IAngel (C4) 9.()5—l(l.5(lpm. A new season of repeats of Film on 4 begins with Neil Jordan's near-classic. Angel about an Irish saxophonist who seeks to avenge the murder ofan innocent girl. Probably his best film.
I A TV Dante: The Inferno ( (‘4)
I 1.30—1 l.5()pm. Belly ofth rt‘ltllt’t‘! director Peter Greenaway and painter Tom Philips give Dante's Inferno the computer graphics treatment. IAlteroark((‘4) 11.50pm. ('J'soff-beat and open-ended conversational programme moves to a new regular slot on Saturday nights.
I Robben Island Prison ((‘4 i 7. lS--s. 15pm. Three political prisoners who have sery ed time in South Africa‘s maximum security prison on Robben Island talk about its uniquely racist nature.
I Opera on 4: The Rape otLucretiat ( ‘4) Benjamin Britten's first cliamberopera set in the fifth centtrry BC.
I Revolution Revisited: Revoltt ( ‘4) ‘)-l()pm. The first of a four part documentary series in which former French student leader Danny (.‘ohn-Vendit looks at the critical moments ofthe late Notls. Ilow much longer can the l98()s continue their romance with this so-called swinging decadc'.’
I The Woman he Loved (Scottish i spin. As royal romances this century go. that ol the Prince of Wales. the tincrow iicd Fdw ard \'III and Mn Simpson must make the best story of the lot. Btit the tale is solamiliar. and has been told so recently . it’s difficult to see how Jane Seymour. Anthony .-\ndrewsand ()Iiy'ia da Ilay illaiid will have anything new to say.
IATown Like Alice ((4) ltL-l lpm. Still springing surprises is this aw at'd-w inning and serialised dramatisation of Neville Shute's novel with Brian Brown. (iortlott Jackson and Helen Morse.
I The Trouble With Truth ((4) l lpm. Anew series hosted by John Searle. In the first programme (‘harles Taylor and Patricia (‘hurchland chew over w hat sounds like unpromising ground: whether subjective feelings are real or illusory.
I Ghosts in the Machinelui midnight—12.20am. Return ofthc(‘-l showcase of the best of new video and film. Featured first is a ‘Iovingand hilarious' parody of ace spy. James Bonk.
I Busting the Block or the Art of Pleasing People ((4) S-~b‘.3llpm. Pleasing people so as to make money that is. (‘hristopher Frayling looks at the mechanismsot success in popular entertainment and David Puttriarn does the same lor film.
I World otthe Unborn ((4) to. iti.3tipm. A five years iii the making documentary about the beginnings of life using the most advanced photographic techniques. I A second documentary by the same director. entitled iii/IR Agony and the Iftiyluyy‘ and about the problem of infertility . is on('4. Thurs 14. 11.05pm.)
IThe LateShitt((‘4)12.15—12.5tiam. Classic American drama series about a jazz-playing Private Iiye.
IThe Burning Bed (Scottish) i so 3.1(lam. Highly rated TV movie with Farrah Fawcett in an Emmy nominated role asa battered wife who decides enough is enough and sets fire to her husband. ..
I Born of Fire((74) 9.30pm. SUsan (‘rawlcy and Peter Firth in a 1987 film about a young flautist who is taken over by mysterious and sinister music.
No one dreamed like American ciy il rights campaigner Martin Luther King (assassinated 2H years ago this month ) and he knew how to hold and woo a crowd w itli the rhythms and cadence of speech like Jesse Jackson knows how to run a campaign. .\'o computer could hay e matched his oratory . btit the BB( "s Radioplioriie Workshop is going to try . I
i don't know what they 'll make of it. but the
idea is to coniptiterise the natural rliy thms of King's speeches in a sound tribute
called The Dream. R l . April 3. 7pm.
It's a short. often frighteningly short. step from religion to nationalism and (‘onor (‘ruise ()‘Brieii. whom Iinoch Powell calls ‘an engaging cove’. is well versed on the subject. He's just published a book of lectures and essays on religious nationalism in Iingland. Ireland and America; pre-Vatican [I dogma in the current papacy and the Judaeo-Islamic clash in the Middle liast. lle talksabout some of the themes covered in the book to Sir Anthony Parsons. former I '.\' Permanent Represeiitatiy e and personal adviser to Mrs Thatcher in City oIGod. Wed (i. lllpm.
A stone's throw from St (iiles cathedral in Fdinburgh and hidden away behind an imposing facade. is the Supreme ('ourt of Scotland. There a fire roars iii the grate in its famous hammer-y aulted chamber where the advocates meet. btit how they represent those who come before the courts. and how the accused are judged. is the subject of l Itigo Young‘s penultimate interview of a jtidge in The Judges. R3. Wed April (i. 8.45pm. He will be talkingto I.ord Ross. Lord Jtistice ('Ierk. Scotland's second riiost senior Appellate judge about how the Scottish and linglish legal systems vary - something especially pertinent now there is a Scottish Lord Chancellor. I.ord Mackay of(‘lashfern. who hasadyocatcd judges talking more openly to the press.
As John Byrne's excellent 'I‘ttlrr l‘ritrrr reaps the BAI’I‘A awards and .Ianc (ilover's new play. The Straw (‘liui'ropens the Traverse 'l‘heatrc's new season in Iidinburgh. Kaleidoscope acknowledges the strength of new writing iii Scotland on R4. Tues 12. 9.45pm. In Borderline Theatre (not to be confused with the theatre company of the same name) Jenny Killick. Artistic Director of the Traverse (celebrating its 25th anniversary this year). Bill Bryden. BB(~ tv's I lead of Drama and Bill Bartlett-(butts. director of Mayfest and the Assembly Rooms in the Edinburgh Festival. will be talkingto (‘hristopher ('ook about the current climate of new Scottish w riting.
There is more from Scotland on Tues I2 w hen Allan Massie. atithor and columnist in the Sunday limes and now also ‘I'lit' Scotsman talks to Douglas burnt. in Third Ear. R3. 7.05pm. Dunn is probably best known for his collection of poems Ii/t'grt's. written after the death of his wife. which won the winner of the Whitbread Poetry Prize in 1985 and the Whitbread Book of the Year Prize in 198b,
The morning story slot on R-l hasa rather paradoxical position. It is the only regular radio otitlet tor unpublished short stories. and therefore extremely valuable for new writers. btit it doesn‘t alwaysliave very remarkable material. So may be to
raise its profile a bit there isa distinguished list of readers 7- Roger Rees. 'I‘hora Ilird. Timothy West and Bill Paterson — reading a special series ofcight stories entitled Innocence and Experience. beginning Monday 4 April. 10.30am. Authors include Booker Prize winner Penelope Lively. with The Children of Grupp. read by Roger Reeson I l April. and the newly ptiblislied novelist. Michael Wherly.
I Art is listed by city first then byvenue. running in alphabetical order. Please send details to Alice Bain not laterthan lOdays before publication date.
I ANNAN GALLERY 13HWesteaiiipbell Street.23l51lt\‘" .s‘ Mon l‘ii‘laiii 5pm. Sat‘)..‘~llaiii II..‘~Ilpiii.
'I i'aditional pi ints by Scottish at lists
I ART GALLERY 8t MUSEUM. KELVINGROVE 35".“8‘) Mon Sat Illani 5pm:Stiti
l 5pm. ('ale |l)| Voluntary gtiidesare ay ailable tree of eliaige to conduct parties or indiy idttals round the main galleries, (‘oiitaet the entitiiiy desk.
Scottish Sports Photographer of the Year
I 'ntil ll Mai
Joan Eardley I ’ntil \PIIH'I..-\ll\\tilI\\I1y .loari ltai'dley from the gallery 'seolleetion [‘IllS sketches recently glltetl I‘y llle ttt‘ltsl'S sister will be show it plus a selectioiiot works by ('owic. Redpalh. ( itlliesand I)titl;lltlstill.
Three Strands I hid I.‘ Apr (‘oiitcinporaiy stitched and w oy eii te\ttles from ( ilasgow. l)iintleeand lidiiibtirgli I't'ttlltitsll'ttltitllls to zebt‘as iii an c\liibition of almost IIHI items.
Scottish Art from 1940's to 1960‘s 1 mil Apr. Watercolotirs. prints arid drawings from the permanent collection
Digging lor History t ‘nttl 3t! May 'I lie wink of the Scottish I 'rbaii Arcliaeological
I rust in (ilasgow w liieli looks into the
city 's past. Pottery . rnctalwork. glassantl lood remains will be in the display which looks at three main areas. the ( ‘atliedral area. the former ('ollcgc ( ioods Yard iii Iliin Street and the Franciscan “buy to the west til the I ligli Street
I AULD KIRK MUSEUM ( ~ow gate.
Kit kiiitillocli. '1 tie. lhtiis. I'l'l .‘. 5pm; Sat Illaiii Ipiii. 3 5pm.
Earth and Water to Apr It May l’oiiciy by Dennis Mackie and paintings by Dick Sle\etlstili.
Gene Lambert‘s portraits are dark. his subjects posing with classical grace. Pat has no arms. His metal limbs are attached to skin. Mary. posed as Venus has no arms. Little Anne Marie has Downes' syndrome. Disability in these photographs has not been missed but Lambert‘s sensitivity to it shows dignity as well as beauty. His abilityto penetrate soul is astonishing. See Glasgow. Third Eye. (AB)
I BARCLAY LENNIE FINE ART le‘s Bath Street. leiill.‘ .Moii I'll Illain Illani lpiii
Avril Paton I 'iitil ‘l Apr :\ \ eai iii (ilasgow. Recent paintings
I BELLAROUSTON SPORTS CENTRE Scottish Sports Photographerotthe Year
4 lllApi.
I BLYTRSWOOD GALLERY llll W est (ieoigeStr'eet.33551” Mon I it Illaiii 5.3llpiii; Illaiii lpin (ilasgow artistsdtiiiiig I L‘I‘\ ITHE BURRELL COLLECTION l’olloksliaws Roatlli-I‘VISI Mon Sat l".ltll ‘piii.Siiii 2 5pm. Rest. ID]
I lie glittering pi i/es of one iii.iii'sw ealtli
shown tiiidei one root. I lie stitiotiiidiiit'. par k offers a taste of the country
I COLLINS GALLERY I III\ eisity ol Stiatliclyde. .33 Richmond Street. “I ~l-Illlle‘\t:fiH::-1Ili Mon Ill Illani .‘pin. Sal l.‘. -1piii (‘losetl I I.'\Pl inclusive The Self Portrait— A Modern View 1 mil .‘..‘. Apr llie faces of si\ty one .iitists brought together by iiiyilation ol the .\itsite (iallery Batli A revealingcslttbttioii which has already attracted much media attention. Artists contributing tliciiiselyes iiicliide .Ioliii Bellaiiy . I’eter Blake. Anthony (arti. llay id I Ioekney . ( iweii lI.irdie. RB. Is'itaj. I‘tlllttltltt I’aoloz/iaiid Adrian Wis/niewski, It is an iiiipiessive list w itli Scottish .titisis well represented I COMPASS GALLERY l"\ \\ est Regent Street. Ill (ifs‘tl. Mon Sat III.tlll S .‘llpni Sheila MacFarlane I hid -‘..\ Apr l l\ trig iii a corner led church in the tiny y ill.igeol Craig. near \Ioiitiose. Slieila \Iat l-ailaiie paints her neighbours. tlieii liotisesatid their animals in .i y isiial diary Watercolours. goiiaclies. oils. pi inls .tiitl photographs are included III the cshibition
Rt'gc‘lilSltc‘t't.3.‘.I ‘Il‘l‘ \loii Iii
‘lfillain 5‘l illatii l.‘ illpiii j Britishpaintings.inddiawtiies
} Scottish Sports Photographerotthe Year i ll |.\.-\pl
I FINE ART SOCIETY IF 1 Bly lliswood Street. RSI-III)" Mon I‘ll
‘) .illain 5 Illaiii lpiii
Art in Fashion. Fashion in Art
I GLASGOW ARTS CENTRE l ‘ \\ .t\Illll_t'.lt‘ll Street. QII ~15in \Ioii I ll Illarii Milli. Sat Ill Spin l""
I GLASGOW PRINT STUDIO .“ lsiiitf Street. ‘SIIlWI-I \loii Sat Illaiii ‘ it'piii Members and \ isilois woi k on show tiiitil
the Pilot Studio iiioye to their permanent
premises at 3.? king Street
Stlcet Mon Iii
New Work by Sculptorand ArchitectAdam
ZYW I-I :fi:\}‘l Seedlstil tIllllttlltYIl I'iiiy ersin Aiclnteettiie I)ep.titiiieiit
IGLASGOW UNIVERSITY LIBRARY IIllIItL‘dtlStt'eeI. inlSNSB \Itill ‘) I5aiii ‘l ISpiiiLI-ii‘l l‘aiii ll ~l‘-ptll..\.ll
Illiiiii l3 15pm
; Whistler's French Connections t ‘ntil _‘ '\[‘l The French Renaissance t not Elixpi
BeiiiaidSalomon.tiidlcaiide lotiiiies
~ Moiitaigiieaiid Roiiie
Ilie list I ll April I‘lS-S 39