Edinburgh Galleries continued


'l‘ltc Mound. 624 (i200 (rccot'tlcd information 332 2266». Mon Sat

l0am (rpm: Stm llatn (3pm.

0 Rembrandt’s Women t'ntil Sun 2 Scp. in 18.50). 'I‘hc lirst c\ct' cxamination ol‘ Rcmbrandt's portrayal of womcn in his art. l‘caturing major paintings. drawings and ctchings drawn lrom all mcr liuropc and Amcrica. Rctnbrandt was thc grcatcst artist of thc Dutch school. his paintings chat‘actcriscd by luxuriant brushwork and rich colour. and a mastcr ol' chiaroscuro. llouscd at lidinburgh's National Portrait (iallcr). curach by Julia l.|o}'d \Villiams. thc cxhibition will tt'a\ cl to London's Royal Acadctny ol Arts. .Among lhc paint- ings includcd in thc cxhibition. thc (ictty .\ltiscutn is lcnding tltc lirst drawing c\cr purchascd Nut/v llimtun till/1A Snake and 7711' Portrait ()fA lliimun Acct] ()2 sold latc last )car for a rccord L‘l‘iS million has also bccn oll‘crcd to thc cshibition. ('liarlcs Matton‘s tilm Rpm/tram]! accotnpanics thc cxhibition and w ill be scrccncd at the Lutnicrc cinctna tscc l‘ilm listingsi. Scc llitlist. LAST CHANCE TO SEE. Writers On Rembrandt: Yasmin Alibhai-Brown Thu 23 Aug. (>.l5pm. As part of a scrics of talks organist-d in collaboration with thc lidinbttrgh lntcrnational Book l't‘sliutl. Yasmin Alibhai-Brow n gis'cs hct' pcrsottal rcsponsc to a work of Rctnbrandt ol hcr choicc.

Writers On Rembrandt: Dame Beryl Bainbridge iii 24 Aug. (i.l5pm. Author Bcr)l Bainbridgc talks about hcr lias'ouritc work b} chibrandt. Writers On Rembrandt: Jenny Eclair Mon 27 .Atig. (i.l5pni. .lcnny liclair is ncxt up to gi\ c ltcr pcrsonal responsc to a work of Rcmbrandt ol~ hcr choicc.

Writers On Rembrandt: Marina Warner ’l‘uc 28 Aug. (i. 15pm. \larina \Varncr discusscs hcr ltnottt'itc work b} Rcmbrandt.


(icorgc l\' Bridgc. 226 4531. Mon Sat 10am 5pm: Sun 2 5pm.

The Write Stuff t'ntil \Vcd 31 ()ct. Scottish w ritcrs as sccn through thc lcns oi lidinburgh photographcr (iordon Wright. l'caturing Hugh .\lacl)iarmid. Norman .\lac('aig. Ian Rankin and JR. Rowling.

NATIONAL PORTRAIT GALLERY Quccn Strcct. (i24 (i200 trccordcd inl‘orniation 332 2266). Mon Sat

l0atn (3pm; Sun I lam (rpm. ('alc. l’rcc. King Over The Water t‘ntil Sun 30 Scp. £3 (£2). An cxhibition charting thc Inc of Prince Jamcs l’rancis lidwartl Stcwarl l l(iSX 1766). known to histor} as tlic ()ltl Prctcndcr. lncludcd in thc tlispla)‘ arc rarcly-wcn icons ol~ thc Jacobitc

causc. a lil‘c-si/c rcconstruction ol ('anos'a's magniliccnt tomb to thc cxilcd Stcwarts and an important ncw acquisition A \ivw ()f'l'ltv l’ulurm .tluli. the 18th ccntur) painting ol thc l’rincc's Jacobitc l’alacc in Romc attributcd to (iuiscppc \'alcriani.

Return To Life: A New Look at The Portrait Bust l'ntil Sttn l4 Oct. This cxhibition challcngcs thc contcmporary \‘icwcr to look again at portrait busts and cngagc in a lacc-to-l‘acc dialoguc with a rcmarkably skill'ul and im'cnti\ c art. 'l’hc work ol‘ w'cll-known sculptors Sir Jacob lipstcin. llt‘nri (iaudicr-Br/cska and Sir Francis ('liatttt'c}‘ arc l'caturcd in thc show as w cll as lcss familiar practitioncrs including Samucl Joscph and Kathlccn Scott. John Gibson Lockhart And His Wife Sophia Scott \Vcd 2‘) Aug. 12.45pm. lircclancc art historian Ailsa ’I'urncr discusscs Robcrt Scott l.audcr's portrait.


()n-linc gallcr)‘. w w w'.ncw -contcmporar_\ - art.cotn

Miniatures One The opcning cxhibition lor this ncw on—linc gallcr) which show cascs thc work ol‘ tip-and- coming artists from (ilasgow and

lidinburgli with all works asailablc to bu}.


l4 .\'cw Strcct. 55S 7(i04. Dad)

I lam l0.30pm. l'ntil latc on Bongo (’1th nights. lntcractis c gamc during 'I'ucsday’s ('abarct t 10.30pm l.30aml. The Games Room t'ntil Hi 31 Aug. 'I'hc cxhibition spaccs turns into a pla_\ablc gamcs room for thc l‘cstnal with gamcs dcs iscd and crcatcd b} artists. From a gigantic gamc of Risk}. pick-a-sticks and church-thcmcd cra/_\ goll'. playing c‘ttl‘tls ha\c lk‘c‘ll I'L‘lm L‘lllL‘tl b} \arious artists including Klt‘sl) \Vhitcn. .Alcc ()linstad and Jatnic (irant. lASl' CHANCE‘ TO Sl‘l


55. ()l tk 75 Brcad Strcct. 477 4524. Oya-Ko l'ntil Sat l Scp ((iallct'} l: dail} l lam ()pmt. liast I.othian's Stcnton (iltllt‘l'} prcscnts an cxliibition ltk‘tlsltlg‘ on Japancsc calligrapli} tShoi b} Shingai 'l'anaka with works b_\ ('ampbcll Sandilands including woodblock printing and cct'atnics. Sandilands sttidicd undcr 'l‘anaka in Japan l'or l'our )cars. lcat‘ning about tltc ancicnt tradition ol~ calligraphy 'l‘hc rcsult is a subtlc l'usion ol both traditional and conlcmporar} lcchniqucs. l’url of./upun 2()()/. lASl Cl-lANCl 'l() Sl'l .

Art From Belarus: Contemporary Vitebsk Artists l'ntil Sun 2 Scp ((iallcr} 2: dail}

l lain 6an. A mixcd cshibition of work b) contcmporar} artists l'rom \itcbsk iii lic‘lttt'tts. lltc‘ onc-timc ccntrc til Stu ic‘l amnt-gardc.


Peter Howson. Magnus. Monoprint


/ Glasgow Print Studio



Glasgow Print Studio are delighted to invite you to our annual selling exhibition of paintings. original prints, jewellery and ceramics in the centre

of Edinburgh.

Open: Mon - Sat, IOam -

6pm Sun, Noon - 5pm Tel: 07769 7|O IOO


'i/IAIll‘Lfi‘Ilii’ .‘l

in. ~ '.;'.

Two Musicians at the Sultan’s Palace, Tangier by Leon Morrocco at the

A Riot Of Colour t'util Sun 3 Scp. t(iallcr_\ 3: opcn dail} llatn (ipmt. l’aintings b} a sclcction ol' artists on thc thctnc of colour including John Stoa. l.i/ .\lc(‘arth_\. l)ronnta. John l)igb} and .lack

Ash plus a displa} ol miniaturc paintings.


2] St l.cotiat'tl\ l.anc. (io2 1(il2. .\lon Sal l0ant 5pm: Stm noon 4pm.

Summer Pastures l'ntil Sun 3 Scp. A sclling cxhibition l'ocusing on thc nomadic w a} ol lil'c. l'cattn‘ing rugs. bags. trappings and w an ings.


S Victoria Strcct. 22.5 923‘. Mon Stilt l0.30am 5.30pm.

Festival Exhibition t‘nul Sun St» Aug. Paintings and drawings of lidinburgh’s ()ld low it. rarc books and prints.


75 7‘) ('tunbcrland Strccl. 552 l020.

.\lon l‘ri 10am (rpm; Sat l0am 4pm. Contemporary Scottish Masters l'ntil \Vcd 2‘) Aug. An c\ltibition ol' work b} Scottish mastcrs including John Bcllam. Alan l)a\ ic. (‘ht‘istinc \Voodsidc. (‘hris litishc. ('harlcs .\lac(‘)uccn. Jock .\lclnncs. Sand} \lurph} and (‘lairc llarrigan. Jake Harvey l'ntil Thu 30 Aug. Sclcctcd sculptural works b} Jakc llar\c_\. Leon Morrocco t'nnl 'I‘Iiu St) Aug. .‘s'cw paintings b) l.con Morrocco.

Group Show Sat 1 \Vcd It) Scp. Paintings by Anna Strachan. Jcnn_\ llttntcr and Sandra l)a\ ic.

Jean Paul Landreau Sat l mu It) Scp. l’utlllt‘tl t‘ct'alttlt's.

Of Brides And Poets Sat 1 Wed It) Scp. Rcccnt paintings b} l)oroth_\ Stirling. Julia Parkes t'nut \Vcd It) Scp.

JL‘\\ L‘llc‘t'}.


I7 I‘) Barcla} I’lacc. 47" 203.3. 'l‘uc Sat l0.30atn (i50pm.

Mixed Exhibition A changing sclcclion ol paintings including rcprodttction art

Van (ioglt. |)ali. .\lonct. Kandinsk}. .\liro originals and work b} ttp-attd~coming local ttl'lisls.


tWASl’SI l’att‘iolliall Sttttlios. oll' 4S Hamilton l’lacc. 225 l2S‘). l)ail_\

noon (ipm.

Festival Exhibition 2001 t'ntil Stu I Scp. A discrsc collcction ol~ art b_\ mcmbcrs ol \VASl’S studios l‘caturing painting. printmaking. ccramics. glass and icwcllcr}.


(i5 (icorgc Slrcct. 22.5 22M». .\lon l’ri 10am 4pm1Sat‘) ll.30am.

A Wee Gem - Amidst All The Hurly-Burly l'ntil Thu 23 Aug. A salc ol linc paintings. llll'lllllll'L‘. clocks. sil\cr and icwcllcr}. books. ccramics and sporting

Open Eye Gallery

itcms. plus an c\hibition oi Jacobitc art and culturc lrom thc l)rambuic (‘ollcction The Scottish Sale l‘ri 24 & Sat 25 Anti. l lam. A salc ol‘ Scottish art in thc prcstigious l’hillips' showrooms.


25l 253 ('anongatc. 556 ()524. Daily

l0atn (rpm.

Roger Spencer Jones: The Portraits l'ntil Sun 30 Scp. l’hotogt'aphcr Rogcr Spcnccr Joncs. a gradtiatc from Napicr l'niscrsit}. pt'cscnts a sclcction ol' pllltltsllc‘tl \sttl‘k l'or lllc‘ Sc‘ttlllsli l’t'L‘ss. along with morc pcrsonal projccts.


l liristo Squarc. 556 (i550. Dail}

l0.30am l0pm.

Christopher Richardson t‘ntil Hi 3! Aug. Black and w hitc photograph} b_\ (‘hristophcr Richardson l'caturing land and scascapcs and thc human form.


34 lircad Strcct. 22l 5555. Hail)

9am ‘)pm.

eca l‘ntil Sat 1 Scp. 'l‘hc lo} cr of thc l’oint llolcl bccomcs thc tcmporar) c\hibition spacc tor a sclcction ol' work b) studcnts l'rom thc School of Sculptttrc dcpartmcnt at lidinbtirgh ('ollcgc ol Art. lASl Cl iANCl—


4.3 ('andlcmakcr Row. 220 l9] 1. Mon Sat llam 5.30pm.

John Goto: High Summer l'ntil Sat l Scp. l’tit‘llollo's l't‘sll\;ll L‘\ltllililttn lt‘dltll'c‘s digitall} constrttctcd photographs b_\ John (ioto which samplc \ icws ol lSth ccntur} linglish gardcns with ‘rcal-lilt" situations in prcscnt-da} Britain. Rcconstructing tltcm according to thc compositional structurcs dcritcd b_\ l‘rcnch artist ('laudc I.orrain. (ioto crcatcs a sct'ics ol tascinating contcmporar} landscapcs. LASl CHANCE l() Sl E.


25 \larclnnont (‘rcscan 22‘) 2003.

Mon l‘ri ‘lam 5.30pm: Sat l0ani 2pm. Inaugural Exhibition A photographic gallcr} and training workshop l'caturing a rangc ol lramcd mountcd imagcs with spacc tor local photographcrs to show thcir work.


('lcrk Strcct. up." ""70. .\lon Sat

|0atn 5.30pm.

Nature As Inspiration: Claire Cooper Walsh t‘ntil inc 4 Scp t l,othian Rooiii tk llopc Scott Room). lnspit‘cd b} tlic natural cm irontncnt. (‘Iairc ('oopcr \Valsh crcalcs works in mi\ctl mcdia with a strong sculptural qualit}. thc starting point ol' lict' picccs coming lrom photographs takcn in lidinburgli‘s Rosal Botanic (itll'tlt‘ll.