'lhc \lolmd. (I34 (I3tlll Admncc hooking (IXWI‘NV) {"70 Sun ch Illam (rpm.

1 hu Sat lltam Spm

OMonet: The Seine and the Sea - Vétheuil and Normandy 1878-1883 l'nlIl Sun 36 ()ct LH 50 (L5 5m. laIIIIl} lIckcl L3H tundcr l3x trcci 'l hc chloch and IclIIrhIxhcd Royal ScottleI Acadcm) rcopcnx III grand xt_\lc Willi tlIIx mayor cthhItIon ol around 90 paIntIngx h} thc l Icnch lnIpchonIIIxt ('laudc \lonct ()IgaIIIxcd h} lhc \atIoIIal (i.I|ch_\ ol Scotland. It Ix lhc tirxt cthhIlIoII to cxammc lhc pcriod

IHTS’ ISM uhcn .\loncl \\;I\ at lhc pcak ol hIx caiccr A pamch ol gical \arIct}. lhc \lloW lcttlltlt'x l'tlttll \ccltt'x III Vc'lllt'llll Includmg hIx lamoux group ot camaxcx ol lhc Icc llocx on lhc Sl-IIIc mhIch pIcliguch hIx lll} paIIIlIngxI and xcaxcapcx ol lhc \oiiIIaIId} coaxt lhctc Ix alxo hc a xmall xclcctIon ol paIIItIngx dchcatcd to l'lL'llcll landxcapc paIIIchx Wllltlll .\lonct .IdmIch Inc ludmg (‘amIllc (‘aI'oL (iIIxta\ c ("ourhct and ('harlcx l‘l'ttllc'tih l)auhIgn_\. Scc Ichu and llItlle

A Pleasing Prospect: a History of the Mound and its Building in IS Aug Sun 3(I ()ct, An c\hIhItIoII locuxmg on lhc hleoI} ol lhc xIlc on \xlIIclI lhc \alIonal (Sallcr) ol Scotland and Itx xIxth hIIIIdIIIg. lhc ncul} I‘ctthIxhcd Rina! ScottIxh AcadcnI) ucrc huIlt III tlIc InId I‘lth ccnttu).

OHelen Frankenthaler: Paintings on Paper (1949—2002) in 15

Aug Sun 3o ()ct. [5 It i.5tii; undcr l3x ll‘cc. llttlo‘ 335 (I(I7l l. lhc lit'xl L‘\L'l' Scotlrxh xhou Ing ot oxcr ll) paIntIngx on papcr h) lhc IIItlucntIal AIIIcI'Ican artixt. llclcn l'raIIkcntlIach \\ ho camc Into pI‘oIIIIncIIcc III lhc 5(lx [or law xtaIncd- tcchniquc pamtmgx. Scc prc\ Icu and llItIIxt. NE W St 10W

New Associates in IS AtIg Sun It) Oct. [5 (£3.50); undcr |3x lrcc. tlnlo: 335 0071 I. A group \lllm ol ncu uorkx h} l'l'c‘cltll) L‘lcclcd axxoclalc llu‘ltllk‘l‘x ol lllL' Royal ScottIxh Acadcm) Including Joc l‘an. (iaI'cllI l‘Ixhcr. Malcolm l-raxcr. John A. Mackcclmic and AlIonI Wall. NEW


The RSA and its Heritage in IS Aug Sun 36 ()ct. tlnlo: 335 MIN I. In lhc ncul) rcxtorcd RSA hurlding. an nliihition lookmg at lhc actn Itch and aclIic\ cmcntx ot lhc Ro}a| ScottleI Acadcrn} owr lhc laxl I73 )carx. NE W SHOW


|(» llouc Slrcct. 335 30“). Mon Sal

Iliam 5.3(lpm; Sun llam 4pm.

Art of Persia: Tribal Weaving Past and Present l'nul Sat 25 Aug. .-\ xcllIIIg \lllm ol aIItIquc rugx. llamcaxcx and hagx lrom lhc nomadic tthCx ol l’crxia and rugx and “all hangmgx l'rom Iran.


lo Dundax Strcct. 553 I300. Mon l’ri Illam (Iptlt'. Sal ltiam 4pm.

John Houston l'nul \le 3 Scp. Al lhc agc ot 73. John llouxton contmucx to paint. l'or lhc Scottixh (iallcl‘) '\ l'cxti\;tl c\hIhItIoII. hc prcxcnlx a xclcction ot' ncn paIIItIIng ot lhc landxcapc and coaxt ol l'ilc and liaxt l.othIan ax \\ cll ax “orkx Inxpircd h) IIIx man} tI'Ipx to \cIIIcc.

Sally Fawkes l'ntII chl .i Scp. Sculptural glaxx picccx h} Sall) l‘au kcx \\lllL‘ll tuxc togcthcr lcchmcal IIIaxlcr} \\llll a xlI'ong \Ixual languagc,

Adrian Hope l'uul “mt 3 Scp. .\'cu \xork h} xIl\crmetlI AdI'IaII llopc lcaturing ho“ Ix. dlech and howx \\ Ith cmhoxxcd dclttll.


at ('rcclcrx Rc'xlaurant. .i lhIIItcr Squarc. 330 4447'.

got an opinion about a show?

Coloured Greys 3 by Bridget Riley on show at I2

John Hunt l'IItIl Mon 3‘) Scp. ()II on glaxx and camax IIIcIIIdIIIg \Htl'lx lroIII lhc l'leIncxx and landluhhcr ch'ch.


5 (‘I'Ichton'x (‘onc. ('anongatc. 557 3%. Mon l-rI Illam (Ipm; Sat noon 4pm. Poets’ Portraits 2 l'nul inc 2 Scp. 'l‘hc xccond III a ch'ch ol thrcc annual c\lIIhItIonx ot llL‘W photographic portraItx ol ScottIxh poclx. takcn h} xtudcntx trom IzdInhurgh (‘ollcgc ol Art.


Rciach and Hall Architcctx. (I Darnaxxa} Strch 335 34-14. .\lon Hi 3 5pm.

Ben Nevis l‘ntIl Hi 5 Scp. ('Iaudc llcalh takcx an uncomcntional approach to drawing. In thc paxt hc hax drau II unknou II ohicctx hIIndl'oldcd. llt Ih'lt .\'¢'I'i\ llL' llax crcalcd \\ all drauingx lrom acrial photographx ot Bcn .\'c'\ix. \icumg owrlapping xlIotx through a xtcrcoxcopc.


5S Ratchttc ’l'crracc. (I67 l‘)()(I. Mon liri 0am (Ipm; Sat Illam 5pm.

Art from India l'ntil Fri 3‘) Aug. An c\lIihitIon ol conthIIporar) Indian arluork lcaturing paintingx h} lcading Indian artIxtx including ahxtract paInlcr. Vixxxam.


33 l’almcrxlon l’lacc. 335 (I393. l)aI|} lllam |3.3()pm 8k 3 5pm.

104 Pairs of Shoes t‘niil 'I‘hu 3| Aug. ()rgamxcd h} lhc YWCA Scotland. tlIIx poignant touring cxhihition highlightx lhc Ixxucx ol domc‘xtic ahuxc and \ Iolcncc agarnxt “omcn lcaturing Ill-l parrx ol' xhocx uhich haxc hccn donated h) promincnt uomcn In Scotland. rcprcxcnting lhc numhcr ot \mman killcd in a )car.


St Stcphcn Strcct. Stockhridgc. 558 3853. Dan) lllam 7.30pm.

The Great Arc Exhibition l‘ntil Sun 34 Aug. £5 (HI. A xtalc-ol-thc-art c\hIhItioII cclchratmg lhc hiccntcnnial ol lhc mapping ot lhc lndIan Suhconlrncnt.


33 ('ockhurn Strcct. (I33 (I300. Dad}

I lam (Ipm tlltu u]! Ume.

Festival Times t'nul Sat 2o Sc'p. Sllllx rcopcnx at'tcr a pcriod ot rcdcwlopmcnl \uth llIc-ir ncu xcaxon ol c\hihilIoIIx and xpccral partIcipalor} cwntx. l‘Irxt up ix lhc Art III/Iu/I/ (limp/nil um] liar/n WS l’lIqugm/IIII I’rm’ 3005‘ t'caturmg lhc uork of thc xi\ tinalixtx MartIn Bruce. (‘laudmc

74 me us'r FESTIVAL curoe I.:—;»‘I Aug; t.«

Hart/cl. l.uc} l.c\cnc. .-\lc\aIIch and StIxan Mum and Jamcx 'l‘lIoI'IIlIIll. Residents Open: Show and Tell Sat l(I Aug. 4 (rpm. lhc lile III a chch ol opcn da)x to xcc thc \xorlt-In-progrcxx h} Slillx rcxidcntx u ho Includc \Ick} liud. ('lIrIx [)ookx, [tic Walkci and Sam Illll. Stills Shorts Sat lo Aug. 3 t ttIpm. Art crItIc ('atrIoIIa Black decuxxcx lhc uork ol thc xlIorlllecd aItIxtx loI thc Archrhald (‘aIIIphcll and llarlc} WS auard.


3l l.ixttlol'c (‘rcxchIL l’ltt‘xoltx (il’cc‘ll. (I3ll 534-3. 'l‘ltL‘ (iltllL'l‘) t\ L‘loxcd hct“ cc” 3 l3 Jul.

Bob and Robert Smith l'IItIl l'l'l 3‘) Aug. Round 9 ol thc 'l'ag 'l'cam li\pcrimcnt lcaturcx \xork h} London- haxcd Bob and Rohcrta SIIIItlI (an imaginar} couplc crcatcd h) l’atI'Ick lirIllI lhc piccc l\ callcd .l’l'll arc llium'n (llll/ (iirlx urr' Mum and lIax an axxocIalIoII Willi [X‘l'lltl‘llltlllt‘c and Joxcph “crux.


l’nixcrxil) ot lidmhurgh. South lirrdgc. 6503310. Mon Sat lllam 5pm; Sun

3 5pm.

Keiko Mukaide: Spirit of Place l'ltlll Sill l5 SUP. (illixx ltrllxl Kc'llu) MukaIdc crcatc'x a conImeonIch thrcc» dIIIIcnxional xculpturc tor lhc gallcr} xpacc coIIIprIxing a \xoxcn prraI lorm ot IIIctal \xith xuxpcndcd tragmcntx ol rctlcctcd glaxx. llangmg lrom lhc H-mctrc (iallcr‘) atrium. lltc \Iork Ix MukaIdc'x \IxIIaIIxatIoII ol cncrg) and lloodx lhc xpacc \iIth light and colour.

Lunchtime Talk Mon IX Aug lpm. A lunchtimc talk on tlIc work ot Kc-Iko Shikaidc.

Angela Mclnnes ch In Aug. lpm. Angcla .\lclnncx lrom lhc l'.dIIIhurglI (‘ollcgc ol l’arapx}cholog} decuxxcx hcr uork III rclatIonthp to thc practIcc ot Kciko MukaIdc.


.ih Dundax Strcct. 556 MM. Mon l'l'l llam (ipm; Sat 10.30am (Ipm.

The Glasgow Society of Woman Artists l'IItil ch 30 Aug, 'I‘hc 'lorrancc (iallcr} ‘x l-'c'xtI\al cxhihrtion lcalurcx paInlIngx h} IIIcIIIhcrx ot lhc (ilaxglm SUL‘ICI} ot Woman ArtIxtx Includmg uorkx h} I.” Knm. ShclIa Macmdlan. Margarct liallantyic. Annc Donald. Joxcphmc (iraham and lrcnc .\lc(‘ann.

Sheana M Stephen l‘nul Sal to Aug. \cu Imwllcr) crcalcd h} Shcana .\1 Stcphcn on lhc thcmc ol black and uhItc


talc liar. 11' ( IIIIIhIIdgc \lrcci _‘.‘\ 5 W; Peter Leghorn l nut \a: h Sup Ram-I: \xork

Dazzle l lllll \ln'tt :5 \uj: llu..'.'lc‘ x .IIIIIIIal c\hIl\ItIoII ot coIIthIIpozarx Icuc'llcl} tcatlIIIIIg c‘l 1(“N'I‘Icccx lw owl 5" lll'\l_:‘lic‘l\ lllltlxc‘l\ tIoIII lhcl l\ .IIIll .Ilnoad ScottleI IIIakch lllc llllll' Show.

l Itlgctt. \Icola liccc l. \IIII.I (.oIdsz and Hot \IIII


i1\ll‘llitllltdll(itllc'.l".‘ .“35 \loII III llldltl (\pm. Sat .\ \IIII IIooII ‘pIII Thirteen Ways to Do Blue I nu: xuu zl \II;' \c\\ ldIIIlIIIIz'lI zudlczx. l \pIaIc xlIoucaxcx .tll c\lIIl\ItIoII ol \oltleI tors and .IppIch .IItx \\tlll lhc \Hlll‘fllhllt ol ttI; colour l‘lllc' l‘c'llli' lhc lllllllll;‘ thcmc lcalurcd III lhc \llI'W .IIc :c\lI|cx .lllIl laxlIIoII hx \l.llll liIouII .IIId lx'oolx'do |cucllci§ in [mm l'\lll‘_'. p'laxx in low l’aIIIIcclx and ct'ldlltlc x l\\ \lllc l.:ll \\ IionI


~l |)uIId.Ix StIcct.55\"511 \loII lll IHaIII (rpm. Sat llam ~1pIII

A Scottish Panorama t not \.:I .‘o Scp \ Iatc \t‘llk‘tlll‘ll ot \.lllll\.tl pIIIle circa Ifl‘lll and men! \onl.x l\_\ loxuph .\la\\\cll Stuart

Edinburgh Museums

This section lists museums currently showing temporary exhibitions.


'lhc \lound. 53" I3» .\lon | I Illam -l ~l5pm

Bank of Scotland Museum on the MOUHd l lllll I ll 3‘) \tlj.‘ Iclit\l'll \lIIll 3‘ AugI .\ depl.I_\ ol lIaIIkIIIz' IIIcIIIoI.IhIlI.I xpanmng itit) Marx. IIIclIIdInjx Slottrxh hankriotcx. laIIIotIx cuxtomcix. tonsl-Ich and a l7lh chItuI} Iron kat

THE DRAWING ROOM GALLERY lhc .\atIoII.I| IIIIxt I'Hl Scotland. .‘\ ('harloltc Squarc. 3-1 i ‘) io5 \lon Sal Iliam -lp:II

Through lllustrators’ Eyes I uut Sal (I Scp ’l hc llluxlIatIoII ( ‘IIplIoaId prcxcnt .I \Httj. xclcctIoII ot oIIgIIIaI IIIIIxtI.ItIoIIx lit onIIc ol lhc l K'x hcxl xcllmg Illuxtiaton ol chIldIcn‘x hookx lll\ ltllllll‘.’ \IItlIonf. liIo\i.II. \xIllI WUth lot xalc


~13 lllgll Sltc'L'l. 53‘) -ll~l3 \lotI Sat

IHaIII 5pm

Scraps! l'nlIl Sat 3" Scp \II cxlIIhItIoII ol pIclurc xciapx collcclcd h} clIIIdIl-II and adullx III lauropc toI Inc! 3‘"! Icarx


3 ('lIaIIIthx Sum. 34“ -l3 l‘) \loII Sat lllam 5pm l'lIIc SpIIII. Sun noon 5pm l'rcc

Millennium Clock .\ c haml- Io \ m. RIIxxIan IIIcchanIcal xculptoI l.(lll.tlll lictxudxlx} 'x IIIIIIcIIIIIuIII c link. .I LIIIctu xculpturc. IIIcaquIng nmc IIIctch lllL’ll Mao: Arts for the Masses 1950-76 l'IItIl Sun .1 Apr 3HH~1 'l llt' lorIIIatIon ol (‘oIIIIIIIIIIIxt (‘lIIIIa Ix hIoIIj.'lIl to lIlc through a pmatc collcctIoII ot IIIaxlcrpIcccx madc hctuccn W5” WV» acqmrcd during and IIIIIIchIau-h .IlIcI lhc ('ultIIral RcmlutIon

Dino-Birds: Feathered Fossils from China l'nlIl Sun 3 Scp L-l ll, iI. undcr 13x lrcc AII cxlIIhIlIoII lc.ItIIIIII:' lhc orIgIIIal l3-l llllllllill-)t'.tl old toxxII that hax cnahlcd chcntIxtx to IIIIIau-l lhc In} xlcl') til ltlm ltll‘llx L'\ttl\t'(l. Htt ltI.Ilt lrom llIc (icological \llixcum ol (‘hrna Picture of a Nation - A Record of Life in Modern Scotland l'nut Sun 33 Scp A malor IIcu pltologlapll} auard orgaIIIxcd h} 'l hc Scotxman .Ind lhc \IItIoIIal \lIIxcumx ol Scotland uhrch docuIIIcntx through photographx contcmporar} lIlc III Scotland and lcalurcx lhc \xIIInIng cnlr} ol JulIc Adamx.