I HAGGS CASTLE 100 St Andrews Drive. 9.3tlam—Spm; Sat 9.3llam— l pm. Tw-iee c: Mon—Sat “lam—5pm; Sun 2—5pm. named Museum of the Year. the WW Glasgow's museum for children. Hunterian (‘ollection includes objects Getthe Message lintil 22 May. Different ranging l‘rom (‘aptain (‘ook's Pacific systems of communication for children. treasures to the Bearsden Shark. > G A L L I Y I HILLHEAD LIBRARY 343 Byrcs Road. 33‘) Coracle. Kayak and Canoe it) Apr—33 Sept. 7323. Mon Fri I)..‘~(lam-—lpin. 2---Spin; Sat An exhibition at mm- “Mum-u“ m ST 9.30am lpni and 2' 5pm. ('losed Wed. , including a model boat. once worshipped fig? ' Visual Artists RegisterGlasgow An indeXol ; in the pawn. U" W. M“. I lemma “mm Ta“ ' slides and artists‘ details to help you lind large dugout canoe lclt unlinished by Scots work )011 like and presuinabl} wouldlike a in Atrshire about litltlt'carsauo. '

to see more of or bus.

I IMAGES GALLERY 74 Ilyndland Road.

Portrait of a Village I HUNTERIAN ART GALLERY l'nitersit} ol- 334 5311. Mon l-‘i-itisiinm.5.3mm” (ilastlow . l lillliead Street. 33(543 l. lan Flemin l‘ntil ‘I A tr. A retros iectivc .‘slon liri‘)..‘~tlani- 5pm; Sat 9.30am lpiii. ' exhibitiongiil paintingis. WilthL‘UltilllrS. . . . (‘losed l- 4 Apr. woodblock irintsandsilkscreens. Pamtlngs, waterCOIourss Prints The Mackintosh House Gallery: ()pcnas Japanese wiiodblock Printst‘ntilt).-\pr. by abme btit closed loi' lunch 12.3“ I .3Ilpin. ' I‘lth centui‘} work. . I Slip admission on w'eekda} alteriiooiisand I J. D. KELLY GALLERY 1 IS Douglas Saturdays. .-\ reconstruction ol'the Street. Mon~ liri ltl..‘\tlain--2pin and architect'shoinc tittedwithoriginal 3.30 5.30pm: Sat lilani 2.3tlpni. Sponsored by Scottish Post Office Board turniture. l7nti| June the gallery is ; James Watt lb -.‘~(l .-\pr. Subsidised by Scottish Arts Council and Glasgow District Council showing a special tllsplii} oi Mackintosh I LILLlE ART GALLERY Station Road. - ChairDesigns which illustrates the artist's .\lilnga\'ie. 95o 235 l . 'l'ue l-'ri l lam—5pm

range. covering the scars l’rom the experimental ISUtl's to his more restrained st} Ic ol 191-1 w hen he lelt (ilasgow.

Old Master Drawings trom the University oi Leiden I‘ntil 3| March. The first British and onI} Scottish showing ot a major

and 7 9pm; Sat and Sun 1 5pm. (iallery closed until ‘) .lan.

Remains to be Seen t not In Apr. A n exhibition on the history oi Bearsdcn and Miliiuavie.

I MAIN FINE ART The Studio ( iallery. in


University of Edinburgh, Old College, South Bridge. exhibition ol Dutch tllltl Hemiindrawings (iibson Street. 334 sass. 'I‘uc Sat Te|;031 66710119xt4303 lroni the lbth to the l‘Ith centuries. Work ltlam 5pm; Stiii 2—5pm. b} (iossaert. .‘\\L‘I'C;lllip and Willem van Scottish contemporary painting. dc Yeldc. I METRO GALLERY 713 (ircat Western

. Modern Masters of Printmaking 2‘) Apr-25 Road, 33tiii737 (opp [anemic ( iurdcm). 1 6 _ .lune. l-‘rom l’ost-Impressionismto 'l'iie Sat llain 5pm. Surrealism. this exhibition picks the cream The Metro ( iallert . which was ol the lllll\'CI'\il_\ 's collection of l‘lth and best-know n for its‘eneouragcmcnt of Zilth L‘L‘llllll'} prints. Bonnard. l.autrcc. student work. has closed due to the high D U S Pica-Wt ittttl Mulbw tttL‘lltle‘d. costs ins-oh ed in its upkeep. Sharing I

I HUNTERIAN MUSEUM 'I‘he I'nixersit} ol' { premises with the plumbers olliccs kept

(iluhgtm . 33‘ISS55. .\lon l-‘ri costs down. but when that hart ol‘the Tues—Sat 10am-5pm Admission Free ART ST|TCH ! SubSIdised by the Scottish Arts Councrl Kelvingmve An canary, Glasgow um" 12April 3 Edinburgh College otArt 18 April—30 I April

| The art at the stitch is one which has a i special attraction for many people. i


Texture is tantalisineg tactile and colour alive within the cottons, silks and wools ot tapestries, embroideries, patchworks and rugs. Warmth is drawn lrom the material and the tradition. Desert nomads lined their tents with carpets, Scottish castles draped their walls in stitched history, European immigrants remembered home in their

American quilts. . ., a f“; "

The strength olthis medium and all needle wide.

l its attendant rituals should not be trunk Spun 0t Silke" "1083, "Bl. 90318.

i underestimated. It is a collective suede and orange tungus contrasts

f strength made at many hours building dramatically with a self-portrait traced lives into pattern and texture, lrom a computer image. With colour

women traditionally have been the book realism, a number of artists chose

masters of such arts and it is no a technique which blends stitch with surprise that there is only one man painted reliel. Rosalie Findlay among seventy-six women exhibiting (Embryo) pads Ben in tront ot the tire. in the Three Strands exhibition Faces and figures abound in this

currently on tour around Scotland. The exhibition, but it is the abstracts and

title, a neat pun on their media, reters landscapes which tor me hold the most

to the joining otthree exhibiting groups lasting pleasure. inthelield oltextiles and embroidery, Lesley Henderson‘s(GSAEG)Garden Embryo-Dundee Creative Festival in clotted woolly colours has A MAJOR EXHIBITION OF NEW WORK l Embroiderers, Glasgow School otArt the lyrics otaJacobean pattern, while BY SIXTY ONE LEADING BRITISH ARTISTS. Embroidery and Textiles Group and the Margot McDowell (NSEG) lights a dark ml l l“ ( \l l l m New Scottish Embroidery Group. landscape with silver strands. Jenniter Il\l\ l itsiii ()l 'siimiit it Hi Inthe catalogue, allthree groups Hex stitches red squaresma box and (a .\st.ow emphasise innovation and an callsthem Embers, while Veronica u,\,,\,«“__,_, m,“ PM individualistic approach. There are Togneri’s(GSAEG) squares otsilk n we”, H mm N men I. indeed tewtraditionalpiecesinthe glitterasaMosaic. exhibition, but innovation is most Among them all, there is ATOURING EXHIBITION ORGANISED visible inthe search tor newtechnique untortunately only one quilt. It is one BY ARTSITE GALLERY BATH rather than in subject matter, mostly tor dreaming under, its cosy blue EXHIBITION AND NATIONAL TOUR tigurative and landscape. covered with crisp white snow crystals. SPONSORED BY 13M [ngED KINGDOM TRUST Elaine Fraser ol Embryo casts her (Alice Gain) 2 H _

40'l'he List 1— 14 April 1988