Findout ahout


and the hill range ot'Gerrnan languaget ourses at our(}|asgo\x' institutet'roni


St‘ottish-(ierrnan Centre 3 ll’ark Cirrus, 'l el ()4 l l $3 3333 J C 'ré‘fii 'C I 1’ i 9 It" I ' r) - l‘ r‘ \ i w'iIIMbPV‘ - Q 5&3 :2 few! a 3a.», 1 [UHFAHORIE 4:” i re». RHL; 'Am‘; 5,»!er 'e 'v: r ;_ L 44-1- \MU. :; - _‘ MONDAY 3i MARCH. NE 35, ; & .‘»R...4 APR. L‘3.J{,'(4’v‘ .,_ 7. H05 33 315:339335 WIN/T1330 (I _,..&.4\ on wassAy l x. "n'eRSJ APR; 1—3.3dtn“‘ ' I, Q20 y“ 1—2 ' $3; 34 timers» we; , EDJtleRSH Tupncne 126 5w:


lhurxday. Z7th \lareh Sunday Ztlth April. Nlltlpin

20 March-lQApril


Wor/dprem/ere of an astonishing and moving , . . . e . newp/ay from award w/nn/ng Scarf/sh writer I he latest play lrom one ol Seotland s loreinost Stuart paterson.

\x'riting talents. rt\1.,\sn,\i R < i RA \1 Performances at 745 pm nightly Seats from 522 Get your tickets now

llt'GRU'I'TY AN!) LL Dill/LIA

;\n hilarious and rather nightmarish eoniedy. .\le(iR( )l'l‘Y ;\.\'l) l.l'l)i\lll.l.;\ .\l;\l\'liS PERFORMED BY

was. \llNIS'I‘liR‘ i,ooi\' iiiua ,\ ROYAL LYCEUM%W€QMM”7

\x'ui'i'i:i>,\i)iii<. E D ' N B U R G H


.- “A dypamic .‘ t. ,r V . newforce dance” h_\‘ r-\la.\’dair(ira_\' ' will he puhlished in King l’enguin on

37th \lareh. priee £3.05.



;\n exhihition ol‘ Alasdair ( iray prints~

\Vlll he on eolleetiVe Viewing lor the first time.

Tues 25th - Thurs 27th Mar 7.30 pm

TfleWfitcfiefl Theatre

Tickets £3.50. Concessions £2.50 at the door Of from centres below.

('l‘hursday271h\lareh Sunday leth April)

'/'/'.‘/./:i/’//()_\'/f '/'/([/\'/‘.”/'/i’().\' “H .753 Uh: r’f

MITCEHELL THEATRE KING'S T E TRE THE TICKET CENTRE ELMP/tllviitrv-vt Hdtltfii'u-w' t'i!‘,' ll-li: ('ar'ulle'ttqtj'

12 noon 6pm Mon Sat. 12 noon 6pm Mon S4! 10 «101m 6 30pm Mon Sat.

U I ’/‘/-t’().\'(/.l i/ (If. l.\‘(,'()ll'(, /.

CHE Dll CARD HUHINE 041 22/ 501%


10 The List 21 Mar— 3 Apr