Behind the Lines I‘iri ll Sun 33 Mar. Spm. Sat mat 3pm. Members £3; non—members L4. (‘ones {I ott (Matinee and Sunday). Ihe I.iyerpool I’oets. Roger .‘yle( iough and Brian I’atten (the tortner responsible tor ‘I.illy I‘he I’inI-t‘. the latter tor '( iargling \Vith .lelly" ) in a pertormanee ot poems. sketehes and monologues. Saturday atternoorrs pertormanee will teature ‘a matinee otjellypies‘ soundsratherashaky idea ( I‘ior ehildren ot any age i. McGrotty and Ludmilla l'hurs I“ .'\Iar- Sun Ztl .-\pr. Spin. I’remiere ot a new play by Alasdair ( iray. author ot' the highly aeelaimed noyels ‘I.anarl\" and "I'lte I'all ol Rely in \Vallyer'. In whieh Mungo Md irotty . a somewhat ill-tay'our'ed Seot. winds up in Whitehall. .diteeled by .‘y‘liehael lioyd and perlormed by the Iron 'l'heatre ( 'ompany. (See panel on Boolsspage).


0 BRUNTON THEATRE .‘ylusselluirgh. (iti5 :24“. Boy ol'tiee Mon Sat lilami Spm. liar. [D] The Vagabond King I not Sat 32 Mar. 7.3(lpm. ('heek priees. -\ produetion trom the .‘ylusselburgh .-\mateur Museial x\sstiel.’tlltttt. She St00ps to Conquer wed 3r» Sat 2‘) Mar, 7.30pm. ('lieelt priees. ()liy er (ioldsmith‘s timelessly tunny restoration eomedy presented by the loeal amateur group 'l’he I’ageant Players. 0 CHURCH HILL THEATRE Morningside Road. 'I'el: 4-15 7597. 'l‘ieltets usually .ry ailable trom ('ruielxshanksomithe theatre. Death ota Salesman lhurs in Sat 33 Mar. (‘heely times and priees. Iidinburgh 'I‘heatre .-\rts in .-\rthur Miller‘sproloundly moyingplay about a tray'elling salesman eoming to terms with the ernpty nature ot his lilie. INeverSang tormy Father \Ved ZtvSat 2‘) .‘ylar. ( ‘heelx' times and priees. :\ produetion presented by Iidinburgh I’eople‘s 'l‘heatre. Davidson's Mains Dramatic Society 'I'hurs 3— Sat 5. (‘heelt times and priees_ :\ new produetion trom the Dayidson‘s .‘yIains Dramatie Soeiety. O CLOVENSTONE COMMUNITY CENTRE (‘loy'enstone Park tel. \‘v'esterhailes l‘iestiyal .‘\ssoeiation. 4.1,: Mitt} ). The Boxer Benny Lynch and Peter Nardini Sat 3‘) Mar. Spm and llldtlpm. £1.5lltil ). 'l'hesueeesstul touring produetion otl’eter .-\rnott‘s play about (ilasgow ‘s ehampion boxer. presented by I ‘nited Artists (Seotland) (See l‘ouring) and later in the ey'ening a pertormanee trom l’eter Nardini. highly popular and funny singer songwriter (see Folk). A double bill that would be a bargain at twice the priee. 'l'iekets going Iastl o GEORGE SQUARE THEATRE George Square. Victorian Values Sun 3n .‘yIar 7.3iipm. £3 (£1 .5tl). 'l‘iekets ay‘ailable from UsherllallBox()t‘tiee.22S 1155. (‘anongate Musie and Iidinburgh Folk Festiyal (by post: tel tlS7 530 298). First showing ot~ a new production by 7:84 Seotland and Springwell llouse (‘entre that marks a new venture by 7:84 Seotland into


Kings'. Edinburgh

‘Yonadab‘. presented bythe National Theatre. is both surprising and absorbing. Alan Bates. as the Old Testament ‘subtle‘ Yonadab. surveys

eommunitydrama. 'l he play. by Donald Campbell. is pet‘lorined by a loeal east who hay'e taken part in sey‘eral weelysolworksliops in Springw ell I louse. the story in the

play is based on lite in the Springw ell llouse itselt'. in its \'ietorian guise as an institution established to reseue 'tallen women'. the moral line it tollowed thrown into reliet by the hypoeritieal y aluesot the Vietorian soeietyoutside. I’he produetion. whieh promises to be taseinating. Is direeted by John llaswell who has reeently joined “:SJi Seotland as an Assoeiate l)ireetor and Ilils pertormanee is part ot'tlie lidinburgh lolly l5estiyal. 0 KINGS I I.eyen Street. 23‘) lllll. Boxottiee MoneSat lllam Spin. liar. Rest. [1)] [lil Carousel I'ntil Sat 22 .'\Iar. Tisnpm. Sat mat. 2. 15pm. L451). L3 5H. £25”. The Bohemians I.yrie ( )pera (o. in Rogers and llarnmersteins‘s musieal. Yonadab Mon 24 Mar Sat 1‘} Mar. 7.3tlpm. Sat mat 2._‘~tlpm, till» t5. Students. ():\l’s and I ‘Ith ks halt priee Mon -‘I'hurs tor stalls and grand eirele. Registered disabled halt priee tor eyery pert. 'I'he National 'I’heatre l in Peter Shatter’s new play about the

.._ k “1. .- 3 {I .. t~l :1


the court oi King David. whose crimes of passion and revenge are about as subtle as anything from Robert Graves' lCiaudius.

The play grips from start to finish.

liiblieal eliarat‘ter \ onadab played by .‘\lan liates. lSee Reyiew ).

The Reai Thing \Ion fsl \Iai‘ Sat 5 .\pr Taitlpm. Sat mat j5llpnr L55”. Ll. Students. ( )_\I’sanrl

I ‘lHtl-s hall priee l ue. \\ eds. lhtiis, Disabled h tll priee all perts,

.\ prmluetion ol loin Stoppaid's eomedy.starringt‘liiistophei limothy trom ,\ll ( ‘ieatuies t ireat andSmall

0 LYCEUM STUDIO ( irindlay Street. jjww"mistsemiariaifitiim. liar.

ThelnsectPlay l‘lnirsjil Sat 3: \Iar. T..:lllilll. L: i ii i. I eltord ( ollege ill a play by I he lirothers Rapelx.

0 NETHERBOW ~15 l Iigli Street. 550 “5"”. lioy'ottiee \Ion Sat

lilam 4pm. T (lpm pert. ey gs. (ate ll'l

Ballista l 'ntil Sat 33 Mar. Spin. L2 (Ll) Netherbow ‘i'outh l'heatre in a play by Day id ( iourlay about lite in lemuria. a republie ruled by the t'einale dietatorliallista. 'I‘he east ineludes young people trom the DonaldsoirsSeliool lot‘thel)eal. Edinburgh Puppet Festival wed 3r» .‘yiar Sat 5 .-\pr. llam. Sdllpm. Z‘tlylar): Itiam. ll..i|larii. lpm. Ifiilpm. 4pm. “pm Hi Mar 5 .\pri. llelsL‘IS trom T5p.


aided by PeterHall‘s direction. which takes ustothe brink olidentitication witha character. thendrawsaveil (Iiteraliyacurtain inscribedwiththe Hebrewtext). Alternativelywe become. like Yonadab. voyeurs.

The central storyisthe rape olTamar by herbrotherAmnon. but our sympathies oscillate. Tamar. cleverly played by Wendy Morgan. besmirches herself with the blood of revenge. then plays her trump card by announcing hersellas potential martyrtothe women‘s cause.

Yonadab. too. is ambivalent. the source of much of the play‘s humour. butwreakingtragic havoc underthe guise of detachment. Bates injects the necessary mixture olsincerity and sell—consciousnessto moments ol contessionwhen‘ronadab revealsthat he. like the people he watches. is hungrylorsomeihingto believe in. The playbecomes less comic and more desperate as vicarious experience disappoints again and again.

Playwright Peter Shatter. creator of Equus and Amadeus. says he was inspired by Danelacobson‘s modern novel The Rape of Tamar. based on the Biblical episode. Shatterseesthisasa modern “ray otlightplaying onthe slab'. The resonances oltheplay arise through the ambiguities of an ancient text. sometimesilluminated. sometimes obscured under'tonadab‘s contemporary interpretation. Parallelling this in the play itseil. not just Yonadab. but all the characters watch and misinterpret with more at stake.

Less important—seeming atlirstthan Shaller‘s other plays. ‘Yonadab‘ nevertheless leaves plenty! tothink about atterithas stopped entertaining and shocking. (Stephanie Bitten?

Rieltmy: olt yy ill, a ( i.ll.t l’erlr vrmanee at llam and .‘..*'lpiiioii \‘y ed :o. the annual ldinbuigh litll‘l‘rr'l l estiyal

ottersilitty‘et’aneeol pupt‘yetsltoyys lIIdllSlldpL’SLIIIyl‘wl/CS I‘l"tl;illi by

t'.\ Ille‘ l’uppet lheatie. lhe l lattin \\ orlts

groupssueh lila. l\ ltoy

I’uppet ( ‘ompany. l’uryes l’uppets. l’artdeniomririr i’uppets .‘lltl lhe I'dinbui'gh I’upt‘wt t 'oiiipany. I here arealsotlaily workshor vlllrlle‘dllill

usingallsortsotpuppet rod.slring andgloyetlor detailseozitaet theatre). l’erloimaiiees are lot all ages. btit tor lttlI‘y detailed listings please turn to I'\l‘el\ ‘sey'lly in w here produetioiisarelistedinlull

. rtltitlla‘. Street. jj‘flltt‘ifi. I))tl\ oiliee .\Iitl1 Nil

lilain opm ltiain Spinonperleygs. liar. lx’esl. ll) MrGovernmenl I'll -Tl .\i.n tittlll Sat 1: .-\pr a 15pm. if, if. holders Ll olt liee l’reyieyy llrurs Ill .‘yiar 5.45pm Sat mat 5 .\pr. ;\ttet' show tliseussir in .‘ylori j-l \Iai.


I’reiniereol .t new play by St 2.1T! l’aterson loeusira' on the relationshipthat deyelopsbetween Iyy'tt HIISIIIS Ill t1 elr l‘t'tll itl eommunity : i played by \Iai tin lilaelx l w ho has tetui ned lion; the .I‘iirst \Vorld \N ar and l lelen. his

The list 21 Mar Ci Apr9