The news of the death at Henry Moore at 88 brings to mind the time, almost twenty years ago, when the Scottish 'National Gallery of Modern Art acquired their tirst Reclining Figure, and how the sculptor who, even then, was uniquely thought oi as one at the great giants of modern British art, made the journey to Edinburgh to site the work on the lawn ol the Gallery at lnverleith House. There, to his delight, he discovered that the smooth undulating bronze profile at the work bore a close relationship to Arthur’s Seat on the skyline. So he supervised the placing with great care in order to emphasise this rapport between the earth’s own upheavals and his response in a work of art.

Now, with its move to Bellord Road, the Gallery of Modern Art can offer tar more space lor sculptures and for paintings, but it has lost its magniiicent view of the Edinburgh skyline. And Henry Moore’s own reputation no longer dominates the scene as it did then. Such is the late of even great artists whose lifetime extends beyond their creativity and their period. His true stature will be decided by posterity titty years on, but meanwhile the bronze Reclining Figure at Beliord Road will continue to be burnished by

the caresses of hundreds of hands .

Academy on Princes Street. See below. 0 ROYAL MUSEUM OF SCOTLAND Queen Street, 556 8921. Mon—Sat 10am—5pm. Sun 2—5pm. Hotbed oi Genius Until Sat 20 Sept. The Scottish Enlightenment is celebrated in a two-part exhibition at York Buildings. Downstairs, ultra-violet and infra-red add innovation to a series of tableaux and , models which fall short ofcapturing the atmosphere and excitement of the period. Better to visit the New Town and environs ofthe High Street itself. Upstairs, a fairly academic survey sub-divides the l Enlightenment into subject sections. Portraits, caricatures and the tools of the intellectual trades of the time, add life to the labels. 0 ROYAL SCOTTISH ACADEMY The Mound. 225 6671. The Enterprising Scot Until Sun 5 Oct. 5 £1 .50 (£1). Edinburgh International l

Contemporary Enamelling Until Wed


invited by its smooth, sleek surfaces. For Henry Moore rapport with Mother 1 Earth was generous and hearttelt, and i the formal equivalent he contrived to i search tor and at best iound otter a I

Festival. The collection (or at least a proportion ofit) from the Royal Museum ofScotland, Chambers Street, moves down to the centre of town for the summer season. This exhibition looks at the reasons behind the success ofScottish enterprise abroad and at home. Charles Bennie Mackintosh Unti15 Oct. Watercolours (see panel).

0 SCOTTISH CRAFT CENTRE 140 Canongate, 556 8136. Mon—Sat 10am—5.30pm. A permanent showcase for the crafts ofScotland. The craftsmen and women of Scotland gather their work together here for sale. Knitwear, ceramics, glass, pottery etc. See Nicholson Gallery and panel.

0 THE SCOTTISH GALLERY 94 George Street, 225 5955. Mon—Fri 9am—5.30pm. Sat 9.30am—lpm.

3 Sept. Enamelwork went into

3 tactile pleasure that is not to be

, by Wendy Ranshaw, plique-a-jour

John Bellany Mon 8 Sept—Wed 1 Oct.

decline after the Art Nouveau period

resisted and there can be understood by many who would deny any interest in modern art.(Cordelia Oliver)

and has only recently regained favour with artists. This exhibition shows work by several contemporary jewellers including painted enamel

jewellery by Georgina Follet and cloisonne’ work by Jane Short.

New paintings and watercolours. Surely the most exhibited artist of the year. See also Gallery of Modern Art.

Gordon Miles—The Landscape Etched Mon 8 Sept—Wed 1 Oct.

0 THE SCOTTISH MINING MUSEUM Lady Victoria Colliery. Newtongrange, Midlothian. 663 7519. Tue—Fri mam—4.30pm. Sat/Sun Noon—5pm.

A Day in the Life of 3 Coal Company Journey back to the early days of the colliery via a series of tableaux using artefacts and costumed models. Prestongrange (between Prestonpans and Musselburgh) Tue—Fri

10am—4pm. Sat/Sun Noon—5pm. Visitor Centre. Historic Cornish Beam Engine and displays showing

1 coal-mining through the ages.

0 STILLS GALLERY 105 High Street.

557 1140.Tue—Sat. 12.30—6pm.

Constructed Narratives Begins Sat 20 Sept. Photographs by Calum Colvin and Ron O’Donnell. All will be

revealed in the next issue of The List.

0 TALBOT RICE ART CENTRE Old College. University of Edinburgh.

667 1011 ext4308. Mon—Sat. 10am—5pm.

Baltic Tales in Wood Sat 20 Sept—Sat 25 Oct. A retrospective exhibition (with recent works included) by the Latvian-born Sculptor Zigsrids Sapietis. Though woodcarving will predominate there will be a range of works in other natural materials.


Place. 225 7942. Mon—Sat 9.30am—late. Junk Until end Sept. Photographs by

Jeff Paing and Angie Brew. Rubbish

' and television come together in a

~ show about urban refuse.

. O TDRRANCE GALLERY 29b Dundas Street. 556 6366. Mon—Fri

Ham—60m. Sat 10.30am—4pm.

0 369 GALLERY 209 Cowgate. 225 3013. Mon—Sat 12.30—5.30pm, Thurs and Fri until 8pm.

New Talent Sat 6—Sat 27 Sept. The art colleges are trawled regularly each year now by several galleries for new talent. This show includes Olivia Irvine whose work is already in the City‘s collection and Dorothy Black, a highly commended exhibitor at the Inverclyde Biennial Competition. The Mercury Gallery is also showing a selection ofyoung artists‘ work during September.

0 TRAVERSE THEATRE 112 West Bow, 226 2633.

Prints from the Printmakers’ Workshop Until end Sept.


so The List 5 :18 September " i ’7

1 An Exhibition presented by the

; National Museums of Scotland

j in the Royal Scottish Academy

' Princes Street

8th August - 5th October 1986

Mon-Sat roam-8pm and Sun tram-8pm



12 midnight until 14 September

Ubiquitous Chip, 12 Ashton Lane, Glasgow

