\IilitgziVie. “511-351, We III I I;1111 511111 & " ‘111111.S.111\ ~\1111 2 511111. Bearsden Art Club Annual Exhibition I'titiI $1111 Flt \I;11' I he pei‘iit.iiieitt emlleetimit \\ I” he mit tIi\pI;1\ tittei‘ IIll\ e\hi:1itimiieIm\e\ 0 MAIN FINE ART I he \ttithm ( 1;1llei t . II1(11I‘\1111SIl'L‘e'I..:.;~l.\\5\ I lie" \LtI Iltttiii 511111. 81111: 511111. Double Vision I 'iitil 8111 5 .\t11 .-\ii e\hi'1111mii ml thuiu lll‘_'\ .iiitl lllttllttttt'lllI\I‘\ I’hiI II1;1I1.1111.1111I [1111 IIUE‘IIL“- 0 METRO GALLERY " l ,1 t ii'e.1t \\ {\Ie‘l'llRtMtI1.:‘IIINIT. I Ile'\ 5.11 III..;'ItlIII 511111. Mixed Exhibition I 11111 ~\;1t 311 \111. I’tllllIlII1'51IlllIlIt'tIL'IIlIlltliI‘l'llII\.tlltI mI1teet\. .\t'Il'\I\ iiieltitIe I '1 11 le. I‘\\lll}1..Ittllllt‘v'll. I eeeh. \iittiei‘ tiittI I;i}Imi'. 0 THE MITCHELL LIBRARY I\'eiit Rm;1tI._‘_‘ TIIRII \Imii Ill IIHIILIIII tlpiii. 8 it “RI 1.1111 511111, Levelsdand 5: Jaques Damase—Art Publisher t 11111 5.11:: \I;11eh.( mete;1ti,S.1ttie. III';IIIIIL‘11IIII\III\I l'lt\I .1i'e lll\I \mitie ml the ;tI'Il\I\ IIll\ 21.1111 ml the 11m ;1te pt‘exx h;1\ emII;1I\11;1tetI \\ ith m\ e1 the piixt thii‘t_\ _\e.1i'\ ill I‘III‘Il‘~IllllL'. LevelS: Exhibition otanthue postcardstrom the Mitchell collection ( )\et'titl\ie\\\ ml the I I\1Ie l'e‘\tll‘I\ IIIIII ieI11te1I 111;itei‘i;1I. I'i’miiie111I'\I;ii IIIL'IILI1\I‘I Leveld: Thomas Lipton and the Americas Cup :\ \eIeetimit ml phmtms. elimiiitux 1III\I lllL‘lltttl'tlI‘iIlLt timm the \IiteheII emIIeetimii.i'eI;itiiistmthi\l.1iitmti\ ( iI;l\\\ eut:111 \ttttl'I\llt;tll .IIItI \x111'I\111u~el.1\\»I‘1if» ~iti.1tIe L‘t‘t‘tI. I'il‘tllil eitti .\I111‘ tm end .'\111' Leve13: The MerchantCity—Currentplanstor redevelopingthe 18th and 19th century core otcommercial GIaSQOWIittlll eml \Iui'tmeiiti :\III'. Level2: Scottish LabourHistory Society Display I'il'tllll eiitI \I;1i' tm eitti X111. Entrance Hall: The Mitchell Library Past and Present I 'ittil e111I .-\pi 0 NATIONAL BOOK LEAGUE I xittlmeh Street. 33-. II“) I. \Imii I'l'l ‘Igiitt 511111. BritishWritingTodayl1131x111 11-1 »1 .-\pt' .-\11 L‘\IliItlIittll ml IwmmItx li'miit IIIL‘\ktlI.I\IIIIII1\5. 0 PEOPLE'S PALACE MUSEUM (Hay-41m(11'ee11.55~1l|113 \Imii \fiit Ill;ii11 511111. 811113. 511111 (11.1\::m\\\ iiilhctlllt ml \\tll’i\lllt.‘ Iile, Easterhouse—ASchemelorthe Future I '11tiI .I‘IIeItllIL'. IIIIIII tm Ittttl\e WI 1111' pemplez thtx [MM—u 111' Iltttl\lli‘.l \eheitie mti the e.1\tei‘ii L‘ILL'L' mt ( 1I11\};tt\\ I1;1\ itmt heeii \\ iIIttttli its pi'ml‘lemx. Ittit tIe\tttte them. the ;11‘e11e;111I1m;i\t :11111111I1ei'ml \VeII-Ixiimu ll \tlee‘e\\e‘\ iii the emiitiitttitit_\ \\11I111111't1e111;1i'1'eI;1timii tm the Mix, .-\\ \\eII;1\ exhihitx mit I’he Iiti\te1‘hmti\e I7e\t1\ .1I. the liTUIt'l‘lItiIlH' I1111‘1’.;iIme;iI1mekIN1111I 111111 :1 ptlllI\\ e} e \ te\\ 111 the \eIIL‘lltL‘. the titiIIe—iit h} the I'L‘HtiL‘ilIN ml the mltI IL‘ITL‘lltL‘llI\ 1111' the iiimttei‘ii I‘lmelo ISitI\t1LIC\CI'IITL‘tI. 0 PDLLDK HOUSE IIIhII I’mIImexhuux I{ULI\I.(1.“:II:T-I. .\Imii Sat Ilium 511111811112 5pm.
All the Tea in China t '11111 't'11e\t
1 ’5
“Li: 1111011
.\I‘l lI (1111::emtixte11 :1t1\\ll\. IL‘;l \ei'\iee\.exitithex.1111Ieei'.1iiiie\h.1t'I\ ImeIx tm the 1I11\ \ \\ heii e\ ei\ thiitu \IUITI‘L‘II Itll It‘.t
O PRUVAND'SLORDSHIPFI'axtIe Stieet. \Imii \11". Ill 511111 81111
‘ \t‘iii.
Annan's Photographs I ‘iitil \tllllltlel. I he \xtti'I. ml the V1111 ll'ltlll
phmtt 1:11‘1111hei . ,Xiiite\ .\llll.tlli Etchings and Prints otthe Glasgow Cathedral Area I 11111 \Illltlllt‘l, \1e1111’11111 I‘llllI‘~lIItl\Il';tIlllQ \\eII-I\tim\\tt1_'I111111etet\ml the tiiie llleItltIlllLI I\)1II‘ I I;1\\ ;1111I the I 1I11\}!ll\\ (1Itittmi1
0THE SCOTTISH DESIGN CENTRE? St\Yiteeitt\tiee1.,‘ft 11111.
\Imti I it‘I .IIIIIIII *11111. \it
“11111 511111.
Formica on Formt 11111 1111; H \111: I‘tll'l‘lle.t h;1\ th.it mItI~t.i\himiie1I \IIIIlltI Htit IIII\1II\I‘ILI\ t;1I\e\ti\ tip—tmwitite\xithuh.11i\htii‘t‘1eiiiiieiii the \tmiItIml |;1iiiiii;1te\
Sailing to Success 1 ‘11111 Itte \ X11111, _-\11e\hihitimii lmi \peeitilixtx \hm\\\ the \1111‘I\ ml \111.teehe :1 etlllllltllH I1111'11 iii ;1 21111111.:1‘ .1111I 1m the \xmiItI'x I.1i'~.:e\t IlIttIIIIItleIIIIL'I ml iititmpiIm' \_\\IL‘lll\ lmi the Iei\iii'e iti;11:iie iiithisti‘y
ProlitbyDesignl 11.71 \l.11 \\ mi 111 .\[‘l ,\11 exhihitimit 1m lIIIl\Il;tIt‘ hm\\ tIe\i_~111emii\iiIt.i:it\;1ie lll‘iltithllt' the IIL'\IL'IIIII 11i1>1hiqt\limitihe.1\\ e‘lltllllL‘L'liltLIItt I.l\IlltlIl.
0 SCOTTISH EXHIBITION AND CDNEERENCECENTREI lllllltNItllle 11531111“. I \\m 1011111111111» Il\e‘ I‘11l\. mpett till 1I11_\_ .\I\m \11;1eI\ I1;1t‘\ ;1111I I11111I\. \t't‘e\\ \l 11.111111»
Scottish International Food and Drink— Foodlare I tte 3‘ I Iltll\ IT \I;1ifi Foodsales EquipmentSell ‘n‘Serve Show I tie .T.‘ IIltll\ .\I_ii. OTRANSMISSION GALLERY 13 15 (‘hiwIiiiStieet IIlL'\ 51111: 11111111 0 THIRD EYE CENTRE l511%;1111'IiieImII Street. .11: “fl. Iiie $.11 1";1111 5.3l111111. $1111: 331111111 (’11le1IIII Innocence and Evil in the Work of Scottie Wilson 1 111115111 :1 x1.11.,\ 111111111\tttxetmlthi\(1I;1\gm\\-I1mi'11 ‘it;ii\e‘111'ti\t \\I111\Ittttttle1I '.I1e Itiheh ml \tii'i‘etihxiit .11111 I‘.1it I11 111 ('t‘ixx—eimxx IIIIL‘\\IIIIIIL'ttIItIetlIttIII'
iiiuhtiiitii'hh ;1i1iiii;1I\ ;1iitl 11:11
lllttll\IL‘t\. \\ hieh iii the I.1tei \\111'I\ ;ii‘e
ieplaeett I1}. emitteiiteti. IIL'NIill}; I‘IIII\ ttllII ettl‘t‘eh HI IItt\\ CTN
t Torn MacDonald1914—19852A
MemorialExhibition otPaintings and Drawings I 1111] ~\11 I: \I;ii'eh. It i\ hmpetI that IIll\L‘\IliI‘lIlttll\\iII pimitie the llttI‘L‘IIh 1111.1 i'e;i\\e\\111e11tml IIil\(1Itt\_L‘tt\\ tii’tixt‘x \xmi'k 11111I tiehte\e111e11t.
The Girl in the Picture: Photographs by Ken Mellin From the Film t nut 33 \Idl'. IIIII'LNIIII‘IIIUII. Ihe phmtmumpih li'miii :1111I ml the liliii \ttii'iiiielmhii(itti‘ttmii Siiieluii‘.
The Architecture otAdoltLoos \\ e11: \111' I’hmtmgixiphx.th'.i\\iitus. IIIIIIIL‘I\1IIILI ltit‘iiittii'e1IexiuiietI I11
I mm\_ l'e't‘l'L'\L‘ltIIlI§l Illllt 1I\;lI'L‘IIIIC\'I. themt‘txt ;1111Iet‘ittei
The Wally Close \\ etl_‘..\p1' 511113‘ .>\pi' I Itisxh I ';1i’rmI|\ pIimtmgixiphx teemitI thetIeemi';111\ e lltttIlA iii the t‘Itt\e‘\ ml ( iI.1\L'_m\\.
John Gilmour—Photographst-;;11 e\hi‘1111mit \VetI -3 .\111‘ 81111:" (\I‘L .\ ( 1I;l\\\L‘_flIttII I‘Ilttltll .ipher \\ ith Ill\ eyemtt ;1i'ehiteettiie. t‘etipIe41111I IttlltI\t‘.tttL‘.
OBACKRDOMGALLERYI iitiviiie.1th the \ithex, ‘CImi‘11I1111\11ee1.*‘11 VF" \Imit \111Il'ttiii * I tittiiee‘inihitimii\\i.iII I11
11lllltltllleetf 0 BDURNE FINEART i I ltttit \tiget. “T I‘N' \Imii IiiI'l_1ii1l‘ttiii.\.:1 Itt.11:1 711111
(ieiieitiiy‘xhiI‘itimiimt I‘Iiiti\Ii_1it i‘l'tl I"“tl:himti:ihmtit\I.1i
0 CALTDN GALLERY Ill Rm. :1 \‘tlltlhl \Imii \1'.
111.1111 1111111 MargaretMitchelllMaggieThorburn)— Landand Plantscapes.Tropicaland Temperate 1 11:1 \1117‘ i \t.11
mt Ie 1\e\_1111I tImxteh 3111111 “he
et‘Il‘tlIIIIIeIlIllt‘\t‘I.Itlllltlle11etlIIIltt\I \\iththe\iiI‘tIei\h.11Ie\mtthetiiti\1\ hmiiie\tiiimiiittI'itztxiitI’eit‘1\Iiiie
0 CANDNGATE TDLBODTH Ix’mml \IiIe \Imit $.11 IILIIII ‘piii
Art. Laughterand the Bright Eyes ot Childrent11111\11111111e1 \ereet 1h\1111:\ m!tm\\.'eIItitex.1iitI11111111etx IIIHILIIIL‘Ill\IIllelM'lllllt‘I\IllIIIIltliMI iitthe\\miItI
0 CENTRAL LIBRARYI iemi:‘e I\ IIiiIIL'_t'..‘.,‘\\‘\-1 \Imii Ill
‘Itiiit "pittNtt‘uiiti It‘lll
The WorldolCinemat iitii ItieI \ttt. \\Itllletln'L‘\IllI‘lIlUll
Seventy Years otCubScoutingt 11111 \\e1:.111 \111 Iiithet'miileieitt'e I<tltIIIIIitlIIL‘I\ TODay'SFamIIyIllltlt'IN.lll\IIl\,I.1eI\ iiieh.thii~.'eiittiexlimiit'\I\. I tiiiiiI\' emitiztetitimii mtii\h
( mtiiieiilmi\111:IIeI’.1ieiit\ lit the
\emttixh I\’mmiii
0 CHESSEL GALLERY \ ixttti' \11\ I)etxiitiiieiit. \Imit:\ IIt‘tl\e'I 11|Ie:‘e tmit IIIE'I‘1.\IY'QI'II PeterLanyont l'IlI l 11ft \Itll .IIItIi'l‘IltleIIxW
0 CITY ART CENTRE 7 \I.1i Ice? \tiuei. ‘1” 31‘11"\t MINI \Imii \12
III.tll‘1 \lilll,(I1\e1I\tlll I it'eiiseti elite {III
GettingAheadl iitiI Ihtiiw \111
I)ltl‘~\llIl1‘lllIIl\ titxk
m'»\iiem!lettimii HIttII.IIII\e'\II|I‘|Ilt‘llt"‘tttllllil\'\IIl1_' imlenl the 11111111111 .IIIII \th. t III.tt‘.t'\ 1: :‘i‘tlvitllle'. EgyptianLandscapes-Weavingstrom the Ramses Wissa WasselSchool
I iitiI\Imii §I\I111eh
Iielit \1 thtit them 111111 HIM"
\\m\eii\\ithmiit \tiiixwmi
I‘I.lll\ I he\ he the thieet le"\IlII ml
IIIe‘l.ll_1:IIll.lIlt‘ll. tiiiletteietiht. ’he
I'ltl\t‘l\lI\ t)IItIlllI)tll'L1Il,()ItiI t)IIt‘11(‘, Smtilh Bridge. tl-tl (1117 WI I
\llt‘\il|l1lIItlll1I711\\ll ttmiii 111111 11111 111mm; 17111.
\11l IIItlIll
I111 mritmuttimiiml \11 1111111 3« III \1 mfIiitttI
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2:111I\I;1i'eh Ittth .\111:I
[)111I_\ temStml:‘lfillt1iii .‘Rllpiii (‘I.()SI,I)I..\.\'II‘I{ \\I I I\I..\'I)
The 1,1512] Mar—3211111 31