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Cut up kings 2 MANY DJS talk to Henry Northmore about their club/live music extravaganza 2 MANY MUSICIANS.

lte 2 Man) l).l\‘ juggernaut has been thundering through to\\tt. crushing all below it \xith its eut tip soles and inxenihe use of the most bix/are tracks. the Stooges mi\ed \\llil Salt'n‘l’epa and l<ii_\k\opp colliding \\ith l)oll} l’arton lia\ e become the stutl of modern legend. Not bad tor t\\o brothers l|)a\id and Stephen l)e\\aelel from Belgium. Spanned l‘rom indie aet Soultiav their unique take on prett) mueh e\er_\ song _\ou li;i\ e e\ er |o\ed “as an almost o\ernight success \xhen the} dropped a set on \tm. Just imagine the eham it' tlie_\ got to programme their tl\\ll ttigltt ol~ |i\e acts and Ill insanity Imagine no more as 'l' on the l-‘ringe has brought this colossal [thxl 10 “if. like \UlliL' lillL‘hL‘ti" up lituiiikettxteiit we get DJ sets from 2 .\lan) l).|\ themsel\e\ and ()ptimo hero 'l‘xiiteh. But that is no\\here near all as \\ e get In e \c‘ls from Black Rebel Motorcycle ('luh. l.('l) Soundqstem and the l)e\\aele brothers back in their Soul\\a\ guise. It's a \\ear_\ )L‘t strangel} upbeat l)a\id l)e\\aele

\\ ho anxxxers the phone: ‘l'\ e just landed in Ibi/a. of

all Places. and one of our record bag\ is missini—‘f he e\Plain\ itt his soft Belgian aeeent. ‘l‘\ e no idea litt\\ \xe eontirmed this. I don‘t rememlwr \a_\ing “_\ ex" to this gig: it's real!) not in} kinda thing.’ \Vith a

\xitlt l.(‘l) Sounds} stem t\\ ho ha\e also lost all their

equipment on the tlightl and lileetrie Si\ lined up in


San Antonio that night. it's quite a different prospect to the lidinburgh l’estixal. 'l‘m not going to he pretentious and say \\ e are art. but let‘s put it this \\'Lt_\ \ie‘re tnore at place there than here in lhi/iif

So \}llttlt_\ttltill\ are the} \Vlli] 2 Matt} I).l\. man} forget their indie routes. ‘Maflw \ie ne\er made it clear enough httt \i‘e |Sotil\\a\| nexer \xent il\\1t_\. l-rom the beginning ot‘ the 3 Man) l).l\ stutt \\ e u ere ahead) in the studio tnaking the album. 2 .\lan_\ l)J\ \\;t\ like a hobh} that kinda hlexx ult' .-\nd their tic“ album .tni' .llrmmi .\'mi' l‘ollous on from l‘)‘)‘)‘s .tlru'li stem/Isl lil‘r'ri‘onc's .«lr/t'it't'. mi\ing \_\nths and retro \t}lings \\lll] blistering rock. 'I think \KL‘ consciousl} tried to sta} aua} l'rom the DJ side and a\oid an_xthing \x'e \tould pla} out.' say l)e\\aele. "l‘heoretieall_\ l knou it‘s eclectic but tor us it's normal. Man} other records bore the alter a \\ hile because I don’t get enough dixersit}.'

But hou did the) end up \iith this exemplar} _\et di\et\e line-up for the l‘ringe'.’ 'With l.('l) it's really simple. 'l‘he} are like family and \\l]Cl’L‘\'Cl‘ \te go we like to pla} \xith friends. With Black Rebel the} asked us it \\ e \xanted them on the hill and we \tere like “_\ eah. \\ e like them yer} much".~ .\ night ol’ the very

lk‘\l lli L‘Cc‘c‘lltl‘lc. L‘lL‘L‘ll‘lL‘. L‘L‘lL‘L‘IlL‘ (Wills.

2 Many Musicians at the Corn Exchange, Wed 25 Aug, 8pm-2am, £16.

Ed Bio-Rhythm Meat Katie are the guests of choice helping this second birthday party go with an acidic crunch. loch funk and dirty house are the weapons of chorce. The / loneicornb, .‘iji‘tl (>540. f-r/ PO/lt/g, 17pm Eta/n, 5‘8 L} Dogma llard ; ss techno and electro all night long at this Unified special as just about every techno collective Ill town joms forces. Expect to have your mind warped by rejiresentatives from Dogma. JakrN, Avronix and Pillbox. Brutal yet satisfying. Stud/O 24, 5:38 3758. In 2’0 Ant}. 7 lprn—(Sam, i‘tbc.

IE solescience Sometimes during the Fest we forget how much damn fine local talent there is out there. Dogma showcase the harder edges while this night exemplifies the soulful house. funky jazz and deep grooves. Gareth Sommerville. Craig Smith. George T (pictured) and Joseph Malik represent the home team. The Venue, 557 30/3, Fri QT) Aug. 7 Tpm—Sam, [ff-1‘8.

IE Groove Fidelity Launch of this brand new night that stands; up for ‘all things house'. And they couldn't have chosen better guests than MYNC Project to lay their cards on the table. The Honeycomb, 5540, Sat 2 Aug. 7 Tom—5am, {38—870.

El 2 Many Musicians A real one off as 2 Many DJS take control. Soulwax. Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, LCD Soundsystem and Twitch jom the boys for this unique live and DJ spectacular. The Corn Exchange. 477 3500, Wed 25 Aug. 8pm—2am, £76.

I Manga Brazil is the place to be for the best in jungle and drum <3 bass at the moment. Here the finest exponent of the South American scene MC Marky is joined by regular sparing partner MC Stamina for his only Scottish show of 2004. The Honeycomb, 530 5540, Thu 26 Aug. 77pm—Sam, £70 (£8 members).