BALLETBOYZ All-male dance company tackles life and death
It started as a one-off project to bring together a company of exclusively male dancers to take over when BalletBoyz Michael Nunn and William Trevitt retired from the stage. Six years later, theTALENT, as the dancers are known, are still going strong.
‘We never expected it would last longer than one year or a single tour,’ says Nunn. ‘But people liked working with them, and when we approached other choreographers the following season, they said that they’d really love to work with the boys and it just stemmed from there. I thought we would get bored fairly quickly, but we haven’t yet. They’re a very strong
team of guys and it’s been a real pleasure to see them mature over the past i ve or six years.’
About to tour the UK with new works by choreographers Pontus Lidberg and Javier de Frutos, Life i nds the dancers delving into some heavyweight topics. ‘We wanted to have a show of two halves and to examine those big themes of life and death,’ explains Nunn. ‘Pontus immediately said “ooh, life!” while Javier was more than happy with death. But, really, both works are a celebration of life, more than anything else.’ (Kelly Apter) ■ King’s Theatre, Edinburgh, Sun 22 May; Dundee Rep, Mon 23 & Tue 24 May.
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7 Apr–2 Jun 2016 THE LIST 93