General Braddock. Trevor Howard as Lord Fairfax and Jaclyn Smith as A Sally Fairfax. Subsequent episodes cantbe seenonthe 28tli.2‘)thand during the following week.

0 The Fiendish Plot 0' Dr Flt Manchu o PIease Don’t Say We’re Wonderful

(STV) 1.30—3.3(lpm. Peter Sellers ((Thunttct4)g.15_o.15pm.

made his final screen appearance in Documentary examining what

this diabolieall)‘ mirthless comedy happened t0 thC women Against Pit 59‘ l" 1933"“‘1“1"“l‘lnglhc £100" Closures Movement since the end of doctor in a scheme to concoct a fresh thc Miners» strtku Thc “mm.”

hm“ “l 1‘" Clix" “l “[0 that hi“ kept involved talk about the movement. him hale and hearty in a Himalayan tthr continuing tight for survival “"91” {Ur “‘9 Pit-“l "38}‘C1‘r5- “9'9” and how they are still btiildiiig on Mirren. Sid Caesar and a great cast tthr experience (“organising

“’9 “ii-“Cd- 1980- separater as women.

0 The Healing Arts ( BBQ)

9.30— ll). 20pm. Fourth programme

in the series examines the art of . ., , .- _, z . , _,

- - o - 0H . ’.3 l—‘h . ' ‘? , ' é .;. 5-; W curinglike withlikezhomeopathy. ‘(t [l {"- r t ‘- t; _ V"; I t t the second most wider used medical ‘h‘ t‘ k L L 15"" .‘s “‘9'? 595W” Jamescegneywitli Ruby KeelerandJoan launchingamaiorCagneyseasonon mm" m the ttmttt t L “or of thc National trust for Blondellin FoollightParade(1933) Channel4,Thurs31July.5.05pm.

Scotland earns a swift repeat with the _ I first programme comingfromthe Amcncan S'I'Cf’mha-‘Cdm‘thc 1

pm we British series Keep Irintliel’amili' . - - - . . - . - oElion BB( 2 lli‘iiiagz'. " 0ChristopherColumbusmVi .the Eleventh Homttvh, n ,t t) aboutaharrassedlatherand two l‘, t t ’t _ 8H1 WNW” 1-4 4% mi First of'iii 'ill-star . . ' T! m . torgeous d'iu ’hters who liv ruurmmt N m“ Pummcrm inilh l Ii '8 m‘ it ‘n tin ‘X )lorumth llpm—lZ.3am. lhe Latin-American it“; t ‘. ‘Té’d K‘. h L \'astiana Belloii and regular

-s"‘.'t 2"; e. ' .,. - . ’.‘z i ‘2: - - . ‘- . ~-

L L l season concludes withthe short film u m "rs L "'5 [St "8' contributionsfrom Radio I sl)me

(iabriel Bvrne in the title role and L ~ p - - elter/rom .Vu‘uru 'uu 'iiid the PeaCi ' 'o 'v ' "s; s i i "2 Faye Dunawav as ()ueenlsabella. ' 1‘ I ' l mrht mu“ I'lu'“

loss Cuban feature Up rou Point in which . report an sickle (‘cn Annuniu . 'h Noon (thwt tt, t); H K m a scriptwriterexperiences the same ' Knowmg "'9 300"? (BBC-3) ThC including coverage ofthe recent All I 9 W l t' ‘i “it‘t‘tp ' conflict between revolutionarv SCFCCHPIZI)’SCiIS(m COHUHUCSWith Star(iala to raise monev for research .‘a .311 ' - . v .t . _ ._ (f m (“l "L .L 0”” t “f “I.” , {mm ideals and personal attitudes that he this Alma Cullen comedyofmanners and treatment thtt, thC thsmsc.

' i )1 S ‘1 -\N' - . . .

1‘") ((lLr In Q Hi ""1 2‘ ts [rylng [0 CInhody [n hlg latest about IhC itd\'CllthCS Oil! smart . The Golden Girls . 4 asthe beleagured lavman who must - - t . t -t , t . . t. t . ' t t t ( iannc )

~ - . fictional project. UM. Edinburgh girls choirasthu “H” t” t.“ .t t). t_ m t stand alone when the bad guysarrive . venture to the Ncwtbwn m- .. pm: irs c] isot c o I it in town. A marvellouslvdisciplined ptrttcipatc in .1 nttht—cmt..tt h‘mcst l‘c“'~"1’“”“”” "\mcr'm" . .. - ~ . . . t , . television screensand iartofatrend find LHLEI'” PK“ 0! mm ' Remington Steele (C hdnnL‘H) Disaster lurks behind everycrotchet It , t - . t .tt- , t t, ., l ,. It ,t )t 1-. liliiimaking.(irace Kellvco-stars. (>-(i..‘»5piii.Withthettigol‘war .mdquwcr 1“ '5 L “1H meldmlm” M t 1 15

. - - . . ~ .. . (-1 , voldwhenitcoiiiesiowinniiig Frtd [Jnmmcm tllrktltd- l )5» between the Bond producers and the 0 Drunken Angel (Channel .1) i‘

SUNDAY 27 the “pm—1240mm the «films 3:13.112:5.3.3173153533iil‘l.’h;’ii.‘lma . . ofstarPierce Brosnanstillon-going vaapanese director Akira . ‘A f 1‘ t. _. . George FlrSI 0‘ 21nd [hC EICIOT threatening “()1 [0 Kurosawa continues “'ith the thL Sho“ LunLLntrdth (".1 .IhLlr [.M'Ld a six-part series that chronicles appearfor the first davofshooting tclct-tgitm . , t . t-h-. I" RFC? 5"““3‘md hmm'lul “'h'l-‘t '. .- -. -~ ~ . ' . t ' . r puman 0 0m 0 "N z ' llll" loneliii 'ss. V‘ «Nntlmn 5 “"3 “0m “‘0 dgc 0‘ H 10 on a new series. C hannel 4 provides a earlv works about the relationship mm ‘h L 51 and is based on the award-winning timer glimpse ofthe romantic that'dcvclops between a ggtnggtcr 2 {Our'vmumc biogr‘mh." by James dCtCCm'C Show and an alcoholic doctor iii 19:15 Thomas Flexner. Barry Bostwick 0 Too Close for comfort (Channel .1) 'I~t,kVt,_ 1948_ 0 Ordinary People (S'I'V) British

plays the great man and the stellar 11.25-1155pm, Firgtcpj5()dt:t)fttt~t television premiere for Robert

. line-upalsoincludeslaiiies Mason as _ Redford's()scar-winning directorial

- . debut about a familv crisis brought ' . quomgm Parade “hannel.” about bv the breakdown ol'one‘ 3-"-“7Pm- A m"“”}""“g ""‘W‘ 1" guilt-ridden son after the death of his the “m” cm" 9' the 'CCCP‘lt' , beloved brother. Intelligent. well departgd James “gm? begins mm acted and gripping. 1980. thistypical 1930s song n dance

show. Othertitlesinthe season i 3

include White Hear. Yankee Doodle

I" Ill], It,“

Dundi', One Two Three. Public . Trea‘su’"? m "‘9 Sierra mad“? linenii' and some dozen more. (81“ 3) “10 JUlm Huston tribute

. Portrait of a 150% peflect, Man continues with this splendid 19-17 (Ch'mncH) 11 }()hm_p ‘gthm driimiinl‘greed andtheless pleasant

side of human nature among a trio of gold prospectors. Humphrey Bogart and Walter l luston star.

Distinguished French critic Michel (Timent presents a rare and

enthralling portrait ofacerbic Austrian-born Hollywood master ' | u director Billy Wilder. the man responsible for Double Indemnity. ' The Blessed ones ((‘himm‘l 4) Lost Weekend. Sunset BOUL’WINI. Ingmar “Wilma” leCWd this ., I . ' t , 50"“, Like 1,110,. The/tthNtw” Swedish television production about .. ~ i » ; :' 3"! etc. etc. With contributions from his MOW” .VCZ‘H’M "li‘frl1'¥0\"_lllCll " ° ,. \_ a. _ at; 't v‘ - e . scripttwittng partner LA‘L. begins iocrack when the wife Miners' wives at Greenham Common: happened to the Women Age nstPit Diamond and favourth actors Jack develops- paranoid tendencies about Boole to People presents Please Don'tSay Closures Movement since the end olthe Lemmtm and Walter Matthuu their “mum-c Im-c, We're Wondertul, looking at whathas 1984-5 miners‘ strike. Channel4. Sun 27 July. '

32 The List 25 July 7 August