This is our unique version of an sion of an Lagunitas Brewing Company Lagunita
ancient style. A style as old as as old as began on a kitchen stove in began o
es of the the ocean trade routes of the Norther Northern California in 1993.
t Ships. last centuries of Great Ships. From g From getting our beer into
equator Not as old as the equator
bottles bottles
onto the
twice they had to cross twice street streets, Lagunitas always
as the enroute, nor as old as the looks looks to the future. Whether
10,000 miles or o of so of
it’s it’s
supporting local
and Di-Hydrogen Oxide and
hey Sodium upon which they n sailed, but older than
comm communities by turning bee beer into money for the
c c a u s e, o r s i m p l y
the Circulithium-4 Lentoid that binds
the Lupulin Quart-
nate onto your taste buds. Weird. Think
about it. Now stop.
OK, go again. Now stop. Think again.
And stop. But we
digress. Made with 43 diferent hops
65 various
malts, this redolent
ale will likely loat your boat, whatever
planet you're on*.
fueling stories and songs with IPA and
other ine ales. Wherever you go,
Beer Speaks People Mumble Beer Speaks
Meople Pumble Speer
Beaks People Mumble
Beer Speaks People Mumble Beer Speaks
Meople Pumble Speer
Beaks People Mumble
Beer Speaks People Mumble Beer Speaks
Meople Pumble Beer
Speaks People Mumble... * mostly mumbles, not all of them true.