and tools are on display. Now (ilasgow‘s premier trade guild. the Incorporation has historically enjoyed a particularly
eley ated social position. albeit a rather gruesome one. since the association of hammering with the nails of the crucified (’hrist meant they took a prominent position at religious processions. especially the feast of (‘orpus Christi. This exhibition celebrates its 450th anniyersary.
Modern Scottish Prints t'ntil Sun 20 Sept. A good cross-section of work is brought together here and it argues as strongly as anything against there currently beingany recognisable ‘Scottish School'. There is strongly contrasting work in The Scottish Bestiary. an unbound book published last year and illustrated by 7 well-known artists including .lune Redfern. Bruce McLean. Adrian Wis/niewski and Steven (’ampbell. ()ther fine work comes from Robert (‘olqhoun and Albert Iryine and in Dem/i on u I’u/e Hurst’ Sheila MacI’arlane mixes print techniques to remarkable effect. losing flesh and substance. the horse and rider will obyiously soon be fossilised. a part of the humus-forming Ieayes into which they are so effectiyely decaying.
Embroideries and Watercoloursl"r121
Aug .\1on 2S Sept. The work oftwo (ilasgow artists. Muriel and Archibald Sandeman brought together for the first time.
0 BLYTHSWOOD GALLERY 161 West (ieorge Street. 226 552‘). Mon—Fri
lilam ~530me Sat lilam— 1 pm.
0 THE BURRELL COLLECTION I’ollokshaws Road. 6497151. Mon Sat 10am-5pszun l~5pm. Rest. [1)]
The glittering prizes ofone man's wealth shown under one roof. The surrounding park offers a taste of the country.
The Age of Oak Throughout 1987. English oak furniture from the seyenteenth century .
Lace Indefinitely. l.ace from 15th to 17th century from all oyer the world.
0 COLLINS GALLERY Ifniyersity of Strathclyde. 22 Richmond Street. 552 441Nlext 2682 2416. Mon-Fri 10am—5pm; Sat 12 4pm.
The Blasted 0ak I hid Hi 4 Sept. The grand old oak. now in declining numbers. has always had a place in folklore. art and history In this exhibition a numberof artists including Armitage. Beuys. ('onstable. Nash and Turner explore the oak‘s power and fascination over the ages. 0 CYRIL GERBER FINE ART 148 West Regent Street. 221 3(I‘)5..\'Ion—I3ri 9.3(lam 5.30pm; Sat 9.3tlam—12.3(Ipm. Recent Acquisitions of British Paintings and Drawings L'ntil end Aug.
0 COMPASS GALLERY 178 West Regent Street. 221 637i). Mon—Sat “lam—5.30pm. New Generation Show t'ntil end Aug. Work selected by (‘yril (ierber from the four Scottish art colleges.
0 FILMWORLD I)e (‘ourcy's Arcade. 5 (’resswell Lane. 33‘) S555.
The 007 File l'ntil end Aug. A 25th anniversary exhibition ofJames Bond film posters and stills.
0 FINE ART SOCIETY I34 Blythswood Street. 332 4027. Mon—Fri 9.3ilaml5.3(lpm; Sat liIam-lpm.
James McIntosh Patrick: Works on Paper l‘ntil Sat 2‘) Aug. To coincide with a large retrospectiye currently being held in Dundee. Patrick's home town. and his Silth birthday. the Fine A rt Society are showing a selection of his recent watercolours.
0 GLASGOW ARTS CENTRE 12 Washington Street. 221 4526. Mon—Iiri 10am—9pm; Sat III-5pm.
Summer Exhibition L'ntil Wed 26 Aug. Drawings and painting. weaying. knitwear and photography by students from this year's classes. Workshops in all these subjects should be on offer again from next September.
0 GLASGOW PRINT STUDIO 128 Ingram Street. 552(I7tl4. Mon—Sat “lam—5.30pm.
Inside the Wine Emporium
A spacious new gallery has been created out of a converted warehouse at the Wine Emporium in Devon Place. which will. until 22 August. provide wall space foran Impressive array of works by forty Scottish artists. including Stuart McKenzie. Calium Innes. Paui Fumeaux and Bob McLaurin.
A cracker oi a painting by Carol Boyd makes the show worth a visit all on its own. but the climax is on the 22nd. when the works will be auctioned. The enormous range oi size, subject matter and media meansthat prices will be varied. but they should all be reasonable since the 30-40% commission usual on a gallery sale is not being charged and the proceeds are going directly to the artist.
This is the first event oi its kind inthe Festival. and if it’s a success, the organisers hope to be back next year with the substantial attraction oi £2000 prize money.
if you can contrive to drink a glass olwine. gawp at the bidders for Lot 66 and stand very. very still. you'll have a great time; so go along to the Wine Emporium. 7 Devon Place. at 2pm on 22 August.
Graeme Murray Gallery. Edinburgh
Iiyou have seen enough large. colourful paintings visit this private gallery (they‘re friendly inside so do not be put off by having to ring the bell) for a few moments otcalm and innerthought. Upstairs in the white Georgian room. corniced by thistles and roses. six artists make marks which are not intended to be interpreted literally. more felt — like the shiver that travels up yourspine when you think about the age and previous life of a fossil or a star. Their work has to do with wonder. Kate Whiteford. who has carved a secret cave of red and green atthe Gallery of Modern Art torthe ‘Vigorous Imagination'. keeps to a Northern mood here in thick black charcoal. lain Patterson. who has just exhibited in Hungary. paints a grey triptych with odd signs of life and Felim Egan elegantly translates a personal geometry which sways gently in the balance. (Alice Bain)
Collective Gallery and Edinburgh College of Art. Edinburgh In marked contrast to the major Festival exhibitions of contemporary Scottish art there is a liberal helping of abstract work in this show of Collective members' work. However. standing head and shoulders above the rest is work by two figurative artists. Bob MacLaurin. who recently had a one-man show at the hieroury Gallery. Edinburgh and Paul Keir. In MacLaurin‘s
N "1’ \M
painting. The Traveller. a Lowry-typefigure steps out memorany into a landscape oihot yellow. a bright red rucksack on his back. At the exhibition's second venue, Edinburgh College of Art. the huge supersturcture ofa railway station looms darkly. dwariing two tiny figures in Paul Keir's fine charcoal drawing. (Sally Kinnes)
Backroom Gallery. Edinburgh
Behind racks oi secondhand dressing gowns and tartan shirts. a small basement gaileryis showing work from four Scottish graduates. Paul Furneaux from Edinburgh focuses onthe portrait in a style which blends fairytale with icon. His degree show this year gave him a passport to Paris - as winner of the Miller Homes prize he can look forward to awhole year’s stay in that culture capital. Joseph Davie's scratchy, detailed technique has similarities to Furneaux's but his subjects grow from the influence of Glasgow. the city where he took his degree. Oilrigs lurk in the background and tags droop from macho mouths. Both artists show a maturity which could deepen with wider horizons. This selection is followed by a group ofdesign graduates. (Alice Bain)
WASPS. Stockbridge. Edinburgh WASPS is the name given to a networkwhich provides artisis‘ studios at reasonable rents around Scotland. This warehouse building in Stockbridge. conveniently placed justbehind Theatre Workshop. opened up a furtherthree floors this summer. Another new addition. the gallery on the first floor. is currently showing a selection of work by artists onthe premises. It's an eclectic group. which goes
from abstract to pottery figures at random. reflecting the diversity of artists working at Patriothaii. And it feels more ‘work in progress' than a fully fledged exhibition. Dorothy Black's strident and fresh portrait ‘wearing a crab-claw necklace‘ and Olivia Irvine's topsy-turvey adult children strike strong notes. (Alice Bain)
Screenpfin—tby-Peter Pretsell
Printmakers Workshop. Edinburgh Asmall selection of prints downstairs complements (unintentionally) the ‘Vigorous lmagination’ exhibition at the Gallery of Modern Art. with affordable prints. Peter Howson is represented by the ‘Noble Dosser' amongst others, Ken Currie by his ‘Union Organiser' and Keith McIntyre by his mythical beings. Gwen Hardie's bending ‘l Am' beats strongest. No surprises here. Upstairs. Edinburgh College of Art lecturer Peter Pretsell is in playful mood. putting people in tricky positions. There's the ‘Ouick-Fit'. the ‘Easy Chair' and ‘Over The Moon‘. Sexual innuendo is rife in these bendy cartoon folk getting it together. along with plenty of building-block colour. (Alice Bain)
Railway Station by Paul lteir
The List 21 Aug 3 Sept 49