3i lli'otighton l’laee. 557 SSS-H

.\|on l'l't llani (rpm. Sat it Still noon 5pm

Alastair Flattely t'nttl \\ ed 2n Aug A rettoxpeetixe \panning the 5H _\eai eat‘eei ol Alaxlati llatte|_\. the lorntei pitneipal ol (il'.t}\ Sehool ot Ai't. ’l'he \hott teatuiex landxeape and eoaxtal \ ieux til .'\l‘t‘l'tlt't‘ll\llllt'. (ilotiee\ter\htt'e and Spain


.35 l.tuttlt)tt Rthd. ll7Sl-l “‘lN‘H-l. 'l'tie Stiii ‘lant opm.

Love Ugly l'ntil Stiti 11 Aug. l’atnttngx h} l’eter Mann e\p|oting themes ol lo\ e. angxt and tlte grotexque,


()7 .\'tirthtimhei'land Street. ()77l ZHUZH. Mon l'i‘i lthlani 530an Sat ltlam 3pm.

Helen Tabor - New Work t'uttt l-ri l5 Aug. l.and\eape paintingx h} llelen 'l‘ahor.

Mixed Exhibition l'ntil l‘t't l5 Aug. A mi\ed \lltl“ ol \torkx h) eontemporar} tll'll\|\ ineludtng Kate llo\et'. llelga ('hart RSW. Jennil'ei' (‘ollee and Jonathan Shearer. Modern & Contemporary Art Mon IS Sat 3t) Aug. l’ainlittg\. eeratniex aitd \L‘lllplllt‘t‘ h} \ttl‘lttth ttl'ltxh inelutling (ieorge Donald. John llUllSlUll. Hugh Adam ('t'att lord. Marie Seott and John Piper.


X7 llt‘ottgltltilt Street. .553 S773.

Mon Sat noon (ipttt.

Tartan Specials t'nttl Sat to Aug. Merl (itlllt‘l') \ l’extnal \hou t'eatttie\ \Htl'lsS h) Laura |.ee\ in \xliieh \he eotnhinex traditional eralt teehntquex leather applique. lilpt‘Sll') and embroider} \\ itlt eontemporai') imager) to prodttee unique armorkx. Anne lll'tlSSlL‘l' prexentx photographx. lilm \llll\ ol li\ e arid pei‘l'oritianee art and her laitiil} ol sun-hm. a eolleetion ol‘ knitted ereaturex.


llt'llitll'tl Road. (324 (i300 treeot‘ded information 332 2266). Mon Wed & |-'ri Sun ltlam 5pm; 'l‘htt Illam 7pm. 0 Doyle Family 'l‘hu 14 Aug Sttii ‘) Not. £4 (£3): tinder llx tree. The lll'Sl e\ er rett‘oxpeetn e e\|iihition ot‘ the work of Ho) le l’ttittil} aka Mark Boyle. hix \\ il‘e Joan llillx and their ehildren Sehaxtian and (ieorgia spanning their entire eareer. llext

kno“ n for their highl) t‘ealistie t‘L‘Pl'UtlllCllUllS ol' the earth'\ \ui‘l'aee. the \uhieetx are \eleeted at random h} llll‘tl“ ing dat'tx into a ntap ot' the “hole “Ut‘ltl. l'IFttltt thSL‘l'lS l0 tletltttlilltttt SllL'S the} reprodttee and l!“ e\tigate the \urt'aee ot‘ dit'l'erent terrainx. See prexie“ and llitlixt. NEW SHOW.


'l'he Mound. (324 (i200 tt'eeorded information 332 2206). Mon Wed & l‘ri Stiti ltlam (rpm; 'l‘hu l(|am 7pm. Giovanni Battista Piranesi (1720-1778) l'ntil Sttti 5 ()et. The first in a seriex ot‘ display highlighting important group» of works from the (ialler) ‘3 Print Room. The e\hihition focuses on the “nth of one 0|~ lllUSl influential printtnakers ot‘ the lS‘th eentur)‘. (‘tiox'anni BattNa l’iranexi who ereated oVer |()()(| etehing~ ot' topographieal. imaginary and ornamental suhjeets iti Rome.

After Hours Thu l4 Aug. 0pm. The Swing SlSlL‘l'S highlight the eolleetion \\ ith their a eappella repertoire. Theatrical License: the Feast of Herod by Peter Paul Rubens l-‘ri l5 Aug. 12.45pm. A \Cl‘lL‘S ot~ leetui'ex e\ploring ho“ arti~t~ the theatrieal elements to create a

got an opiniongbout a show? react®

dtaniatie elteet \\llll l’atil \llll‘ttht‘ \\ right tll\t'tt\\lltf_‘ Ruhen'x painting

NATIONAL LIBRARY OF SCOTLAND (ieoige IV lliitlge. Zlh ~15” \lon l‘ll Illant Spin. Sat llldlll 5pm. Sun 5pm. Wish you Were Here!: Travellers’ Tales irom Scotland 1540-1960 l'nttl l‘ll il ()et \it e\hi|ution e\anttmng tlte ehanging laee ol Seotland through the L'_\t'S Ul \ lSlltHS lit lltt‘ t‘nttltll‘}. leattiitng tta\e| notex ttom the Itith eenttii} to home ino\ IL‘S ol the l‘lhlk


()llt't‘ll Sllt't'l. (ill (illlll tl’L‘t‘Ul‘tlL‘tl information 332 Zlotii. .\loti Wed «k l't't Sttii llldlll (rpm; 'l'hti Illant "pm. (Kile.

Maud Sulter - Jeanne Duval: A Melodrama l'ntil Sun 3| Aug. .\'e\t \\t\t'l\ h} photographer. poet attd eultutal hixtot'ian .\|aud Sultet e\p|oting the t'lll\l\ e ligut‘e ol .leanne l)u\a|. the hlaek llllSll‘L‘SS arid llttISL‘ ot the I‘lth eentur} l‘ieneh poet (‘hat'lex Baudelaire.

High Society: The Life and Art of Sir Francis Grant (1803-78) l‘nttl Sttii H Sep. (4 tUI; under llx t'r'ee. An e\hihition eeleht'ating the hieentenar} ot the hirth ol Sir l-i‘aneix (irant. a leading \oeiet) portrait painter ol the \ ielot‘ian art \toi'ltl lt‘dllll'lll}! painting\ on loan liom pi'nate ettllt'etloth. \ht‘lt'lll‘tltlle. pltologt'aplh and than tngx.

Scotland’s Dream Team t‘nttl Stiii 3| Aug. lidtnhui‘gh»haxed ai'ttxt \lttt'k l‘x\tt\tut L‘elelil‘altN St‘ollatttl\ greate\t loothall heroex in |lllS \t‘l'lt‘S ol tu e|\ e (Ulllllll\\lttltt‘tl next [‘Ul'll'dHS \thteh lllt'llltlt‘\ Hill} .\|e,\'et|. .lint ll;t\|t'l'. l)t‘ltl\ l.;t\\. .lttt'h Slt'lll ttlttl Kenn} l)a|glt\h.

John Ruskin Live Mun Ix. line It). 'l‘liu II A lit 22 Aug. Mon | 2.30pm: 'liue. 'lihu tk l‘t't 1 2pm. L5 per leeture 19; lo tor all lout' leetut'ext. Art htxtoi’ian l’attl (l'KL‘L‘lt‘ t'L‘-t‘lt;tL‘l\ ltttll‘ lt't'lttl'L‘S deluered h) .lohn RttShlll I50 )ear\ ago. ()n .\|on IS & tire I” Aug. he tllSClISSCS gothie at'eliiteetui‘e \et‘xux elawieal. Next tip IS 'l’ttrnei' and the Iiut'opeait landwape tradition on 'l‘hti 2| Aug and the t'ottrth leetui'e on l‘t'i 33 Aug t'oettxex oit the group ot~ ttt'|l\l\ \\ ho L‘ttllt‘tl lllt‘lllSL'l\CS lltt‘ l’l't‘-Rtlpltttt'lllt‘\. Theatrical License: King Charles II by William Dobson Wed 20 Aug. I2..|5pm. A \eriex ol leeture toeuxmg on ho“ dl’llSIS tlSL‘ lheatt'ieal element\ to ei‘eate dramatie el't'eet \\it|i 'l‘oni \Vehxter from the l’ni\er\it_\ ol‘ lidmhtu'gh di\ett\\ing |)oh\on\ painting.

After Hours ‘l‘hu 31 Aug. (rpm. The Alter llourx programme eontinuex \\ itlt l-iinge highlightx teaturtng .t .llml (‘urmm .llimlt-i; \\lllL‘ll lookx at ho“ lidinhtti‘gh'x \ietoi'ian \oeiet} eondenined ati tnnoeent girl. and traditional and eontempoi‘ar) Seottish eello muxte \\ ith \Vend) \\'etherh}.


l4 .\'e\\ Street. 558 Witt-l. .\|on Sat llant (i..‘\()pm.

Truly Enormous t'uttl Sat 30 Aug. An e\hihitton ot~ large-\eale \torkx iii a range of medium li‘om 3|) relief to kinette.


2| 5| l.eott;tt'tl\ Lane. (‘0: l(il 2.

Mon Sat Illain 5pm; Sttn noon 4pm. The Black Tent l'nttl Stiti " Sep. A \L‘llltl; e\hthitioti ot titre trihal

\kea\iitg\ gatltered oxet the la\l I” van arid ittelttdtng oriental ttlg'S. ktlnn» \.illl\.tg\. \addleliagx attd hiaid\


leith. 555 SSS-S \lon Sat lHatn hpnt. Sun noon hptn

Citizens II l ritil Sat zll \ttg lolloxxtng oti tront laxt _\eat\ I t‘\|l\.tl \hotx. an e\hthttion ol o\et SH photogiaphn [‘Ulll.ttl\ h} liexoi and hue \erhtn} dottttnentmg l ditihurgli‘x eeleluitiex and unxung heroe\

Fringe Poster Exhibition t unt \lon :5 \tig \it e\lti|utton ot the loll t'lllltt'S to the annual l tinge poxtei eottipettttott lealtttittg tlte \\itlttiitg “oik ol Jennilet \\oiial| tront l’tlllll‘lllfg'll.\ Ro)a| lllind Sehool


“5 5" ('ttntherland Street. 55“ IIL‘H

.\|on lii lttam (rpm. Sat IHatn Jpnt Willie Rodger - On the Other Hand l'ntil \\'ed ‘Sep .\n e\hthition o| liguiatne [‘.ll|l||l|}_‘\. drau ingx atid [‘IIIHS h) \\i||ie Rodget. \RS.\. R(i| Contemporary Scottish Painting l'nttl \\ed 3 Sep A xeleetton o! painttngx h} eonteinpotai} Seotti~h dlllSlS ineludmg \\t‘|l\\ h) John llellatt}. \\t||tam llnnte. .\laii Bond. (‘hiix llthhe. .\|atthe\\ Diaper. l’etet lltt\\\ttll. Simon |.auite attd | eon \lttllttet'tt

Jeremy James l'uul \\ ed 1 Sep Setilptutal \‘t'ldllllL'S.

Claire Underwood t‘nul \\ ed 3 Sep. lt‘\\t‘llL'l'}.


t\\W\Sl’Si l’atttothall Sttidim. otl ~1S llanulton l’laee. 335 IZS‘l l)at|}

noon (ipin

X2 l'ntil 'l'hu l-l Aug '1 he \eeond in a \t‘l'lt‘\ ot totti e\hi|utton leatuttng the with ot three latltnhurgh haxed .tl|l\|\' Alan Kilpatrtek. Kate |)o\tnie and Ian lleal_\. X3 l'll l5 'lhti 3| \ug. l’ait tlitee lt‘dllll'tN \\Ull\ h) \laik l..v\lt\ott and l.}ittl\.t}



A l)ttlttl.t\ .Sllt't‘l. 55h (Vl‘lq. ‘l-llt' Sat

noon opm.

Ramsay’s Women t‘uul Sat to Aug .\n e\hihttton hrmgtng together \l\ lentale portraitx h) Seotlatid\ gi'eatext |.S'th eentiu') pmlt'atlhl. \llan Ramxa} arid tneltidtng Int/t [MAI/tr. the tinext Rattha} \ltll in pt‘l\.tlt‘ hand»


.i‘l lltetttl .Sltt‘t'l. Ill 5.555.

School of Sculpture Exhibition l'nttl Stiit 3| Aug. Reeent with h) l’enn} llateman and lzuan llat'\e) lrom the Sehool ol Settlpttu'e at ladtnhui'gli ('allege til .'\l|.

THE QUEEN’S GALLERY l’alttt't‘ ()l llttl)t'tu>tllttttl\t‘. 5.5“ .5 lllll. l)atl_\ 0.30am (rpm.

Fabergé l‘ritil Sttii I: ()et H «U lainil) tieket UH; under 5x liee. lhe neu I} opened ()tteen‘x (iallet') prexentx an e\hthttion ol o\et .ltlll pteeex draun hour the Ro}a| ('olleetion ot \tor'kx h} ('at'l l-aher‘ge. the greate\t RtlSSIdH teuellet and goldxmith ot the late huh and Ittth eentttr}. l'aherge lL‘\ l\ ed traditional teehniaues ot enainelltng. multieolouied gold tlt‘eot'allott and the the (ll eat\ed \enn-preeioux lldltlSlUllL‘S. bringing them together in ltlx tmtt unique \t) le,


('lerk Sll‘t't'l. (ihS lel‘l. .\lon Sat

10am 5..‘~(|pni.

Edinburgh Types t‘nul Sun 31 Aug. An e\hihitton ot photographte pt‘lll'dllS h) .tl‘|l\| .\|aud Sultei'.


4o l)unda\ Street. 556 ISIS. .\lon l-i'i lll.5|ldlll 5.30pm; Sat Illam 4pm.

David Sinclair RSW l'ntil Sat 3“ Aug. .-\ \tlltl \lttm Ul \llll ltlc. pttl'll'alh.

dt'au tlth. \katereolotu‘x and printx h}

|)a\ id Sinelair‘


-l: \ lt'li‘lld Nllt‘t'l. l‘fi lH itlaiti ‘ptit Contemporary Artists t'unt S'uu il \ug Set tip h} .l.t\ott lx‘edrnan. ldinlitugh'x neuext galler§ opeitx \\||ll a ehaitging \eleetton ot \\t\ll\\ |\_\ up arid eoiiiitig loeal .llll\l\ int hiding \\t‘ll\ h} ite\\|_\ graduated \tudenh trotii ldinhutgli (‘ollege ol \it llte \hou lt'dlllltN \\t\ll\\ in itit\ed media. pltotogiapln and iexxelleu

i355 llail\


|5 lx’titland Square. 33" "5.15 \lon lit ‘latlt 5pm

Scotland the Brave? t'unl in II Set‘ \tt e\litlutton looking at met ltNl eoiitettipotat) Seottixh htnlding pioieetx \\lll\‘ll leattned iti tlte Itlttt t‘tllllt‘ll t‘l lllt‘ Rl \S lllll\ll.llt‘tl \eathook VISIlt‘lS to the gallet_\ \\ tll he ahle to \ote on then ta\otutte l‘tllltltltg‘ and [lie tt‘\tlll\ \\ Ill l‘t' t'e\ea|ed at the end ol the e\liil\ttion on the RlAS \\ t'l‘Sllt' \\ \\ \\ ll.t\ otg ttk

ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN lmetletth llttUSt‘. lnxerletth Rim, SS? 7|"l. Hail) lll.tlll 5 illpttt

0 Julian Schnabel: Paintings, Sculpture and Photographs l'ntil Sun 3o ()et tln\ei|eit|i llouxet In .ISStK'ldllt‘ll \\ ith the (iagoxian (iallet). liuei'leitlt lloti\e\ l‘t‘\|l\.ll e\hihttion teatnte\ ne\\ arid ieeent paintingx. \L‘lllpltllt‘ and photograph} by the Amei‘iean tll|l\| and filmmaker tli’tltt/rmtl. li’t'lou' Ate/i! [ill/\l .lttlian Sehnahel. lllS \tgnattti’e \t} |e ol pattittitg on lit'oken plate\ and eioekei} and the h_\pe \uiiotindtng liittt tolten St‘ll*f._'t‘llt‘ld|t'tll enahled lititt to aehtex e unpi'eeetlented eoitttiteteial and etitieal Slime“ l\_\ ltt\ lttlt' Ill» See llllltxl. Eden’s Orchestra: A Celebration of Music and Plants l'ntil \Ved It) Sep tl:\|iihition llall: datl} Illam 5pini. An t'\llll\t|lttll plt‘\t‘ltlllt_‘._' the \\oi|d\ lllllSlt'dl heritage. hitngtng together plantx. muxte. lll\|l'lllllt‘lll\. tiNitintent lll.ll\t‘l\ and pla}et\ lioiit atotttid the globe. Moira Leggat Mun I.\' l'll 3*) Aug t('aledonian llall. dail} llldlll 5pnit. An e\hthittou lolloxttng the eaieei ot top \oetet) photographer. Mona leggat. \houmg the de\e|opntent in her teehnttlue arid \t}|e iii a nu\ ol lot‘nial and i'e|a\ed portraitx. Nl ‘.'.’

Sl l( )\.".'


‘) llill Square. 537 lotltt. .\|on l'l'l Illam 4pm; Sat ltlani lpni. Audubon in Edinburgh t'nttl Mon 2‘) Sep. An e\hi|iition ltk'tlSllljJ oil the lite aitd \toik ot John Janie\ Audtihon uhoxe tamotu puhlteation ol lile \i/e [H‘lttl\. lint/t u/ Ann-In u and IIS eoinpanion (Murillo/men u/ [fluent/tilt. “ax \tat'ted in ladinhui‘gh lulu u ith the help ol loeal engiaxei \thliant llonte l.l/.‘tt'\ and Stirgeom' llall lllllSL'lllIl eonxenator William .\lae( iillixia}.


llakeltothe (‘lo\e. l-Ui (ialtongate. 550 («it») Mon l-‘ri llam Jpni. Common-Place l'nttt Sat to Aug. A look at ho“ httildmgx are eoneen ed and dexeloped loeuxmg on ntne Seottixh proieetx ineltidtng ladinhut'gh'x l)anee Baxe arid a \heltei' on 'liree.

ROYAL OVER-SEAS HOUSE l.;tlltltltg\ (killer). ltX) l’rineex Street. 325 |5|)|. .\|on l'ri Hlam (rpm

The Competition l'ntil l-ri 3t ()et. Speeiall} eommixxioned ‘hehmd the \eenex' photographs ol r'eeent R()Sl, Annual Sltixie (‘ompetition litt;tl\ h} photojotii'nalixt Riehartl Smith.

for GLASGOW ART see non-festival magazme