'k1'x1Iic.1111\ i111\\.111.II ’\1.1i1111I* (1111140 L'~t\I' I it'Ii‘iics \‘11111\I11‘.111.111\ .' III-i.

\\ 1x/1111‘\\\I\1\I111\\\ .1 \.-11.'\111 .‘1.Iiii1.'\.

11.111111111i.111I'\1 11.111:.-. 111'“ 1111.11'. I11I1111i1.111I1\.1111111I1'111»\IiI'I'i11111111\.1111I 1111111111\111‘\ 211.111; .11 11"..' l 1I.1\.'1~\\ I’rii11 \1111I111.1111I \\Iii.‘I: MI] ‘1. 111: 1:1. Ill\I

AvantGarden Ball \11 1\ 11111.

11I'I\I'1\1111iiI-I1.-\1 ‘1.1II 111111\\11

I\’11II11111111 IIL'IIIIIII\ \.'.1:111131.I111:':'.1111?:.'I11\.I1.'x1\1,'3:1111 1I1I' \ p.11 1'.1111\ :11‘ .1:i.iii: 1.1113. 111111.1111I.1i:1\ .1111Ii11.1111.‘\11111'11II11I1.1:111.‘\ I~3.1111Ix111

1I.1i‘...'11~.1IIiii1_"ft1 I1.k.'1\ ! '1,‘ \11.1I'I\\1 1111I1111.R1‘1\1111f‘.

‘1111I1yl’11 .‘11!\1I*l'

“I‘I‘I1.'.1111\ 9“'111:*.1~1:~\.:1:. 1..1 1.1.1II1

11111.1 1I11'11I‘n I’11111 \1111‘111111‘,':.1111::'


II1.111‘11‘.1~.'1:« II11\‘.\'.1: 21.1111: .‘1‘2 1111.1II



IIiIII1.'.11I\11.'.‘1.ll‘lv‘“ \I1'l‘. I‘Axirx ‘1 I‘.1ii‘. ‘1 I‘yiiLI 11‘1 '\ ' "11.1.\.1 ‘1 I‘ 111‘. 1‘11'1‘

The FrenchRenaissancel 1:111 111 \11: I11-111.1111 \.1I~1:11111. .11111 I.n1i: \I1111I.ll‘.'1‘1I'

I11.111.. \

.1111I Ix’wiin'

IHAGGS CASTLE 11"'\i \i..f [1:11... \I111‘. \.11ill.111‘. ‘11». \ LL. '1':1: IiI.1~~1i11\1.'-\.11:11\.':::ii11".f11I1f:.11 GettheMessage1 1~11'1_“\111 l1 1 \\\1.'111\111.1111111111111...1,1 :: 1‘2115'1. IHARBINGERS 1‘. '11:. ._\\ \1 -: l\‘ I‘ll‘l‘l‘l‘l \I11i' \.11'.1'.1:t.1;"i‘.\.:: 1111111: ‘11111.1211~.'1II'1. 9.1:

TWOAFIISIS “" \;‘: .it13\I.1'. \I 1.11M

II.1111I 111.11.1«11111'151111I'_:'.III.


11‘ II'.:. II

-. \I1111I21‘I1111ti: 11". 11':..\ ' ‘1' lll.1ri‘. 11111111'1i‘ ‘j. :1‘ 1 ‘\\ GIOWIh \I.1‘.1.'\'.I 1.311 1111‘ I1‘. \ (1.1!.ig11 I .~11'. 11 11.~;1i:.‘11. 1.3 1.1' \1: 1111Iii\11I1riti\\i~i. 1:1 1'1114. IHUNTERIANARTGALLERYI 1:1 «11'. 1! (iI.1\:'_1l\‘..IIlIIIi..1lI\I' .I

\I11i1 III“ 111.1111 “;1':,\1‘ll (I11\I1Ii 1\111

The Mackintosh House Gallery:1 11.: .1I11n.‘1111.I11\.15!~:I.11'.E" ¥

‘1'} .llIll‘.1\~l1‘l‘.1‘11‘.‘..' 311.11. .111. '1. .1 \.1I'.111I.1\\ \r.x11i:\l:' 1,

.11.I111.'.1 \3111:1:;1111.11 1"1‘. 11111111111. I 1:11II'111pl ..1 \I111\‘~.11!:'.1\;‘..1.1I15:\1‘I.'. lzh‘lackintush ChairDesigns~.1?:1 :.::!v'~1'. '1' :111;'1'..11'..:'i.,‘1‘:_ ‘. 1 ‘11 .“xi11'111111'it11I \1 '

\1'1.I.'-11 I”: L I '111.

The Birth oth‘lodernism .2

I'in1‘1111111‘ \:' '. l- I'11x1I:::1".-111-"1*

. ‘1I11‘111111‘ {11.1 '1

‘.1111\.:\;“. \.111I..1:1'

..‘1:1.1:'.;~:1::1 I131: .' t.I

.1121I\I111«. :2:.I:111...


(II‘HI‘... ..1-\_\\» 11,. i..

1' 411.1:1: \l‘fl‘. \Jr .; I‘..1IIII'1I\I'.I\.'I'I11‘IIf'

IIaiii1.r:.1i‘l 111?..11111:

:.111;'11.:'11~'i:l 11111111 1:131\11:;~~111E..I‘3.1N1:"- :~ Coracle.Kayakand Canoel \ .‘ '1 ."1.I‘.i‘111111i.111. 1:11. .' :111115.I"11.11

11.1111I1'111 1:2. II.’ .I11:'11111..11.1 I ..11‘.111:: " \\I\I‘.ll1'.."1“l'1 1‘11 1‘ IIMAGES GALLERY lII'.1 :I 11: ‘Iiw 1. I‘l‘iil Hm: I: ‘l 1 ;12' Mixed Exhibition andJapanese Woodblocks I 1111II'1111‘1I11.

IJ. O. KELLY GALLERY 3 I l 1. \11I'I'1\I111‘It1:1111!, _‘ 1‘1 “11"1: \11'. ‘1 JamesWattl 1111'! “l ‘1‘.

I’I'1I'I 1\1 .I‘l.\11iiI If, \I.1\ I‘l\\5é