Leamington Terrace. 9pm—midnight. Acoustic music nights. Group to be confirmed.
O Seannachie Green Tree, Cowgate. Evening. Resident Scots band.
0 Wally Allan Bannermans Bar, Cowgate, 556 3254. Evening
0 North Sea Gas Rutland Hotel, Rutland Street, 229 3042. Evening. 0 Acoustic music Maxies Bistro, Nicolson Street. 667 0845. Evening.
Society Of Musicians, Berkeley Street. 8pm. £1. Singer songwriter guitarist, member of the Desperate Danz Band, and whose first album made a big impression.
o lied lleclt Mothers Tolbooth Bar, Glasgow Cross, 552 4149. Evening.
0 Royal Oak Infirmary Street. Evening till 1.30am. Songs, banjos and guitars.
Glasgow ‘ Glasgow . . "N r I ’ oDanArBra R' ‘d Cl b F eBallads Cluboothhnnlversary GLASGOW TRYST ‘ ‘ H i t M i h H ‘ Street ofszl f?“ i 25183143:x - - srvngo rngmeanng ac no . ye ree, . R'Vers'de Clubs Fox Street’ 0“ song. There is a lot oi instrumental 7-30Ptn- 532- Outstanding Breton
Clyde Street. 243 3144. 3Pm- 9-50 An event that includes wrestlers from music about, but not enough singing} guitarist who contributed so much to
Norman Buchan MP. long term Iceland a competition of piping Liz i - ~ - -
. . . . . . n t meats featured mm“ Stivell 5 bands. Electric or acoustic friend of traditional mils“: and Lochhead, a Breton electric guitarist age-[gingham clarsach, and 80.3., he performs with infectious co‘auihor “The SCOmSh. 3"" a smiling swan“ MP "0"” seem are available to beginners who sign up onthSlasm even when Singing daffy F0ll<$|ng¢n Willi lan Dawson and to cast a wide net, and so it does. The mm insmwon workshops on the songs. Glasgow Tryst.
Adam MCNagghtm' mm mm. mang "Vs" is a '8" day SCOlilSh hail). Kathryn Ticks" o Blacltlriars Band Babbit Bowster ' ceilldll LOUIS Nile Spot. 1073 celebration oi lollt music and allied m | d P. T m . y ’ Ar le St t 8 £2 w-th the 3 Young a Y 99" 0 e Blackfrtars Street. 8pm. Free.
2v . rec - pom- - 1 events, centred round the Merchant Lord Mayo, m Newcasfle m" buckle on I t tb d . . f l . OccaSIOnalS Cellldh Band» be"? City and the People's Palace. From the "S a" a" m an m orma sess'on' known as Freeland Barbour Brian “9' "onhumbm" smallpipes 3' "‘9 Glasgow TN“.
. , » 20-30th there will be events every 8,3, cm The Mam concert has Aw . . Miller and Charlie soane- night (see listings) and competitions, 33in When“ Cunningham and me ° Zydeco csllltllt Band Blacklttars e Naitan TolboothBar, Glasgow hosted by the Traditional Music And young piper Mam“ 88mm Mam" is Bar, Bell Street, 552 5924. 8pm. 0055- Evening. Fiddle and song Association Of Scotland, on the "m in the" “mane hm he i's a Free. Electric accordion based blues accordion duo. , tastwoekend. Ceilidhs every Friday femarkable player’mr his age “80 m band , songs and boogie.Glasgow ' Sleaflggmlggslcon S Comer» Derby and Saturday night are to be livened the Riverside Dan N am m'e Tryst.
Strcft' ' "p' 3‘ '9“! in me Wime'ga'dens’ by legendary guitarist irom Brittany and ' 300i“! 38nd The Scotia Bar. Edmburgh the heats and ultimate finals of the six me 70.8 mek hands 0' came Stockwe" street. 3pm. Free.
. Brendan Crock" And The FM 0. nations celtic wrestling competition. mess‘ah Man save" has an evening m Another session in the old folk no“ Shadows The Venue 1541 Norman Buchan MP, one time Shadow Mme". favourite. otasgow Inst,
Calton Road, 557 3073. 9pm. £2.50. “:31”: °Lihf TR" 'fispff'sh'fi’“ h Scottish ham enthusiasts can catch ' "'3" 3°33“ Stage DOO’ 33". Highly accomplished roots rock w a a" u ° o m 0' e co 3 Sileas, a clarsach duo alias Patsy Gorbals Street, 429 0922- Evening-
tollt revival. In 195p he organised the Seddon and Mary "waster, in come" Banjo and fiddle next to the Cits. Edinburgh People 3 Festival, and with a Babb." 30mm“. me pair are just o [’3er Wally: Tolbooth Bar, gmgggygggggxéggfgfi "m ilnalising the cover at their new album, GlasgOW Cross» 552 4149- Evening. was“, mno’w A" enmusiasm hoping to get it out tor Christmas, and Edinburgh
' are very excited about ‘a British
from England. Should be much better known up here.
a North Sea Gas Platform 1, Rutland Street. Evening. Scottish music for tourists.
t. Johns Church corner of Lothian ' ‘ ' about tour concerts in Khartoum and “ t . a? "C aver“, 35‘ S ’ hundreds oi songs but can only get p L 1 h 3 F [k l b Road and Princes Street. Music ’ . maybe other parts or the country. It °"~ ,1" ‘l 80““ Pm: 0 C u, ’ rilllll "mull!h a lillllllle . but he will be favourites. Enthusrastic Scots trio. song, dance and poetry. BYOB. amon om menus at the T s‘ 0 win depends on the political situation, . Fm" A G k - Royal OakInfirmary Street,557 “mg, am Mon mug "em 9 there’stiiihtinostilicoins oninthe .°" ""3 “Sim” 6‘: 2976. Evenin till 1.30am. Late ni ht ' " ’ "V V ’ south. That will be in March. oti to the EVCP'"g- Pong “’“mng 5Com“
g g 0' The Baliads Teliow i mus“: 535510“ Bar Closes at 1] m basement bar with informal songs numerals" teachers Ian Dawson and sun. Sill“ ill Grey ("3390* "WWW". . W Th 6' T C p ' and music. M M N No m the Tryst is a great excuse for '9 e ’93" Tee, 9W3”?-
. Insailnmi: "1:1; "d 2 ,m 0!in 33:5: comma“, and a “w warming drains. Evening. Bahr till lam. Celtic ntiuStc
SATU RDAY 21 Guam“ Mccwwgh my Humor The last weekend, with the piping, i9"? motel an one country 0 Glasgow 8 ’ . ’ more cellidhs, concerts and a couple or 0" "l' ,
. An Teaflach Bowster, anal“ now I The in "'8 “en issue 0' {he Bar, Cowgate. Evening. The b|ues Blackfriars Street. 1—5pm. Free. movemem “33 "’3‘ urgency. we W979 from Argyll. — “MathewsInfirmary informal session. Glasgow Tryst. . c . Street, 557 2976. Singer with banjo o Munrovlans Blackffiars Bar, Bell Clydebuilt Ceilidh Band. Glasgow key Singing in the basement. in late mght session bar,
Street, 552 5924. l-Spm. Free. Tryst. 0 Happy Daze Malt Shovel, Cockburn Session including lowland and 0 Gaels Blackfriars, Bell Street, N Street, 225 6843. Evening. Pub duo. smallpipes. Glasgow Tryst. Merchant City, 552 5924. Evening. asgow Es D 24
o Clarsach Workshop Hutchesons Celtic and ca jun. . 8"“: B but Bowster
Hall, National Trust For Scotland, 0 Kells Scott‘s Corner, Derby Street, Bl kf . a St! y t 8 m £’2 50 Pats Glasgow
Ingram Street. 11am-5pm. £2 (£1). 334 4891. Evening. Resident electric ac mars rec ’ p ' ' ' h y B . Instruction on the Scottish harp. Celtic band. Seddo“ 39" Mary MCMaSté: 0'” e ‘ The 390'“ and BlaCkfnarS 381'. Some instruments available for 0 Bed Neck Mother Tolbooth Bar, §$§nd w're strung harps' 3800* 153638235353: 3%;h8pmo Free- Ee€$$$hfififloo€vgm' ardens Glafgow cross’ 552 4149' Evemng‘ e Hamish lmlach and the Scotia Band 0 Tron Bar Tron Theatre, Parnie People.s Palace Glasgo‘gcreen’ Riverside, FOX Street, 2483144. . Street, 552 4267, Evening, Various Free. Afternoon. Not the name of a 9 GUY Clark St Brides Centre . Orwell £7230pm’ £2' The blgrma'n 0f SCOttISh fOIk’ blues or Jazz bands'
group but brawn from Brittany, Terrace. Dalry Road. Doors Open gum" {Olk' Glasgow "8 ' . . Emma“ Boys TOIbOOth Ba” , Wales, Ireland, Scotland, Cumbria 3pm. £3.50 (£2.50). Late Bar. . Park 88' Argyle Street’ Nr Kelvin Glasgow Cross, 552 4149- Evening. and Iceland. The heats this TiCketS from Virgin Recordsfrincos Park' Evemng' The Gaels pUb’ blgk
afternoon and the finals in the Street; Hot wax Records Dairy thrash in the back room every wee , I M I h . . Cl b evening at the ccilidh. Glasgow Tm. Road; Countrified’ London Road. about a dozen young players. I: Ham SH m ac? Penictli‘ik8FolkGu t, O Ceilidh Wintergardens, People‘s Presented by Acoustic Routes. . 8mm“ w'"tersg‘"§’ 63:; . frag oieh’Felnlzcm ' pm' '8“ Palace, Glasgow Green. 7pm—lam. Return visit of the great American wesmfn Road“' "me 2 at fed can": C o sccnsc5'6 3254
£3. With the Gallivanters band, guitarist/songwriter. As far away Asm‘ingfnssongs ‘g'd f‘ddlguges' E a , ° :3" Owlglatle’, h rddl ' various guests and including the from the usual country music as Dick ; p " 3343315 Eom‘?“ er 3' “Velma §Scntla Y "5 l 9’ finals of the Celtic Wrestling. Gaughan is from Andy Stewart. See "cc" ° vemng‘ 9,? an Strings“ k Glasgow Tryst. panel. 0 lrua Ensign Ewart, Lawnmar et, 0 Ceilidh Riverside, Fox Street, 248 0 Royal Oak Infirmary Street, 557 . ammo Music You“ 8 Hotel gm Phil: High Streel- Evening- 3144. lOpm-Zam. £2.50. The 2976. Evening till 1.30am. Late low E ’ “nous “nes-
30 The List 13 - 26 November 1987