The Glasgow design c6terie are hitting the City Chambers between 19 and 21 October. It’s Glasgow Style time again. In the second of what will hopefully be a yearly occurrence, the best of the city’s fashion, art and music is to be shown to us masses in the form of an exhibition and fashion show. As a showcase for local talent, and an organisational tour-de-force, the event is to be heartily congratulated, but what about the contributors? Some of the clothes designers seem to have been working twenty-five hours a day in the lead-up to the

Top by Frans nwfurd. Jewellery by Cath Lait in: mm


The second celebration of ‘Glasgow St


show so what do they themselves hope to gain from the experience? 0 Ineehoots Sarah Hearfield and Claire Heminsley concentrate on printed fabrics, jewellery and T-shirts with a fauve-ish, African feel.

‘The fact that our show is travelling to Amsterdam is important to us. We hope to get some feedback from a potential European clientele. We really want to emphasise the role of print in design.’

0 Peter MoGrath ‘Through tattered clothes, small vices do appear/Robes and furred gowns hide all.’ (King


yle’ spreads the word about Glasgow Design even further, taking some shows to Amsterdam. Marina O’Loughlin talks to some of the young designers and gives a list of stockists and contacts. Photos by Alan

Clothes by Peter McGnth.


Lear). This quotation, according to Peter, encapsulates his work: couture and off-the-peg flights of fancy.

‘The show has cost me sleep and money so far, I want it to repay me in notoriety.’

O Suzi Tumbull A romantic look from Suzi, combining contrasts between heavy cloths and fine floating fabrics, fitted shapes and liquid lines in navys and creams.

‘I hope Glasgow Style will be helpful to me both in terms of more work and more exposure. My aim is to be profitable.’

0 Spencer Hallton Spencer’s new winter fashions are influenced by the Josef von Sternberg film The Devil is a Woman, and his recent holiday in Spain. In the film, Marlene Dietrich plays Concha Perez, a superbly glamorous woman with a heart of stone.

‘For me, the show means publicity, more publicity and a good time. I’d like to sell a lot of sparkly ballgowns with people with lots of sparkly cash.’

0 Frances Crawford Couture Frances Ferry and Crawford McKenzie call their latest collection ‘Don’t be Mean- Give Her P.V.C.’ a ‘super-best’ range of stunningly outré designs.

‘We want to entertain, achieve world fame and riches, and hopefully get some free drink.’

0 Dlanne Spottlswood Miller Dianne’s ‘Hot Couture’ is loud, vibrant and colourful.

‘Recognition either comes or it doesn‘t. I’m using Glasgow Style to motivate me into producing a complete collection, hopefully with a view to setting up my own design studio for clothes and textile printing. I’d also like to gain a week’s sleep afterwards.’

o Lex McFadyen Tailoring, sharp silhouettes and extravagant garments are Lex’s fortés. He takes a typically pragmatic view.

‘What I’d like to gain is an opportunity to make my designs more widely recognised and therefore more readily available to the general public. What I probably will gain is a lot of publicity and a whole load of abuse.’

STOCKISTS AND CONTACTS: locahootx 221 1228. Stockist: Lake, 171 Albert Drive, 423 1007. Scottish Design Centre.

Peter MoGrath Stockist: Pfaff, lst Floor, Virginia Galleries, 33 Virginia Street, 552 8640.

Suzi Tumhull 334 6366.

Spencer Rallton Workshop: 339 3872. Stockists: Cruise, l721ngram Street, 552 0034; Signature, 11 Royal Exchange Square, 221 8638.

Frances Crawford Couture 946 7669. Dlanne sootttnrood Miller 357 0229. Lex McFedyen Stockists: Lake, 171 Albert Drive, 423 1007; Coco, the Briggait.

Glasgow Style Exhibition: 1 9—21 Oct. From 9. 300m daily. Free. Glasgow Style Fashion Show: 19—21 Oct. 8—9. 15pm. Tickets £3.50 (£2.50) from the Ticket Centre, Candleriggs, 2275511 .

The List 16— 29 October 49