‘II'2 ’, 1 11" " I Guam 1/ l /

l 'I {I I 1'} A ,’1 I ’il, {I H

Afterlife ,5”, ‘1 ':C Us“:

rye-r1er /: gr; Pew (u ,u/rf;

{1' 1 {I ,.1 ’1 1‘”, I. ll, ) I. z ,1 I 0' z I (, n 1,! 'r (,r r r! r v ‘I {, "‘1‘, r "11", II '1 I (I I”; )l) .I )tri )Krjulll‘ l/‘llIl/ A A '1 fl \) (I, ll‘,‘ I‘: ) j ’1 l > ,i/i/‘I ) .1 u/(I I {I I (, I13) I 1:: l

Air (1;? l ’2, ’j/j‘ffll l/‘K/jgrr‘ gal (i 51').'.‘:’Zlit' ’,'£1"l/:';I(;C‘; Ser: 8:9. "I, Echelon: The Secret Power

[I‘ll/l" (Ill-lull i/{I'

’.rt'.’I' ‘, '1',’l ()t'I't’li (I l‘:' .I’rl.,1ll‘ll.r‘

r{ r. l/ I ){I l.

do”,th "II/yell.» Dizléz' "Ir’l ’l’I’, l"“:ll..<'1rI

Jealousy is my Middle Name f/GC I! VII/l7 l'i‘:.": IS “IS l/M‘fl .211, i’I

’2‘:‘)’,' ll: i'lli} K’I’M'tl‘ l!l"‘r. .',"t‘.r‘-(;r of TM”.

Best l :i" /«.'.varrls at Pusar‘ ar‘r:

later/raw than to wrote one ’It the zser "‘."“;li'.f; of the film an a "tone ’1atat,ase .‘.'elIf;lte The, are ca‘lert atrrxh a't't f'te stIetlzhr; unstakef; "ta; he a WHY/1’)'Ji'itiuétgiill‘lrtt;

The man .‘rhe ha.e been

"This rs the stor; Ext/Jul 'i rIeorI‘e meter: t.'.'o 'rrr frre'trr‘s by Just one nu... The 3.1"!) lanes; .'.'r.re(l-"tah artrl rut; ".ah lhe r‘iar‘ .'.rhr~ rs l'huurtent to steal tar: aw; tro'“ one guy. anrl have anoth I; vi. not 'tts .‘nfe The, are l.'l some Unable. but so tann, trouble. 3 acter and actress was; (fiXCUlICl‘l at tnerr rote.‘ Sod-rifts; coo {loes't't tt’)

Blind Spot 0. UGC. 9.30pm Hos." tar would ,rou go to ssaxe anothe' lrtrrr‘an ‘tt-rng’? That's the questron Hanna At'.’ fiiak asks as; .'.re tness the (learne- ar‘u ‘all of herorn arltlrr;troll as the Lack'tror) for an rnourr, .nto the natilre of the sour Yet this stud; o. a srster .vho'll star, at nothrnt; to tr; anrl save her l.r<;tr‘er tr(;"t the horrors of H doesn't rtmte possess the retlernbtt'Je bunch I! see'ws t:: be lookrng for, l/1a,'bethere's f;:r"‘t:l'tll‘{; too prosaic Hi the grarny tecnnrrrt.e. or that rt rieals rrrth human decenc, r‘os.’ "iéltt,’ would back an; ‘,' ‘r(>"‘. sanng; loved one from (lrug arltlrdtlor"? tlornparetl .'.’lllt the profound SoulSeattilttrtt;£1h<tt1"(hhg0l. 8a,; the l)arr:enne 17hr:- Son brothers. thrs; see'ns urett, lzasc startt llon, l/chrbbtnr Shimkent hotel fur/ll’liN/SC. lObrrt. A

l 'er‘ch nertrrologrst arrrxes tn Kazakhstan. ln the Slttrrtkent Hotel he encounters a grant; m.an sutterrng fro'n arnnes'a. / t; he treats the stranger. he starts to recount hs ternhle tale. CraJ', French and UK co- r;r:t;lt.-<:tt<:n she . a'na/rngl, enough on tl‘e almost extrr‘ct analogue ‘.’r(teo_

Four Eyes 0.. g-‘i‘rw‘r Duncan Frnnrgan's (lrgttal trim Is a tic-octane lDlC'Ct? of work lnrtrall, blatant} two a raft sonic-<1“, on Scott:sh leserr'o'n. the f:lv" concludes b‘, asktng so'rte

quest ens about nolrlrng onto ones .alue system. agarnst the or slaught of bad luck and ttnanclal and tarntlral Clrftrculttes. The film's nexer‘theless blood; funny; .-.rrth central character Paul Hunt taktng the rrtrck out of hrs dOtrble-glzmng salesman boss. Brg N. as he trres to keep hrs tarnrl; :‘Igether. Not eaS‘, when yOLl're ’.'.'orkrng for a gtn who's guaranteed tO "take \Our norktng Irte hell and ‘;.'Our ego so small he can fit rt rnto hrs back pocket. There's a nzce balance here between ShO‘hlllg the

Cameo 7.

New or 1H” '4;,r(,r‘~ 7"{.(‘I‘ r‘r‘ I 0' ‘r(' Ir V"lr t'

Mirr r W Ja an W '

E4 ‘vl'.rr{. zui’r r‘ r’."" r r Iv ’V‘D’I” I. 0,, I,


Wednesday 20 August

Cinema Extreme r " ' , . :7’1 :' {II/"'lrI'”> {Iltqfnlrf [l (3.. 1': ' 7: :r/Iflf‘ I' «r T'r,“ .T ’,“."r-‘ ~ <-

ll":.'. C "‘:"‘E: 'r I'l’l

Senior Screening: In America Oo’eon ’2, Warn. :’ ’1’ Marwatta" Eli) Gershsnr‘. r"a,be ’lrrlr't see ’. See l'tt. 1.1

Les Diaboliques 0.000 F "Wage me" l.4;.r':er. less a”: r/I't'agt ca" ,rIt; 8a, t"a‘. a rea'r.’ “as”~ Lee“

3a '2” Cl', .xet's "‘es. ‘a"",:rs; " s a ' ’léaf;f3|fi Srworre Sew/er. [era QCu/‘f. arm Paar lAet/sse are, fantastic The was We“ tr‘af r:a"‘e': ltl"‘.!'t(;‘.£if), {'10T9307]?‘tf’L'Vf/fl' I? cc"tr‘=r;'tt l‘e til'crer) aw: ate' .20“. "Mr; strrpass

Explosive Fragments 6 r’ "T'7’I‘.I‘s(3 2. WM?" Lesser ,9. shorts. a”: gret rear)", to recent: a damn: :y/x: 1"'as;" '7; fro"1 the tnest stir/t srglr‘ hell. or: or»; from armrvl the .'.";r‘ir: lr‘e tra secto"

>‘ tr‘ts exceller‘t collectm‘ o.‘ bregrarnrnes

Cineworks f-Vlrnhcusr,» Kiowa l— .e short ftlnts for up and dowry tale'tfer: Scottrsn trlr?t"‘.£ik(3ffs

Royal Bonbon Cameo ’. 3;er fo. S“.()t.‘lfl nexer talk to Jakres See Sat 16 And Along Came a Spider COO Fr/rrtltot/se 3. firm; DOCumc-r‘tarj. frlrrtrnaker l/la/tar Bahar: tracks the search for and capture of a .r'clous IranraH ser al krller In 200 anrl 30‘: See Mort Hi

The Script Factory: Performed Reading UGC. 3pm. Another year. another exce lent publlc scrip! rearr‘rr‘g; of a bromrsrng new screenrwa, rrrth a top notch class; from the rather wonderful Scrrpt Factor; Beg. borroxr or steal a lleC‘l.

The Red and the White Filer/rouse 2. 3.530;)m t/trkles Jansco's YC'WétMZil)“: 1%? breakthrough film about a '91P, r:iash bet .‘.’(;'C'l‘~ the Reo’ Bolsheak’ ar'”, regt'aent ar‘<l a .'.hrte Tsartst regiment M'Jrrlel; a<;kno.'.rle<lgr‘:tl as a ":aste'rue',e. thrs .'.'as the onI,’ Soxret Ur"oh Hur‘ga'ar‘: co-brrxluctron to e be "rarle See feature page :10

Skillset: Careers in Film Fr/rnhouse 7. 4.30pm. Free event. Come or‘ krfls. you knoxr .'.'artt 2c work rt c nerna r'eall‘,n

50 Years of Pearl and Dean UGO. 53;;rr‘ A tow throrgh the .aatfs r,‘ lDear: anrl Dean for cr'ter'ta (:o'w'her'; a s FEiSCll‘aTllTQ stutt

Returner Cameo 7. 5 (mew iJK Premtere o‘ thrs Japanese tutur stir: thrtlier, part of the Late Nrght Ron‘sz See Sat t6.

A Big Girl Like You .0.

Frr‘rnhouse 2. 5300/7). Director‘s showc; feature that '.'/t‘rfts o‘ tee" splat and good old Cathertrte Breztlat. Men 18.

The Federation of Black Cowboys 00. Fwtmhouse 3. 5,007 East. Brookl‘, r1 a b .‘hCl‘ of "Mid e aged back

Eroica .... “I " """°"’ "'

A Decade Under the Influence

arr r, ,z a“; ,2) .,>,.t

\r.’ .2

f'tr, 11;" W- "aw ' as ’2'”: "‘a’: "‘e" "I" s '1'; ,. -' ’: (5e. Company (/06 I; '14:?" he .~ : 7/}'C.'.F1tllI."7[i,ll‘: 80‘: ." '

A Thousand Clouds of Peace... 00. Her I a" 0‘ ‘he Tear), Ana": hes? (git, ‘eatue at the Bee l3 Fest .2: See 8 rr‘ '

The Trilogy: On the Run I

errr, l-trst cart ’I Leger" {I’Ilfi'wrf'l

Cami/.1“ ,/ /;yry

l. deaf; Beltaqu rr‘rrerrrb‘e [We/,2 Part Menu «0. 93/" f'ltr‘r; Well .‘.”)'T" ’;atr;'t:rt(; The List Surprise Movie UGO mm l'rr‘ genria pee "nse‘ .-.rtr exertewent The List Surprise Movie l/(K: Glasgrm, Xbm ‘f/hat can -'. be 7 Kamchatka [‘l/llllllflliiff 2;. 8pm Lvr‘otro'tally >ote.“t Argent r‘ea" rtran‘a See lue 19

fiaces of a Dragon: Jackie Chan and His Lost Family .0

Cameo 7, 8pm Most peer’Ile seernr; a (loCuvnentar/ 0" Jackie Chan .‘rouirf

cart hernarre {Int .er‘, W the ta

expect a comr; ete exrnorat-en of the chop sock; madness of t'te eloxru rIrrnce of knnr; fu liloxrerer. “steal: ot looktnrr at the Rust: Hot/r star's vnartral artrstq. director Mabel (Entrants trim ‘oczlfsef; OH a tarrttl/ Wren that TN: “ml, recer‘tl/ became asrare of Hrs father's has! as both a crr'nena a'vr Chinese secret agent. hrs mother's ’gar‘tturhtr. and two hat-wothers awl f; _;ter<~_ kerl‘. secret from W“: are al- r/Iter‘fra ,. Interesting. t,_.t t’aw irrar, tt‘e afterrt'o'r

rice to the Sketch

,’ ter‘fat .re r‘

.Uhrfl't there are eerr/e': More a

{llfl‘Q’Ei' 'll‘Sif)"’,Ei' ’)."‘:l".":.'. .'.’ T" '."‘7 ’,’l'l

rxw < r v Na rah/rev r q. l‘,’ ‘ar r,

er‘w‘xona (3X£1"i1"€ifl(," 0‘ ‘:X7.'€t(;"l"‘él",’ e.ents that .ve .‘r’Inrtri nah-tr .2": are :et'. leelrr‘r; trtlst'atrhrti, s'o". ’,’??t'lf;‘:’} erzk Dan/sew

Song for a Baggy Boy 0..

OFT 7. 8 ’BOIIIM Father torque "‘e l/1err‘wres o‘ Cathew, school/lap) See Black Tape 0... 8pm Dlstu'brr‘f} lra't an fir/:1. ’t’rarna Fear X C... UGC. ’) rim; After

l‘rs mte rs murrle'erl r‘. a srr;r:rh:r‘t:;‘,r

Fr/rrvrezrue '1‘

random acc'rlen', at the W smear nml: xmere he .‘rorks. secu'm qua": Harr; 'Jonr‘ Turturro becorr‘es orIsesserr .‘rlth ar‘ralysrng hours of ‘ootacre "or the rte/ens of wall cameras. 'rcrgmg to catch a glrmrzse of a C‘ue that 'qut iearl mm to farm the rzersor‘t .v‘r-r, .vas

"12:; hehrho What he becomes

got an opinionabout a show? react@|rstco.uk

[I,, r, .r t r , >9 '1‘ 0r 0

Po icewoman CO

tIr~ ‘3'.’ ; ri~' ,. u’r rv My,

t‘( 'VrVI' ’1..’q“.' : '».y O'»"I it“,\.‘ 1 lg.

1"“ tl i l l' n' l 'l

1.,Ht'1[(1ItItV (‘rxivolt‘h n~r,,v Parana-at: .‘l'tt/J" itw ;r* t" t' l he trre'wr L Irma .mf" "w 'r

lute" m": It"; l" t'rr t, 'r l ‘tl‘I‘flru'V’i 'h w'r '.,

.f{‘ifl1“’l‘r;'."vr ‘2':

(i'ir‘:l‘ll’,l.‘x‘f‘. threats a”) "Hwy but! u't tt‘w T")llt)!‘:’l reiatr "w'trr, lllrwt ' \Joa’rwu Sarnrxhrfu l) ‘rt.,';au ‘. «t ltt'k arvl Imhel, {)l{t(,‘: wt ‘rl'llll, ari'l rarer tI-.r‘:tl'lr,'ar ,, '2“, r "4'4' t-rr‘, arr,- It'rrvr,’ vartufar‘tl, x .lw' Hum '" .‘rrrr‘ f'w: ’imvlerr ()im- :2' f'ir: l W .- trlrh festz‘xai lll Ita tht‘, Aprrl, ll .‘_ "". It'l unexceptlohar l)l‘:".‘: mt Ir w". troth rur,trlent art/l te/f‘rre, .'.“t' It l‘ar'uh curtatuur'm that mner’nrt't a" lrl(:l’;'1l£illl€t 'tlarhr: fittrtttm

Aram O.

Ararh", the 'A? .la' /'w'w:r'-'

[MUN/“Hr: 7 r 1’1,"

lu't’,“ "»l’«’t"’,‘:{:’§"" ‘3;r",rt"‘:' '1'

€"'L[/'l()" (I! I I,“ ‘7' ""x‘ lll' . ‘i‘. "‘8 :,rr,'."e' rIa'a .me': [)12': ' ', 2' w t" (‘5‘)l/II'H)‘{/‘,' f,l' ll () i,"I'.'\‘:"t .l.’.‘l" l'

lI’I 1' [ll l'l'll‘,‘ ()trl 1‘). 'l' (l' ‘, (.‘,l‘,"

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I'I'1't":(>('1']l lél'l‘rlrt ""f'rll'il” It ll'xlrb'l K‘f’," Cur/it'd) l' (I: ."/l:‘) , ."rl' . .’ "WWW/1 ;,’Il'.l’,5l I,’,"'_ l/ I' ll, ’l"°rt" ‘1’! l"."‘ 3'“: ’l'€:" £1” ‘11’,’ ' )um 'u'l " I} ‘rllml’, TLC": VI ';:l’irl("( . ." '

f‘:£t’,l ’l" fill!) ‘2’)". Yr“; .‘.’-’: 0/! ‘7’,' l’O"

lV a”) e no r, .rtrr' ’}’> l .e' w " r: rIe"r,"r‘lar*’;r,-‘_ t,

l .t/ a Amt/t are 'r 'e’: r,, " r:

(I,)' (}‘Y{:|']t(> (If [1' ’1”:II,.’:' (1" ' ' '1 {11314.8 ‘>‘:‘:"I‘) .0 [10‘ "' ’; rt ' '1'“:

'r’r, "Tort; MeKtrIr,’

Silence: The Stigmatized .0. one '; 'aem‘ ll,r:,r l", a l'O" '_"‘: {I‘:" ’I‘ "“: ’f 0‘ K1,,“ I“. MM “1

Schematic (:C/t

l‘l(I.I’ I/[I I, AIIJ) 1' ),/ 'l a


93%,," 5"

[wrar‘rr aw: A retrar a. "at .zere {I'llrl lIIrfirl ir'llri' ‘) JAM/y] i'l/l‘Z/l f)lll)l/llrl SKIPLI'I'HCAI Blind Shaft 00..

70 'j‘Oprn Daryl; art", a «0:: " ' e' .)ee

(I'V’VVIKI'I rIa'tei

Mirrorball: Latin America Fr/rnhouse 2. 70 ’ZOprrt, S F, 3.1 I: r; CQ‘SI MUSIC I'l’l€:’IS Fl'V} C’I" " 0”, 51", frorr‘ latlr‘ Amer he I" t' e .'.rr,":‘, 0‘ Carmen Mrrah’ra ‘l uke " e" xer,
