The Collected Works of Billy the Kid Carnegie Mellon I'nit'i'rxin and Queen Margaret (fnirersity ('olli'gi'. (iiiti'itiiy Theatre. [6—24.-liie. /2.4(Ipnt. .-\daptation ol' Micheal ()ndaatje‘s noyel about the legendary American outlays.

The Comedy of Errors slum-mm Hie/t School Theatre Festival. ('liurelt l/ill Theatre. 18—22 Aug. timm l'(ll'\. l.ehi Iligli School giyes Shakespeare‘s comedy the \\ ild west treatment.

Company lite/"Mi I’I‘Uilllt‘llrtlh. ()Ii/ xi Paul's (’lturi'li (L’- Hull. until 35 .Ilue. J. lll/WI. Sondheim 70s musical about marital relationships. Live band.

The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (abridged) T/It‘ ten/mu! Sliukcs'pi'iit'c (‘oni/tuny. .‘l\\('l)ll7l\ Rooms. until 26 slug. ll.45uni. Street theatre meets the Bard in this e\‘er-popular eomie demolition of the entire canon.

The Condition of the Virgin (ll/(lt’tl Balloon (ll 'Ii't'iut Rim; until 37xlue. low/tin. Four-star comedian Boothhy (iratl'oe turns playwright for this comic tale of an Irish priest. Four stars iii 'I‘lie Scott/nun. Coriolanus li'illt‘ .tlmli‘m/m. ()li/ ( ‘n/lt’gi' Quail. until 3/ .'lll_L’. ‘l..\’ll/iin. See rc\ teys panel

Cows - The Musical Hit/Ale-litllslt' In xlss‘ueirttiim it'll/I Leicester ( 'tiit'i'rsitt 'I‘lteutt‘e. Ifi’illiini ‘lllt’tlll't'. until /<\’.-lug. .t’pin. The story of a group of cots s that dare to challenge the oppression ol' mankind. Cracked 'l'lu' Rmiil Scottish .'l('(1(/('l)l\ (it .llus‘u'unil Dru/nit. Ii'nue l3. If) 35 glue. times wry. Acclaimed dramatist Xiiinie Ilarris. author of Further 'I'luin Tllt’ IVui-t/u'st 'I'liing. turns her hand to directing. Students from the RSAMI) perl'orm Sky e Loneragan's play about a dillieult lather and dattghter relationship.

Crash I’lcusiini'i'. until 37,-Iug. [35pm Drama about a shock jock \s ho is hunted down by one of his radio \ ietims. 'I‘hree stars in The .S'i'otsnuin.

Creation National Youth .lluxii~ flit'dll‘t'. SI .lliit‘y's ('(itlu'ilrul. until ASK-lug. titties iiin.

Iisamination ot' the origins oi~ elassie myths l’roin around the \sorld.

Crimes of Passion 0...

l)il('(l\(lll('t’ Hmttr'. until Silue. .".»l(l/i/ti. In tyselye songs and a monologue. ('ri'nii's ()t l’uuimi e\plores the mind ol' a murderer. UllL‘ll too closely litll' ettlttlttt‘l. ll's tt tlttl'ls IWtIl taseinating \sorlt. \sritteii by Pierre l’liillipe and the undisputed master ol' the tango accordion. .v\stor I’iax/olla. and acted and sung by .lerotiic l’i'adon. a performer ol' e\traordinai‘y magnetism. l’radoii‘s natural brilliance and \\ ide stage e\peiieiiee eiiahle hiiii to portray both the chilling and poetic sides oi his character. \\ liile singing latiltlcssly and e\olsing the alienation that's dri\ en hint to his crimes. ()li\ er l’rohst's piano supplies all the musical hacking lltahs needed in [his slttt'ls piece. \\ hieh conjures tip an atiiiosphei'e l't iiiiiiisceiit ol’ .lean (ieltel's prison ll(t\ els. Seriously impi'essi\ c. it' \\ eighty. sttit't'.

(Alastair .\lahhottt

Cupboard Man Hum /.\‘. IU 35-0113 .‘lmi. lan Melixsaii short story about a dysfunctional l'aiuily that treats its son as a ttso year old tor the first eighteen years oi his lite.

Dahling You Were Marvellous lilac/Hill l’t'rtillti llitlty. (-lft'l/t .lltg'i'li’. IlIIIIl 3/) (lll‘J. ‘lpni. Ste\ en llci'lsoll‘s story ol a group ot hack stahhing. ta\siiiiig shouhi/ lll\ \ ies in a posh hrassei‘ie as the poll ta\ t'lnls git tilt Ulll\ltlL‘..

Dance Like a Man Is‘umi i/m .s'i Step/um. until :lellL'. tiniiw lrll'\. .\la|iesli l)attani's human drama about a lainin 's dai'ls secrets pei'l‘oi'ined iii langlish hy India‘s Prime Time 'l‘heati‘e.

Dancing On Tables (in/innit I’Iiims. Quit/sit .lli i'Ii/ig Noun. 3’1 35 .lue. 13.4(I/ini. Xe“ play about the highs and

l0“ s Ul- \l;tl‘tlttlll.

Danton’s Death Iliu-tunl-tt; \lliilsi' Si’ltitrtl/Ri'ltlltllsit I’I'II/t ( 1. RM Ail l” X! .litlttt '\ lliill. until INAHQ. lab-pin. lltiehticr's l’i'eiteh Reyoltitioii drama is gnen aii ‘.-\ineriean teen iiightiiiai'e‘ staging

Ra CKET Venues

Buy Wm! ms Barnum


A wild satirical comedy I Watch as Helen and .lohn struggle Wllll a new baby. era/y neighbours and an insane nanny!

August 20-25 l9.30l 2 I . l0)

£7 (£4) ROCKET 123

. All. Dancing Eggs Productions

It s hack! ‘(iem ot‘ a show... scenes and dialogue to match the

best 1 .S. sitcoinsl' 15”” Scotsman

ROCKET 124: August 6 (£4 preview), 941.23 20.00 (20.45} Rocky 2‘],- August I9-2I, 24-26 2|.00 (2|.45l l

Tm:- slnmoar PARTY

L0 t 9.4

In Yer S ace

Stanley Web ier's' secluded life is shattered by an une\pected birthday party lor him in l’inter's dark and chilling hlacls comedy. August I3-l5. 20-22 l-‘HS ( l6.30l '

£6.50 (£4.50)

" ’- Rocm 123 Two In Yer Space

l’lay tug toiirteen eltai'at'let's hel\\ccn them. landlord. landlady and tusiomeis .iie luouglit to lite in this inulti award winning prixluclion.

August Iii-I8. 23-25 l4.l5 “6.30) £6.50 «£4.50» ' Rocker 123 » Blnpy In \er Space

Set in a mi

as Sgt. .»\| tries to brin


itary hospital. we e\plore the nature of friendship g his friend Birdy out of ll catatonic state.

T‘ August20-25 l8.|5(l9.45l

r -_ , » £6.50 (£4.50)

a - _‘ Room 123 ROCKET 123 ROCKET 124 South Bridge Kirk 0' Field

Resource Centre Parish Church Infirmary Street lio\ ()llicc.


Box ()l-l't cc:


I40 'l‘he Pleasance

Room :26 St. John's Hall West End. Princes Street Box Ollice:


Room 24: Royal College of Surgeons .NiColson Street Box Ol‘lice:


index Theatre





AUG 11-27 at 1915h (no show 20/8) TICKETS £8.50 (Mon-Thur) £9.50 (Fri-Sun) GILDED BALLOON II at TEVIOT 0131226 2151 or 0131226 0000

Théétre Sans Frontiéres presents

'6 .3.” Aug: 1/"; THE LIST FESTIVAL GUIDE 55