Black Comedy Imi 'I'limu-c (b. (' ('nilvmmuml. until lh’Aug. nunn. l’clcr Shallch clc\ cr larcc in which dark is light and light i\ dark. Blithe Spirit ‘l'lu' .llukuiix utul l)..\l.l).(‘.. .llurrity/ir'lil l’nrixlt (‘liun‘li Hull. until 35 slug. 7..i’(/'/mt. lidinhui'gh amatcur cluhx tcam up l'nr \ncl (‘nwaril'x \pnnky cnmcdy. Blood l’li'uuuu'i'. until :7xlIlL’. Illtt('\ \‘(ll'\'. ('anadian play which c\aininc\ lhc liycx nl twn \ililitlgs ill-lt'k‘lt‘tl l3} prnxtitulinn. drug addictinn and alcnhnlixm. 'l‘wn stars in 'I'lu' l-[i'i'ninu .Vi'n‘x. Blood 8. Roses oooo 'Ii‘i'yllr' 'I‘lu'ntn' ('u. (' ( 'Iult'rgmunil. until 36 .'lllL’. 7. l5/nn. 'l‘hc \mcll nl' damp that thickcnx lhc air hitx ynu ax ynu cntci' this undcrgrnund \ault. .'\\ thc ltill\lL‘ hcginx ynu l'ccl tranxpnrtcd hack in timc. ('n-writtcn by Dylan Ritxnn and 'liilt} \Vilxllct‘. whn alxn dirccts. lllix l\ thc \tnry nl' l.amhcrt Simncl w hn. ax a hny. prctcndcd tn hc lhc rightl'ul mnnai'ch during llcury \'ll\ rcign. lllx truc idcntity dixcm crcd. lamhcrt w as \cm In wnrk in thc rnyal kitchcnx. .\'nw agcd 3i) hc lnngx ha a ncw \tart. l-nr lirccdnm.
lli\tnry and humnur arc tli\llctl up in cqual pnrtinnx. ()nc mnmcnt w c arc laughing. lhc nc\t thc actnrx arc grntcsqucly maxltcd and lhc air hccnmcx tippt't‘\\l\ c. Apparcntly llllx \ault\ hauntcd. II \\;t\ ccrlainly lull nl \pirit tnnight. lKik Rcidi BIOOd Knot /\’( IS lllt'illl‘t' (it). Thu ('nili'rlu'lly until 36 gluu. 3. Ill/mi. l’irxt pcrl‘ni'mcd m \ccrct in .lnhanncxhurg m l‘)(ul. .v\thnl liugard'x mi\cd-racc play cycntually madc it\ way In lirnadway. It‘s ahnut racial idcntity and thc imaginatinn.
Ben Moor: A Supercollider for the Family "('11 .llrmr. I’lt’uxrtttt'i' (‘uurtt'unl utul (MN MW Rmul. until 37 Aug. llutn. (‘nmcdy rc\ iycd lt‘nttt \ucccxx in l‘)‘)7.
Beowulf (il'i'ttilt'l l’t'ru/tu‘liutlx, (iii/('H'UV 'l‘lu'utrt'. until 27,-luu. 4. l5/nn. ll‘ixll L‘Ultlptlll} l‘L‘\‘i\C\ clttxxic‘ ltlL‘tllC\;tl L‘pit‘ pncm.
Berkoff’s Hell & Dostoevsky’s Dream of a Ridiculous Man O... (ii'nrgi' Uillnn's \itu/ 'I'lu'ntri'. Ilill SHVW'I 'I‘lu'utn'. until 27.-\uu. 5.55mi). 'l'hcrc can hc i'cw :tclnt'x w'hn hay c hrnught such in cr tn Stcycn Bcr‘knllX wnrdx ax (icnrgc Dillnn. .»\ cnmpclling pcrl'nrmcr with an axtnnixhing cnmmand nl lllx ahiliticx. l)illnn \ccm\ nnt tn knnw thc mcaning nl thc wnrd 'autnpilnt'. Berkoff’s Women .'l\\t'ltll7l\’ lx’nnnix, Jllxlug. 4pm. Linda .\larlnw c mala‘x a
w clcnmc rcturn with hcr 199‘) hit cnmpilatinn nl~ Stcxcn licrknliK l'cmalc lcads. a brilliant cclchratinn nl' hix writing and hcr acting skill. Scc alsn Dunn/w ()1 [KN-W.
Best Friends lliv‘prll'l l’milui'tinnx. (' lfi'llt' :lnui'li’. until 3!) Aug. ~.4.‘—/)Hl. lxracli w ritcr .'\nat (in\ 'x cnmcdy ahnut trnuhlcd rclalinnxhipx hctwccn thrcc wnmcn.
Bill & Eddie l'i'untu‘ l\’('(/ll(’(l(/ l’rmllu‘tinnx. ('I'nn'ni' l’lnm Ilnti'l. until 36 .‘lllk’. l.l."/nn. l)rama ahnut rclatinnxliipx. Bill and Ted’s Excellent Musical Adventure I’li'nuuu'i'. until li\'.'luu. 4.05pm. .\ln\t hndacinux i'c‘yyiii‘kiiig nl' thc \upct'h .-\mcrican lilm cnmcdy.
The Party Ritt‘lxi’l li’ttlti'\. Riu'la't ((1 SHIN/I li’rulci'. until 33.1w; 3.15pm. llarnld l’intcr'x mcnacing clavic. Bitter Thorns lh’luu'li' l‘liunn' (it. :luuuxtinv'x. until l‘kluq. 5.55pm. l’iccc ahnut lhc altcrmath nl tlic lull nl 'l'i‘ny. Black Armbands Uii‘i’i'w :ltti'iu‘tinm. until ln’dug. l/.~l."um. .\lnnnlnguc ahnut a ynung man nu thc \crgc nl' a llL‘l'Htth hrcakdnw n w hn hax hccn ahuxing lll\ child.
Borkoff's Hell
A compelling performer, Dillon seems not to know the meaning of ‘autopilot’
Blood Wedding 'I'lu' Ifi'rty A" Stuns 'I‘lu'utri' ('n. Rm'ki't (r' .8"! .lnlin ‘\ Hull. until [Xxlugn ll).2()uni. l.nrca'\ pnw'crl‘ul Spanish tragcdy giycn a physical intcrprctatinn by this .-\-lc\'c| grnup. Blue Remembered Hills 'I'lu' Ri'p 'l'lu'utri' ('u. (’trm. until 35 Aug. 8.50pm. l)cnni\ l’nttcr'x play in which a day nut l‘nr a grnup nl childrcn cnds in tragcdy. Blue Remembered Hills (‘lutrtw‘linuuz Rm‘ki't ((1 anul ('nlli'gi' (if Summing until .37;lu_u. 5.05pm. l)cnni\ l’ntlcr‘s hard—hitting childhnnd drama. The Bogus Woman 'l‘limiru llin'lultn/t, 3t) .35 slug. 2.30pm. .\'n dnuht cycn mnrc tnpical than nn llx acclaimcd run at thc 'l‘raycrxc laxl ycar. Kay Adxhcad'x stunning rcl'ugcc drama is li'agilc. angry and raw. l‘nur \l;|l‘\ l'rnm 'I‘lu' /.i\t last ycar.
Born African 0... sluquxtiiu'R. until 3!) slug. 7.15pm. Scc pancl. Bound To Fly lli!Ht/‘i\l(’il.'. (injyii'iurx Kirk llnuu'. until 37xlug'. (1.50pm. Icarus myth tranxlcrrcd tn thc lle' nl‘ Wight. The Boy-Girl x4 Show Rtu‘lu'l li‘tlllt'\. Rnili't ((1 Smut/i Brit/(4i:
3t) 35 slug. 4. l5/nn. \itilllll lllt‘ull't‘ prnductinn ahnut tllllllltlL‘\ lnwttl'dx ttlld tiplllltilh nli tccnagcrx. Breakfast Not Included .\'nttinuluun .Vt'll' i/‘lti’illt'i'. (‘ li'ltlli’. until .30 Aug.
4. Ill/int. \nttingham \cw 'l‘hcatrc prcxcntx .'\li\nn ('ari'\ cnmcdy ahnut liyc lintcl gucxtx \L‘L‘lxing |n\c.
Brighton Beach Memoirs .ver/w 'I'lu'ntn' (in. 'I‘lu'ntri' .‘ll'klt'. until [Nulugu 7.45pm. .\'cil Simnn‘x unstalgic hut
mny ing hingraphical cnmcdy ahnut
Katsura Kan and the Saltimbanques
Butoh dance of darkness. Curious fish is a satirical,
growing up JC\\'l\ll in thc .\'cw ank nl' thc 3()\.
Broken Blossoms oooo .\'i'qutii‘i'quity. (' li'nui'. until 30 Aug. 5..i’()pni. lnxpii'cd by l).\\'. (iril‘lithx' littlc- knnwn xilcnt lilm. l’ctcr Machcn's play tcndcrly pni‘tray \ thc dcy'clnping rclatinnxhip hctwccn a lragilc. liaxt-lind girl and a (‘hincxc man.
Brokenville C... ()n() 'I'lu'ntri' ("n with Him! Suqu ('uunty' linitli 'I‘lu'ntn'. Knnu'ilut Runuui ling/c Lin/qr. until 2/) slug. 3. /5pm. thn did I ship rcading \tnricx ahnut witchcx and pt'lllccsxcx and start huy ing hnnkx ahnut city w'nmcn inxtcad'.’ ln llll\ prntluctinn nl‘ Philip Ridlcy 's play \i\ lnst pcnplc dixcnycr a l’nrgntlcn child in a run-dnwn linttsL‘. In pacil'y tlic l'rightcncd girl thcy hcgin tn tcll \lnricx (\nmc mnrc rcluclantly than nthcrxi lcaturing im'ixihlc. giant lilying \cahnrws and rampant w itchcx. By crcating ncw idcntiticx thc lnxt charactcrx hcgin tn rcdixcnycr lhcir nw n PL‘I'\UIliIllllL‘.\.
'l‘hc play tl\L‘.\ \lnry tclling ax a l‘nrni nl' cmpnw crmcnt. and \hnw \ it In hc a [il‘CL‘lUll\ traditinn w cll wni'th prntccting. This imaginatiy c prnductinn ix part nl a trilngy hcing pcrl‘nrmcd at thc l’ringc. and l\ lar mnrc cxciting than cycryda) city lil'c. (Kik Rcidi
Buried Child l-k'stii'u/ 'I’lu'ntrv (181' (NA. Dru/imnnul ('innniuniti' 'I'lu'utrt’. until .34 slug. 7pm. l‘amily tics arc at thc ccntrc nl this drama hy Sam Shcpai'd. Burns Hirciiu' :lltriu'tinns. until l.\'.‘luu. 7..a’()/nn. 'l‘hc lil'c and wnrk nl‘ Rnhcrt Burns.
Buy Another Evening Standard l)/('(l.\(lllt'('. until l‘L-lug. l3.45/nn. l‘arcc ccntcring nn twn laddixh l.nndnn mcn.
For hour by hour daily listings see
Listings Supplement.
humourous dark piece created for
the Edinburgh Festival Fringe.
. . I:'. in“...
at" . 'r;‘.o".“r‘." if '. "I ‘vv ‘
lo' 6 0 In us for late OPEN\N r
i We
0 "two weeks only:
Monday 20 August - Sunday 2 September from 6.00pm — 9.00pm
BURCH ED‘N . 0 30% discount on admission prices Z O 0 free car parking (normally (2) .0 barbecue
0 roving presenters, facepainters and other activities ‘
and over I,000 wonderful animals of all shapes and sizes
EDINBURGH 100 is part of The Royal Zoological Society of Scotland, a charity committed to the conservation of endangered animals through managed breeding and environmental education.
""9" "- ise I’m still something before human — a kind of fish. 80 I need a mineral. I await the tears — climb to the rainbow.’
l. ~t :August 13-27 21:00-21:50 jw garage Theatre
pounds (6 pounds)
it“ ' . Ofihgggggal
Indian Hindu Temple Dances
With lyrical and sensual move- ments one has the images of the sculptures on the temple wall. The intricate footwork. elegant hand gestures and . beguiling eyes the dance lures you away into the exotic land of India where the Gods and Goddess still are alive. Aug. 5 -27 12:00 noon to 12:50 Garage Theatre
8 pounds (7 pounds)
All , ,. Royal Society of Edinburgh 22—26 George Street
9:00—17:00 Monday to Friday only Admission Free }
'vfi f\...: " THE LIST FESTIVAL GUIDE 53