Macbeth I'I‘iiltlti lt’i'illti iiil l’t‘rultli Nutty. (iretiruirt Kirl. liml ,lluin (iiitey, until 3," Aug. Oil/[mi Accompltxhcd production of Shakexpcarc'x tragedy giy en added attitoxphere by an al it‘cxco performance tn (ireylriar'x Kirk Yard and beyond Macbeth .... (illili'il [fit/limit ’I‘lieutre. until .‘qxlug. INN/mt Yet another new take on one ol Shakcxpcare'x litiext. thlx production rclocatcx “'l'he Scotttxh l’lay' to the \ tolent lzaxt land of London. giytng the ten a whole
new ik't'xpectiyc. ’l'lie caxtle ix a boo/er. Lady Macbeth ix a blondc landlady. and Macbeth litmxell ix a xharp-drcxxcd \tnntc .lonex type. A TV aboyc the bar xliow x
y tdco footage of mcidcntx occurring
otin ith the caxtlc. and the three w ttcltcx are a folk band. xittmg aboy e the xtagc. xmging their w tckcd prophcctcx. 'l'he ycnue ix arranged to look like a ptib. and tiittch ol the action takcx place in the mide of the audience they eycn liaye thc ptib lioxpitality down pat. proytdmg w hixky and xandw ichcx to all. An incredibly w cll- performed and w cll-concciyed production. tKirxty Knaggxi
Macbeth Airelmrn 'I'lieiitre (inn/’uny in iitun’tittirnt it 11/! /,l 'l "Iii. Stage l)\ Stage lirlinlrurg/t Arm/enit. until losing. 5.40pm. Shakexpeattfl tragedy in a production that makex ttxc of puppctx.
Mad Dogs and Englishmen (ii/(tut [fill/min 'Ilteutre. until 37'Aug. .t’.."ll/rin. A biographical atid mtixical c\ploration of the parado\ical life of the man with 'a talent to atnuxc'. \oel ('oward.
The Maids Aire/mrn 'l‘lu'utre ('inn/runy' in uxweiutinn with [.1 '1 "Hi. Stage /r\ Stage Iiilinlnirgli .leiuleniy; until INA/(g. lip/n. Jean (ienet’x mlamotix one-actcr abotit two xixterx (play ed here by mcni w ho mimic their mixtrexx to tragic conxequcnccx.
The Makars Literary Tour Smitty/i l.iterury linrr ( 'oni/runy I.ti/.. lite ll'riter‘t .lluxeuni. until .t'l Aug. .t'pni. A dramattxed journey through Scotland'x literary centuriex.
The Brunton’s 1999 Fringe hit A Madman Sings To The Moon
Moving Objects Brunton Theatre. 9 — 35 Aug tnot Sun t. 7.30 pm. MUxie or beer'.’ .\'o context really. I handed oy er my noxtalgia proyoking (‘l)x to Cash (‘onyerterx for a meaxly Slip each. Anyone who hax ey er been completely broke w ill underxtand the dexperation that xetx in.
In Day'id Mark Thomxon‘x new play. performed by the Brunton Theatre Company. Therexe ix in the unfortunate poxition of haying to pawn her poxxexxionx. Thix leadx her into Joxeph'x .xhop. an elderly Jew-ixh man who xuryiy'ed the holocauxt and ix once again faced with hix own mortality after .xuffering a xtroke. Therexe'x drinking buddy tit'x not tux! the who managcx to find caxh for beer) ix \\'til. who at 40 ix ftill of fruxtration and unfocuxed energy.
‘lt'x about three different worldx eolliding.‘ xay'x 'l‘hompxon. who won a Fringe Fier and much acclaitn in l999 for A Hui/mun Sings lit The Moon. ‘I wanted to look at the nature of goodnexx and what ix good. My fundamental interex't ix the extraordinary nature of people: no one is ordinary.‘
Through the courxe of the play. the xouree of Therexe'x dexperation ix revealed. But can the humanity of her fellow characterx saw her'.’ ‘They're three very recognixable people but they're all operating right on the edge. They‘re at a junction in their liyex. and it‘x the decixionx that they make in the play that will ultimately xery'e tip their fate.‘ (Kik Reid).
Making Echoes (‘tit UllJHli/UN l'reenten '\ Se/uml. Quaker .lleeting Home. l.\' lo'Aug. noon. Short xtoriex of New [caland noy elixt Janet l-‘rame. the woman portrayed in lane ('ampion‘x film. An Angel
At .llt 'lii/rle are adapted for the theatre by
Philip 'l‘ong.
Malicious Intent [lure unil Rugged [lieu/re. Roeket ((1 South Bridge Remuree ('entre. IA’ lo'Aug. ll)..t’()pni. Acclaimed
Midland Act i
by DH. Lawrence Adapted by David Calcutt
The story of one woman‘s sexual awakening
‘A great play performed by a
fine cast — who c0uld ask for more?’
ADULTS ONLY (contains nudity)
1 to 26 August
9.00pm (finishes 10.50pm) tickets £7.50/concs £5.50 advance bookings from the Edinburgh Fringe Box Office on 0131 226 OOOO~
venue 34 H‘Wli‘l 225 5105
lirmge \eteranx Bare and Ragged prexcnt a drama about deception and infidelity in a relationxhip. Man in the Flying Lawnchair C... .‘l.\.\('l)ll7l\' Roomy. until 3," Aug. .l/nn. Straight to the heart of the .-\merican Dream. thix xhort comedy of errorx w rittcn and directed by liric Nightingale recountx the true xtory' of Larry Walterx' grand axcent in 1982 to 16.000 feet in a Searx tk Roebuck aluminium garden chair.
l)expite xury tying the xtunt uninjured alter hix balloon-pow cred craft craxhed mto xome power pylonx. the ridicule Walterx wax xubiectcd to by the American media combined with hix own xenxe of anti-climax rexulted iii hix dixilluxionmcnt and eyentual xuieide in l‘)‘)3. (iiyen thix quintexxcntially tragi-comic premixe and an enormotixly gifted enxcmble caxt. the 73m Street 'l'hcatrc Lab workx wonderx. The rexult ix an inxpiring and highly original piece of drama about xhootmg for the xtarx and xucceeding. (Catherine Bromley i Mannequin I'm/i lilmul 'Ilti'itll‘i‘. (' lu'lli' ungele. until 35 Aug. “Hill/Nil. l'nnery ing black comedy with two friendx paxxing a night together amid thoughtx of tnttrdcr and infamy. Marisol Hare and Ritggi'il 'I'lteittt'i'. thi'k‘el (0 South Bridge Reunu‘r‘e (t’lttli’. I}, IN Aug. 4.45pm. l-‘irxt xeen here at the Tray erxe Theatre a few ycarx ago. Joxe Riyera'x play ix a xtrange fantaxy xet in a decaying prc-millennial London. Master and Margarita Double lz'i/ge Drama. The ('nilerln'lly. until 3/) Aug. 7.45pm. Adaptation of the Bulgakoy noyel xtaged by lilon xltttlenlx. The Matchmaker COO Amnib/y Rmnnx. until 37.-lug. l.45pnt. An unuxual choice for the Axxembly Roomx. thix two- hander hax proy ed popular in Ireland oy er the paxt 35 yearx. btit hax little of the innoyation you xeck on the Fringe. Adapted from the time] by John B. Keane. much loy ed in Ireland. unknown except for The Field elxew here. it'x a bitter-xw eel performance about an elderly gent tl)ex Keogh) who xetx tip blind datex between ixolated xinglex in rural lreland. lie and Anna Manahan play all the characterx. in a production that'x gently atntixing. but that rextx on the kind of romanticixed \ ixion of Ireland that hax been xoundly rejected by a younger generation. tMark Fixheri
An inspiring drama about shooting for the stars and succeeding
Man in the Flying Lawnchair
Mates 'I‘lteutre/ulr. ()lil St l’uul'x ('liurt "/1 A” Hull. until 1/ Aug. Spin. A mttxical play about a Jtido fanatic w lltixL‘ life ix torn apart by dixability,
McEwan’s 80/- Edinburgh Literary Pub Tour .S'i‘uttiyli Literary 'Iinir (inn/nun I.l(l.. 'I'lie [fee/tit e Inn. until .t'l Aug. times t‘ill'\. Jolly ptib crawl through Kilt) yettt'x ol Scottixh w ritmg. Mchouga-Maboul - A Tale of Extraordinary Madness Simon lillnt:allutmu; 'I‘lie (inruge. I3 ZOAug. Ain’t/Inn. The audience gatherx round a half—mad iexter. muxician and comedian. Medea ()lll/(IHA I’nnlui‘tiunt, (il'i'\'/I'l(ll'\ Kirk Home. until 37Aug. H.45/mi.
Draw ing on Seneca‘x play ax well ax that of litiripidcx. and incorporating writing by company mcmberx. thix yerxion of the (ireek tragedy featurcx three performerx in the title role.
Medea .'l\\i‘Htl)l\ Roomy. until 35 Aug. o’pm. 'l‘heatrc llabel'x production took the fringe by xtorm laxt year. l.i/ l.ochhead'x adaptation into contemporary Scotx xeelttetl to capture the atay‘ixtic xpirit of liurtpedex’ claxxic. With a compelling central performance by Maureen Beanie ax the mother who killx her children to ayenge herxelf upon a faithlcxx huxband. the production attracted a [huge l’irxt. and packed hotlxex.
Medea .Iii/nin lz't/n'rienee. The Garage. 3.45pm. until 37Aug. l‘emale imperxonator .lin lliroxhi tixex .\'oh. jazz and exotic coxtumex for (‘ompany liaxt'x (ireek tragedy.
Meet The Authors (iii/rt I’rinlui'tiuny. Hill Street Theatre, until 27 Aug. /2.20pnt. A hixtorical exploration into how the creatiy'e procexx affected the liyex of l,ouixa .May Alcott and limin l)lckinxon.
Melody (' tenue. (' n2. until ll Aug. lpm. A world of ~iukeboxex and glitterballx ax Molly and Dot become 50x xtarletx oy er night. Two xtarx in The Sen/SHIN”.