For six and a haltyears letters have come in regularlytothe Royal Museum of Scotland bemoaning the removal of the planetarium. The History 01 Science Gallery where itwas displayed. was closed in 1979 to install new. modern cases. But it did not re-open as planned. Lack of lunds and cut-backs gave rise to along delay. Being onthe toplloordid nothelp matters eitherandthe more trequently visited galleriesbelowtook priority. Though undertirelromtans olthe
planetarium. made speciallytorthe museum in 1910. the years otclosure have given the two curators. Alison Morrison-Lowe and Allen Simpson time to polish up and build on the collection in theircare. Displays had notchanged since the turn olthe century. Nowadays the public place greaterdemands onthe quality of museum displays and expect more than a cluttered pile of related objects squashedtogetherin a badly-litcase— a sightnotuncommon in yesterday‘s (and still some oltoday‘s) museums. Dry and dusty is a thing of the past. Informative. attractive and even exciting are the labels olthe future. So the collection was given a new sparkle (there‘s an awful lotolbrass about). The planetarium itself was one 01 the casualties ottime. but after restoration (see picture). it now gleams like a giant crystal ball. Gone is the grinding sound which accompanied its movements in the pastand whenthelootpedal is pressed now. the planets will turn and the moons orbit as silently as the universe itselt.
Though science is a subject many left behind with relief intheirschooldays. this collection and its history is mesmerising. It seems thatthere was
1es111e111111s111.1:1\ 11tl1e1111e1lnlni l he lesnlts .11e 11eh 111 1111th .1111l Ee\.lnlewllhll11 111g1ngl11e e\e'l\\\llelelll.1l‘1lll1l.1llee l’e11ple. 1'11.1ls.e.1111els.1'sl1.1111le\en.1n.11111y 11l.111ts.11ee.1pltlte1l111ll1ew1111l111 illesespeelalwe.1\e1s. lw11\\ e.1\e1s 111111. I l.111..111.1 w1ll I‘e 1111111111: 111 the L‘.tllel\ 1111.111 .7" Hal sh11w1:11: \l\1llll\ e\.11.‘l\ll11\\tlle1.111e‘\1111‘\\\e'11' 111.11le
Thunderbirds Are GOII 1111l\.:l ‘ \111
l1111A1111'l‘.1el.111the.‘1steenttn\. llll\1'\l‘11l‘lll1lll11'l1‘l‘1.lle‘\llllll\ _\L'.ll‘ \111le1s11n's
t1llselnl1llen wll lellle‘llll‘e'
11f(1e11\ 11111::1.11111nes,
\eltle 1l1.1l\e 1111pl.111e.1n11('.1111.1111 \1'.1tl IIIL' 111111111.1l1111111els.11e11111llspl.1y l)11e
eiis1.1111.1s11e.111\ enltlles
111Il11'11111‘ttl.1ll'.\1111llls e\1111.tl1e \111 entle will he 11pen 1111 \11111l.1_\s 111111 _
\Ileel ltle. \\ e11. l 11 1.7.311 5 111pm. lhnts If :11 Tl‘tll..\:1 Ill 111.1111 *pm 1'l11setl.\1111.1n11\11111
KirstyMcGhie—Sculpturet ntll ltlel \pl lx‘eeent \ellpttlles
0 DEMARCO GALLERY ltlleltley \ll‘e'el. \I1lll 5.11
l1|.11n r1 ll111111 Painting—Photography1'11111l1111 \l.1l l1e1111111ns11n. 1.111 \Iel\ee\.‘l 1111111
32 The List 21 Mar — 3 Apr
l<1t.1l> .1ehns.
no limit to the number of variations on an instrument. Take the globes. The plan of the celestial hemisphere on a large 17th century globe showing Hercules. Lyra. the twisting green snake Serpens and their universal companions may belong to science but is also a fantastical piece of decorative art. There are globes ot the stars and globes 01 Mars and even a covetable little pocket globe complete with its own sharkskin case. but missing hall of America and Australia. as yet uncharted.
Most 01 the exhibits have played an important role in the revolution of
Stephen Lawson—Photographsw e1l lt1\1.11 l\.\pl. \settlpt111wh1111ses ph11111111.1phy 1111e1le1111e111w11se1111e .1111ll.1n1lse.111e.
0 EDINBURGH UNIVERSITY LIBRARY (111111.:1- 51111.111'. 1111“ 1111 I. \11111 I11 “.1111 511111.
PickupaPenguinl 1111131111111: l.111nehln~.:tl1el 111\e1s1l\‘sgl‘11wlng e11lleetl11n111e\e1\l1111ly\1.1\1111111e p.1pell1.1el\ 1.11 least they we 1e when they l1.11l 111.111111 splnesltlns
e\l11 ‘lllttllllltl\ll.tl1‘\llle 1le‘.el11plnent111thelnlprlnt
0 FINE ART SOCIETY 1.? ( we 11 l\1ng \lleet. \11111 I11
113111111 ‘ 11111111 8.11 ltl.1ln lpnl. Scottish Paintings 1800—1920 1 tent-1111
selee1111n111w11rl1111111llgh11111 .\I.'11eh.
0 FORREST MCKAY F\Il11we.\'t1eel. 33115.“). \11111 I11 111.1111 1‘11111. 5.11 111.1111 lpm.(ie'1e1.1le\hll111111n111
1111w 1111s
0 FRENCH INSTITUTE l.1 R.1111l11lph (IL'N'L‘III. 5.11111..\I1111 I'll 111.1111 1pm. 3 531111111. Sal 111.1111 lpm. Bernard Lassust‘nnl s.11 :11\1.11.
He'l 11.111l I .t\\ll\ I.ll\1'\ llle' lle'e‘\ .tll1l paints them l1l11e. green and yell11w.
I le l‘.tllll\ lhe11 1111.1ge11n .1 h1111s1ng sel1e111e.1111l hepl111t11g1.1phstheir 11’1111ss111111.1l\e.1l11111/11111.1l e.1l.1l11g11e111 le\1111e.1111l 111ne. I11 lhls
3‘ i 0- .1" 11 ’ Y7 science—the Nicol prism. William Herschel‘stelescope, J. D. Forbes deep-earththermometer—and show Scotland‘splacein its development, butthere is still room torthat element 01 eccentricity associated with scientists andtheirart. Amongstthis amusing breedisaspidery Heath Robinson-like drawing machine. used lor copying and Charles Piazzi Smith‘s Great Pyramid ScalelorTemperature which hetriedtointroduce asthis country's standard. To think we may all have talked aboutthe day being grassy cold orllowering hot!
The new gallery will open on Sun 23 Mar.
s111.1lle\hil1111111‘.. lhe lteesinsnle e1111111ete with tl‘.e 111.1g11111eenl \1ew 11111s11le11l1l1e\;1lley l‘e‘l11\\llle
galh 1y . 1lense 11.11111s111 111.1nehes.
l helnslitnehas 11111111111111 11;1elne .\I1111.1y (1.1lle1y 111 111111g1ng lie‘l 11.111l l .1ss11st11 l'1llnl‘111gh.
0 FRUITMARKET GALLERY 3‘1 \I.11l\e1 511111.333 IRS}. lne 8.11 111:1111 531111111.(‘l11se11811nek .\I11n.
I lL'L‘lML'tI eale.
Reconstructions: Avant Garde Art in Japan 1945—65 I 1111l.\;1l .‘;\pl. Beauty has little plaee 111 this exhihitiun. ’l'he1'111s11ati1111s111' ee11s111ship 111111 laek 111111111et'lttls. together with theeatastr11phie111sses 111~ the war itsell'. le1I artists like I’ulxusawa t11 paint nightmarish yisl11r1s111attaek21111l11e1'eatinthe late 411s. During the 111llt1w'111g years. p11lities played an imp11rtant rule 111 art aml a number111artistieg11111ps examine with energy. the limitati1111s 111111 h11rtlers 111 their war—111111 e11untry. The large. densely sy111h11lie paintings 1111w11stairs e11ntrast with the work 111' the ahstraet an1l 11e11-I)atlaist artists111'the Sixties upstairs. Rememher 111 ring the hell. Short Introductory Tourotthe Exhibition Sat 3: Hart 2pm. I'1ee. Body PackagingztheJapanese Revolution in Fashion slate-l 111-111111 S.1tl‘)\lat. \111111. l’1ee. ( .1111l111e
l‘\.1ns. e11».1111h111111 .1 new 11111111 1111 1e1111111s1n .11111 1.1shl11n. l.1ll\s 111111111 new .l.1p.1nese1.1sln1111.1n1lltsimpaet 1111 Ille‘ \\ 'e‘\l
0 GALLERY OF MODERN ARTltell1111l I{1l;ttl. \Itlll 5.11
111.1111 511111511113. 5pm. Rest ll)l Stanley Spencer: The Passion 111111 81111.?“ .\pl \ s111.1ll1l1spl.1j1 111 Sl‘e'llee‘l.\le‘llflltlll\\\111'l\\. 111el111llng the g.1lle1_\\11wn ( 111 1st l)ell\eie1l 111 the l’e11ple. I‘INI. l1.1\e l1een 1111111ght 111ge1l1e1‘ 111 .\e11tl.1ntl 1111 the 111st t1n1e
0 GLADSTONE'S LAND GALLERY ls} l.1wl1111.1ll\et..7.ft15\.\11.\11111 5.11 111.1111 11 11111111 \1111.‘. 1 211pm. Ihis sn1.1|lg.1lle1y ll.1s.1s1111ng lewll‘L'lllllg‘ 1111 1 .\pi with .1 1111ml1e1 111 artists. l’hllll1 .1111l 1111-1111 ( 11111111111 sh11w the11sllye1w.11e.1n1l 1ewelle1\. I 11.1 .\e11ste1n het 11.11111 .1111l \l.1:g.11et Slnyth hel paintlngs l he e\hil1iti11n 111ns11ntil .\l11n_‘l .\p1.
O GRAEME MURRAY GALLERY 15 .Se11tl.1111l Stleet. “111111311. llle l 111‘111..\.1tlll;1111 lpnl Bernard Lassus t '11111 s.11 311.\t.11y .\ new e11neept11al 1111111 111 llll\ I’leneh artist .11ehiteet. See ;1ls11 I'1enel1 Institute.
0 HANOVER FINE ARTS 11111 I l;11111yel 811111.2152151.
Landscapes and Flowerst 11111 1111- 1 .\p1 ()1ls ;1111l w.1te1e11l11111s 11y .l.111e R. 1111111 11. 1111 Hum 11. \\ 1 h.1lnle1's 1111111 11. Her nle ( l'l )111111ell .11111 .8111 \\.1ll1e1. l’.1111111:gs. 111'1111s.1111l lewellel‘y 1111111 st11el\ .1ls1111n111splay, 0 HM GENERAL REGISTER HOUSE l’l‘inees 81111155111159.\11111 I'11 Illaln 1pm
Watch This Space 11111135 .\plll .\11 e\hl11111111111hlst1111e.1tlyetlising. lnlelesllng 11111 s11 nnleh 1111 the 1les1g11s. Inn 1111 the wealth .11
R511 \"jl
s11ei11l11gie.1l1le1.1ll it 111111.1lr1s. 0 MALCOLM INNES GALLERY 11“ (ie'tltge Slte‘e‘l. :311 I l l. \IUtl I'l'l 113111111 1111111811 111.1111 l1‘nl. General Exhibition I 11111 1111 11111 111111ee. 0 MERCURY GALLERY 3 3 \111111 Hank .Stteel, 1757131111. .'\I11tl 111 111.1111 5.31111111.S.1t 111.1111 lllllpnl. Victoria CTOWB I Illlll 3.11 I: .\111. New p.1111tlngsl1ythlsI'1llnl1111gh-l1.1se1l .ll'll\l. 0 NATIONAL GALLERY OF SCOTLAND llte \111111111. 5511\1131. \11111 5.11 111.1111 51111151111: 511111. Figure Drawings-The Study of Mankind 1 '11111 $1111 1” .-\pt‘. \lainly [111-11.11.11111y s1111lzes1111l.11ge11‘111111111s1111111s. these 111.1w 1112s 1111111 the 1:.1lle1y \ permanent e11lleeti11nspanlhree L'L‘llltll'le‘\.tll1l\l.11\\ eye-1vl1lt11gtnngsnhleel 1111111wn 1111111 111.111e1l.el11tl1e1l,1111.le. Sheer
( image I\' litltlg'e. 3.:11l51l.
\11111 I'11‘1Rtl.1111 511111. Hat
113111111 1pm.
FittyYearsOn—The Saltire Society
1936—1985 I 11111 e111l .\I.11el1. .\11
exlll'1ltl11neelel11.111ng tlle 511111
anniy ers.11y 111 the s11e1ety 111 the
arehlteetnre. 111.1s1e .11111 the
Kart-ErikForsberg1‘1111lwe1131 \Iay.
a1e11111setl111111gh11111thew111l1l. I his e\l11‘1ltl1111. the 111st 11111s11le the 181';11111111.1y 1.111 e111lntrles. l1111l1s at the