Theatre '

A81“ (ii/(lei! Ifulloon. until 27Aug. 6pm, Doctor liatixtus meets the record indtixtry in a black comedy by Peter .\lorrix. Winner of the 2001 Sunday Timex t’laywriting Award. liour xtarx in The .S'i'otvnutn.

Accident of Circumstance Rtn‘kl’! li'num. Rtlt‘kl'! (0 Kirk ()‘I'ii'lil. until 18 Aug. 7.30/nn. A relationxhip ptit under strain by schizophrenia.

Address Unknown Rtttulol/ilt Sim/in (u 'l‘lu' l'i'i’ni'li Institute. until 25 Aug. times vary. l.a ('inquiemc Saixon. a lirench physical theatre co, prexentx thix drama xet in ('u/mri't-era (iermany. Three xtarx in The .St‘lHVNUIl.

Adult Child, Dead Child .0.

(ii/(It’d Balloon. until 27Aug. l/nn. Stroud Theatre ('o'x production of ('laire t)owie'x play ix a mixed bag. The xcript ix compelling stuff. but the staging ix often unfocuxed. Adult Child/Dead Child The Statement I)riinut ('otn/mnv. lv’onu'iliu Ronuin ling/e l.oilgi'. until 2/) Aug, 4. l5/nn. Alan .-\yckbourn praixed thix production of (‘Iaire Dowic'x play.

Agatha Christie’s The Secret Adversary ('u/nln‘iilgt' (Yniri'rvitv Al)(' Venue. Ital/uni 'I‘lu'um'. until 25 Aug. 6pm. Student production of Agatha ('hrixtie'x inyxtery'. 'l‘hree xtarx in the The Scotsman.

The Age of Consent l’lt’tlulltt't’. ttntil l‘) Aug. 5.30pm. l’eler .\lorrix' highly

rated dark exploration of childhood and incext. Sec alxo A (QR. Three xtarx in The .S'i-otsnutn. live in The lirt'ning News, four in The (ittttl'ilittlt.

Agnes OT 60“ llti'ttll‘i' lliH'As/tttl).

2t) 25 Aug. [pin The xtory of a young nun who giv'ex birth in my xtci‘itillx

Air Freshener Sill/[Ill ’l'lu'ittri' (’o. ()l(/ .S't Paul's (‘liuri'li it'- Hull. 2!) 25 Aug.

12. l5mn. A collection of dark comediex. Albert, Make Us Laugh I’m-k I’litv'i'tiv A.l).$. Rt)(‘l\'('l ((1 St John ".x llttll. 2t) 25 Aug. 2pm. Amateur production of a play about a mexmerixing. bewildered eleven year old.

Poesia ‘Alcina’s Arts’ St .l/urk 'v in ('ustli' lent/re. 2t) 2t\’Aug. 5pm. l-‘our frayed characterx dixcuxx life backxtagc at a baroque opera.


1" v.54



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Bed Among The Lentils 0000

I’leusuni'e. until 27Aug. [.25/nn Some of the best things in life happen unexpectedly and the sudden arrival at this year‘s Fringe of Bed Among The Lentils. directed by Lawrence Till and starring Nicola McAuliffe is no exception. Although some will doubtless be disappointed by the last minute cancellation of her scheduled show Goliath. the seasoned veteran of stage and screen positively shines in Alan Bennett's acclaimed Talking Heads monologue.

McAuliffe assumes the role of Susan. the alcoholic wife of an Anglican vicar. with gusto and carries the audience in the palm of her hand frotn start to finish. A greater sense of movement is created than one might expect from the deliberately static television performance. by a series of blackouts and subtle costume changes. Her performance short- circuits any possible sentimentality. with sudden bathotic effects. which interrupt the longer monologues. For all that. we feel her drunken highs of hilarity (such as an inebriated flower-arranging episode) just as we feel the rock bottom despair of her sober resignation and it's a testament both to the strength of McAuliffe‘s acting skill and the poignancy of Bennett's prose that this show works so well. (Catherine Bromley)


Alex Through the Looking Glass I'i'i'sli lilooil 'liu'ttti‘i'. (' lii'lli' Angi'li'. until 2/) Aug. (tilt/mi. [)rama intertningling [.evv ix (‘arroll with the xtory of a young anorexic woman. ’l‘htee xtarx in The Scotsman.

Alice in Wonderland Ame/“iron High School Theatre l't’.\lll'(l/. (ltlll‘t‘l! l/i/l Theatre. /7 22 Aug. tinu'v rittjv'. American High School production of l.ew ix (‘at'roll‘x claxxic xurreal fable. Alice in Wonderland l'ilt‘liltlili'lt llti'ttll't‘ (it, (‘ li'ntu'. until 2/) Aug. 4/nn. Alice ix aged-up to eighteen in this phyxical theatre production.

All Cloned Up I’li'usttni'i' I)onu'. until 27Aug. [1.30pm. A inuxical featuring hard houxe and a dark. action tilled plot. directed by former lioni/ baddie. .Alkix Kritikox. and written by Mike Bennett. formerly with The hall. 'l‘hix xhow features a chorux of xhcep and focuxex upon a profexxoi”x dexire to clone hix wile in order to create the perfect woman.

Alpha Beta I’itlitii/iyt’yt I’roiltu'tionv. (iri'v/riurs Kirk l/(Ill.\(’. until 27Aug. 7.05pm. 1972 drama about a tcmpextuoux marriage perfortned by a new company. Am I Losing My Mind or Just My Figure? Pregnant Pause I’ltmumt'. until 27Aug. l/.45uin. (’omedy drama about a _i()-xomething woman'x pregnancy. l‘otir xtarx in HM .S't'otvinun.

Amy Evans’ Strike strum/mt lmugi'. [tor/wt ((1 Rovul (‘ol/i’gi' ol .S'urgi'onv. until 27Aug. 5.40pm. Amy ixiuxl twelve when xhe decitlex to go on xtrike. She continuex to turn up for xchool but refuxex to do any work. l'our xtarx in The .S'i'otvnutn.

An Audience with William Saroyan Rttnilol/i/i Slut/to (0 'Ilu' l'i'i'nt'li Invtituu'. until lh’ Aug. lat/pin. American actor 'I‘odd \Vronxki relurnx to the l‘ringe to play the famon and controv erxial American writer.

An English Education .Vi'lltt'rlnm ‘l‘lti'utri'. 2!) Aug / Sty). llnn. ()ne-man play about Jamex t of tingland. Anachronisms Ui'tititt‘t’o lv’m'lx't't l’i‘oiltu’tionv. Rtltlvt'l (<1 lv'irl ()'/'ii'li/. until lo' Aug. J/nn. Rivalricx between a group of academicx at a conference.

The Anarchist Plays [cm-Au \i'nui'v. Rocket (a .St John 'v Hull. until 25 Aug. lllll('\ vorv'. trixh xtudent company prexentx Dario lio'x .-li‘t‘itlt'/itiil Dent/i o/ on Anon-lust plux a topical xequel of itx own. Animal Farm l.('lt'('\I(’I'\llfl'(' i'outli Arty, St Ann 'v (‘oinniunitv (’i'ntri'. until 25 Aug. li/nn. ()rw ell'x political xatit'e.

Animal Farm l'oi't/i (‘lii/i/I'i'n'v ’I‘lu'tit/t'. lnrt'rlt'itlt (‘liuri'li lltill. until lb’ Aug. Iinu’v riiijv. ('hildrcn'x theatre production of

abov e.

Animal Farm Avvi'inlilv' Roomy. until 27 Aug. l/um. (itiy .‘vlaxterxon'x famoux and tnuch acclaimed one—man xhow ix thix year performed by t.i//ie Wort.

Annie .'ll)!(‘l'lt'tlll l/ig/i .S’i‘liool 'I’lu'tttri' I'i'vtivul. (‘liun'lt lIi/l 'Ilu'iitn'. I7 22 Aug. tinu'v rim; ('laxxic Intixical.

Anorak of Fire .AI'Alt' lllt’tlll't' (lo. ll)(’(lll'(' Ar/vli'. until IN Aug. (i, l5/nn. Revival of an acclaimed comedy about trainxpotterx.

Antigone’s Last Dance - A Multi- Media Dance Rock Opera .00. Aurora/“1'51 ' from Ilti’ l SA. Shth l)\‘ Surge lz'ilinliurgli .At'otli'niv'. until l‘) Aug. .i’..t’U/nn. ‘Are you w tiling to die for xotnething you believe in." Antigone. daughter of ( )ediptix, goex againxt the new king‘x decree that her traitor brothci”x body muxt not be afforded itx laxt ritex. tt'x tragedy at itx moxt tragic. given a modern rock-inuxical tvv ixt in thix new production by a young caxt whoxe performing abilitiex match thoxe of many a profexxional company. the multimedia effectx. too. are lirxt rate. the reinvented ('hoi‘tix. forever moving in xync. ix a little too mechanixtic

It’s tragedy at its most tragic, given a modern rock- musical twist; the effects are first rate

Antigone's Last Dance

at timex. and the inuxic might benefit from a greater variety of tone or xty lc. but it is entirely poxxible thix xhow cotlld xoon be very big. But all of that. of course. is up to liale. ((iareth Daviexi

Apology for the Life of an Actor - Paul Pfeiffer l’leitvunt't'. until 27Aug. l2. Ill/mt. Recreation of the 18th century tinglixh theatre. including xome of itx most famoux ligurex. 'l‘hrec xtarx in The .S't'otsiniin.

Armadillo Sunset I)it//iitlt'l-'lii'ivt. 'I'lu' .S‘uliwtiv‘. 2t) 24 Aug. 2.45pm. lipixodic xurrcal comedy baxed around characters sharing a houxe. Artaud in Wonderland l’i'ri/iluni Tree. lv'onu'tliu Ronutn lz'itgli' l.oilgi'. until 2/) Aug. .i-Jll/nn. A weird comedy baxed around Artaud. inventor of theatre of (‘ruelty. and few ix (’arroll. 'l‘hrec xtitt'x til .lli’lt‘t).

Arthur Kopit’s BecauseHeCan I‘t'\lll'(ll ll]('(lll'(’ (181' (USA. Drumminul ('o/ninunitv l/llt‘tlll’t’. until 25 Aug. 4pm. Britixh premiere of Kopit'x thriller. part internet thriller. part psychological myxtei‘y'.

Artts Touring Company Presents: Nowhere Fast l’li'ttvtlltt't’. 2/) 27Aug. [2.45pm. Drama condemning the excexxex ol conxulner xociety'.

As It Is In Heaven 0000 xivvt'tttlily lv’ooinv. until 27Aug. l.25/nn. Sixterx are doing it for themxelvex in thix powerful tnuxical drama from Arlene Hutton about nine Shaker women xurv iving hardxhip in Lson Kentucky.

At the Fringe a Beggar’s Opera . . . l'lu' Aviiin lli'i‘iutgt' lounilution. .-luguvtini"v. until 27Aug. tinu'v vary. Indian xtreet entertainerx join with an lininxh magician to tell their own xtory. l.ook out for the company on the Royal Mile.

b9 - Clinch Mountain Lookout Hills/xi! “ilk/«l. (‘ ( ’ntli'rgrotoul. until 26 Aug. ti/ni'v l'itl'_\'. l’erforinerx from around the world combine in a xtory about the degeneration of love and family.

Baby with the Bathwater Rocket li'lllt(’\. [tor/tel (U Soul/i liriilgi'. 2U 25 Aug. 7..\’l)/ini. Seottixh company ‘l‘heatre l'thltin prexentx ('hrixtopher Durang'x comedy about bringing tip children.

The Bald Prima Donna Avvluin 'Ilu'iiti'i' ('o. lv'onu'tlio lt’onuin littglt' l.otlgi'. until 26 Atig. 4.55/nn. Recognixed ax the fier major work of the theatre of the .Ahxtil'tl. lonexco'x one—act coined) ix given a hilarioux production by thix lrixh company.

Be My Baby ()nlv ("o/Inert. (it‘i'vti'itii'v lv'ii'lv llllllH’. 2/ 2/" Aug. (LAN/UH. Drama about a xingle mother in the ()(lx.

Be My Baby Hive/five Atti'tu‘tionv. until IN Aug. ‘l..“tI/mi. Show about familiex. performed by real life father and daughter. Beautiful Thing Hrutnnioni/ .S'ti‘i'i't ('oin/ionv. .‘lllL’llUl/lt' 'v. until IN Aug.

5'. /5/nn. Much loved gay romance by .lonathan Harvey. now better lxnovv n ax the author of (ii/IIIHt'. (iininu'. (iiinnu'l

Bed Among The Lentils COO. l’lt’tlHl/tt't'. until 27Aug. /.25/nn. Sec panel.

Bedbound .... Vll'tll't'l‘u' lltt'itll'i’. until 25 Aug. /(l.~l5/nn. A may of the rixe and fall of a (‘eltic tiger and hix relationxhip with a daughter crippled by polio ix at the centre of thix late by linda Walxh of I)l\('tI /’igv fame. lt'x fttll of dark. pxy chologically opprexxive pow er. tiringe l'il‘xt winner.

The Beggar’s Opera .81 (imrgu‘v .S't'liool itni/ '/ lu' [Jilin/iio'g/i Ariuli'tnv. St t'ii'oi‘gv'v .S't'liool. lo' 25 Aug. 7..v’l)/nn. John (lay ‘x tb'th century ballad opera.

Ben Moor and Janice Phayre: Three Wishes lien .lloot: until 27Aug. 7. l5/nn. Romantic comedy about the ixxuex that arixe when you get what you w ixh for. live xtarx in The l'jv't'ning New v.