[‘_ ,

0 Theatre is listed by city lint then by venue, running in alphabetical order, except lortourlng shows which are listed by the name oi the show. Please send details not later than to days More publication date.


0 CARLIBAR COMMUNITY CENTRE ('arlibar Road. Barritc;ul.SSl 4S‘)S. We’ll Support You Evermore Sat H ()et. 7.30pm. ('umberrutuld Theatre (‘ompany in Robert Robson's

comedy about Scotland winning the

World (‘up. See Touring. 0 CITIZENS (iorbals Street. 42‘)

0022 S177. Box Office Mon~Sat

lllam—Spm. Bar. [1)]. The Representative 15ri 3-Sat 25 ()ct.

FRIEE preview 'I‘hurs 2 ()et. 7.3tlpm. £3. (‘oncs £1 in advance: Students

£1 . ()APs and I'R4lls free on the

3 door. A new production of Rolf

Hochhuth‘s drama which.

; challenging the Pope's silence on the Holocaust during the war. caused


great controversy when it was first

staged. 'l'ranslated from the (icrman

by Robert David MacDonald whose fine translation of I.orea's The House

of Bernardu.»1/lm was recently

staged in London.

? 0 CUMBERNAULD THEATRE (‘umbernauldU23(i732887. Box

()fficc Mon—1-‘ri lllam—opm. Sat

, 10am—3pm. (3-8pm perfevgs.

Bar ('afe.

The Sash Fri 3 and Sat 4 ()ct. 7.45pm.

; £2 (£1 ). Kilsyth Youth Theatre in

3 Hector’s Macmillan‘splay about

religious bigotry and the effect it has on a family.

Endgame Fri llland Sat 11 ()et. Spm.

£1 .50. Flipside 'l'hcatre (‘ompany in a production of Samuel Beckett‘s

celebrated reductive play.

o DRAMA CENTRE 12(w1ngram Street.

()41552 5827.

Double Bill '1‘hurs9—Sat 11()ct. 7.30pm. Alienarts. a(i1asgow-based multi-racial theatre company in a double bill: Howard Purdic‘s ()ne ('lzaputi. THY) ( 'lzupuli which won a prize in (‘hannel 4‘s Year of the Black Playwright. about Sikhs


coming to terms with problems in both India and (ireat Britain and Rebecca Ronson’s ‘l‘lic lncurcemlimt

()fxlllilft’ about a young black American woman and what happens to her when she is put in prison for debt. See also Netherbow. 1".dinl‘ Latin-American Evening \yetl 150a. Spm. An evening exploring the past and present culture of 1 .atin America. presented by Strathclydc L'niversity Spanish Department.

0 GLASGOW ARTS CENTRE 12 Washington Street. 221 4520.

As You Like It 'I'hurs 2--Sat 4 ( )et. 7.30pm. £2 (£1 ). 'IAU 'l‘heatre (‘ompany in a lucid. sympathetic and well-paced production of Shakespeare‘s classic comedy. Well worth seeing See 'l‘ouring.

0 HOUSEHILL COMMUNITY CENTRE llousehillwood Road. Priesthill. SS1 SOS}. We'll Support You Evermore \yetl s ()ct. 7.30pm. ('umbernauld 'l'heatre (‘ompany in Robert Robson's comedy about Scotland winning the World (up. See 'l‘ouring.

Blood and Ice Tue 14 ()et. 7.30pm. Winged l Iorse in their production of 1.i/. Lochhead's fascinating play about Mary Shelley and her creation of Frankenstein. See Touring and review.

0 KING'S Bath Street. Box Office Mon—Sat 12 noon -()[)lll. 4 bars. [1)] [If] Phone Bookings. 'l'ickct ('entre. (‘andleriggs Mon- Sat 1(l.3()am—(i.Rtlpm. 552 5%].

Pride olthe Clyde Mon 2‘) Sept- Sat 11 ()et. Mon—l-‘ri 7.30pm. Sat 5 and 8pm. £4. £3. £2. Party cones. The Scottish variety show starring \Valter Carr. Peter Morrison. Valerie Dunbar. .lohnny Reattic. the Alexander Brothers and the ('Iydcsiders.

0n YourToes Mon lS—Sat 1S()ct. Mon—Sat 7.30pm; Sat mat 3pm. £4—£2.5tl. llalf price Mon evening and Sat mat. The Apollo Players in the famous dance musical

0 MITCHELL ( iranville Street. 221 3198. Box office Mon—-Sat. l2 noon—0pm. Bar. (ale. [1)] Tickets



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Paines Plough, the touring company dedictated to presenting new drama (See Tron, Glasgow) move in a bold, new direction with their latest venture. ‘Pinnochio Boys’ incoporates seven video monitors on stage, transmitting both simultaneously and pre- recorded action. its director, Pip Broughton, explains, this is notiust visual pymtechniques, but very much part at

also available from Ticket ('cntre. ('andleriggs. 552 5‘)('i1..'\1on--Sat 1(l.311arn-o.3llpin. Heather Up Your Kill 1 'mil Sat 4 ()et. 7.30pm. £3.75(£2.5ll). Wildcat Stage Productions in their touring show taking a satirical swipe at the Scottish tourist industry See 'l'ouring. 0n Golden Pond'lhurs‘l-Sat I 1 ()et. 7.30pm. £3. Sat mat 2.30pm. £2. The Pantheon (‘lub in Neil Simon's comedy. We‘ll Support You Evermore Mon l3—Sat IS ( )ct. 7.311pm. Mon—Wed £2.51) ( £1.25);'I'hurs—1Sat £3 ( £1 .5ll). ('umbernauld Theatre Company in their touring comedy about football. See Touring. 0 THIRD EYE CENTRE 351) Sattchicltall Street . 5.52 "521.1io,\'()lficc 'l‘ue -Sat ltlam--5.Sllpm. Sun 2~5pm. (Tickets from bookshop on perf evgs). [1)] [1*] Glasgow Herald/SYT Young Playwrights Festival 'l'hurs :- Sat 4 ()ct. 7.3(1pm. £2.5ll(£1.5()). Three new plays by young playwrights who won joint first pri/c in the competition organised by the (i/usgmv Hem/(I and Scottish Youth 'I‘heatre. 'I he plays. put on by SYl‘ will subsequently be touring Scotland. Sec Shortlist. 0 TRON THEATRE (i3 'l‘rongate. 552 4267 S. Box ()flice 'l'ue Sat. Noon—10pm. Bar. Desire L'ntil Sun 5 ( )et. Split. Members £3. (iuests £4. ('oncs £1. (‘ommunicado in their touring adaptation of a story by R1. Stevenson. See 'l‘ouring. The Pinocchio Boys 'I‘ue 748m ll ()et. 8pm. Tickets as above. Paincs Plough in a new comedy by .lim Morris. Using a mixture of theatre. television and video techniques to show three boys from Merseyside in pursuit ofescitcment. See panel.


the play’s theme: ‘lt’s about three young Merseyside lads who can't cope with growing up because the world

they live in has nothing to otter them.

They try to escape into an alternative reality-the televisual world, the world at pep video. It's partly about how 16

. year olds have loads of potential

creative energy that is not channelled by the system. Because the play was dealing with how telly dominates the

- consciousness of young people, I

t . thoughlitmightbe challengingto use

another medium. It stretches what you

; can do with theatre.’

The action on the screens will partly

3 develop on the action on stage— locussing in on a character’s reaction,

lor example. With its combination ol naturalism and stylisation, the play

will be a development too for writer Jim f

Morris (whose ‘Blood on the Dole' was greatly acclaimed). It’s the fourth play on which they have collaborated, and Broughton has also worked closely with designer Lez Brotherston, one of the designers at ‘Letterto Brezhnev‘. ‘He’s done very little theatre much more opera and lilm. I wanted a designerwith a lot at experience in non-naturalistic theatre. We certainly learned a great deal!’ (8 Hemming)

The Lass Wi’ The Muckle Mou‘ Tue 14 Sun 1‘)()ct. Spin. l’ieketsas above. '1'heatre Alba in their successful production of Alexander Reid‘splay‘ See 'l'ottring.


0 ( ieorgc Street. Tickets for The Albannach available from I'shcr l lall Box ( )flice 228 1155. Ticket Centre. Waverley 225 3752. ('anongate Mtisic. Blackfriars Street. 557 3091) and on the door. The Albannach 1 bid Sat 4 ()et. 7.45pm. £3.5lll £2). 7zS4 Scotland begin their tour ofa new production of .lohn Mc( irathK adaptation of the book by l'ionlt Mac( 'olla that was a great success last year. See 'l’ouring Chances Sun 5 ( )et. 2pm. 1*rcc (primarily for senior citi/cns). ’I'ickcts available on door. l‘orth ('hildren‘s’l'heatre. a groupol 511 young people. present the show they brought to the l'dinburgh l‘cstiy al about a country where the Morovs have more ofeverytlung and the Morons wish they did too.

0 BEDLAM THEATRE 2 I'itH‘l'CSI Road. 225 9893.

Play lor Yesterday Fri 3 ( )et. 1.30pm. A comedy by .lames Saunders. set in a ski-lodge. performed by lidinburgh I 'niversity l‘hcatrc ('o The Real lnspectorHound lit 3 ( )ct. 7.30pm. 151 "1‘( in Tom Stoppard's comedy about twodrama critics. The Zoo Story Sat 4 ( )ct. 1.3”an lilfilt ' in Iidward Albee's Pia).

A Report to an Academy Sat 4 and sun 5 ()ct. 5pm. A stage adaptation. first performed during the 1-'ringe.of the short story by Kafka

Hess Sat 4 ()et. Wed ts! l~‘ri lll()ct.

7.30pm. Michael Burrell's play about the man who was 1 “11ch


deputy and now resides in Spandau


The I.is1.5 - lh()ctober13