iigurathe and floral \tork's pltIN sculpture. ceramics. jeweller} and wooden and Indian lacquered hoxes.


(‘afe lluh. ('axtlehill. Ro}a| Mile. 473 2()()(). Hail} ‘)._‘~(lam ltlpm. Performance! l'ntil Sun t) Sep. .-\ \eriex of photograph\ of classical lllllSlClilllS h) the cclehrated artx photographer ('lixe Barda. ’I'he \Hlt’kx are taken from Barda's hook l’r'l‘fin'lrluiu'r'.’ .lluxirirurx In l’linIuem/i/ix and feature .\lil\tlko l'chida. Stex en l\\el‘li\ and Jacqueline de l’re.

INGLEBY GALLERY (1(‘arlton'l'errace. 550 444 l. Mon Sat l()am 5pm; Sun h} appointment. OSean Scully l'ntil Sat 15 Sep. Duhlin—horn ahxtract artixt Sean Scull)" currentl} \kork‘x hemeen \tttdio\ in .\'e\\ York. Barcelona and l.ondon. llix familiar painting\ in uhich alternate. liori/ontal and \ertical \tiipex of oil paint an er panel\ to form one \ingle

painting ha\e hcen exhibited in mmt of

the major mu\cum\ in the maid. in lli\ lil‘sl e\hihition in Scotland. Scull} \houx oil painting\. \\atercolour\. pax- lelx and etching\. See llilli\l.


23 Hi)“ e Street. 225 2SSS. Mon Sill 9.30am (ipm: Sun noon 5pm. Design Masters - Achille Castiglioni l'ntil Sat | Sep. in a career \panning o\ er ()0 )L‘ili‘x. the “(wk of Italian architect/dexigner .-\chille ('axtiglioni ix celehrated in liiliouxe‘s l-‘extoal exhihition. Designing ewrything from furniture. lighting. kitchen“ are and \xashing machinex. (‘axtiglioni'x fresh approach to design has endured the ie\l of little. See

re\ iL‘\\.


15 Randolph ('rexcent. 225 5506.

Mon Sat 9.30am ltlpm.

L’Autre (The Other): Photographs By Charlotte Sephton-Bossard t'mn Sun 30 Aug. A \eriex of photograle h} Pariv hased photographer ('harlotte Sephton- liosxard documenting ten l‘rench couples who \he axk'ed to L'l‘t)\\—Lll'L‘\\. Sephton-Howard i\ looking for Scottixh couple\ to photograph a\ part of her ongoing project. To take part. call 225

53M). lASl (ll lANUl. l() Si in


(if) (‘umherland Street. 558 9872. Mon l’ri lilam opin; Sat lilam 4pm. Joan Miro (1893-1983) t'niil Mon l7 Sep. ()riginal etching\ and lithographx h} one of the leading Spanish \tll‘t‘eitli\l\. Joan Miro. Drawn from the realm of mentor} and imaginati\e fantax}. l1i\ \Htl'k\ are among the tiltixl original of the 2()th centur}. :\l\o on \llou. are \korkx h_\ hix L't)lllL‘lllpUl'iiflL‘S.


65 The Shore. 553 5255. 'l‘ue l‘ri

l lam 5pm1Sat llam 4pm.

2001, A Spatial Odyssey t‘nnl Sat 1 Sep. Inspired h} the \pace around u\. regular galler) exhihitoix \hou landxcapex. intimate porlt'aih and \till Iil'cx including \\t)t'k\ l3} (ieorge liirrell. Mar} liatchelor. (icorgic Young and .lack Morrocco.


5 lielford Road. 553 5255. Tue Tim

I l._i()am 2pm ck 4.30 9pm; liri ll.3(lam 2pm & 4.30 lllpm: Sat 0.30am 8.30pm; Sun ll.,‘~t)am 8pm. Festival l’ntil Sat () Oct. The l.eitli (ialler) prcxentx a mixed exhihition of paintingx \\ hich celehrate the di\cr\it} of the lidinhurgh l‘esti\al. featuring l’etcr(ioodfellou and l)ort)llt_\ Bruce.


23 Atholl (‘rescenL 22‘) I528. Mon Sat 9.30am 5.30pm.

Preservation t'mil Sat 1 Sep. 'l'he I.cith (ialler_\ presents an exhibition of painlingx inxpired h) themex of Ctinxet'Viilittn and human rights h} galler) iti’li\l\.


()0 Broughton Street. \Yed Sat

1 1.30am 3.30pm.

Moving Through t'niil Sun 30 Sep. .'\n exhihition of work an ering a Variety of medium\ and theme\ to raixe money for the Maggie (‘ancer (‘entre\.


Henry Duncan llouse. l2() (ieorge Street. 558 1200. Mon Sat lilam opin. Contemporary Scottish Art l'ntil Sat l Sep. ’I'he Stenton (iallet‘) prexenh an e\hihition of contemporar} Scottish art featuring the \t. ork of l)ougla\ l)a\ iex. Annette ladgar. Marian l.e\en. l._\nn .\lc(}regor. Sheila Macmillan and Dugald Maclnnex.


5.5 .Sl Stephen Street. 220 (i877.

Mon Sat 10.30am lpm «k 2 5pm; Sun 1 5pm.

La Croix l‘ntil Mon 3 Sep. .leueller} and artefactx reflecting on the \hape of the crow a\ a religioux and \ecular ornament lrom the l‘)t|i centur} to the prexent da_\. In aid of the liomholulu lioundation in Kema. a communit} centre for the ph} \icall} dixahled.


5 York I’Iace tahme The Stand (‘omed} ('luh). 558 7272.

Stand Residents t'ntil Sat I Sep. Paintingx hy lidinhurgh ('ollege of Art graduatex 'l’homax .\lac(iregor. Kirxt) \Vhiten. Ben Roxs and Mary 'l‘roddcn.


Belford Road. (i24 (3200 (recorded information 332 226(1). Mon Sat |()am opm; Sun 1 lam (ipm. ('ale.

0 Lee Miller l'ntil Sun ‘) Sep. [4 (£2.5(ll Joint adniivion “ith Roland l’enroxe exhibition at the Dean (iallei'). The largest and most comprehenxne exhihition to date of the \\ot'k of the New York horn photographer Lee Miller t l‘)()7 77). Miller. a former lligm' tnodel. “ax married to Roland l’enroxe. the \uhjcct of a major exhihi— tion at the Dean (ialler'). Snapping people. placex. faxhion and war. the e\hihition features portraitx of l’icaxxo. Man Ra}. liileen Agar. lltirxl and memorahilia from her time a\ a mu correxpondent. See llitlixt.

Guest At A Surrealist Picnic Mon 3 Sep. 12.45pm. (‘hrix 'lim nxend from Ro_\al llolloixa}. l'nixerxit} of l.ondon dixcuxxm Lee Miller and Roland l’cnroxe'x friendxhip \\ ith .\'u\ch and Paul liluard.

Circle Of Friends: Leslie And Sadie Martin And British Modernism From The 19305 l'ntil Sun 28 Oct. The Martin\ co edited the \eminal puhlication ('m'lr': III/('I'mH/mm/ Surrey ()/'( ‘n/txlriu'liu' ,vlrl. \thich led to lifelong friendxhipx \\ ith leading :ll‘li\l\. 'l‘hix \mall tlixplél} features \\t)t‘k\ h} (iaho. llepuorth and \Yallix. dra\\n from their collection. along u ith \\t)l'l\\ from the permanent collection.

The Constructive Idea: Works By Naum Gabo Mon 27 Aug. l2.45pm. Martin llammer from the l'ni\er\it} of lidinhurgh dixcuxsex the \xork of Naum (iaho, formerly in the collection of l.e\lie and Sadie Martin.

For hour by hour

daily listings see Listings Supplement.

index Art

R0 aI Chambers Street y Edinburgh EH1 11F

Museum Telephone 0131 247 4219



Master of Japanese textile design 11 August - 4 November 2001

Admission £3/£1.50 Children 12 and under free NMS Members free Museum Pass holders free

Organised by Tohoku Fukushi University Serizawa Kelsuke Art and Craft Museum and the National Museums of Scotland