I fancy giving food items for presents at Christmas. Any suggestions?
MATTHEW KORECKI Beef, wild mushrooms and sauerkraut stew.
A good homemade piccalilli is always a winner. Or go pro with homemade chocolate trufl es, you can coat them with different nuts, l avour them with alcohol such as Baileys or even add
some herbs. PAUL KITCHING
Food is the best gift you can possibly give. Make sure you present it well and anything from a selection of chutneys, to cheeses, to something sweet will go down a treat. Last Christmas I gave a good friend a spider crab and they
absolutely loved it. My advice would be to go for something different, something they wouldn’t have tried before and then
that way it will be more of an experience.
We have lots of family who live in Kentucky so always seem to have an excess of Bourbon in our house. This year I plan to make smoked caramel apple Bourbon liqueur by infusing the bourbon with homemade caramel, lapsang souchong tea and
apples from the apple tree in our garden.
Baked Alaska with Christmas pudding ice-cream or cold vanilla rice pudding with cherries and almonds.
Ben Ryé Sicilian dessert wine. Probably in the top-i ve dessert wines of all time! At more than £30 for a half bottle it ain’t cheap but because you only need to sip and savour the
delicious l avours it goes a long way.
Christmas chocolate brownies deconstructed. Give all the ingredients layered out in a kilner jar, with a little instruction
booklet with step-by- step guide!
in edinburgh at the scotsman hotel
festive dining
Edinburgh’s iconic Scotsman Hotel is proud to ofer a stunning selection of
festive dining this December.
From traditional classics, to contemporary Christmas fare... join us at the award-winning North Bridge Brasserie where we will be serving a range of seasonal lunches, Christmas dinners
and, of course, our famous tasting menu.
Prices from £16.50 book now
Good artisan cheese, some great chutney and a super large tin Email
of goose foie gras. or call 0131 556 5565
the scotsman hotel
20 north bridge, eh1 1tr, edinburgh, uk
78 THE LIST 5 Nov 2015–4 Feb 2016 78 THE LIST 5 N 2015 4 F b 2016